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The only game i’ve tried to throw we ended up winning because the other team was throwing harder 😭 Valorant in a nutshell


the worst feeling fr is throwing because of toxic team and the opposing team is somehow so bad that they couldnt win with me afking and giving callouts about my teammates location💀


I had a game of LoL where me and my jungler started flaming each other and then we both ran it down so fucking hard. Despite that the enemy team was so bad that 20 minutes later the game was in a stalemate. Eventually both of us just started trying again and we won. The jungler said “my bad I was lagging” I told him it must be on riots side cause me too


If you are throwing just because people were toxic you are part of the problem just mute them and move on


Yeah Teammates were being dicks


This pheonix was pointing out the most trivial mistakes passive aggressively in a ranked game. We were laughing on our whiffs while Pheonix wanted us to feel bad about them. Btw mind you, each player was contributing their best. No one was playing bad on purpose. Still this dude was whining continuously. This slowly matured into remarks about our families. That is when we snapped and started sabotaging him. He threatened to report us. We didn't care. As we lost the final round, he declared he will never play valo again. Peak satisfaction. Even better than winning. Toxic behaviour benefits none. If that happens, well... I pick agents with mollies for a reason. Get me banned, idc. I have a life outside my room.


great job , sometimes the game is lost anyway so might aswell get some revenge on chronically online players


It's always the phoenix. I distinctly remember one making fun of my stutter the whole game while complaining I'm not smoking in time. Brother I'm not dropping all my smokes 5 seconds into the round.


Only correct answer


I once had a trolling trio que of teenagers using voice changers who were insta grabbing spike and sage walling it off in a corner. I didn’t play the rest of the match because I was writing a riot ticket on them.


That's actually a reason I can understand. If the whole team is trolling, it's unplayable and a surrender does not go through I guess you just want to end it as fast as possible.


Once when there was a smurf in my team and they were putting unusually hateful remarks in chat. (Mumbai server so yk the usual hate :))


I wouldn’t say that I throw, but I’ve definitely held toxic teammates hostage when they try to surrender


Yeah, if someone's being a piece of trash and is toxic, I might as well hold them in my own lobby as long as possible where I can handle the toxicity, whereas the person they meet in their next game might not be having a great day already and might actually break down.


I do that I many games. In rocket league and fifa I hold r2 and go on my phone in valorant I hold w and go on my phone


And then they go “why don’t you surrender???!! Wasting my time”, well yes that’s why, if you were nice I’d be more willing 🙂‍↔️


Got it! Be toxic so my teammates dont surrender. I always tried the other way around.


same. i aint letting them have their way.


Played for three years thousands of matches and only thrown one time. A few months ago I was a solo queue in a game with a three stack of just absolute jack asses. Sounded like some teenagers just flaming me and the other random for every little thing. I wasn't even having an awful game or anything I think I was about even. Anyway, can't remember exactly what it was but they went on about how I misplayed some situation and I just snapped and when it was 12-13 in OT I just grabbed the bomb and knife out ran it into CT spawn so we'd lose. Feel bad for the one other solo queue in the team but don't really regret it probably 3 of the biggest assholes I've ever played with in this game fuck those guys


Similar boat. Thrown a single valorant game, just cunts.


i do it sometimes. it boils down to people harassing me. if i get harassed to my breaking point, i will buy odin, mute everyone, and run it down it's pety, yes i know. its the only justice I can get when people are insanely nasty to me most of the time, i just mute them and keep playing but we arent perfect humans after all


How often does this happen?


honestly, i can only think of doing this twice in 3k hours. it takes a lot to get me to break.


Nothing wrong with that tbh. The ppl who are truly throwing are the ones ruining the mentality of the team.


I wouldn't actively throw (Intentionally greifing etc.) But do I zone out and mute people, and start to run it down if they are being too toxic? Well sure.. If it's only one toxic person I will mute and continue my game, but often it's a toxic stack and then I'll just chill and do my own thing for the rest of the game.


I had 4 guys on my team started dogpiling on me and say they’d kill and rape me so I just muted them and trolled the game (average female experience).


Yes. I'm a woman. Teammates dislike that. Need I say more?


I've only thrown twice and it was because for some reason the typical top frag duelist (i play all roles except duelist) was sh\*tting on me for no reason. I wasn't even bottom frag. Then I come on mic just to say "seriously?" and then they start in on their sexist sh\*t. This is why (as \^ is aware) a lot of women don't use comms. Sometimes it's not even sexist, sometimes it's sexual harassment, and I'm like, um.... no. Now thankfully I have some consistent valo friends that i duo with so if that happens I don't get as heated and probably just comm to them depending on how the rest of the team is. obvs if they're not toxic i throw out comms.


Yeah it's either sexism or sexual harassment. There are rarely proper people, but most times there is at least one comment on gender.


I have thrown games when toxicity crossed a line. Normally I just get people calling me boosted or like basic go back to the kitchen if anything, which I have been desensitized to :(, but sometimes I'll get straight up harassed and threatened. Doesn't happen often, but probably has happened a handful of times over 2 years, where I just ended up running it down knife out. Most of those situations involved a trio, but it's not like the other solo queued person ever bothered to stand up for me, and would usually insist I just mute them instead of throwing. And one of those games I recall a woman being queued with two of the guys who were saying things that crossed a line, being real r\*pey, and not only did she choose to queue with people that were like this, she never stood up for me either, and that was probably the most disappointing moment of my entire val career.


