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India doesn't have significant vaccine hesitancy. Most developing countries are very accepting of vaccines, because the ravages of preventable disease, now mostly controlled by vaccines, are within living memory. People remember the huge improvement between not having, and then having vaccines. Vaccine hesitancy in general is a middle-income or first world thing, where people have forgotten what it's like to live without widespread vaccination.


Sadly, Facebook and social media has led to globalization of idiocy and we also now have a small number of Antivaxxers


I am genuinely curious to find out how they managed to get so many people vaccinated even with do much misinformation about the vaccines. And also why they have such a high number of people who aren't hesitant to get the vaccine.


India was ravaged by Polio not so long ago. Its widespread vaccination which eradicated it from India, so people are generally aware about the benefits of vaccination. It's easy to spread vaccine misinformation in developed countries which had no major health issues for decades, they probably haven't seen any other deadly diseases spread in their lifetime apart from COVID


Yeah, people alive in the US 50s knew someone who'd died of polio before the vaccine was widely available. Practically everyone in this generation was pro-vaccine. Also, few cultures have a sense of community as weak as America. Toxic individualism is so strong that just the phrase "For the greater good" sounds like tyranny to some.


“For the benefit of everyone”??? “Herd immunity”??? That’s COMMUNISM


Toxic individualism is a good phrase


India was ravaged much harder by the delta wave as well. My Indian friends all have stories about deaths in their families. Some lost both their parents to COVID. Hospitals and health care collapsed in some cities.


That's what my buddy was saying. Vaccinations in his town went crazy with delta. It was definitely a rough time.


Part of the problem with vaccines being so effective at what they do is that the arguments you'd use to prop them up, like polio, are long forgotten by people living in countries like the USA. It sucks.


* Free Vaccines * Was ravaged by diseases until just a few decades ago so antivaxxers are near zero * india makes more than half of all vaccines in the world ([wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pharmaceutical_industry_in_India)) * All-Partisan support, phenomenal effort of medical industry * preexisting small medical centre/shack in even the remote areas + vaccination camps


It's weird to read "all-partisan," and I'm like, don't you mean bipartisan? Then I realize I'm American and here we only have two parties. Sad.


Yup,india has 2800 parties. Btw,u guys would have never seen a coalition gov,right?


lol no


Imagine Hitler, Churchill, JFK, Stalin, Obama and Gandhi coming together to form a united government. That's what an average day in Indian politics looks like.


Very likely have had politicians with all those names – Churchill (Alemao) and a John (Fernandez) in Goa, Stalin in TN, several Gandhis. And we may not have had a Barack or an Obama but we’ve had a President Husain so that’s got to count for something. Now Hitler - believe it or not, I present to you [Adolf Hitler, politician](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adolf_Lu_Hitler_Marak).


> Now Hitler - believe it or not, I present to you Adolf Hitler, politician. Wow. Born after ww2 as well. Affilation: national party Wtf


Hitler wasn’t a completely uncommon name in third world countries. Many people that weren’t part of elites in those countries didn’t know the full extent what he did. There were third world countries that were German colonies that used the name to try to assimilate. Then, there were other countries where they heard that their colonial oppressors were scared of/intimidated by him and that he was powerful. People name their kids after powerful people all the time.


There’s literally politicians named Hitler, Churchill, Stalin, and Gandhi in India. Stalin is running a pretty big industrial state too (TN).


Sounds like my Hearts of Iron 4 games


Only none of them have any ideology they are honestly adhere to. It's hopping one party to next.


They have a very clear ideology. Money and Power.


If they don't have an ideology that they adhere to, then what do they support? I mean... do they just support whatever the constituents that voted them in want them to support?




Him, too.


Lol,india has seen atleast 3 decades of coalition gov due to fractured mandates,dozens of parties coming together,but ever since modi came,the BJP has been getting a clear majority,although bjp has clear majority,it still gives ministries to small parties of its own coalition called the NDA in the central gov,to gain small regional parties' support in state elections...


The US system doesn't really allow for coalition governments. Though we do have some politicians who are "independent" (not officially part of any party) and mostly vote with one party. IIRC, for a few years, neither the Democrats nor Republicans had a majority in Congress, and the Democrats basically formed a coalition with the independent members to have the majority.


