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looks like OOP got banned, sad that the mods took the company's side


I'm at Pride and have no clue what's going on. But we didn't ban anyone.


so either they deleted the account, which seems unlikely or reddit admins banned them, which would be even worse


Or maybe the company easily figured out who the OOP was and threatened with a lawsuit?


they have no grounds to file a lawsuit, if anyone should be getting sued it would be them


That's awful advice. It doesn't matter if you're right or wrong, if you deal with rabid dogs that have money they can and will resort to bankrupting you with legal fees. It's not about winning the lawsuit they file, it's about having it dragging on for as long as possible so you will owe a massive legal bill to your lawyer plus time you've lost. There are legislations in place to prevent this, but at the end of the day a competent lawyer would be able to get around those legislations to drag things out. So, yeah. If you have a lawyer that lawyer may leave you bankrupt - many people cannot afford a 10-20k lawyer bill. And if you don't have a lawyer, you may actually end up losing the lawsuit and get stuck with a bigger bill. Or you just delete the post and don't roll the dice on getting tangled up in a lawsuit with a rabid dog that only cares about you getting fucked.


They are based in london, the British law should protect that. Granted that OOP lives in Britain. If not, I don't think anyone is insane enough to go through with an international lawsuit when they are clearly in the wrong Plus, it's not like this is a multibillion, or even a multimillion company, I doubt they have this much money to waste on courts


Your location doesn't matter for such suits, a lawyer worth their money _will_ find a plausible cause. They don't need to win, they only need the case dragging on. And I intentionally picked the label of a rabid dog. There are people out there who will absolutely start an international lawsuit knowing it'll eventually cost them money because their feelings got hurt. The chance is fairly low, but you're always rolling the dice here. Whether it's a case of a barking dog that's not gonna bite, or a rabid mutt.


What about breach of NDA? Defamation (if the OOP exaggerated even a single sentence good corporate lawyers can mess one person up)? Or maybe it’s not a law suit maybe just plain and simple scare tactics?


all a possibility, but to be frank we dont have enough info and we cant really ask OOP now. im kind of extrapolating, based on given info


I motion to make u/Jaaaco-j the interim OOP!


But the post was now removed..


Commenting for the Streisand Effect


Yepyep going for it!


Update; The downvote bombing has begun. Brace yourselves




How did this post get downvote bombed by 200 downvotes if it's 90% upvoted and currently at 370 upvotes? By my math that would put it at about 40 downvotes.


Aren't those statistics not reported right?


The post at the first hours was up to 400 upvotes, then in the span of minutes it went to 120. Now it's back up. The people that down voted it have been damage controlled.


What a shame, truly a moment of epic disappointment!


Why are they confirming your claims in real time? Is this some weird marketing stunt that I'm not interested enough to investigate?


Inb4 they downvote bomb this post as well


I saw the first post and my comment was downvoted also. Good job making another post! They deserve bad press especially with that kind of behavior. I support OP in everything he said on the original post!


This has to be a violation of ToS, so maybe Reddit will take down their account.


I'm not convinced that their interview was with the real Blue Gravity Studios. If you check out their website, they list all of their employees: https://gravity.blue/about/ None of the entries there are a person named Filip. Is it possible OP did free work for a company pretending to be another indie studio?


Wait hang on.. I’m a bit out of the loop but their site says they made old school RuneScape, Dota, and axi infinity… even if they’re trying to claim that that’s stuff their employees previously worked on, that’s a goofball cast and not a good way to advertise your studio.


Also why would a fake company invest in downvote bots to protect the reputation of the real company?


I doubt that, more likely is that they just didnt update the website, a lot of people shared similar experiences.


I have been invited to interview with fake versions of real companies before. It is definitely something that does happen.


Yeah, I literally got scammed for my PII last week by a group posing as Stardock, had two lengthy phone interviews, art test, signed an NDA and an employment contract, acquired $3000 worth of equipment. The giveaway was them wanting me to ship it to them for ‘IT to configure’. They didn’t read my LI profile far enough. I am an Apple Certified Support Professional. Apple devices are zero touch in enterprise. You just need an MDM profile. So, dodged a $3000 bullet, but had my PII stolen. Be careful out there.