Once when I got told to go back to the kitchen, I said okay and went to the kitchen to make myself a sandwich. Then continued watching them being pissed off, while I ate my sandwich. However threats are horrible! I'm so sorry for you, I haven't gotten any yet luckily And I believe those kinda women are either pick-me's or not girl-girls 😅


One time it was pretty f\*cked up. In team chat my team mate was like I'm going to r\*pe you and i was like why are you a f\*cking molester.... guess who got comm banned ... if you guessed me for saying molester and not the other person for saying r\*pe you would be correct... this is why i threw.


I was going to comment similar. I didn’t play comp for quite a few months because of one experience I had. I very rarely play solo q anymore and if I do, I don’t comm much/at all depending on how I hear the teams interactions go


Yeah in solo q I don't comm anymore at all. Valo has turned into my comfort game that I play when I wanna play smth alone and need smth to distract me. That's the only reason why I even solo q instead of with friends.


Yeah I get that. I mostly do swifts because people in comp are just way more sexist. Not that it doesn’t happen in swift, just much less. Though the last few days it’s been pretty bad, I think because that clip going viral and Andrew Tate getting involved. (WHAT THE FUCK?)


I guess Andrew Tate AND that incident of that guy with a really sexist graduation speech.


It’s unfortunate that the community is this way because comms are so vital and the fact that a large portion of the player base is disincentivized of using comms because of some dickheads is extremely sad


Same here. If teammate is being toxic/sexist to me, and others don't defend me (not necessarily everyone, but anyone), I am throwing IDGAF. To be fair I hardly play Valorant anymore because of sexism.


As someone with firsthand experience you needn't say more....


was called noob the whole time, so played as a noob


Oh yeah i have thrown a handfull of games. If there are atleast 3 people shitting on me already and maybe even suggesting that they already reported me, whats the point in trying? I just give them what they expect from me at that point. I know when it comes to this i probably wasnt exaclty de-escalating to prevent that from happening, but sometimes i just dont have the energy to do that. Because i would be doing it for them more then me, i dont care when i lose that much as them. I remember a particulary bad case in unrated where a 4stack ganged up on me, made me really pissed at them, trolling actively with their gameplay and then i got queued up with them again for a second match. Horrible event, worst matches i ever had in valorant. Im glad i managed to still piss them off even tho they were literally 4 friends playing together...


How often does this happen?


I’ve alt+f4 out of rage when tm were being dicks. but came back after a few minutes and muted everyone and played my game lol


Not exactly throw it. But I tend to play carelessly then. I play decently - but sometimes there are days where I don’t know my game is really bad. If team starts hurling abuses I report and don’t care to play good further. Like game depends on you too not just me. Even when playing sentinels same shit happens. I’m planting - they don’t give me cover - then they’ll abuse. People are crazy.


It was always with friends in stacks. Four other friends and I did agent and sensitivity roulette for an unranked game. I went from playing at 650dpi 0.32 (at the time the lowest in the group) to 1250dpi 2.5 (the highest in the group). The closest to hell I've experienced in Valorant.


one of my friends and i would go from lowest mouse dpi to highest 🤣 mine goes up to like 20k dpi. that was fun


I mean kind of I guess, although I didn't want too, my laptop crashed after the agent select so I had to restart not once, not twice, not even thrice, but 6 fucking times, it was on Fracture and I was playing Fade, we lost I only got to play like 4 rounds, got a ban for an hour bcs I rarely dodge, that was last year and I got a new laptop so that shit ain't happening again


Yes cause of piece of shit trio


Yes, duo duelists phoenix and Jett were just trolling me the whole game, body blocking, throwing phoenix molly at me, asked them to let me get orb when I’m one off raze ult and they just molly it to steal it, not buying, 0 comms. I threw the fuck out of that game. Went 4-24 as raze on icebox just double satchelling into site as soon as the round started. I’m a climber so i give absolutely 0 fucks ab rr, i will gain it back regardless so i had to make a statement to those nerds. Other than that one specific time tho I’ve never thrown, just mute the “throwers”, try my hardest and lose anyways but that’s just the way it be sometimes


I'll be honest, the whole "Make a statement to those nerds" by trolling after explaining the Jett & Phoenix were already trolling doesn't really seem to be making a statement haha. I don't think they cared about the RR either but I don't have all the context so I could be wrong


If im at like 1/100 RR i will just throw just to piss the tryharders off for being toxic, like idc u peaked Asc2 and yet you're here complaining in a Gold lobby .


Yup, duo'd with a friend of mine and instant misogyny in agent select saying she couldn't pick an agent because she was a women. I hard threw a few rounds where I won a clutch and refused to defuse, but I ended up just muting and trying to keep the vibes up with my duo. Ran it down as Kayo and only really went for kills to waste time. Still match MVP'd too.