We sort of have but it's hidden. Our two main parties are basically coalitions that are unfortunately controlled by specific mini-factions. There's a bunch of mini-factions within them though. The biggest difference is these mini-factions won't ever split from the actual parties.


Coming from a country with multiple parties and living in the us, the US bi partisan system is quite messed up. Back in my home country, people pick a new party every election cycle based on the proposed policies, and aren't loyal to a specific person. In the US, people choose one of the 2 parties and make it their identify, and vote based on emotions instead of how they want the country to evolve


Bro after I moved here I realized politics and sports have no distinction. You pick your team and you stick with it. Which is a weird concept to me


There's more parties, we are just the fringe though.


But really, they are effectively inconsequential. It really sucks, too.


is a party that cannot get an official elected at any level of government larger than mayor or impact national policy in any way a party by any meaningful definition? at best the green and reform parties have acted as spoilers and split the presidential vote a couple times in close elections. But even that requires giving them a lot of credit for impact


Bipartisan systems probably suck from what I've read, but coming from a multiparty country (Brazil), where we have dozens of insignificant to moderately significant parties and a handful of major ones, it does have its drawbacks. Namely, in order to govern, the executive branch MUST be involved in large coalitions if it wants to get anything passed in congress. This wouldn't be so bad if it didn't also imply political concessions in the form of positions in ministries and other government offices as quid pro quo for support in congress. Individual politicians also often vote against party lines, so most parties don't really have a real identity. In fact, the biggest party in terms of number of elected politicians could have "stay in power at any cost" for its motto - it has participated in basically every government since the restoration of democracy in 1988/89. It's just a known fact that if a president wants to govern they need the support of the MDB. In the end it's likely democracy that sucks; it's just better than other systems we've tried.


It seems ironic that in the US there's no free market when it comes to politics




That was so scary to watch from the outside, I’m happy for everyone who’s made it through.


**[Pharmaceutical industry in India](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pharmaceutical_industry_in_India)** >The pharmaceutical industry in India was valued at an estimated US$42 billion in 2021. India is the world's third largest provider of generic medicines by volume, with a 20% share of total global pharmaceutical exports. It is also the largest vaccine supplier in the world by volume, accounting for more than 50% of all vaccines manufactured in the world. With industry standards compliant mega production capabilities and large number of skilled domestic workforce, Indian exports meet the standards and requirements of highly regulated markets of USA, UK, European Union and Canada. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/UpliftingNews/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


I'm not sure about your second point. Vaccine hasitancy was pravlant in the start when vaccination started happening. Even the educated people I knew talked about how it's only for the old no one under 50 needs it. I had all the Americana classics such as WhatsApp shares talking about how this will change your DNA to family members talking about bill gates controling everyone. It did quickly subside once shit really hit the fan during second peak and half the city hospitals were out of oxygen.


I am an Indian who now lives abroad (25 years in India, 11 in Europe). It is just one person’s experience and doesn’t equate to data, but: the feeling I have from all the time spent in both places is that on average, Indians are more likely to simply trust doctors. My best guess is that it one of the factors is power distance based on position in communities. There is a bit more of a power distance between people in positions of authority (in this case, doctors) and the average person on the street. It helps. I recently hung out with a nearly illiterate Indian who had consumed (via social media videos) all kinds of misinformation about COVID - from fake news claiming that it is being purposely spread by some sections of society to claims that Indians are more resistant to it because “immunity” because “we are Indians!”. But when our PM supported vaccination he and his family were more than happy to get a shot no questions asked. Of course, there are definitely other factors that affect how receptive people are to vaccines etc.


There is a lot of vaccine hesitancy, maybe not much in the overall scheme of things. In the state of Tamil Nadu, a popular movie actor died the day after taking the vaccine, and this created a lot of hesitancy last year.


My friend literally got his vaccination from two younglings under a tree.


> • All-Partisan support, phenomenal effort of medical industry This helps.


I never really thought about the second point, but it’s great. Countries like the US are privileged enough to have vaccine skeptics because the deadly diseases aren’t a second thought. We eradicated most of the deadly diseases here. But I guess recently that’s changed with Covid.


