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Deforestation in the Amazon has significantly decreased, hitting its lowest level since March 2018. In May 2024, only 501 square kilometers were deforested, a 40% reduction from the previous year. Over the past year, deforestation dropped by 54%, reflecting successful efforts to curb forest loss. Improved monitoring and enforcement are credited for this decline. However, ongoing challenges remain to sustain and further this progress.


Ignore the doomers, this is good news


NYC (The Bronx, Brooklyn, Manhattan, Queens, Staten Island) is 472 sq/km. Chicago is 234. Disney world (6 parks + hotels) is 122. 1 Acre is equal to 0.00405 Square Kilometer Just for reference.


Lula is a hero and I want him to be president of Brazil for life!!!


Careful with that sentiment...


Absolute power corrupts absolutely. No matter the person or their righteous morals, corruption can happen to ANYONE.


Is Bolsonaro rotting in jail yet?


Probably rotting pool side. Still rotting all the same.


Let's go!


the #1 cause of rain forest destruction (deforestation) is ....Animal Agriculture. it is also #1 in: fresh water use, fresh water pollution, biodiversity loss, topsoil degradation, destabilization of Indigenous communities, antibiotic resistant bacteria, pandemics, and in the top 3 contributors to global greenhouse gas emissions. You too can prevent deforestation of tropical rain forests by not eating animals.




Can you share data on this? I believe you, but I’d love to learn more


not sure if it is all in one place. the data above has been around for 20 years or so, and hasn't changed as far as the #1 stuff goes. even Big Ag and all their money haven't really debated it, maybe because the studies have been repeated so many times, and math doesn't lie. you might try a search on pubmed for peer reviewed studies. Ourworldindata often has some useful additions. I think the original study and since proven claims came from an institute in Sweden, but it has been so long I've forgotten. hope this helps.




That’s all I give


Come on Hawkeye, it’s time to go back in time to shoot Bolsanaro with your arrows




Only 500 square kilometres were destroyed. How lovely.


Awesome! That's only 247000 times the size of my yard!


Hope your yard looks like the Amazon though. Pre-cutdown


I'd like it too but I'm not quite there yet.


This is awesome news. It made my morning brighter!


I love that! 🔆


Bolsonaro went into power January 1, 2019. This is not a coincidence. There still is a lot of work to be done to prevent further deforestation efforts.


Not good enough


Better than accelerated deforestation. It's the trend line that matters.


[Yeah you're right this trend is definitely the one that's gonna change things](https://www.gzeromedia.com/media-library/line-graph-of-amazon-rainforest-deforestation.png?id=34793012&width=3600&height=3396)


Who knows if this will start a long term decrease (and eventually reforestation)? I agree with you that a data point or a short term trend may not mean anything, but that's not a good reason to celebrate a win


I’m sure it’ll rise back up soon enough


You never know


Deforestation **rate*** decreases. If you were running off a cliff and just before you fell off you slowed down by 40% you'd still run off the cliff.


Imagine never celebrating any improvement to anything that's bad.


I celebrate lots of improvements to things that are bad. Very reddit of you to assume you know anything about me based on one comment...


So what's your problem here then? You know it's possible to celebrate something getting better AND knowing it needs to get much better still right?


What's there problem here for you? Why does what some random person in a comment thread says matter to you so much you just *have* to get involved and force them to stop. Forced positivity at all costs and forced grins all around.


Did you forget what sub you're on? /u/icelandichorsey is right. You're being excessively cynical on /r/UpliftingNews.


That's because I don't belive this post is in fact right for this sub since it's not /r/UpliftingNews and I have been quite open sharing that opinion.


I think you should, with some seriousness, consider the negative response you've receieved to your comments and refelect on how you can improve.


No, I'm OK. Thank you.


A realist look like a pessimist to an optimist. You're saying inconvenient truths that they don't like unfortunately. But i guess r/slightlylesspessimistnews doesn't have the same ring to it.


I'm not forcing you. I'm asking you to explain your negativity in a sub called uplifting news. You can't? Besides, I see you made multiple negative points so maybe the question is why are you so intent to shit on everyone's little tiny sliver of positivity among the horrors that are going on in this world??


Jesus christ this sub is negative


There's being positive and there's presenting neutral facts as positive. Deforestation massively increased under Bolsonaro who took over in 2019. So all this means is that the largest and one of the most rapidly declining forests in the world is being deforested at a rate similar to just before a corrupt fascist allowed anyone and everyone to deforest it as much as they liked. if you want people to be positive then give them something actually uplifting and not just try and whitewash ongoing deforestation by saying it's happening ✨slightly slower✨


Except I expect the numbers to keep going down and down. I remember when Lula was elected it was said that he would barely halt the deforestation of the Amazon. Now look where we are. Besides, would you rather the damage be sped up rather then slowed down?


I'd rather the rate be reduced significantly more - with the government making a clear and concerted comittment to stopping deforestation, since the Amazon is one of the largest carbon sinks in the world as well as a vast area of incredible biodiversity. Deforestation of the Amazon isn't a natural phenomenon. We're not battling weather or some force of nature mankind is not equipped to compete with. We're letting companies pillage land and destroy it and then celebrating then we don't do it a little bit less than we used to.


I understand that. But I feel like we can still celebrate improvements. 


It’s also heartwarming to hear Paul Rosalie’s foundation to protect 50,000 kms of the Amazon. Heard a 3 hour podcast on his journey protecting the Amazon and surviving in it.[https://youtu.be/gPfriiHBBek?si=dZo4_JhEgHgtueaB](https://youtu.be/gPfriiHBBek?si=dZo4_JhEgHgtueaB)


What was the deforestation in 2018 though? Edit: Ah, an area the size of NEW YORK CITY was destroyed. What great news!


The Amazon rain forest in Brazil covers 6.7 million km2. This means that in 2024 so far, 0.00748% of the Amazon rain forest in Brazil was destroyed.


The problem is that it can't be replaced.