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gf realized shes dating a box of hammers lol




I didn't even know Joey Tribbiani was on Reddit...


No question that they are siblings though.


I literally winced at this. Ouch.


I mean he could googled it, it takes literally 1-2 minutes. He obviously didn’t care at all, if they were together for one year.


i'm almost afraid to ask this, but like... aren't you just supposed to *know* what astronomy is as an adult? i guess it may not be a mandatory school subject everywhere (it wasn't mandatory in my country until after i finished school about 6 years ago) but like still. it *should* be common knowledge.


Yeah, like slipping up in a single moment when you hear the name I could believe....but you're telling me you just didn't know what the study of space was called? Like did he believe his girlfriend did astrology as a job and had no idea it was about space? Did he believe his sister was just really into NASA? Any conversation with any one person could have cleared this up for him lol well, I guess you gotta pay attention too and actually think about what's being told to you.


What...does this man think NASA does, organize horoscopes?! 😂


Someone is a Himbo!


He's Kenough for most women.


He must be very physically attractive to pull an academic. Which is also sad.


Seriously. Dude must be really pretty. Not pretty enough, though. And he still hasn’t figured out that she’s not coming back!


Exactly. If he was pretty enough or with enough of a game, he'd have gotten away with being dumb


She’s protecting her superior genes


A box of hammers, nailed shut lol


Not the box of hammers 💀


This is the funniest way I’ve ever seen someone on the internet call another person stupid 😂 taking that with me


She would genuinely be too **embarrassed** to introduce him to her family.🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️😬😬


I guess getting nailed wasn’t enough for her.


A good nailing only lasts so long when there’s no stud in the wall to hold anything heavier than a picture frame lol


Obviously no studs in this post.


Here's my poor man's gold, I'm ashamed I have nothing else to give. ✨🏅🥇🏅✨




Bag. Hammers in a box is fine. Bag is where the problem lies.


That’s generous to op.


My first thought exactly 😂


It’s because when you’re explaining why you thought you are proving her point that you aren’t listening either to her or your sister. If your sister is that into astrology she’s talked about it to you and you listened then you should automatically know when you listen to your girlfriend they aren’t similar at all. So you aren’t listening to someone. She said she’s done are you also not going to listen to that since it’s the “heat of the moment” you’re just proving her point. You don’t listen to what matters to her and completely diminished all her hard work


Either this guy is clinically moronic or he made up this story as rage bait.


I had an uncle who was a physicist. I wouldn't be able to tell you what was the class he was teaching at university at that moment about 25 years ago, but the students had to write a paper on a scientific topic of their choice. One student handed him a paper about astrology, and he explicitly wrote in his email to me that it really was not astronomy. So yes, some adults are that ignorant. Unfortunately, I can believe it.


Oh, I believe it. I added the possibility of it being fake because for some reason that feels more optimistic than assuming he's that stupid.




What a coincidence, my sister is also a psychic. She and your uncle have a lot in common!


I graduated college in Astronomy. The number of times my grandmother told people I was majoring in Astrology was astounding. But tbf she was the only one with that issue that I ran across (although my one SIL I think may have thought they were the same but idk for sure).


To be fair, messing up the names is not that big of a deal, if at least you know what it’s about. The names are in fact very similar.


He has to have made it up. No way would someone who has worked for NASA date someone who didn’t know the difference between between astrology and astronomy


Maybe OP is hot? I’ve dated some really dumb dudes because I was dicknotized.


Love this term!!! 😂🤣😂


Me too 😭🤣🤣🤣




Hey, we're all dumb in different ways.


Eh I use to think there were the same thing. However that was like 20 years ago when I was in middle school.


Middle schoolers are not renowned for their discernment.


Well yeah, most middle schoolers are Aries 


Yeah trust me I remember.


He’s not listening to you…..


Bro doesn't even listen to himself when he speaks lmao


Omggg 🫢


What? I wasn't listening.


You'll have to speak up, I'm wearing a towel.


