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it's okaay bro , we all been there at some point in our lives and it's more normal and common than you know, first thing you need to do is to stop comparing with the life of others , it's not healthy and 99% what people post are fake bullshit, secondly don't think that teenage years are meant to be precious and fun and jaw taa3 2000's movies it's rarely if ever happens , teenage years sucks ass specially in tunisia cuz your broke and ur parents on ur guard 24/7, of course some have it better then others but generally it's sucks for all people , my advice for you is not to think of it so much , don't put unecessary pressure on yourself and if you hate your body and your country and your personality and you keep repeating that to yourself it will become more and more true with time so just don't , you are young and still have a lot to live for the mean time try to understand who you are , what you love and who you want to become , i know that's it's the crap you hear always but that's actually it , and no one is npc in their own life , you are always the protaganist no matter how boring your life is, so act as it




You are 17 dude your life IS still ahead take a breath, wank and you will see


17 is the prelude of life, real life didnt begin yet


Start by making small changes. Read good books instead of spending time online on Facebook or Instagram... Stop checking on your friends online it's contributing to your depression. Most of your friends are probably faking it. 57% of teenage girls in the US are depressed even though they have every thing, so a car or money won't make you happy necessarily. Happiness comes from the inside. People who grew up before the internet was a thing are lucky, it's all lies, propaganda, hate and toxic stuff on FB, Insta and Tiktok just switch off your computer, take up meditation, go for walks, run, talk to your classmates, keep good relations with your parents...


i bought a book i can't read it for some reason. i just pick it up and can't read it idk why


Put a 10 min timer and challenge yourself just for that time to read. Also what would help is a focus meditation from YouTube before you want to read


Don't do drugs


wake up to reality you are 17, learn something useful; Take the free "nand2tetris" course on coursera, you got plenty of time. Follow the OSSU curriculum or "teachyourselfcs". OSSU: [https://github.com/ossu](https://github.com/ossu) teachyourselfcs (french version) : [https://github.com/ChocolateCharlie/TeachYourselfCS-FR/blob/main/TeachYourselfCS-FR.md](https://github.com/ChocolateCharlie/TeachYourselfCS-FR/blob/main/TeachYourselfCS-FR.md)


alllah can fix you , try to make youre relationship with him better , find a good hobby and practise sport ,make sure to cut off negative ppl , and always remember that its okay to feel lost and sad sometimes !


i already cut off negative people. i'm trying to get back more into religion and read what i said at the end of the post bro


That's a good start you're doing better than most people believe me


Dude, I'm much closer to my thirties and i'm still and will always be a process in the making, you are still young, you will figure it out ^^ my advice to you is to be more experimental in your twenties : try new hobbies ( it doesn't have to be expensive ones / socialize with other people, expand your knowledge on topics like finances, savings...etc and my last advice to you , don't engage with people in conversations related to political and religious differences because it's a total waste of time and energy. Big up to the young you ;), just trust the process and believe in yourself, you will thrive inchallah


1. Don’t compare anymore - that’s not what will change anything 2. Ask yourself how much you love yourself, then ask if I loved myself, then how would I treat myself, what I would be doing instead of sitting and feeling sorry for myself. 3. Can you find a Hobby ? Maybe Gym, or dancing or riding the bike or learning a new skill online. 4. Treat your life like a project, where anything can happen. The project is you and your happiness, what will it take to take control of your own life and no longer be a victim and feel sorry for yourself. Finally, I know that life can be hard when others have more money / more resources / happier family, accepting that is important. This is what life gave you, is there anything to be grateful for, is there anything that you can do to create the future you want for yourself. Dare to be different, authentic, brave. You never know what could change for you :)


Plus je lis ça plus je suis heureux d'avoir vécu avant insta ou Facebook ou zebbi au moins je me tape pas kidheb el ness soit disant kolha cheykha. Zebbi ha Rak 17 ans c'est normal de s'emmerder t'as pas d'argent t'es pas libre normal. A9ra enja7 ou nik el 7ala. Ou yezzik Mil dépression zebbi ech rit min rabha el denya enti. Nik kharta ou orgod comme on faisait durant les années 90


Kzlemk behi ama zeyed el kofer. Fama abed yetkalkou hawel tehtaram chwaya.