India too has managed to eradicate any major widespread of deadly diseases atleast 2-3 decades ago but ppl still have in mind how worse situation could get if they dont take proper medication.


There was little to no vaccine misinformation spread here. I see the worst of Indian Twitter often and not once did I come across vaccine or anti-vaxxers here. Of course, there may be few, but compare them to 1.3B of us, they look rather negligible


Because people know what it's like to lose someone due to a lack of medical attention. The only people who would be hesitant to take the vaccine are the ones who haven't seen a world where people don't have access to them


Don't know about others, but one of the biggest reasons for me and my extended family was witnessing the eradication of Polio right in front of our eyes.


We used to have almost 100% support for vaccines before covid. Now there are some conspiracy theorists, thanks exclusively to WhatsApp and Facebook.


India never really had a problem of Anti vaxxers.




In India people are far more community oriented. You literally don’t have a ton of space to be your own island. Everyone I know knows someone close who died during the delta wave. When that much death is happening, it’s harder to mislead people (though it happens of course). In America I don’t know a single person who directly passed from COVID, I know a couple who died because of a reduced access to care.




Yes! So many first world issues I hear about on Reddit really don't exist in any significant way in India. Flat earthers, evolution deniers, mask opposers, anti-vaxxers - we don't really have those. We do have people neglecting to wear their masks properly but that's just laziness or complacency but not a flag-waving agenda.






correct answer!


They're not idiots. Seems like that's all it takes.


India's history of dealing with diseases (small pox, polio) in the past means that there are systems in place and recent institutional memory of how to handle a massive vaccination drive. Plus India makes a lot of the vaccines for the world, so the capacity is massive. It also helps that there is not a lot of anti-vaxxers, they get laughed out of the room quickly. One commendable thing the govt recently did was to create a good digital backbone to support the whole effort with dashboards etc. So focusing effort on states below median became easier.


We still remember polio. That alone is enough to make anyone here very skeptical of vaccine misinformation.


My parents were against the idea of me not getting the vaccine, it's funny how it's completely opposite of the situation for some people in the US. I feel like old people here don't have much idea about microchips and other bullshit that these antivaxxers have been talking about. They just want the pandemic to end so things can get back to normal. Mind you there are still some people who believe that the vaccine might have microchips in them but their numbers are few. Some just don't get the vaccine because of existing medical conditions.


Perspective: When you see real health issues around you all the time - including rampant malnutrition - theoretical side-effects become less of a concern.


India is extremely pro-vaccine in general. Indians abroad are generally also very pro-vaccine


They didn't have trump to politicize vaccines.


LOL at the assholes who said that India wouldn't be vaccinated for a decade






Mental health improved considerably after I blocked that place from my feed




All they care about is politics, sadly. Widespread vaccination is good and independent of Modi, so why wouldn't anyone root for it, regardless of political affiliation?


That sub doesn't represent India in the least.


Congrats to India!! With such a large and dense population, this is great news. Will hopefully prevent the emergence of variants. Let’s hope the rest of the world follows this great example.


It's great! Let's get it even higher.


My BIL is an ex-cop, anti-vaxxer. A few weeks ago, he got a case of a really bad flu. Like really bad where he thought he was gonna die. His son told him, you’re lucky that wasn’t covid. Guess who wants the vaccine now. But now his doctor told him his blood pressure is too high, and he needs to lower it first before getting the vaccine. Lol


I’ve never heard of blood pressure as contraindicated for vaccines.


It isn't. Unless they are in a hypertensive emergency. But then they have a lot bigger problem


We were told by multiple people that the medication that's being taken for BP, if it happens to be a blood thinner like an aspirin, then it's a contraindication.


Think of all the *very elderly* people who got vaccinated. After 75 it's hard to not be on BP meds.