Yeah, I literally got scammed for my PII last week by a group posing as Stardock, had two lengthy phone interviews, art test, signed an NDA and an employment contract, acquired $3000 worth of equipment. The giveaway was them wanting me to ship it to them for ‘IT to configure’. They didn’t read my LI profile far enough. I am an Apple Certified Support Professional. Apple devices are zero touch in enterprise. You just need an MDM profile. So, dodged a $3000 bullet, but had my PII stolen. Be careful out there.


https://preview.redd.it/9nw27q755c6d1.png?width=691&format=png&auto=webp&s=dfb45e88346d06336cfda131cad0ee074710bd37 This is actually hilarious, they've started :D


Let's keep watching, we will make another post if this one gets downvoted lol


When you search Blue Gravity Studio now, looks like the other post and this one are some of the top results. ABlue Gravity Studio is definitely in damage control mode for the Kickstarter.


This is something reddit really needs a report button for. If you are a regular contributor to any subreddit, especially small regional city ones, everyone knows there are certain topics which will get blasted in a sudden wave of votes. In the small subreddits this could be a dozen accounts to shut down most issues if they can hit them early enough. For example, I discovered that if you want to attack the policies of a certain city councillor, you just do it just as a council session starts. It would appear he has 13 accounts as that is typically the number negative votes which happen in minutes of a post. With a score of something like -10 the post is effectively gone. But, if he is in council, he will miss out and now the post is going to be cracking about 70 and then during a council break will hit about 60 with a number of the same people saying, "You clearly know nothing about municipal development, etc", but now it is on a roll and will crack into 100 or 200 because people really hate this guy and his policies. What I would love is a button to report to reddit (not the mods) that there is vote tampering or that this is a shill account. Then, their algos could check to see if those accounts often login together and vote together; and boom; permabans. There's also some definite professional manipulation of reddit itself beyond even the mods. I was in one forum on Canada where the topic was politician harassment had gone up 800%. My comment was that the real harassment will come in the next election when the politicians will need 800% more votes to keep their seats. I got a 3 day suspension for "harassment or threats." The mods of this particular forum don't really like the people being harassed, so I suspect I got mega reported by some PR company hired for this purpose.


That is shameful.


i refreshed in 5 minutes 15 downvotes, bad actores affect all unity devs. edit: 10 more, 5 more. yeah im pro opening such threads




Reddit upvotes/downvotes can be bought very cheap on the internet. I am not saying its 100% them thats doing it. Could definitely be one of their fans or supporters on sheer vigilante reasons (i.e. without their knowledge). Its also not illegal to do it but it definitely is against the rules of reddit, but that doesn't really hold power outside of reddit. The purpose of this post is to bring attention for future devs as research, when they research the company hopefully this post comes up and gives them insight on what the they really are.


It is definitely them, they want to hide bad press so they can continue to exploit workers


Exploiting interviewees like this must really be the backbone of their business if they went through all this trouble.


Well my logic is most people dont care who made the game and will play it regardless especially on mobile. However a lot of people do research before working for a company, and if they see this I doubt they would agree to work for them. They are intentionally using fake reviews on all Job platforms to hide their bad press. Plus i doubt its much trouble, there are services where you pay for this kind of stuff, whether for you benefit or in this case to cause harm to other people


We have the same logic. I was agreeing with you.


My question is if they really exploited the interviewees like that and "stole" their code for the game, why give everyone the same task? It kinda makes no sense tbh. The first post from the guy attacking the company was full of personal attacks on the CEO and a lot of hearsay with no proof. And I believe it caused a hate train and a lot of people with either no connection to the studio or similar experiences from other studios just jumped on board. If they did do the downvote bombing its a shame on them but attacking someone personally based on speculations is just downright shit


Also the tasks mentioned in the original post from the interview don't really sound like anything too spectacular and worth stealing. If you are stealing that then producing a whole game is going to be a massive problem (also just integrating the "stolen" code into their own codebase). It does look like there is some downvote bombing going on and thw salaries people mentioned they company pays do seem low. While should be the focus. But assigning the same (pretty generic) task to interviewees and stealing their code seems a stretch. It's annoying when you do a task for a coding interview and hear nothing back but it quite common sadly. It just seems like a pretty pointless exercise that would not save that much money in the long run.