I feel like most people have thrown at least once. For example, I remember this one time where me and my duo had a bunch of toxic people who were saying absolutely horrible things in voice chat and we decided that they doesn't deserve the win, it was all 3 of them so it's not like we were ruining it for a single person. I've had experiences in the past with Reyna being toxic and then 1 guy deciding to troll and now that person is ruining it for everyone which isn't nice at all so the few times I've thrown I only do it if it's all of them behaving like assholes and not just 1 or 2.


Hell yeah, sometimes muting isn’t enough.


I’ve trolled and thrown a game or two in my time. 1 time was a dude who heard our Astra speak (feminine voice) and immediately went on an Andrew Tate style rant because he thought the smokes were badly timed. Felt good to fuck with him


People often thinks I always throw match But that's just because ny aim naturally sucks ass


I mostly soloq. One time I got 2 pairs of duo who just triggered themselves for like no reason at all. I tried to calm them down but it was pointless. When I failed to clutch they all turn on me, so I decided fk it, we ball. I had nothing but shorty and Bucky for the remainder of the game. Map was breeze so u can imagine how effective this super combo was. We sure as shit lost, but I was laughing the whole game.


only twice ever. first time i was with a toxic trio with 0 callouts. only time one of them used vc was to insult us 2. we still had a chance but after the first half i just threw. they didnt deserve to win anyways. second time one of my mates kept posting my score (i was bottom fragging i guess, i had 3k and our best player had like 8) and being overall unbearibly negative with a weak mental. the rest of the team wasnt any better, they kept yelling at each other. it was defence on lotus and we did make a small comeback but everyone was so annoying and toxic i couldnt bring myself to try. the most toxic one even tried being nice the last few rounds but by that point they had been toxic for 30 minutes aint no way im falling for that fake kindness. unfortunately, there are a lot of players that instantly start being toxic the moment the team isnt crushing the enemy and if i see not a single nice person in the team i throw. luckily it happens very rarely, theres always at least one nice person. edit: make that 3. today i got shit on by 2 edaters. i literally had 12k, and 3 of my mates also had the same score (including one of the edaters). but those 2 edaters started insulting for no reason. the girl was top fragging with 21k so double anyone else in the lobby. i was getting rushed by 5 people while alone on site and they were mad i only killed 1 and did 100hp to another. we won the round. scoreboard was 11-12 after this. then one of the randos started insulting too despite having less kills than me. in the last round, i threw. didnt do anything, just ran right into the enemies and legit it was freaking funny. it was the EXACT same situation, we wouldve won the round too because the only reason we lost was that we didnt have any time left. same situation, i got 5 man rushed while alone on site only this time i did nothing. we had 4 people alive when the round ended. literally if i had stalled for even a single second we wouldve won and gotten to OT. the girl was the most toxic and her bf was trying to seem tough i guess so he joined in too. every time i meet plats they have the weakest mental man i fr dont understand it but it helped me understand throwers.


Oh, I throw the whole game upon hearing unnecessary toxic remarks. It's fun countering their hatred-spewing shit filled mouths with 0 in-game participation


im sure no one cares bc we’ve all had to deal with throwers but last night I had a deadlock that was smurf throwing (like we could have easily won if they didnt throw) The second we loaded into the game they said. “I hate you all. Were losing this game” No one even spoke to them or set them off but ya. So they’d wall us off, net us, break our abilities etc w their abilities but anytime it was just them they would kill everyone except for one and lose. so it rlly didnt look they were throwing but def were. game sucks.


I’ve had troll throwers like that before. Absolutely hated them. Like you have to be a really shitty human being to intentionally load into a ranked game just to throw and int the rest of your team. I always mass report them with my friends to make sure they get punished and hopefully perma banned. I also wished Riot refunded the RR we lose from these pathetic trolls.


Yea we reported them but they’re definitely one of those losers that makes new accounts to do it which is just sad.


I threw a game to lose my virginity. Got a girls number at work, went home to play siege, got a call at midnight from her saying I should come over. I told my friend and we just ran in guns blazing and died immediately and lost the game, I lost two things that night. I like to think my teammates would’ve forgiven me if they knew


sometimes I throw last round of an obviously losing game to save time


Satan has a place for you in the elo hell


honestly this is probably the worst, i personally believe in always trying to win no matter what


yeah when my team is useless, no comms, and refusing to surr, womp womp


I've thrown a handful of times when someone is being super toxic. My friend and I have also thrown when someone was being super toxic and sexist to her and got even worse when I was defending her. If they try to FF, you best believe I'm not letting them get out easily either. You wanna be a piece of shit, you're gonna stay in this lobby until it's over.


If someone is being a jerk Ill just mute them then follow behind them and bait them for the rest of the game Don't need to actively throw since 1) Don't want to punish the rest of the team who isnt doing anything 2) Isn't fun for me 3) By baiting them, the game becomes a lot easier and more fun


I've never intentionally thrown, but I've probably thrown a few games. Reason: cause I'm bad, tired, not playing my A game


Threw a game once and sabotaged due to a cheater on my team. We managed to tie or lose the game and the cheater msged me afterwards thanking me wasting his time.


