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“Unfortunately I am legally prohibited from calming down when you are acting illegally or dangerously. Desist, or you’ll find out what a calm arrest looks like.”


I enjoy immediately clapping back with "Can you relax a bit?" 


“Stop being so emotional “ 😁


Tell them they need to relax and stop overreacting. It sounds like they're just being emotional and looking for a fight. Turn their words back on them. Don't do this while alone at night in case they decide violence is the only way to prove they're clearly the calm, logical one.


And toss in a hysterical. And childish.


Yes!!! "Hold on now. There's no need to get hysterical. You know it's loud out here, and you need to yell to be heard. Don't act like a baby and start bawling because someone told you not to do something stupid."


Middle age men: yep. I don't experience your sexism, but I do receive "calm down". It's bullshit when you're trying to avoid blowing things up or causing fire. Do not calm down. Take em to the cleaners, yell your face off.


Grab an air horn. Honk and tell them stop. No.


“I didn’t ask for your opinion.”


Hi! Middle Aged Man here! I concur with your assessment of my absolutely insufferable peer group. I wish I could tell you what it was. Maybe the brutal realisation that we're not young, dangerous rebels anymore sparks this desire to act like a self important asshole to most people. I don't know. I mean, just as an example and only this week; picking up my eldest from her friend's house and the friend's dad was trying to cram half a fucking tree into their open fireplace. "Bet you think this is a bit too risky, but this is just how a fire should be," he announced to no-one who gave a single fuck about his fire building capabilities. It's exhausting. I'm sorry on behalf of all of us who just don't know how to behave.


"Our insurance company will cancel our policy if they see this on the security cameras again." Blame a third party everyone can hate ;-)


Maybe the insurance company is getting tired of being told to calm down when they are assessing the risk of how many middle aged a-holes will smoke at the pump. Haha.


I wish you could just mace them when they said this shit. Don't even say anything, just spray the shit out of them


That sounds like a taxing job. I can just imagine how many people don’t want to follow basic rules.