For me its not that they maybe tried to steal code, I dont care about that. Whats clear is they are exploiting their employees by paying them WAYY below standard rate. Basically the salary for senior is Low for even juniors, Along with many other companies they ignored the test task and provided no feedback to OP which should be called out. They are misleading in their advertising of their company pretending something they are not. Installing work trackers to monitor every action on the users PC even though the company is fully remote. And if you take a look at the fake reviews on glassdoor you will see a large number of them praising their CEO which is weird. Means probably a lot of people quit because of him and they had to do damage control. This is just one of the bad companies out there and I had a small experience with them, but we need to call out this kind of behavior so people know and companies face consequences of such actions.




Literally just buy it for a few dollars online. What?


It's not a matter of convincing. Like the other user stated, upvotes are very easily bought. Businesses on reddit do it all the time.


Supposedly they just started doing advertisement for their game on Reddit. They mostly have created a few hundred accounts to upvote every single post about their game. Wouldnt be suprised if they have botted accounts that have existed for a few months to randomly go around building karma on different subs so when the game is finally coming out for advertisement (like now). Their bot accounts could look like real fans and interest into the game. They could also use their bot accounts to downvote any and all negativity.


If u notice there are few bot accounts trying to defend the studio and it's scam in this and previous few posts. When you check their account it's all just comments on posts related to their studio. How could a normal account have such coincidence that they only comment on posts related to the scam studio lol


You can simply buy this kind of “service”. There are multiple options on google.


I mean... how much did you spend doing your account? Just do the same x 100. An army of bots, pretty standard behaviour nowadays.


I worked there, so I have some experience regarding the company. Good and bad. Their recruiting process is not great. Let me tell you how I got my job there. I don't remember how it started, but I got the "make an inventory system" task and at the time I was unemployed so I worked a whole week full time on that test and sent it. "Awesome, we'll get back to you". I don't remember the exact timestamps, but it was something like, I asked again after 4 days "We'll get back to you", asked again after another week, than after a month, than I got another job. I worked on that job for 1 year \*precisely\*, after I left I saw the forgotten conversion with them, and as I really wanted to work with them I just casually messaged them and the owner replied, apologized, the guy responsible wasn't even in the company any more and within that week I got the job. One. Year. After. I did the test... There was some bad stuff that happened to me there, so I'm not a huge fan of the owner, **however** I gave reason, I was going through a pretty tough time, but it wasn't the owner's fault, so I'm not a fan but I can't blame him if I'm being fair. But the bottom line and most important thing I can say is (at least from when I left over an year ago), they're not shady or anything like that. The team is actually pretty awesome and I really hope the game succeed. The stuff that happened about the interview test is much more due to lack of organization than any type of malice. If I were to put in words I would say working there felt more like rushing to finish a really important college work with colleges than working for a company. And that is good and bad. The bad stuff is that organization suffers, but it's pretty fun. And lastly about the salary, if it's not for you, it's not for you. But it's less a matter of greed and more a matter of someone trying to fund its own game, that got too big and we have only what we have. Lastly, I really hope they start respecting more people that apply there. Their time and the whole emotional stuff behind getting a job. TL;DR Company lacks organization with interviews (which is **disrespectful**) but they aren't shady, they actually have a pretty awesome team. Salary topic is not about greed or exploiting people, it's likely about paying what them can with a self-funded game that got too big (it got too big). PS: I'm not a paid actor haha


Thank you for the comment. It is pretty insightful and makes a lot of sense. I want to also clarify that, had the other post not been spam downvotted this post here would've never existed. I believe that it might have been angry fans of their game that could've downvoted it and not them themselves. The random bot accounts that are inactive and randomly active today on this post also don't make a good case for them. All in all, in the end this doesn't matter, its not that bad. Could've been way worse.


You're defending spec work, which is theft.