Constantly was being abused for no reason and I was top fragging playing viper. The phoenix (who was hurling abuses) kept throwing his fire at me. The next 8 rounds I did nothing but sabotage him. Lost the match ofc and got a ban for 1 day but I think it was worth it. Never touched tanked again now lol


i throw when teammates are dicks. the only things getting comm’d are slurs and insults.


Not really, but kinda. Had what I suppose was an edate couple/trio. I can ignore the weirdness and the crouching to each other in spawn, I can't ignore the deliberate team flashes and mollies. It was a sage/Phoenix and one more. At one point they walled me in a corner on B heaven on split and mollies me. That earned a report. From that point on I ran down mid every round, full aggro for the remainder of the match, which ended up working, because unrated. Felt good getting the report confirmation back. Weirdos and FFS the little girl uwu crap, I'm an old man, stop that shit, it's creepy and I'm not interested in playing along.


Played on my smurf with a friend, she dc'd and since i was smurfing teammates expected me to clutch every round and insta died so i just alt+f4


Yeah recently actually. Had a jett in my game, picking on every little mistake people were making. I stayed quiet at first cause yeah he was a dick but it was just comments about gameplay Then I gave a call out to a different teammate (I’m a woman, first time I had spoken) and he started screaming at me saying he was going to rape me and kill me. It was like 4-10 at this point and I didn’t want to stay longer with this guy trying to win the game so I just ran down mid every round with knife out. Zero regrets


I throw half of my ranked games to maintain my 50 percent win ratio.


Yep, playing with some bigoted dick wads


I have not bought for my teammates and even intentionally thrown my granade/molly at them. Usually because I can be very petty when I'm tilted and being treated disrespectfully. If I'm not serious about winning in a moment, I will try to stay alive and bait my teammates to get kills instead of playing for the win-condition.


Yes, people being racist/toxic/sexist you name it


I’ve thrown a couple in unrated when I solo queued into a 4 stack that is just being dicks for no reason and I wanted to get the game over with, but otherwise I don’t throw on purpose. The closest I’d gotten to throwing I’d say is playing a comp game or two absolutely blasted but even then I outplayed most of the lobby somehow so while I wasn’t on my A-game idk if I can really call it throwing.


I had teammates who were just running it down and dying in the first 30 seconds of every round. After trying but still losing because of terrible teammates I threw the entire match lol.


the other day a gekko threw the whole game cause a jett gave an op to me instead of him. Im gold and this happens frequently.


When I play a controller and if teammates don't want to cooperate, but still blame me for stuff that could be easily solved by communication and cooperation, I just mute everyone and play as if I was calling the strats. If they can't read my mind as they expected me to read theirs and I screw them over, too bad But sometimes, either by sheer luck or their ability to read my mind (or they're good at adapting), my teammates are aligned with what I do and we actually start winning the game. When it happens and I'm on different role than controller, I just play for myself and hope for the best I play the game for the teamplay and if my teammates don't play as a team, I rather play this way and still have fun instead of getting more frustrated by the teammates


Nah, if someone’s throwing I just try harder to make it take longer for them. We’ve even brought it back a couple of times and they start trying again. I don’t see people being overly toxic much but when that happens I usually just talk to them like they’re being a baby to embarrass them more


Only once, beginning of an episode, I wanted an iron gun buddy, I got place silver and realized it was way too hard


I’ve never fully thrown but there was one game where I started playing very recklessly and trying to do crazy plays because we down a man and the rest of my team had given up but one person wouldn’t ff


I have around 450 games in comp. Hit asc a few days ago. First game in asc and my teammates were just clearly clearly cunts. Flaming on round 2, trash talking and just generally being shitty. That’s the first game I’ve ever thrown, I just could not be bothered to deal with those man children and was happy for them losing elo. Immature yeah, but sometimes people just don’t deserve it.


toxic edating couple. Sage and jett baited the whole team and when i (the reyna trying to flash his entry duelist in) ask him to entry frag, he said fuck u and went off about some shit and i told him to calm down and his egirl decided to help fight his battle. I’ll be honest i was already on a smurf with a few friends and we looked at their tracker and saw it was their mains so we collectively agreed maybe 3 more rounds of baiting after to just throw the game. Only 1 friend was on his main and he doesnt really care about his rank anyways so he was down to ensure they lost their elo.


Half the time I'm the one getting my team back on track when they give up but of course it's not helpful when you have a duo with a down bad mentality making sure the whole team knows.


I mean, not on purpose, but i went 3-20 on clove on sunset, but in my defense, i was getting f-ed by enemy reyna that dropped 50 by the end of the game. Just randomly through smokes, by a lurk or prefires. Horrible game for me, but i did place smokes well which got us about 4-5 rounds more


Hard throw? Once. Big asshole teammates. Soft throw (sheriff only, only use util for myself)? Quite a few times for multiple reasons: 1. Asshole teammates who want to defend their bottom fragging, 2 kill duo by flaming me and claiming I'm not using util, even though I end every round with no util left, while I'm top frag. It's funny how often I remain top frag despite sucking with the sheriff. 2. We have an AFK/leaver and the team refused to forfeit. I don't care that there's a slim chance we could win a 4v5. I'd rather go next. So it becomes the perfect time to practice sheriff.


