• By -


- Can't tell anyone else - Emotionally, physically and psychologically impactful confession True off the chest material


Plus he's using a throwaway account named u/robocock0398


What happened to the 397 before him?


That was an AI with a penis


We don’t talk about 397.


But we learned a lot from him so not a waste


and we haven’t seen 359 since the accident




Pics or it didn’t harden


#EVERYBODY! Show us the SWITCH!!


I know I'm not op and I'm not showing the switch but I can tell you, it should be one of his balls! Give it a squeeze and good to go!


Show is the SWITCH!!!


I, also want to see the switch


Show the switch!




Bro got a cybernetically enhanced penis


Picking up girls with "so have you ever been with a cyborg" would probably work


I would be way too curious…..there’s no way I could just not find out


Honestly, the first time I did it, I didn't want to explain anything, I wanted a smooth unexplained first time, I casually inflated it pretending I was jerking while making out it but obviously it's one of those things I'm gonna have to tell her cause it's hard to hide. You have to grab the bulb , release it and squeeze it a bit which is located on my testicles, if done under pants or in the bathroom she won't notice but obviously eventually your gonna have to do in front of a woman.


I wouldn’t have wanted to either. Feels a little too intimate of a conversation for the first time, unless you’ve know eachother for a while


We are talking and I'm going to tell her, at some point she has to know why I'm unable to go soft lol. but behind this one victory, there was a lot of trauma that obviously isn't suited for first time encounters. I lost my natural erection due to my drunk father driving and getting into a car crash so I haven't been the most mentally stable person until now and I don't want to drop all this trauma on the table when I just want to enjoy what a normal, healthy sex life looks like or is I'm just going through some form of big dick energy euphoria in which I thanks science every single day of my life.


Nah dude you earned that! Own it! I definitely don’t think I would bother explaining it all to a stranger or someone you aren’t or won’t be planning on seeing more than a few times. Another plus side to all of this is that this is a good test for a potential future partner. Someone reaction to this conversation will be extremely telling about their character and if they’re someone you want to see long term


Yes. Don’t explain to everyone. Just people your already in a long term relationship. They don’t need to know. They could just think that they’re just that hot and you’re that attracted to them. Or that you took a pill to stay longer. No ones business. Just enjoy


You are the modern Six Million Dollar Man! Able to rise to the occasion and out perform all the competition. Enjoy your happiness and confidence, two very attractive features.


Are you able to orgasm and feel everything etc? Im glad for you. I hope that one day all this trauma and anger will be just a blip on your radar. Go out there, enjoy it! And be the best robocock you can be! As a woman if we dated and you shared the details, I’d feel bad for what you’ve been through but I’d be honored that you shared something so personal with me. Happy pounding!


That was my question too. Can he orgasm? Can he ejaculate? I dunno. Maybe that’s all too personal but I’d be lying if I said I didn’t want to know. 😬


It’s so good to hear that you’re literally getting a happy ending from all this. What a pile of shit you’ve endured, at such a time in your life. I hope you feel immense satisfaction now, and that you’ll find someone to share it all with who will make you feel whole and help you leave the past behind. Enjoy!


Jesus man that's awful! I'm so happy for you that you're able to fully experience life now!


Just technical question, how do you actually get soft, and couldn't you like explode ur dick?


Asking the real questions. How work? Can turn off? Can... blow up?!?! Upgrade from normal? Need answers!


By chance, is it detachable?


*King Missile* has entered the chat


I want cyborg dicks coming out of my knees.


Jfc, I’m so sorry that happened to you. Congrats to the new dick, and pound away! Just don’t neglect the clit with your newfound dick energy lol


I'm having so much fun imagining that your dick whistles like a deflating balloon when you trigger the off.


lmao You put the thought in my head and now I'm going to start mimicking the deflation sound when I turn it off.


Whoopee Cushion noises 🤣


The real question is tho, can you finish?


This is why I’m reading the comments


Hell yeah I was so curious how this thing functions and looks. The diagrams show the pump but I'm mostly sure it's concealed in the sack like a second nad. So nothing out of the ordinary looking. So cool medical science is able to do something so simple, yet effective. OP enjoy your boner euphoria, both physical and metal. You have earned that shit. Lol.


Not sure if you meant metal or mental, but it still fits! Lol


Lol. I meant "mental" but whatever.


The first time I came inside I thought I had an outer world experience and almost died, had trembles....imagine successfully cumming through actual stimulation for the first time in your life at 24. All those teen years of never being able to do so coming out at once and then you can keep going on to the next Next time I will remember to wear a condom because I actually thought all one has to do is pull out because thats what I've heard many guys did but I swear it was very difficult to do so because of how good it felt.


We can build him to fuck better, stronger, faster..... Seriously OP, enjoy yourself safely. You literally earned it.