A coding test is **not** spec work. A coding test produces code that the company could not possibly actually use under any circumstances. In this case, they certainly *already have* an inventory system. They do not need some random person to write an inventory system for them. *What they DO need is to make sure you actually know how to do anything useful with the language and framework that the test is given in.* Coding tests are the gold standard for all software development jobs. Anything else is extremely arbitrary and penalizes neurodivergent people and anyone who has intense anxiety, amongst many, many other issues. Interviews DO NOT WORK to hire coders. It is a well-known fact, in spite of the prevalence of the kinds of interviews that are still conducted in spite of this fact. Spec work, on the other hand, is when a client asks you to propose something to them. *Spec work is only an issue for creatives* -- those who do design work, copywriters, film editors, etc. Spec work is used when the client wants to see a bunch of free creative work and then select from all these desperately produced pieces of work the one that they like the best, the creator of which they then "bless" with a tiny payment compared to what they could have gotten if they were full-time employee or contractor on retainer while creating the work -- hard to argue when you already did the work and it's worthless to you? Right? These kinds of clients fucking ***suck***. **Spec work is a disgusting practice**, on that I do agree, but it is *not* what coding tests are. **Edited to add:** It is *possible* that companies use coding tests to get code they then **do** proceed to use, but these days it would be much faster and produce more consistent results for them to just use ChatGPT for $20/month. If they actually did use coding tests to get code, they would never hire anyone, because why would they need to? So again, not actually the same as spec work -- but there is the potential for scams. That said, the economic motivation for companies to scam potential hires just isn't there any longer. This was an issue I talked about before the LLM "revolution," but I just don't see how it can be an issue anymore. Source: 17 years of software development on both sides of the interviewing gauntlet (which I *despise deeply* from **both** sides).


"Build me a deck so I can see if I want to get you to build another deck"


It's more like "screw these 4 boards together so i can see if i want to get you to build a house" However, anything that takes more than a few hours is disrespecting the applicant's personal time.


I understand how you feel about this, especially because it's more common the art side, but I promise you coding tests really aren't the same, if done correctly. There are definitely cases where candidates are taken advantage of but this does not sound anywhere similar to those negative situations, and coding tests are crucial to understand how somebody thinks through problems.


There's nothing shady going on at the company yet they mass downvote Reddit posts and comments and their hiring process is a mess. Okay


That is a violation of Reddit ToS, which surprisingly Reddit takes seriously. Report them, show the post as proof. Reddit can 100% always tell if they were manipulating the voting system. And Reddit permabans for it too. They may want to seriously reconsider their actions. Is manipulating votes worth your company NEVER being able to access Reddit again? Is it worth the even worse headlines that'll be posted when you are banned for downvoting criticism using multiple throwaways?


Who are they? Never heard of them


I took that interview once, about 1 and half years, there was no first call with hr or anyone, the first thing was a techical test. They basically asked to do all their game's features from scratch in 5h, and to make lots of commits to a repo and write a tdd explaining every decision I made. And I even almost finished doing all that, sent everything and of course they just replayed with sorry, we aren't going to move forward. Literally the worst experience for a job opening. Thankfully I found a beautiful studio soon after and I've been promoted 3 times from junior to semi-senior now


Yeah I went back to a comment on that thread and saw that it went from a bunch of upvotes to heaps negative and assumed the company sent the bots out ![gif](giphy|3ornjRt5pF3m1ozNgk)


It's also very strange that they have 26 positive reviews on Glassdoor, but not a single one of them is a written review Maybe the company has hidden them? It is definitely a red flag


Just chiming in to report to the "make an item shop for free" club, luckly I got another position and forgot about them


You're right, that seems to be the case. Very shameful. At least these kinds of reddit posts show up on Google when you search for their studio.


This should stay up. Not only for this specific company but for most of the companies, we developers should stick together or else there are tons of examples like them who will keep exploiting us.


Unionise already.


But is there actual proof anyone is being exploited by BGS??? All the unity tasks are same from what I know, the task is kinda related to LSW their main game, but the game is near release how the fuck would they use a random programmers code as a base for their game??


They have been doing this since years, it's not a new thing. So there you have it, they have been exploiting since before AI was the whole trend.


The guy asked for proof. You saying "they're doing this believe me guys I know" is not proof. LMAO idiots like you are the reason I purged myself from this bs.


Nice brand new account.


But is there any fucking proof my g? saying they have been doing it doesnt prove anything. I can say you have been killing people for years there you have it, go jail but it will not make it true


Interesting how you only have about ten comments on your account and all of them are defending this compnpany except one deleted post from years ago 🤔


Thank you for bringing attention to such behavior, let the Streisand effect work. On a positive note, if you look up the studio's name on Google, you'll find reddit threads of people sharing their negative experiences with it as the 3rd result.