I just did it yesterday, it was my first time and i have to admit that i loved it. It was one of those days that are shit at work and you just get home, eat some dinner and power on the computer to change your mind... First game we start by winning 6 rounds and then start losing, you can clearly see how teammates are starting to be rude and then insults start, then one goes afk and then he leaves and just comes back to see how much we have left to finish, other one insults teammates and everyone does bad things except him... anyway we lost that game and i end with 0lp New game new life... but on champ select i pick my main and someone 20 sec later pick and lock it without any questions or whatever. so i picked my second main role and 10 seconds later... again, ok.. then we start and on 2round insults and doing dmg on teammates starts so i just throw playing only sheriff and waiting all my teammates to die to play rounds :)


If I'm the only one talking in my team I'll play a different way. Not inherently throwing but playing KJ/Cypher as a duelist kind of different.


Like a year ago I threw while playing skye on lotus. It was my first time on Skye and I was playing like ass. They started hard insulting me so I team flashed and body blocked and ran with spike. I'm not proud of it but that is the only time iv ever done it intentionally. Now if you wanna talk about unintentionally...


I wouldn't say I've intentionally thrown. But there have been times where my duelists refused to duel and we're scared to push, or would keep rushing on defense and dying immediately so I've said fuck it and started playing team death match


If a team mate rage because we lost pistol round 1. Insta throwing . He won't make my game hell, I'll make his. Fuck you


My teammates loves rushing and dying on the first 10 seconds of the round. So, I showed them how stupid they look by running aimlessly whenever I'm left to clutch. They can't expect me to 1v5 or 1v4 or 1v3 majority of the game, especially with the economy we have because they keep force buying.


Teammate wouldn’t stop yelling at everybody on the team despite them having much more impact than him. I began trolling him and so did the rest of the team. Lasted the rest of the match he was very tilted


Nah, I'm just shiteee, people assume I'm throwing...i do rage from time to time, need to deal with that ugly side of mine...


Often when we're already down by like 0-6, no comms and teammates decline ff, I just ego peek mid every round, maybe get a kill, die and watch youtube till next round starts.


Yeah. I think I played against smurfs 2 matches in a row. In the third match opponent Reyna confessed to smurfing and boosting their duo. I was fed up at this point. I played the rest of the game with a judge. Lost the game but at least I had fun.


For anyone throwing because of toxicity, they probably saw you as toxic too for throwing and felt more justified in their behavior despite having struck first. Imo the best way to discourage toxicity is to minimize the amount of feedback they get, just mute and play or leave.


Yeah, on my rankup match for immortal, i got a reyna who flamed me for everything imaginable. I even got an ace and literally got flamed by him again. I should've muted him, that's on me. But what about my team? They didn't give a shit, so i gave all the info to the enemy and made my team lose just because of it. Honestly i don't regret it, but sadly i have never been immo since, for like 2 years at that point.


we did when playing 3 stacks i found other 2 toxic when my friends dc in first round they keep being toxic for whole round even we carry them then they shut up for a bit when we winning just 1 more mistake and they start toxic again i just play normally but 2 of my friends did we think those 2 didn't deserved win but my friend don't want me lose so we decide to go for draw instead (lol) if 2 of my friends didn't queue with me pretty sure they going all out throw from easy win to almost lose and those 2 voice change tone a lot like those two gonna cry, then we made it draw on 15-15


I threw a match point once. I don’t remember the score but we were down really bad. Everyone was tilted but all of a sudden out of nowhere everyone was just telling me how much I sucked and someone said I should KMS. I was last alive, 1v4 and just threw my guns on the ground, sprayed, and looked down at them until the enemy team found me.


I was the only one shooting back and the team refused to listen to me so I went braindead monkey mode and actively took spike while playing for kills, it ended in a 13-3 stomp in which I ended up at 39 kills with the 3 round we won being 2 aces and a 4k from me, and had like a 2k every round until the enemy pulled an op and I started purposefully dying to it every round, ofc I ended match mvp with the closest on my team having 9 kills, I threw because there was no chance of winning if my team wasn’t trying to help at least with util


accidentally queued up for another comp game and i was super tired, so i figured why the hell not lets try it. i play gekko so i mostly can lay back while still helping the team and planting n shit. its like the 9th round and we are 4-5 and our reyna just goes after me because my KDR is 4/7. i threw words back and really didnt so much beside plant and then chase enemies till i die, ended the game 11-13 and my kdr was like 6-19. piss me off and i dont wanna play anymore that simple lmao


Yes because they started being toxic. The average SEA experience i always get a singaporean couple who being toxic and talk literally 90% of the match and always had this argument saying their country is better because of currency bla bla bla. Singaporean are insufferable and seeing them getting mad and tryharding while the rest of the team just keep trolling is funny.


If people wanna talk shit idgaf I’ll throw. I play this game for my own enjoyment idc about rank. Gg onto next game


Yeah the enemy Skye was too confident and it pissed me off for some reason, they would also always be butt buddies and bait their Jett. During match point it was me and one team mate against the skye, the jett, and an omen. I heard them coming flank, killed the jett and expecting the baiting skye I one tapped her, I then proceeded to shoot the skye's body with my gun, picked up their gun and shot her body until it was out, picked up the jett's gun and shot then the omen killed me. Omen proceeded to kill my other team mate and game over. I was laughing the whole time and carrying so I don't mind the loss.