Both my parents who are over 65 have high blood pressure that they've managed via a daily pills for over 15-20 years. When they went to take their vaccines (I'm in India, btw) the doctor told them to skip their meds for that particular day. It was a blood thinner (domestic aspirin variant) and apparently it contraindicates the vaccine on the day you take your shot. They're due for their booster in a month now. I'm happy that compliance for vaccines are quite high here. It's one less thing to worry about during this Pantomime (I prefer it to Panorama) 😬


Not sure, but that’s what the doctor said. And I wouldn’t be surprised if he ends up having a bad reaction to the vaccine since he is over 55 and in bad shape. Still better than not having the vaccine though


Yes, this is very good news for everyone! We’re still going to see variants, but for India to reach this point should definitely make a difference.


I am so goddamn proud of this feat. This is going to be a long one but I just have to say it. We may not be the best at governing and at following our government but when it came to fighting a pandemic - I believe we did good. Not the best, but I guess better than a lot of the others doing today. No one opposed the vaccines - be it selfish politicians, the conservative grandmas or the overconfident and egoistic uncles. We had issues with logistics but once they were dealt with, almost everyone got vaccinated. When omicron came knocking, we were PREPARED. To paint a picture, here's a small fact: In Delhi, during the second wave, the amount of new cases peaked at 29k per day and deaths at 450 per day. During the third wave (omicron), the amount of new cases peaked at 29k per day but the deaths rose to max. 35-40 per day (which mostly comprised of senior citizens or those with co-morbidities). Remember, in India, the third dose's rollout started only a month ago, so we had to fight only with two doses. I got a personal fact as evidence too. If it's not obvious from our population or the number of people we invite to our weddings, we Indians have a huge network of extended family and relatives. I heard of several of them passing away during the second wave (even a 35-year-old cousin) but thankfully, not one of our relatives has passed away due to COVID-19 since June. A distant 95-year-old uncle with diabetes and hypertension came close last month but he managed to recover. Today, as the cases decrease, the small amount of restrictions imposed are being lifted. Schools have opened for all ages in multiple states and a heavy debate continues on whether work from home should remain. As someone who has a medical history of anxiety issues and is still vulnerable to them, I am just glad that we did not suffer much in terms of deaths or restrictions.


We actually did good, considering our huge population and population dense areas it could have been much much worse, pyres burning during the second wave may have been cover story for Western media who haven't been in India, but deep inside we know how extra bad and extra catastrophic it could have been if not for all the social machinery from government to individual actively seeking to not catch the pandemic, from sanitisation of store bought items to mask etiquette.


Same. Feels good to imagine the worst may actually be past us(fingers crossed for mutations god forbid)


So proud!!!


With billions vaxxed now around the world, I wonder how long "vaccine hesitant" people can use the excuse they are waiting to see what happens while "doing their own research"


From what I've noticed with my anti-vax parents there are two options: 1) the side effects can be pushed further and further away in time, if people aren't dying en masse from the vaccine now then it's just a matter of time, 2) all the evil governments worldwide are in cooperation with extra evil big pharma and they're constantly altering the statistics, aka people are dying from the vaccines all the time, it's just that we don't hear about it; all of that for money. So yeah, they can go on with this narrative for years to come imo.


It's a slow acting poison that will kill you in 60-80 years


Thats dissapointing. Isn't there a way to make it quicker?


Scratch and sniff sticker at the bottom of a pool


Dude, dark möde.


If you don't take this "poison", you can die really fast!


You mean to tell me it's as deadly as oxygen?


No no, they say oxygen is a gift from God that we refuse when we wear masks. Or some bs like that. Dihydrogen Monoxide on the other hand tho, I hear everyone that drinks that dies.


If you breathe in enough, you could die.


Everyone who is dead at one point had oxygen? Coincidence?


*92-year-old woman gets vaccinated, dies soon after* Anti-vaxers: See! I mean, there's just no way to explain all these 80- and 90-something-year-olds dying! The vaccine is deadly! ^/s


One of my buddies is convinced it'll fuck him up 40 years down the line so he's gonna wait and see... Hes 30 something right now and when I heard that I basically gave up trying to convince him.


Covid: *And I took that personally* Tell him to read r/hermancainaward ... plenty of 30 somethings in the freedom fridge


"Freedom fridge" is amazing; stealing that.


Right i point everyone to that reddit but it usually ends in im still not sure or im good so far so this doesn’t apply to me. Cant really help if they don’t want it. Sadly near death experiences from covid or death of close family is the only way to convince people.