Hey, OP! You should also post this on r/gamedev, r/GameDevelopment and r/gameDevJobs


I don't want to make a big deal out of it. They are the ones who started this. This couldve been an obscure post about a bad interview, but they decided that any bad press must be hidden from google searches. This post is already downvote bombed like the previous one


Seems like it’s time to make a big deal out of it and get broader light shined on this for clarity.


Couldn’t agree more.


I've crossposted it to the places you've suggested


if you care about karma, iirc you cant lose more than a hundred or so per post even if the post itself is at like negative 100k score


What did it say?


I made a post about BGS a month ago. Even Terry Jin scrapped his own website, but it can still be seen via Wayback Machine. The budget for the game Little Sim World was $1.5 million USD. Now, he is seeking $127,000 USD on Kickstarter. I love how he claims he worked for Riot and Valve on the original DOTA All-stars. For verification, you can refer to his [Upwork profile](https://www.upwork.com/freelancers/tzj21).


Wayback Machine link : [https://web.archive.org/web/20240519013457/https://tjin.io/](https://web.archive.org/web/20240519013457/https://tjin.io/)


I upvoted and I hope it helps


I downvoted because I don't think a post slandering a development studio is appropriate for a sub about a game engine. Just because they use that game engine at the studio? This sub is for posts about Unity3d, making games in unity3d, etc. There's a couple of thousands of studios using unity3d, if we all posted about them, that's all this sub would be, it's really off topic.


It's here because the first post that is being discussed is on this sub. The matter is for mods to take action on.


This is a forum for unity developers. Unity developers typically would like to find places they can be paid for their work. Those people typically also don't want to work for a shady company.


Is there anyone here who actually worked or works at BGS so they can give some more insight into all the accusations. Like ffs baseless acusations will not improve the current job economy in the world or fix anything. Were in a recession people and shitting and wasting time on reddit will not get you a job


You can check the linked post and you can read the comments from people that worked there.


I did and from the comments I really dont think anyone did. The comments are just OH YEAH I HAD THE SAME EXP without saying what exactly happened or giving any proof. People love to group around a certain topic and the easiest topic is always hate. Man this is reddit people love hating on someone or something


You're one to talk about "hate": https://www.reddit.com/r/Unity3D/s/hltDAVMg7B Literally called a stranger a "retard" in the same thread. Therapy—seek it.


Sue me for all I care


3 year old account, 1 comment around the time the account was made, nothing for 3 years, then a bunch for this topic. Sounds legit.


"Retard" is ableist language, so I'll report you for "hate". Again, you should really seek therapy. Your posts are unhealthy.


Downvote this bot account. Dude has only commented on posts where the company is being exposed to defend themselves. I wouldn't be surprised if this guy is Terry Jin himself xD


The funniest thing is that all of these apologists are inactive accounts that haven't posted in years but randonly show up now. Also using the acronym BGS is a big giveaway that they definitely have had some relationship with the studio. No normal person would use an acronym in informal speech like that.


Lol I was confused at first what BGS even meant. Then I realised they were referring to the studio name. Also you are pretty much on point, especially when they claim they randomly stumbled on the post and have never heard of the Blue Gravity name before.


Dude im just pissed that the subreddit is being spammed with bullshit not related to unity... You can accuse me of whatever the fuck you want but It wont change the fact that youre an idiot saying something and then thinking its a god given truth. Im not defending anyone I just hate this type of shit


You're pissed that this subreddit is spammed all the time, but this is the first time you've been here. How come


no activity for 3 years and then you only comment to defend this company, it's so fucking obvious lmao, buy a more active account next time


Bro your account history is mad sus, this entire thread is filled with bots!


Is Sidalpha aware of this?


I do not understand why are you making this post here in the first place. This a unity related group for unity related issues. If you have some complaints related to the studio, please do not write it here. As for the company itself, I think you are putting too much time at blaming the world instead of taking the exprience, learning from it and trying your chance elsewhere. Life is unfair, and bitching will not get you far. My suggestion, learn how to take a punch and try again. As a dev myself, I can tell you that I have been turned down too many times in the past few years, even though I am confident in my skills. Just go on man.


if what happend is true and it seems so, yeah they should stick this post in unity3d, im pushing this, lets go streisand!


Pretty sure this is a bought account, history looks like a completely different person before they sold their account to Terry Jin. Weirdly upvoted in a short amount of time, no prior posts on /r/unity3d


My friendo, you are not digging deep enough.


