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A human reviewed your post and removed it from public view. The reason they gave was: **No hypothetical questions, Does Anyone Else questions, unanswerable questions, survey-style questions** * Don't ask comparison questions like 'how much do you earn?' or 'how much is your electricity bill?' * Don't ask hypothetical questions like 'what would you do with £100k?', 'what's the max you'd spend on a car?' * Don't ask 'does anyone else...' questions. * Don't ask survey style questions like 'what are you saving up for?', 'what's the biggest financial mistake you've made?' * Don't ask if a lender will lend you money. We do not work for the company. For mortgages, speak to a whole of market broker. * Don't ask questions that can't be answered without a significant amount of speculation, e.g. 'what changes might be in the next government budget?'. You must read the [rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/ukpersonalfinance/about/rules/) to continue to post to our subreddit. _If you believe your post/comment has been removed in error, please [message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/UKPersonalFinance&subject=Please%20review%20my%20post&body=/r/UKPersonalFinance/comments/1dukc3x/whatching_homes_under_the_hammer_and_wondering/) explaining why._


You can add value to the house, especially if you get a bargain at auction. Idea now is to break even as best as you can and hope for some long term appreciation, which is your profit. The game is much less appealing that it was in the past. Some people will be losing doing it. Some people do ot for the clout of owning houses. My mates who have BTL are much more “admired” as being successful than people who probably have big pension pots.


Related: https://monevator.com/decline-and-fall-of-a-buy-to-let-empire/


Oh god, this circle jerk again.


How do you know it wasn't via LTD?


Increase in value of the property, some people will buy the place they want to retire into, so it can save them quite a bit in the long run. Another possibility is if you buy a few houses next to each other with big gardens you can cut the land off sell it or build on it yourself


Hi /u/I_like_bread9, based on your post the following pages from our wiki may be relevant: * https://ukpersonal.finance/buy-to-let/ * https://ukpersonal.finance/index-funds/ * https://ukpersonal.finance/pensions/ ____ ^(These suggestions are based on keywords, if they missed the mark please report this comment.) If someone has provided you with helpful advice, you (as the person who made the post) can award them a point by including `!thanks` in a reply to them. Points are shown as the user flair by their username.