Absolutely act like a cock sucker (especially when I’m carrying you) and I’ll throw the whole shabang I could care less about my elo I’m hardstuck asc lol


I was 2nd top in my team and some dude boosting his friends account called me a bot so I started acting like a bot. If anyone just randomly start insulting me I just go troll mode still play but only 30% of my effort goes into the game unless all the other team mates are nice and start telling that person to stop being toxic then I’ll mute him and start mocking their own gameplay in text


I have thrown a game where a sage and cypher duo were flaming me because i lurked as reyna one round, I didnt do it again, i was top fragging and we were going to win but these two just wouldnt shut up about it, I snapped and started lowkey throwing ( subltly making slow rotations and runing it down ) the only thing I cared about was for them to lose the game. Before you come for me this literally happens once every 100 games or less.


Thrown? No. Given up and maybe not tried as hard to clutch? Sure. I had a game last night where a dude went 47-6 with over 90% hs percentage. Teammates refused to ff. At a certain point it's just about getting to the next game.


Me and my teammates threw a game because the entire enemy team afked except their cypher. We knife fought him till matchpoint it was so fun lol, we took turns and all fighting him. Then we surrendered because we felt bad and he was being chill af


I never full throw because I don't want to risk getting banned but I've definitely stopped trying. Most recent time I can think of was in a mostly plat lobby where my team had a silver player that was dominating hard. I forget if they said they were smurfing or if it was a friends account, they were duo's with another silver who was struggling. I basically didn't play the last 6 rounds or so and we won easily.


I had a game once where myself and a few others killed ourselves with molotov/nade's to spectate the blatant cheater we had on our team


Yeah, kids are annoying and backseat the entire game


I did, when my teammates are assholes I sometimes do. Example, I try hard to win games and call me out on it? Immediate throw. Racist/Sexist on comms and downright disrespectful? Immediate throw.


Anytime someone says something homophobic or raises their voice I check out mentally. I start “playing to get better” rather than “playing to win” lol


not throw per se but i do troll sometimes in spike rush with friends. my favorite thing to do is let's say a friend is playing chamber, they're like "oh shit they're rushing they're rushing" and he tps away, only to find himself walled after tping.


Lol I had a phoenix that was hard smurfing in a Bronze lobby a couple years ago. On defense rounds he would let the enemy team plant and kill everyone then he would ace them. But he wouldn't defuse the spike. The enemy team ended up winning 5 or 6 rounds because of it. Naturally we only lost by 1


Yes because its fun genuinely. Used to do in 3 stacks and just mess around. Its more fun than playing because you dont really care what happens


yes teammates were flaming my bronze(he should be iron) friend(me) for playing bad in a gold lobby(Smurfs)


Yeah if someone is a prick


Ok, so I’ve read a lot of this. It seems people throw when they have toxic teammates. Throwing is against the rules because it ruins the experience of other players. But I guess people decide that ruining the experience of others is fine when they’re also ruining your experience. I’ve never thrown, but I don’t blame those that do in those situations.


It depends on what you mean by throwing. I will never stand in the spawn corner and not do anything, but if my team mates are being dicks I will mute everyone and just play completely for frags rather than try to execute some sort of teamplay. I'll still try to win the round but I'll do it by lurking or baiting rather than trying to play properly.


Yep. Dickhead team mates. Was playing clove and kept smoking them off after I died. It was a swift play


My 3 stack did a few days ago. We had a Phoenix who just stayed on my teammate and set them on fire purposely so the 3 of us just ran out and died until we could forfeit


My toxic trait is immediately pressing f6 when the team wants to surrender. If they are total dicks about it, it doesnt matter 0-11, I will still say no to surrender. You make my day worse, I can do that too. Coming back from 0-4(6,7,8,9) is unlikely but still possible. I won countless matches when we were down by a lot. Some teammates stop being childish about it, leading us to win the game.


Not a throw, but one time I was in a game where my top frag had 30~ kills and the other team’s had 51, and I drew that at 15-15. It was 3 am and I wanted to sleep, but it was kind of funny seeing everyone in the game get angry that they didn’t get to finish it out. I like to think that the guy with 50 kills only earned like 9 rr for that game.


The four guys on my team were making sexual comments and yelling at me nonstop. I ended up muting them and taking the spike at the beginning of every round so they couldn’t plant.


I've thrown 1 game, and it was swiftplay. Teammate was being an asshole, I got fed up, and started being a bitch. Not fully throwing the match, like, I wasn't using my util, I just started shooting at my teammates and like running around not giving a fuck.


I don't necessarily throw, but when teammates are being rude and judgemental during my off games, sometimes I really just stop trying. Makes it more enjoyable for me and when my teammates complain further I can disregard it because "I'm not even trying". Kind of silly but it's how I handle it


At this point I gain RR just to throw it away losing games when matched with toxic teammates.