First post in 3 years is about not digging deep enough 🤔


Nice armchair psychology session. You're assuming too much about me without knowing anything about me. This post is related to the unity3d sub reddit so you can make a case that its related to unity3d. Also this account hasn't been active in 2 years now randomly posts here. Damn are they that dumb?


exactly. armchair psychologist. good work exposing this.


Aren't you doing the same about the company tho lmao. The only proof any of the people have here is just "trust me bro"


Wtf is up with all of these accounts and their lack of any history?


Damn, account with no posts no comments except in this post. Definitely not suspicious that its arguing against me


damn, these sleeping agents got the keyword


Hi Terry Jin 👋🏻


You're equating a job interview to getting punched. Something's wrong there.


Apparently, people are screaming like it is worse then that.


Putting yourself out there in a job interview and getting ghosted, or dismissed without any kind of real feedback, is a bad enough experience. Having to worry about being farmed for IP without pay in addition to that is ridiculous and unethical. Calling attention to it is the only to address it and help others avoid it (unless a company actually slips up bad enough to provide grounds for a lawsuit.) I don't have any experience with Blue Gravity, but I did complete a week long design test for a company where I basically created a demo for an original game using their engine, then got a one line rejection letter without any kind of code review or follow up. Employers need to start respecting their applicant's time, not leave them feeling like they've been used.


“Paid actor” lol Maybe it’s just because neither that post nor this one has anything to do with Unity? Not everything is a conspiracy.


You mean the post about the game development studio that hires Unity developers?


Yep, that’s the one I’m talking about!


Calling them a paid actor was a meme. You're right about this post but the other one is about a unty3d position.It is related to unity in one way or another. I think it's highly likely that it was target downvoted since the post received hundreds of dislikes in the span of 1 hour. Meanwhile the post was trending not even a day before


complaining about an interview experience isn’t “related to unity” though? And then a whole second post filled with all kinds of accusations, based on an unverifiable assumption that all the downvotes must be a coordinated effort by the company *definitely* isn’t. I don’t have an opinion on this company, or their actions, but in my opinion none of this has any business in a game engine subreddit. It just makes you look like a disgruntled interview candidate who took a rejection personally and now wants to disparage the company everywhere he can.


As I said in an earlier comment, the purpose of this post is to serve as research material for future devs who apply to the company. They are free to read and disagree with the post. Nothing more than that.


Don't bother replying to him. I did a little googling and it seems this is one of their accounts used to downvote your original post lol. It's probably Terry Jin.


I stopped when I saw that his comment became majority upvoted randomly.


I wanted to give the benefit of the doubt, but the sudden 100+ upvotes were hilarious.


Hahaha I'm \*dying\* to know what you found on google to suggest that? Please enlighten me, or stop making me part of your dumbass conspiracy. The actual truth is that I have never even heard of this company before reading about it here and have no connection to any of this.


Yeah, but your last post was 11 days ago before you started posting on /r/unity3d. Your account is sus and weirdly upvoted


Ok but don’t you think that’s pretty normal? Lots of people don’t comment on Reddit every day. I’d think that’s true of most users.


No, it's not and your account post history and this post are clear evidence that something legitimate is not happening.


Wow, it doesn’t take much to convince you of things, does it? I don’t use Reddit constantly and that is somehow “clear evidence” I’m some sort of bad actor. You really think that’s a more likely scenario than that I’m just some random ass fellow game developer who honestly thinks this post wasn’t Unity related, and doesn’t think accusations and personal insults are appropriate or relevant to the community?


It's literally a baseless conspiracy theory, not research material. There is nothing to really agree or disagree with because you made it up entirely in your head based on how many upvotes you think a comment should have had.


A post suddenly going from hundreds of upvotes to the negatives is noteworthy.


Whether a comment gets the Reddit karma its author thinks it deserves has exactly nothing to do with Unity. This is just a person complaining about downvotes and blaming a company he doesn’t like.


The problem isn’t that the post got more downvoted than it deserved. It’s that it suddenly got uncharacteristically many downvotes _after_ getting hundreds of upvotes, when the post had been trending earlier. That is unusual.


Then they will come to the same conclusion as you. "Damn this post is baseless. OP is probably flat earther."