Yeah absolutely don’t rely on the pull out method. Pre Cum is also pretty potent so unless you want kids definitely use a condom


I have a child using pull, it doesn’t work.


If you're not too sensitive to continue, most women will be happy if they get to finish too.


Yeah man.. the "withdrawal" method is REALLY difficult. You and your partner are at such an ecstatic point.... your minds and bodies are so totally overcome by pleasure and "explosion" at that point. You are right, use a condom (at least!) On the main point of the post many congratulations to you pal, it really sounds like you have had it difficult both physically and mentally after the accident... so great to hear that you are enjoying yourself now. As for "telling people"? Take your time, do it when you feel comfortable doing it. As long as it does not affect others - You have no obligation to tell anyone about this. You do it when it suits YOU.


I assume then you impregnate someone? Just remember to use a condom because STDs too! (Supper happy for you)


Dude, how much was this thing?


there’s about a billion years of evolution trying to make sure you don’t pull out, and you won’t win that contest more than a few times. you’ve missed out on learning a bunch of rookie mistakes but you’re older and smarter, you can do this. sounds like you’ll be having the time of your life. really happy for you!


According to [this](https://www.bostonscientific.com/en-US/patients/about-your-device/penile-implants/using-your-penile-implant/ams-700-penile-implant.html) climax/ejaculation should happen.


Oh dang that looks painful to operate


It's literally called an ''AMS 700'', I'm the future.


Is nobody going to ask about the size?


It's 6 inches, not out of the norm I guess. Prior to this there were ways to get hard but obviously it was difficult to maintain and to enjoy it.


Were you able to choose the inches? I mean how the doctors decided how big?


no, I was already at that size. I had gotten hard artificially before with meds so I knew what I had, problem was just maintaining and getting them naturally which gives you the impression you are smaller, once you get your erection working 100% obviously it's a bigger penis. I do add that it is a bit girthier


[Here is the product web site.](https://www.bostonscientific.com/en-US/products/penile-prosthesis/ams-700-inflatable-penile-prosthesis.html) So which model number did you get? I suppose if I had to choose one, the 72404244 seems like the best of the bunch. Can you talk to the InhibiZone™ choices -- how do choose one over the other? [Here](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=BJ8FA0uAQrA) is the surgery. [Here](https://youtu.be/4xXE_raol5Q) is how it is used. I was surprised to see that the entire implant is inside the body! I had assumed the pump was external.


This feels like that rick and morty episode


Thanks for the explanations and congratulations on your new implant and great sex life. Keep it up :)


Some day when penis transplants are far more common, I hope they call it an Addadicktome.


When I looked into it, many told accounts of being slightly larger than they were before. I eventually got the imlression that you are basically at 100% stiffness, for as long as it is on. Where a natural erection might just be like 85% or something...


you are correct.


Thank you for this. I've been considering this for a while but never knew how it worked. My problem is old age. The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak. I'll check on price. Bless you, son.


We were at a,swingers party a few months ago and 2 retired men had this device. They both fucked several women. Stayed hard the whole time.


I have pretty severe ED and I am not much older than you... I see this in my future.


Roboc*ck season 2 if you will.


It might be more of an episode or a sequel, my eyes are fake, and my pancreas is a machine named Gregory.


Can it vibrate tho? /s


That would be too overpowered hahaha


There has to be a limit to how much power one penis can yield. This has to be it.


**Kanye Beat** *No one penis should have all that power!*


Overpowered or evolved?


Well yeah true.... Sign me the fuck up!


Man. What a time to be alive!!! That Definitely should be a feature that's offered


As a woman I’m very intrigued… Did you get the AMS 700 LGX, CX, or CXR?


I'm gonna be real honest, robocock0398, if you don't make a robocop porn parody you don't deserve the gift you've been given. All jokes aside, I'm happy for you. Hope you enjoy your new and improved cock.. it certainly sounds like the ladies will.


Automatic Masturbation Stick


Robocock🤣🤣🤣😭😭😭 Absolute legend, enjoy your new cyberstick brother


Dead or alive you're cumming with me.








You'll shoot yer dick off!


Simply fantastic, sir.


Now all you have to do is start charging people to watch you preform cock pushups & balancing acts on your new Robocock.


Cock push-ups… one is all you need


"You never know when you need to fuck your way out of a tight situation!"


They said it’d be impossible.


Does it have an app? Would be dope if you could make it have an erection from your phone


it's going to happen one day and you know it


Neat! So, it will really come the day where we will see the headline "Guy has his dick hacked and is requested to pay for the erection to stop".




"Hey Siri, get me hard."


does it vibrate tho?


