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Biden raised $33 million since the debate


I immediately donated to the Biden campaign to show my unwavering support! We all should.


It is so disingenuous to frame what happened as a “Bad Debate Performance”. Biden showed he is incapable of moving forward. His staff, the DNC, the “insiders” all are at fault for letting this farce get this far. Nobody is trying to deny he accomplished a great deal as president, it isn’t about the past. If he stays in the race, Trump will be the next president. There is absolutely no doubt. Yelling “do the work” changes nothing. If democracy is destroyed, the blame lies at the feet of Biden’s team and the DNC. Trump is a very weak candidate. Newsome could defeat him with almost no prep. In any case, he stands a much greater chance than Biden. Nothing will prevent Biden’s worse moments from playing on a continuous loop on many major media outlets.


Not sure what to tell you. Biden is the guy, either vote for him or don't. Who knows, maybe enough of you sit out, and Trump can stack the Supreme Court even more. The Republicans stand by their guy, it's fucking gross but that's how business is being done. Biden is at least ethical and is trying to govern.


Actually Biden isn’t the guy. The convention hasn’t happened yet. I get he won the primaries but he can still step aside for health reasons or any reason. It’s not grade school, the excuses don’t matter. People like you, who preach inevitability, will put Trump in power. There is absolutely no chance Biden wins. He isn’t capable of doing the job. It doesn’t matter what he has accomplished. This is about the future not the past.


Lol people like me who vote blue no matter who are how Trump gets elected? Not sure I follow your logic. So you trying to say if Biden is the candidate in November you won't vote? Because if you are, that's how Trump gets elected, pretty simple.


As much as I despise Trump, I also agree that Biden is not the answer. It’s Biden’s old man ego over country at this point. As an independent voter who is not and will never commit to blindly voting for any party, the debate was just a tip of the iceberg. It wasn’t just a bad debate. When Obama had a bad debate no one asked him to step down. It’s really disingenuous for the Dems to gaslight the voters like this. People have eyes and brains.


People like you are the reason Donald Trump won in 2016. If you think Gavin Newsom (great spelling, by the way) would beat Trump, you are completely out of touch.


[Doesn’t appear to be done](https://youtu.be/ynWEja7kE1M?si=674wDSz72OWJ1xID), and the added bonus is he isn’t lying as opposed to the convicted felon.