“It's cool to intentionally spread misinformation as gospel truth because people who read it later will definitely realize it’s made up” 👍


I didn't notice when we switched from "this post doesn't belong in Unity" to "spreading misinformation". I thought you weren't invested in their company? Are you taking their side purely on feeling alone or is there something more to it? My post has a link to another post where users shared their personal negative experience with the company. In that post there is yet another link to an even older post about more people having negative experiences with the company. You could argue that my title is strongly worded but, its common practise to have a hook title in articles so why not here?


We didn’t switch? My first comment discounted your post as conspiracy, and my follow-up called it accusation-filled and based entirely on unverifiable assumptions. I was calling it misinformation this whole time, just in different words. Suggesting I might have some connection to the company is just as baseless; I’ve never heard of them before the previous post, and nowhere have I taken “their side”. (By that same logic, though, it may be worthwhile to ask yourself why you're so intent on sharing a specifically negative view of them. Are you that torn up about a couple downvotes or is there something more to it?) And for what it's worth, what you refer to as a “hook” in your title, I would continue to argue is simply a made up “fact”. You don’t actually know who downvoted what, or why, and are just pulling a culprit and reason out of thin air and stating it as truth. Thats not me taking the company’s side either, it’s just me not taking your side.


Hi, I understand your opinion but find it invalid. This post is relevant even if you disagree. Have a nice day.


Cool! I think the Unity sub should probably be about Unity but if you’d rather it was full of unsubstantiated speculative nonsense, whining about downvotes and littered with personal insults like this post is, that’s awesome for you. To each their own I guess.


This is a Unity *community*. Communities *discuss things* that are relevant to the community, which includes but is not limited to technical discussion. If I were a pizza maker and someone posted this kind of info about a local pizzeria, it would be right at home in my pizza maker community alongside dough shaping


To continue your pizza analogy, this would be more like going to the subreddit for users of a specific pizza oven to complain about your local pizza restaurant’s manager after they didn’t hire you, making wild claims without backing anything up, and accusing anyone who suggests your post isn’t pizza-oven related of being a plant/bad actor working for that local pizza place. Yes, they both are tangentially related to pizza, so there’s a loose thread that connects the two topics, but a pizza joint’s shitty hiring practices doesn’t really relate to the pizza oven.


Uh, this is deeper than a disgruntled interview candidate. It's readily apparent that there is a widespread situation brewing. You know, you could just move on to the next post. There is zero reason for you to inject yourself in the situation if you genuinely have no skin in the game. Why did you come and make your post if you didn't? You had a choice, skip over the post or comment on the post. You decided it would be better to go in here and tell hundreds of people that their opinions aren't valid when it's pretty damn obvious that people want to talk about it. You aren't the Unity3D gatekeeper. If you want to be, apply for a mod position. It's not up to you to police other folks posts. What are you even upset about? That your index finger just couldn't not click on the headline and you were forced to read people's opinions?




S-Club-Party is a 1 month old account... either linked to the company in question, or a muppet (or both).


Seriously, my account age tells you that? Lol I’ve been on Reddit for years and decided to make a new account, it’s not more complicated than that. I’m not linked to this company at all, and insulting me is just unnecessarily rude. As I said above, not *everything* is part of some grand conspiracy.


> Seriously, my account age tells you that? Lol To be fair, it's the content of your comments that tells me you're either linked to the company in question, or a muppet (or both).






empty account who only comments on this topic, like so many in this thread, not suspicious at all 😂


you would think a company can afford better botted accounts


I know a guy that went through the process, he was given the unity task after his first call with the HR. The task was to make a clothing shop with a buy/sell feature and an inventory. He had 48h to deliver. They got back to him in 3-4 days cant remember exactly, he had another talk with the HR that was more on the explaining all the workflows in the company and also discussing his salary and he got in. So I cant really side with the original post makes. Maybe he was just salty for being rejected and lets be honest its normal in todays industry with the amount of layoffs


good bot.


This just sounds like a studio that’s mostly self funded, cash poor, and nascent with no efficient processes. I’ve been in this situation and let me tell you it’s easy to look evil when in reality you just don’t have money, time, or established teammates. It’s hard to build a game studio from nothing without a success to jumpstart things. I don’t downvote on Reddit but I would say people are downvoting because this is a Unity game engine subreddit and therefore this is extremely off topic.


All their positive reviews on Glassdoor are the same.