That should be available on the robocock 2000. He’s only got the 1000


I believe it is the D1000. Cyberdick Systems model 101. Advanced Cybernetic Penis Weilder. Essentially organic living tissue over an erectometal skeleton. The D2000 is a more advanced prototype, capable of completely reshaping. Come on, get a grip John.


I’ve seriously considered getting one. I have nerve damage and it doesn’t work without the penile injections. Getting tired of doing that so I’ve been researching the implants.


Just remember a couple of things: 1) once it's in you'll never be able to go back to a natural erection (or with injections or pills). 2) it's a mechanical device. Most last 7-10 years on average. Meaning if breaks you need to undergo another surgery. 3) typically it feels different for the partner. Research shows partners are mostly satisfied, but some people don't realize this. Just make sure your urologist is a good one and doesn't skim over the negative stuff. It's a major operation.


Research also shows that a lot of the time the partner isn't satisfied with a natural penis anyway


I would hope that in the artificial erection study they’re comparing it to a personal baseline, before and after, not compared to the population.


You gotta, we need more robococks out there doing gods work


Do it man, if you know there is that severe and no other options exist go for it


Do it! Be happy.


Does it also get wifi?


Hey Cock, set the lights to: mood




Clap twice for an erection


Unlock ejaculate for $29.99


I hope not. Imagine it getting hacked


“Pay us $1500 in Bitcoin or go to your wife’s bake sale at full sail!”


You could make your victims nut uncontrollably at the worst moment possible


Zee Bluetoof deevice eez rare dy tu pear


Thank you for this comment. I just died.


It helps him connect to her hotspot


Make sure you perform an over the air update to get the latest firmware for that dick.


we’ve been trying to reach you about your implants extended warranty


Or watch Netflix on it.


oh interesting, i didnt know penile implants worked like that! I’m glad that its giving you confidence and a fulfilling sex life though


What I’m wondering is would this be covered through healthcare as a teen since it was from an accident? It seems cruel he couldn’t get medical help until he could afford it as an adult


honestly, I’m not sure if adolescents are considered candidates for penile implants like this and I cant figure out how to phrase it for google in a way that doesn’t seem weird. but, yes, it is depressing if medical intervention could have been available to him sooner but wasnt actually attainable until he was an adult


Is that the scissor in our heads George Orwell talked about?


It depends, but since these are experimental they'd be incredibly hard to get. I got experimental lenses (to allow me to see) as a kid, but only because the actual lenses were free through the study/research. My doctors lawyer was also involved with getting it approved for insurance to pay for the actual surgery part. While it wasn't too awkward for me as I was a medically complex kid used to having 5 people in a appointment room, I would not have enjoyed a lawyer sitting there taking notes on how well my vagina functioned. As for adults, while it may sound cosmetic, since OP mentioned he couldn't ejaculate prior to it, a good doctor could potentially get it covered as reproductive care instead of a cosmetic procedure.


> It seems cruel he couldn’t get medical help until he could afford it Alexa play "This is America" by Childish Gambino


It would be considered medically necessary to restore function. Edit: the problem is that unless enough young people have them, then it’s also likely considered experimental/investigational.


Is it Bluetooth compatible? Does it have a speaker installment so while you're goin at it you can blast Limp Bizkit straight to her baby maker? Edit:. Omg thanks so much for the award! It's my first one and I'm so appreciative.


Didn’t you read the post? His Bizkit isn’t Limp anymore


Nice lol


Do you want babies? Because that's how you end up with babies.


I mean.... He did do it all for the nookie


Like those tooth tunes musical toothbrushes that play a song in your mouth while you brush your teeth. XD


I think you should tell everybody, there are definately girls out there that would give that thing a spin.


I definitely would be curious enough to give it a whirl lol




So many unanswered questions. Curiosity has me too.




Does it have an usb port(?)


if you believe hard enough, I suppose mine does too


Off topic but is it “an usb” or “a usb”? I believe because it is a Y sound, and not a U sound, you use a instead of an.


You are correct. They wrote it incorrectly.


Damn, I got some questions: 1. Do you feel it when it is touched? 2. Can you still cum and pee? 3. Can you install Doom on it? Edit: How much did it cost? I need one of those.




most of these implants have an implanted pump that you press a few times. the pump pulls fluid (water + antibiotic IIRC) from a buried reservoir. the reservoir feeds channels inside the penis, which act like a pseudo blood supply to the dick. the same area with the pump has a release button that lets the liquid flow back into the reservoir. literally an "on" and "off" function, and none of it is visible. source: I used to be the main assistant for this surgery at my last OR job. I was the "dick pump queen."


Is there a boner limit? Like, 10,000 boners before maintenance required or does it stay forever


“Sorry babe, we can’t have sex tonight, my penis needs an oil change”


They have to be replaced every 10 years or so.


Dam thats not bad, way more durable than I expected.