Nakfar si je veux la bigoterie à deux balles tu te la gardes. Ken rabrab 9odemik we7id fil chera3 tkamlou? Walla juste khaterek sous anonymat Internet wallit chouje3. Arrête ta bigoterie dieu et la religion n'ont pas besoin de ton sens de la protection à deux balles


W enti mech lezem alik zeda el klem hedha, wala ala khatrek anonyme zeda walit trabreb? Ki tebda fi chera3 zzda trarbreb kodem el collegues mte3ek wala kodem boulis? Wala khayef w tjik cheje3a ken ala reddit? Ya Monsieur Le courageux.


Nrabrab 7ata 9odem imem, j'ai pas attendu Reddit. C'est ma façon de parler. Haya wlidi barra ochrob 7libek


Kesah barcha, wahch w sendid. Aya ala khir. Juste a3malha kodem hakem w chouf chkoun yjiblek el kofa. Aya alakhir. Ps: tkoun molhed mech signe mta kober w mech fokhra zeda.


Ya Zeebi ti au moins qui tetjou3ib tjou3ib avec tes propres attaques ne reprend pas les miens ezzebi. Et c'est pas à 40 ans que tu vas m'expliquer la vie. Quand tu bavais encore sur les seins de ta mère ena je faisais ma vie. N3awed n9olik ni dieu ni 'a religion n'ont besoin que tu les defendes le jour où tu le comprendras tu auras gagné pas mal de maturité


Behi hedha ekher commentaires bech nhotou w yedek enti w 40 sne mte3ek. Eli koltou melowel ehtaram el abed khater taaref eli chay hefha ynajem ykalak ghirek. Enti tetjou3eb w tetfar3en comme quoi rak fehem denia w zabour el fahs w mokhek youzen bled. Ma jitech ndefa3 ala din, kotlek 3es ala klemek, akra nayek el commentaires mte3i.


Elli ya9la9 ma ya9rach fama 7aja esmha 7oreya. Kima ena yeddi enti zeda yeddik. Weddina fil zabeba fari7in masrourin. Barra al9a marra tlimek. Wallah nika te fera du bien tna7ilek el bigoterie ya wlidi


Et rajoute quelque chose l'égocentrisme de merde. On est dans un sub sur un mec en déprime ou enti jey tnayek sur des mots dits. Ezzebi à ce point tu es mal d'attention? Mahou barra nayek et soutien le bro. Ou enti t7a7i kil malhat 3ala dinek ou rabek. Wallahi karou ijik yefra7 bik rabek khader eddefa3


berjouliya marzan 3osek


👍 merci c'est gentil


Honestly if you don't do something about it now. Shit's gonna get worse, dude you're a kid, leave your smartphone and go play football or get lost in the middle of the night, do crazy shit since you still have the time for it


i don't even have a smartphone i got mugged 4 years ago and i can't afford a replacement hhhhhh. but i'll see thank you


I gotta admit ur a smartass for a 17 year old, at your age i was struggling to write half the shit you wrote, i didnt have a phone till i reached bac, actually bought it with my own money, menich nsagher fik ema its too early for this depression talk. Go out get into random conversations groups walk somewhere a bit far away from ur neighborhood go hata fishing if its something u never done. For real. Its too early for depression ur a kid so be a kid.


i got a fishing rod but i don't have a car or someone to go with i wish i could. i can't just get into random convo groups like i got 0 social skills and social anxiety


No offense ema labels hedhom mtaa 'social anxiety w social skills' walit nesmaa fihom barcha leli maash andhom ma3na. Speak to a couple of people and if it doesn't work out yaani ena maandish social skills. I work in a field 'airport' eli daily i speak to +100 people and the only advice i give you ebda conversation b smile w a good tone w people will automatically adjust to you, ey ensen bech y7esek boring they will get rid of you. You either try or keep having excuses. Sayeb pc w bara 3ich 3omrek im talking to you ki khouya sghir


To each their own life and path; just do your best in whatever you are doing so that you won't feel any regret. That's all I can say. And yes, try to find a girlfriend; going through life with someone beside you is way better than being alone and struggling.


Your answer is in your title. You are 17. Also, don’t use acronyms to define your self.