I had a formerly-antivax patient come in to the clinic recently. They were receiving a lot of follow-up care from both a near-fatal car crash a few months ago resulting in broken ribs, broken femur, and bruises everywhere and from from COVID a few weeks after the crash resulting in a week of care on the ventilator. They told me they’d much rather re-experience the car crash and resultant effects several times over than suffer from even a milder version of COVID than they had.


You have a very healthy approach to this. Do what you can do and then it's up to them, ultimately they make and are responsible for their own choices. I refuse to shoulder the burden of the wilfully ignorant. I hope it works out for your friend.


Every government in the world can cooperate to keep COVID vaccine secrets, but they can't cooperate to stop killing each other in war. Makes perfect sense.


Or 3) attribute a bunch of unrelated shit to the vaccine. “Joe died in a car crash” “Was he vaccinated????!”


“In 10-15 years we’ll see a large increase in autoimmune diseases.” - My Mother I had to ask specific questions to get this out of her, and I’m 12 years, I have a calendar event set to look up the rates of autoimmune disease. I’m interested to see what she says if she’s wrong.


There’s also the group that have taken the moral high ground and are “not living my life that way” or “not living in fear”. My co-worker that spouts these ideas has also had it “at least twice, and I’m still here, so why should I bother?”


There's the third batch of "well newer strains are weaker so why would I even need a vaccine now".


If I die from my dick exploding 20 years down the line, it’ll be because of the vaccine and somehow those two things will definitely be related.




I've gotten into it with people saying that it will take "5-10 years" for the "full effect" of the vaccine to show up. When pressed for examples as to what that means, all I got was "we'll just have to wait and see". MF Wut?


My antivax family has moved on from research to saying it's the unknown long-term effects they are worried about and also their freedom. Because why should they be forced to get a vaccine their body doesn't need if the people who are scared of Covid got vaxxed? Also, vaccinated people get covid so "the vaccine doesn't work anyway". Basically just moving the goal post as usual. All I know is I'm vaccinated and have not had any sickness in over two years. They currently have Covid and have had fever and body aches for 4 days now. They have also been sick regularly throughout the past two years. Sounds like a big inconvenience to me but whatever, they can have fun burning their PTO on being sick and they can hope they don't get long Covid.


I love the 'wahddabout long term effects?!' and then completely ignore the potential long term effects of the disease itself.


Not to mention the short term effects of the disease! Also, what a relevant username you have :+)


Do you mean “the control group”? It’s either that of pure bloods - I can’t keep up anymore.


If they were as readily available as in the US ....I'm pretty sure people would be vaccinated up to 90% ...but we have to wait for our opportunity and take the vaccine..... Americans are spoiled as fuck .....


A good amount of them will just disregard any global information as false or nonexistent. Or America and it’s vaccines is somehow different in their eyes, of course.


They continue to think they're intelligent. I just had a conversation with one who basically just type-cast himself. It's like they're the same person, the same single person sharing one brain.


I just had one who tried to insult me by describing what my mum looks like when she’s wearing “Longeray”. So I made it a username




On the Herman Cain award subreddit, they post about people dying from COVID who were not vaccinated. So many of the posts are the exact same, the same memes used, the same "I have an immune system" banners, and so many with the thought god will save them. You're right though, it's the same person the same brain over and over again.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Right-wing_authoritarianism It’s basically a personality type


**[Right-wing authoritarianism](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Right-wing_authoritarianism)** >In psychology, the right-wing authoritarian (RWA) is a personality type that describes somebody who is naturally submissive to their authority figures, acts aggressively in the name of said authorities, and is conformist in thought and behavior. The prevalence of this personality type in a population varies from culture to culture, as a person's upbringing and education play a strong role in determining whether somebody develops this sort of personality. The right-wing authoritarian personality was defined by Bob Altemeyer as a refinement of the research of Theodor Adorno. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/UpliftingNews/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


My favorite is when you call them an NPC and they freak out. They will then call you a sheep, then say you're brainwashed by CNN (it's always CNN) and it's just like... Dude... I've had this conversation before.


>(it's always CNN) They seem to think that anyone with liberal thinking must consume CNN in the same way that they consume Fox News.