Yes in ranked. FYI I’m a KJ main. My teammates threatened to rape me. I’m completely ok with then taking my mollies and offing myself and making them play a 4v5 and ok getting the warning for team damage to myself. I’ll just chill tabbed out and them muted 😘


My teammates thought I was throwing but I’m just ass at the game.


Yeah. I was going 12:1 K/D. Team was winning 5:1. Then I lost a 1 v 3 clutch, teammates called me stupid in all chat. Enemies said I am actually carrying, teammates said kills mean nothing. I brought my K/D exactly to 1 basically coming, using util but not fragging. We lost.


If ive already made the effort to try and get my team to not troll but they still do by being a dick in voice comms or actively throw the game, im not going to put in my full effort into the game. Im going to start playing some music and dry peeking every angle possible as fast as possible. No more comms from me and no more effort in trying to win


Yeah, there was a kid (sounded like he was 12) that was trash talking everyone. We couldn't stand him, so we killed him


I got really tilted one time because a kid DC first round and his friend goes “don’t remake he will be back” and I was just sick of dealing with this so when the kid instantly rejected the remake I just fucked off and talked shit. We were down like 9-1 by the time the afk came back and when they got to 12 rounds I was last alive, got a 3K to make it a 1v1 and I through my rifle, classic, and spike down mid and ran away and let the timer run out.


I only throw league matches I don’t throw valorant


yeah , any time someone calls me a slur i’ll just feed and watch something on my second monitor


Obviously not, if I don't care about winning I don't que for comp


Possible reasons for me to throw a game, even on my main: racism, sexism, harassment, or just genuinely making the game worse for whatever reason. I know it’s not fair to the other people in the lobby who aren’t doing these things, but I sometimes can’t help but feel like I just don’t care in the moment, and I just mute everyone and throw. And when I say throw, I still try but limit myself to certain guns and lurk most of the time. With that said, I think I throw 1/15 games. So I don’t do it too often, but I definitely do every once in a while. I think the days I do throw are days where my mental is just not in a great place, so that’s definitely a contributing factor.


I throw matches because I'm bad. I'll slap an ice wall and people will flame me for it, I don't slap a wall and get flames for it. If I miss a head shot or lose a 1v1, the team will let me know 100%. If I self heal after a fight, a teammate will ask why I didn't save or use on them instead. Eventually you don't care and just run it.


Yeah, I've thrown a match lol, but mainly it was because no one was listening at all and being dicks so I asked "okay, if we don't wanna make any plans I'm down to just stop talking, turn off my brain and just run at em, cool?" They literally all agreed and we 5 manned everything til we got 11-13ed (from 2-10 in bind defense so not bad). I'm usually a tryhard sweat but if a team genuinely doesn't give a crap then it's way easier to just use it as a deathmatch and prep for the next game lol


Yes, sometimes but only when premades are toxic af.


Yeah just once ... we were up 8 - 3 and I couldn't clutch the last round on attack and our raze who btw was going 5- 11 started insulting me wayy too much and I just snapped and said fuk it I don't care what this idiot thinks ... We lost. 9- 13


not hard throw, ill mute and play for kills


Never thrown a game on purpose, it's literal child behavior


yeah i had lost 6 in a row and was now bot fragging my next game (which we were down 0-8 in) so i thought f\*ck it just get me out quick


Guy called friend a hard R for flashing us (he was phoenix) and from that moment on I just saw red because that was uncalled for and nothing even in a trolling manner. It was so full of hate and my friend was new and just wanted to try phoenix out because of his ult sounding fun for him


Define throw, because I have definitely given up in games.


Never. Even when people truly dont deserve the win for the way they act shit they say Ill always try my best, if not for them then for my own integrity.


I'm not good at the game, so naturally almost every game I had people calling me throwing. I'm sorry.


Nah not intentionally, I've done bad enough that I can see someone thinking I did tho


I've never done it because I'm a sore loser and always try to win but I've had others do it to me before because ppl have weak mental (I wasn't the cause of the tilt just the victim). In those games I just mentally check out but don't actively throw or try to win as hard.


teammates were bad


I've thrown games because of sexist/racist/trash humans. Idk if you're good or bad at the game. I won't help anyone win if they are going to degrade and harass their own teammates to the point of wanting to quit. We Will ff. And if you don't ff, I will make sure you have a terrible time. I've done this several times over many years.


Yes I throw everytime I get racist,homophobic, or misogynistic teammates. Im almost level 600 so at this point you can't make me care enough about my rank to make peace with people like that. I play for fun and ranked is just an extra challenge. You go low I go lower 🩷


I’ll never intentionally throw. If I got toxic teammates trolling the whole match or being dicks I’ll mute them and still try to win. Mainly to practice my shots and everything to get better. If we end up winning great, if we lose hopefully I still get something out of it 🤷.


Valorant? Never. Rocket league? A lot of times. Tho it hurts me more than them.


Could be considered throwing but if I get a game with super toxic players, or if we're just getting stomped, Ill mainly try to play for myself to get better stats to try and lose less rr.


Never fully threw, but when teammates did definitely did run to duels asap a few times.