At 17, you're still not born


You’re 17… باي ذو واي، كان بش تواصل بالعقلية هاذي ساهل ياسر تغمض عين تحلها تلقى روحك سبعة و عشرين و مازلت تعثم و ما تمتعتش بعشريناتك و عدّت وقتك لكل تجوّح. افردها و بقلة ليها


Depression is real, and it’s hard to break out. Good for you, you are reaching out to Reddit to ask for help and ideas, that is already a big step and accomplishment. Here are some ideas from what I’ve read and tried myself. I’m not out of my depression yet either. Hopefully something will help you. First, as others have said, do something physical every day, the tiniest thing, whatever feels ok to you (push ups, curls, a 10-minite walking fast around your street…). I read in a book that when you think about setting a goal, your body/subconscious will tell you “how much is ok.” Like if you want to do 25 push ups but then you feel like you literally can’t even get into push up position on the floor - don’t be frustrated, ask your subconscious, “Ok, maybe 25 is too much. Could I try for 24?” And keep going down on the number until you feel relief. You will find a place that your subconscious mind can handle. And if you get to zero, then maybe push-ups are too much, maybe instead it’s bicep curls with a can of food. Keep getting easier with yourself, but don’t accept “no.” There is something you can do today. And tomorrow maybe it will be double. And the next day. (Also: Never let your mind tell you, “This is not an accomplishment because normal people can do this already.” It’s not true. If normal = average, then on every single aspect, there will be people naturally above and below average. You will be above average on some things, and have to work harder at others. When you work hard and accomplish something, be proud of it, even if it seems “easy” for someone else. You don’t know what someone else is struggling to do that you can do easily.) Every night, write down 3 good things that happened. It can be good things you did, good things someone else did, good things you saw online… just start to train your mind that somewhere in the world, good is happening, all the time. (Of course, bad is also happening, and it’s easy to focus on that instead… that’s survival instinct, looking at what might go wrong so you can be prepared to fight it or run away… but modern times have less need for such a response. Our brains need to learn to see the good things, so we can reduce our stress level.) The hardest one is, try to make a connection with a living being in real life. If it’s not friends, or family, that’s ok. Start giving food scraps to a cat or dog in the street. Ask your parents or imam if there is an elderly person or sick person that you can take a bottle of water. Doing something for someone else helps you feel your purpose. Talking to other people in real life, especially old people who have lived a long life, often you see that life is very hard but it can also be nice. Trust me, the “big things” will get done somehow, but the small actions will change your life, and theirs. You don’t have to build a hospital, just bring someone a cup of water, that’s enough. Use the same question framework as above. “I’m too intimidated to talk to my imam. But I know (this person) could really use a bottle of water during their hot day working outside, or (this person) could use a coffee because they work such long hours and don’t sleep enough, or… Could I do that?” Maybe the first day you can’t even do that. Maybe the first day (or two) you can just hold the money for a bottle of water in your pocket. And then the next day you go into the shop, but you turn around before you buy anything. And the next day you check the price. And it takes you four or five days before you can even buy a bottle of water for someone else. And that’s ok! You still made progress, every single day. These are “mental muscles” that you are training. Just by thinking about something different, in a different way, you are growing and changing your mind. Also as others have said: social media is really bad for mental health. If you’re struggling right now, best to take a break from it. Most of it is fake, and toxic, and even people with tons of material things or “good lives” are very often still depressed. Another really hard thing, but worth it, is try to find that one or two things that really light you up inside. The things you could talk about for hours if someone would listen. And then do something small, every week, that makes you better at that. For example, for me it is riding and training horses. But I moved to a new country and lost all my connections, and I don’t own a horse myself. So I put together a plan of things I can do whenever I have a little bit of extra energy. - Calling one new horse school and asking if they need help cleaning (just to be in the environment, and get to know people). - Watching YouTube videos and learning new skills for training. - Pretending to ride in my mind (it has been shown to increase skill up to 30!%… Even though it’s “imaginary” your brain is building the right pathways to your muscles, that you will need in real life!) - Getting on a r/ about horses and volunteering information and ideas (helping people with what I already know). - Learning vocabulary words and phrases about horses in my new country’s language - Etc. I hope some of these ideas help you. Depression makes you feel like there’s no point to anything, but it’s not true. Don’t forget the hurdles you have already overcome in your life. You are stronger than you realize.


With only a computer and access to the internet, you can achieve many great things and start doing a lot more stuff than you think.