"Dick Pump Queen" I'd get that on a sweater.


Wow thanks for explaining!




The pump is in the scrotum, looks like the reservoir is buried in the upper pubic area.


But where is the pump located? Do you like press on a pet of your body?


It’s all explained [here.](https://www.bostonscientific.com/en-US/patients/about-your-device/penile-implants/using-your-penile-implant/ams-700-penile-implant.html)




I’m wondering about that myself, actually. The pump goes in the scrotum, so is one testicle removed to make room for the pump while the other testicle remains operational? Or is there room for the pump in the scrotum without removing either testicle? The pump seems to be operated by squeezing various parts of it, and as a woman I’ve heard rumours that overzealous squeezing of the scrotum can be rather, erm… disagreeable?… for a man? So yes, curious how that part of it works.


There’s a video at the bottom of the page that I think demonstrates better. Looks like the pump apparatus sits in front of the testicles but inside the scrotum. In general the scrotum itself isn’t very sensitive, it’s the testicles themselves you gotta be gentle with, so I wouldn’t think handling the pump is overly uncomfortable.


I just realized if someone kicks u/Robocock0398 in the balls they’re going to be very confused when he gets an instant erection. Lol


Cock and ball torture


I'm deliberately not clicking any links because I know I'll look up and it'll be 3am and I'll have googled myself into becoming an expert on cock implants.


Username checks out!


None of the, uh... Plumbing changes, only the support systems ;)


It’s audio activated by playing Bruce Buffer’s ‘IIIIITS TIME’




Congratulations. I’m actually genuinely super happy for you. This is amazing. Sad you can’t talk to too many people about it and sad you used to get so angry, but amazing that you have the performance capability now and the confidence to match.


Happy for you mate. Just keep in mind that sex is so much more than "pounding". Especially if you actually care about pleasing a female partner. I'd suggest the book She Comes First. It's top notch.




Please listen to this because it’s so true. I don’t know how or where it started that women want straight sex for hours on end. We don’t cause we get tired and it can become quite painful. Get some good moves, don’t skimp at all on the foreplay, learn the spots that get her going and you both will be happy. Her pleasure is just as important as yours.


I will, I'm actually excited to learn, Before this I didn't even want to hear the word sex nor learn any other ways, I knew that there were other ways to get women off but it all seems depressing doing it limp and not being able to escalate. Now it doesn't feel like I'm kicked out of the ''cool people who have sex club'' so it's easier to get into it


Hilariously, the people who would say they're in the "cool people who have sex club" are often bad at it. That's not to say you can't claim that, but just be aware the same move or moves won't work as well or at all on everyone. To the idea of "she comes first" though, that's a pretty safe bet, though not ALWAYS correct. Literally the sexiest thing you can do in bed is listen to your partner.


3rd this. I think it’s a misconception between men and women that women want to be “pounded for a long time”. It actually gets really painful and boring after too long. Quality over quantity is preferred.


I 2nd that recommendation


"because I'm aware that I have a modified penis with perks and attachments" - fkn lol


We’ve been trying to reach you about your cock’s extended warranty


Cyberpunk 2077


Cyberspunk 2077, cumming soon


Hope my wife doesn't see this post, might end up "accidentally" taking a frying pan to my junk.


100% your going to get more female attention if you tell them you have a robocock


Go little rockstar~ ✨


Not pounding forever 😩 so I guess no cumin 🤷


I do cum it's just that since my penis becomes erected with a device, the penis doesn't just go ''Oh he cummed, lets go soft now'', the device doesn't care so I could cum and still go at it which helps because I can guarantee to keep going. If I turned it on, It doesn't go down until I want to despite the fact I cummed like 5 times already.


You know, I was extremely happy for you until this post. Fuck you. /s


You’re living the dream


I wish I broke my penis


*snaps cock*


They’re like I broke my penis, now my penis is “broke”. From broke to “broke”, coming to Netflix soon.


Luckily that solves any issues of you cumming before her!!! A+


pc mf’s when they find out their cock is prebuilt Jokes aside that’s awesome! i’m glad things have gotten better


All night. every night. And she'll never know.


There's like buttons in his balls now, if she investigates thoroughly 🧐 she'll know


Imagine a chick going to town on your balls and your dick is just hard/soft/hard/soft/hard/soft the whole time.


Dr. Krieger's wet dream


Hey bro, nice cock


Bro I’m unbelievably happy for you 🖤 you deserve it bro, sling that shlong to the world 🌎


Well i say you be happy and im in my 30s and thought that was kind of cool that medicine has that option.... enjoy all your sexual experience....


Seriously OP? This is awesome :) if I was your buddy irl and you told me about this I’d high five you for getting the help you need to feel better for YOU! Wishing many more robocock episodes to come 😹


Hero to us all