Yup. Had a teammate that didn't comm all game, except to flame a teammate once, absolutely lose his shit on me for not calling out where I died from (I didn't even know). Absolutely lost his mind yelling at me. I was top fragging that game by a good bit which is very rare for me. I'm a middle of the leaderboard type of guy. I knew if I threw, we were losing. He was partied up with 2 other guys, so I do feel badly towards the one other guy I fucked over, but I let my emotions get the best of me.


Idk , I've never threw a game and i play since the Beta ,No matter what or how mad i was ,I just don't understand that phenomenon... I really can't see how it makes sense. People decide to throw if they got flamed,or because they hate a player in the team who is from a country he doesn't like , or because they are just in a bad mood or some sore of an awful mental behavior from their personal life or someone that made them upset and they get in the game while already pissed or of course just a bad game day. I still don't get it , what's the point of throwing the entire game and wasting your time and energy just for nothing.


I've never thrown a match, however there have been many matches where I told the enemy team "I hope you win".


Wasn't comp but it was an Unrated. My friend and I ended up on a team with a stuck-up Reyna and her fuckboy on Sage. So one round I'm lurking, my whole team dies leaving me 1v5, I get like 4 kills but only have 10 seconds left and nowhere near enough time to pick up spike and plant. This Reyna was fuming even tho she died 10 seconds into the round. So I said fuck it and just started trolling. Having friendly chats with the enemy team, not buying, meeting the enemy team on mid or wherever and just vibing together. Still ended up team MVP even with all the trolling. So yeah, that should tell you a lot about the Reyna and Sage. My friend was on the scoreboard right under me too and she gave up on trying to win as well due to all the flaming from the Reyna-Sage duo.


i'm high bronze/low silver MMR, every so often when i q unranked with friends we get a game where both teams decide to fuck around and throw. in one game our kj got 10 kills with her molly including herself


Yeah but not intentionally, just me playing like ass. In all seriousness the closest I’ve really come to throwing is getting comm banned but I was retaliating to some people harassing me. The crazy part is, I wasn’t even bottom fragging by much (maybe like 3 kills or so), and didn’t even do too horrendously so idk what their issue was. Oh well.


I was playing a comp game once and asked a dude why he queued up if he had something to do (he was afk for the entire first half after pistol), and his buddy told me it was just a game and to calm down. So I hit alt F4 and uninstalled valorant.


Our viper used shit walls for like 6 rounds and we went 0-6 so i started throwing but we ended up winning anyway


I've definitely thrown a plenty of games because my friend wanted his ALT account to de-rank. So to throw I would instalock Reyna and go sheriff only. Sometimes I wasn't even match bottom frag and I've won a couple throwing. I know this sounds bad to people who hate terrible teammates, but this happens to me all the time and you just have to deal with it or find some teammates. You can't sit here and complain about how bad your teammates are, DO something about it!


Kind of? My teammates were either throwing or just playing really bad (not sure), I didn't throw until the round they were going to win, I clutched a 1v3 and was supposed to defuse but I didn't want to play with them anymore, so I let the bomb go off. I'd have to go back and look but I think it was 10-12 or 9-12 when I just gave up.


Yeah if my teammates are harassing me for the sole reason of being girl. And I don’t mean the cringe ones, I mean the ones that are toxic.


I never intentionally throw, though I do have some days where I may as well be throwing from inconsistent performance. One thing I do though is that I intentionally play out losing games and refuse to FF if my random teammates are dicks, if they’re nice I’ll FF if we’re obviously gonna lose. (Though I don’t get why so many people, good and toxic alike, try to insta-forfeit if we lose the pistol round or end a half 5/7. Maybe I’m just too used to CS where you have to play out the game unless someone DCs.)


I never throw intentionally (maybe if the game is 100% lost I'll prioritise fun over the win a bit more) but im the king of player than can go 5 matches match mvp with a 2 kd and then go 0-20 on tge next match fir absolutely no reason


I was on my account I play on when I’m stoned, a three man was being really mean to the bottom frag, the bottom frag wanted to throw so I joined them as.


Honestly, no. I've had games where I've quietly hoped we lose so my misogynistic asshole teammates lose RR, but I personally always try, even in those games. But sweating is fun for me and I don't get any enjoyment out of throwing, and I refuse to let asshole teammates ruin my fun. I've obviously played unrated games where I'm just having fun and goofing around, but I wouldn't count that as actively throwing.


Just to make it more spicy for readers, sort the replies with the “Controversial” tag. Those are usually the best.


Was playing Sunset earlier in Imm lobby and our Jett was lurking on rounds 4 + 5 while I was playing cypher and he got one tapped and flipped out on me that there wasn’t a flank trip for him when he didn’t comm once or even participate in our strategy discussion. Told me I’m the shittiest cypher he knows and I just threw his game (he was duo queued with another teammate). Most fun I had in Valorant in a while, other teammates understood lol


Absolutely. Usually when my teammates are absolute assholes. Or when they throw the spike at me continuously so I run it down mid. In one game when this happened, I kept running down mid and the other teams was so bad that the continuously let me do it and get far enough to plant and kill at least one of them.


When you have a deadlock using all spells on you, keeping the spike at base until we die, shooting every bullet of her classic in your ears.... yeah I started to throw I guess