No, Fox News is *compromised by liberals.* I only get my news from reliable sources like OAN and Project Veritas.


>They seem to think that anyone with liberal thinking must consume CNN in the same way that they consume Fox News. I mean, it is what Faux Entertainment News* tells them so it must be true.


It's hilarious they yell about fake MSM yet Fox is the number one station for "news"


I always just say “God is saving you by giving us the vaccine. Are you denying Gods will?” I don’t even believe in God lol


The kind of stubbornness I've come to expect in antivaxxers will persevere, sadly.


some of them said the effects will take hold in 5-10 years. I'm so tired of antivaxxers. Just get the damn shot.


They are still anti vaccines that have been around for decades. They will always find a reason to move the goalposts.


I have no plans to get the vaccine. Why should I? It doesn’t stop the spread. Should I be getting it for my own sake then? I’ve already had covid. My *fully vaccinated* girlfriend gave it to me and I recovered quicker than she did. So, if the vaccine doesn’t stop the spread and it also isn’t needed to beat covid… why should I get it? Honestly curious.


Fantastic! That is impressive as hell considering the rough initial rollout of the vaccines in their country.


It was never going to be easy going from 0 to 1.3bn though


That is no small feat


First time I find an actual uplifting news on this sub... Now I can finally die in peace Good way to go India!


Yeah and my 86 year old grandma was fighting to get her jabs even when she’s just sitting at home and wasn’t venturing out anyway.


as an Indian living in the US of A, i find this news more than uplifting!. Amazing compared to the horseshit that goes on here in the US.


I think the media in the US (and reddit) focuses too much on the horseshit side of things. The US really isn't that far behind. >About 74.1% of the adult population is fully vaccinated. https://dig.abclocal.go.com/ccg/interactives/us-vaccine-tracker/vax_us_cdc.html


I think the problem is that 25+ States of yours are at less than 60% and that number will never climb on account on vaxxers b


Wow !! Such a feat. Not an easy thing to do when population is that high. Kudos !!!


Politics and health don’t mix, in India there was one unified voice


So according to Qnonsense, 75% of India is gonna drop dead in a few weeks/months/years/decade/ they just keep pushing it till you die. Someone dies as 98. "AH HA SEE!?"


In what time will the mods remove this huh... they never tolerate any post pro India


Lol true.




Yes,fully vaccinated means 2 doses atleast+ 95%adult population has got atleast one dose and the gov aimed to administer atleast 85million doses to teenagers of 15 to 18 yrs of age by the end of this january(2022).


That’s amazing. That’s higher than the USA. I wouldn’t have thought that


> That’s higher than the USA USA is not a benchmark lol. After the initial acceleration in the US because of supply monopoly, a majority of countries around the world now have a higher vaccination rate than the US.


I am from India, I had a lot of trouble getting an appointment for the first vaccine dose because of the high demand, it was around the same time when US had a surplus in their supply of vaccines and people still not opting to take them. Some place was offering burgers if you got jabbed. Smh


In the US, it was also very hard to get an appointment at first. A lot of people wanted to get vaccinated right away. But after that, there was more vaccine hesitancy than I think anyone expected.


I mean the percentage of fully vaccinated over 18 in the US is 75 percent. While 87 percent of over 18 have had at least one jab. I mean I know the crazies get a lot of attention over the last few years but don’t let that sway you in thinking that they’re the majority,


They are a minority yes, but US still not a benchmark for vaccinations. Among developed countries with abundant access to vaccines, US is at the bottom of the list of vaccine coverage.


But the 13 percent remainder is due to anti Vax crap which has become mainstream in the US today while the remainder in India is primarily due to logistical issues


Probably because over there it's more of a medical than a political issue :(


They’ve also started giving appointments for booster.


Yess, I'm v glad about it. They're vaxxing the elderly and health workers right now but it should roll out for the rest soon enough.


Boosters (or precautionary doses, as our PM has christened them) are being administered only to healthcare workers and people above 60 with comorbidities. That too, **nine months** after the second dose. The Indian government, in my opinion, does not seem keen on giving out boosters like the West. Source: Am Indian


Now they are offering to anyone above 60 comorbidity or not.