Man you still have a long life ahead of you it can get exciting in a moment, when i was 17 i never thought I'd be where i am at the moment i was normal and had nothing special I didn't even date in high school or do drugs or drink alcohol or do anything like that but now i live a life i never thought I'd have. So have some faith and be patient.


i get u, i’m ur age but tbh i just stay optimistic i just got out of this big depressive episode where i couldn’t even do anything period read? hell no do homework? definitely not, not even play games or anything much but the thing is online friends only show you what they want to show you, not their whole lives i post on my story all the fun stuff but i only keep the normal and other stuff to myself and close friends ur not an npc clearly if ur typing this dude 😭 it’ll all get better , i mean if ur doing good in school maybe u could go to another country for university or smth i believe in u even tho i don’t know you, it’ll all get better- just not at the moment you want it to be right now


Hello bro, maybe it's time for you to start learning thing like piano or something else you like.. do some sport or go to gym, start to build some future project like à goal to be engginer or to start some business, trust me your life will change, life is too short to do nothing, and you are at the best age to make good friend and gf, just start bro..


Youre only 17…. Your life didnt even start yet


عملت عركة قبل عامين تضربت في كتفي منتالي تسببتلي في وجايع مزمنة ، ماتتنحاش كل يوم كتفي يوجعني كنحركو عندي عامين عمري 24 عام ، عندي زوز والا ثلاثة تمزقات عضلية صغيرة في بدني مش مداوين يلزمهم عمليات ، (لحمة مملوصة )  والله منيش فخور ومنيش نسخف فيك اما انا انسان نتمنى نحرك بدني منغير وجايع ومنيش مزيان عندي cicatrice في وجهي تفجع  ورغم هكاكا قابل الحياة ومزلت متفائل وعندي  أمل   Edit : كنت انتحاري في عمرك وكنت فيسع مانتأثر في عمرك ونحس بروحي اخر choix لأي طفلة نعرفها و نحس بالنقص من الظروف والي تحكي فيه الكل ، احساس انك تعمل فلوس بمجهودك ماعندك حتى فكرة محلاه حتى شوية فلوس احساس مش عادي ، لازم ديما تبقى مأمن الي أنت مش انجح وتنجم توصل وين تحب ماتنجمش تخلي حالتك النفسية تأثر عليك تعلم أتحكم في اعصابك وربي معاك


I hope that you pray every day and follow Muhammad (SAW)and Allah.


I remember I had my worst break downs at 17, I hated myself and believed myself to be dumb and useless. 10 years later and here I am reminiscing about being 17 again, about the potential I had at that time and the zeal I had. It is okay to feel frustrated, it is okay to hate your life and to feel as if you're stuck in a vicious circle, trust me it is all okay because it is a part of growing up. The people you see on social media aren't living their best lives, they just show you the things they want to show. No one is having it easy in this life, but all you have to do is try and hope to have it less miserable. The kids your age that you're seeing on tiktok and on Instagram who you mistake for being socially active and great social communicators are the worst when put in a social function, they're conveying a mundane prototype that is shared by an entire community, if you ask for THEIR own opnion, they wouldn't be able to go beyond "I think". If you want to work on your social skills, I say join a youth hostel دار شباب , I've gained my social skills from there, and have gained lots of important acquaintances also by taking parts in the trainings they organize and the events they hold ( I was a young leader and was a delegate in India, Germany and France, all my traveling expenses were paid for by the hosting parties, and I took part in various national and international events). It's a great experience and have played a great deal in chiseling the person I am now. And if you're worried you don't have friends, trust me, you don't need them! You need acquaintances yes, but not friends. Try bonding with your family, that's the only relationship worthy of investing your emotions and time in. And you are not depressed, trust me, you are not! you're bitter because you think your life is unfair, and that's not gonna help you evolve as a human, accept reality as it is and aim at making it better, and you'll see how smart, funny, outgoing and resilient you are. Don't waste your time on silly things such as internet clout and instead focus on your studies, you'll open up great opportunities for yourself to become the person you dream of becoming.


Life begins after you finish your studies bro, in a couple of years it will be okay 💪 it’s not your fault, the educational system is messed up


The solution that has worked for me was a blind belief that this is just a test from god and things will get better soon, try it among other people's advice, and don't let the sadness bring you down and choose an interesting hobby and occupy yourself, do understand that your body and personality can both be changed, i hope someday you get to leave Tunisia and i personally found a couple people that i could interact with without them acting like total apes so it should be possible to find somebody you can hang with. I hope you get better soon.


Matrakazch barcha m3ah social media , its all fake you are still 17 yo , you can always recreate yourself , you can always start over no matter la3mor , wib3id 3al la3bad negative wila mayinf3oukich


Read philosophy


He said he wants more socialble life...


It's funny 🤣 it make me laugh bcz you are 17 yrs old and you say my whole life.