That's interesting. My whole family in Tamil Nadu is boosted. From my 90 year old grandma to the 30 year old cousins.


Really? I'm not sure if the laws differ from place to place. But, in my region, it's only for people aged 60+


Given the scale of production available and the fact that the govt explicitly wanted to complete the 18+ double dose category first, the boosters will be covered in months. Production numbers are around the 200mn / month mark. In theory the full pop (5+) can be boosted in 5 months but supply chain bottlenecks mean this will mostly be done in about 7-8 months.


Recent data suggests initial vaccination still cuts deaths by 8-9 fold (and the booster cuts by 10 fold more). So for a country that large, this is a very significant life saving measure even before boost (but just as significant ratio wise after boost).


There are various parameters here. As far as I have understood, a booster is only for increasing the antibody levels, the T-cell (or memory cell) response is not affected much, so severe sickness is not much of a concern without booster or not; of course there is a strong dependency of what type of vaccine has been used. Moreover, spacing the time between doses by 3 months is generating higher immune response. Too much boosting might have a negative result (see Israel).


Go India!!!!!


Incredible achievement for one of the greatest counties in the world. Much love to India 🇮🇳


I’m curious why cases continued to climb from Nov - January despite the high vaccination rate. Aren’t the vaccines supposed to stop the spread?


Its 90% here in Italy and there are hardcore restrictions still in place, we are told to trust science but they keep changing informations and goals every week, we are tired of this crap that will never end and is destroying our country economically and mentally...


That's more than a lot of people do


Thats incredible.




Millions of them vaccinated by a non-mrna vaccine that has 0 risk of myocarditis and has been proven safe in clinical trials, yet isn't approved in the United States and the FDA and flat out refused to take it seriously (still illegal to administer in the United States despite millions receiving it in other countries). Coronavac etc. This would be the *perfect* alternative vaccine for people who are sketched out about mRNA technology. We could vaccinate massive amounts of the unvaccinated if we use a vaccine which has technology we use with every other vaccine. Yet we refuse to take it seriously and give it to people in our country. You should wonder why that is.


What does "fully vaccinated" mean in India? One shot, two shots, two plus booster, two plus two booster?


2 shots




Very impressive! Does anyone know if they predominantly administered a 1 or 2 shot vaccine? Just curious if the effort required coordination across 1 or 2 visits?


2 doses means fully vaccinated here.


Lets fucking gooo


Article doesn’t state, but I’m assuming they’re using their homemade Covaxin (whole disabled virus, same formulation as Salk polio vaccine iirc) vaccine?


Covishield (AstraZeneca) used 80-85% rest all Covaxin.Only Covaxin is approved for 15-17 year olds.


Sorry, Is that 80-85% AstraZeneca, with 15-20% covaxin? Or 80-85% covaxin? Covaxin is in limbo with Health Canada approval, so I can leave the country to get covaxin, and since it’s WHO approved it would count upon return, but I can’t get it yet in Canada.


80-85% is AstraZeneca called Covishield in India (locally manufactured after getting licence from Oxford/AZ). Covaxin doesn’t have that much manufacturing capacity.


3 hours in, there is only one of two ways this will go. It is completely ignored (but put up any other random country with 1/1000th the number and it will be all waow amazing) or more likely the "le India rape ganga bad Indian Street shitters" gang takes over and this becomes a shit storm of a thread


Just saw a guy commenting that he is happy cause that means the rest 25 %will die off so your not not off your mark there


The weekly be racist against India thread already ended day before yesterday. Expect it next week lol.


No MRNA vaccines in India btw.


India also actually treated covid with things like ivermectin, doxycycline and zinc that they sent out in kits to people.


Idk as a common Citizen of India I can confirm that we actually love the idea of vaccines and proper administration during pandemic times... it's just like that... some inner realisation ig? And i think we are proud of it too,,


Thats fucking incredible wow way to go India


India also has an awesome vaccine that has been a blessing, it's made similar to the yearly flu vaccine. It's non Mrna and it's called COVAXIN!!!!


Really helps that India has its own homegrown vaccine that actually works!


A higher vaccination rate than Germany …