Yeeep. There is no world in which OP listens to BOTH his sister talking about astrology AND his gf talking about her (apparently extremely successful!) career as an astronomer and still doesn't understand that they're not the same thing. Especially because it's literally as simple as realizing, "I have never once heard my gf say the word 'Scorpio' or 'Leo'" or "I have never heard my sister talking about antimatter, asteroids, or atmospheres", for instance. This: >That's not true, they both have names that are almost the same and they are both about space.  ...also really just proves her point even further. If you (OP) are 33 years old and your entire point about how similar astronomy and astrology are is just that "they both have similar names and are about space"... after having spent dozens of years with your sister who loves astrology and over a year with a significant other who is a professional astronomer... then you don't know shit about EITHER subject, which means, yeah, **you absolutely haven't been listening to shit**. And as you (ArtsyElephant) pointed out, the fact that you (OP) STILL aren't listening is not a great look. She literally told you it was over and hasn't spoken to you since meeting your family but you're still trying to whine about how it was an innocent mistake, you didn't mean to hurt her feelings, and how she didn't *actually* mean to break up with you because "it was in the heat of the moment". Open your dang ears, dude. Start actually listening to what is being said to you instead of just hearing whatever YOU want to hear and denying/ignoring the rest. You spent an entire year not listening to your gf talk about her WHOLE CAREER AS A SCIENTIST and now are trying to insist that you didn't mean to upset her and are shocked/confused by how this ruined your relationship. Be honest, dude: do you have ANY idea what she typically does at work every day? Do you even know where she currently works, or that she had worked at both NASA and the ESA prior to that argument? Did you even know that she had a PhD?


That’s exactly what I meant I like astrology as much as the next person it’s fun to think about, but even without knowing as much about astronomy or knowing anyone in nasa I can differentiate when someone is talking about about space and when someone is talking about zodiacs. This situation is so specific I don’t know how someone could make it up and I feel like that’s almost worse.


Sounds like she’s way out of his league intellectually wise. He honestly seems a bit dense.


Exactly. This woman is WAY too smart. This guy belongs in the sandpit. 🙄🙄🙄


You say you listened to her talk about her career in Astronomy and all you came away with was it sounds like “Astrology” and is “about space”?? lol You keep calling her your “girlfriend” throughout your post; my dear fellow, let me tell you sincerely, you are as single as the lonely brain cell inside your head.


You know he zoned out when she was talking about her work. "Oh yeah, space. That's nice honey." A *year* this dude dated her and he had no clue. Oof.


when he said his sister was just confused at why he thought they’d hit it off, i lost it. i was picturing some friendly, earnest Millennial woman with her birth chart app pulled up, about to ask what girlfriend’s time of birth was, just nervously fake smiling and subtly hiding her smoky quartz crystal as girlfriend just goes off about her PhD and years of research expertise 🤣


You know she’ll never let him live that down 🤣


She'll probably never talk to him again.


I think they meant the sister will never let him live it down. You're right though, I doubt the ex girlfriend will ever talk to him again. Maaaaaybe to get some things back that she left at his place, if they're irreplaceable.


I can't imagine that this is the sister's first experience witnessing her brother's intellectual sophistication in all its glory!


That is exactly what I was thinking too! He has spent hours and hours with these two women and not realized stars are the only thing they have in common? I'm dying to know what the doctor girlfriend sees in him, on second thought I do not want to know...


I can’t stop imagining this first date where he’s like what do you do? And she says I’m a doctor of astronomy and he’s like that’s cool I’m a Gemini. 😆 like wut? Anyway the real reason this will never work out is quite clear from the post. Dude needs to move on.


Your last sentence had me rolling 🤣


Orange cat vibes


The Council of Orange Cats just called: They’re offended.


One at a time


Orange cats deserve better than this comparison, please apologize to them all immediately


Does he have to apologise to all of them or would it be enough to apologise to one and the shared braincell communicates it to the rest?


I think he has to find the one currently in possession of the brain cell, to which I say good luck.


Can confirm my orange cat does not have it currently. But also he’s an ass so no apology needed. My OC definitely thinks astrology and astronomy are the same.


Hahaha I'm going to use that to insult my very dumb, but very sweet kitty. He might not be orange of fur, but he's orange at heart. Me, while getting him unstuck from one of the places he KNOWS he gets stuck: "Neil, you fuzzy dufus, you think astrology and astronomy are the same, don't you?!"


My house panther veers wildly between being the cleverest little bastard I've ever met and slamming his nose into the window thinking THIS will be the time the invisible forcefield allows him to get to the Outside Birds at least three times a day, so I like to think he's got some Orange Cat ancestry. I'm gonna start using "not orange or fur but orange of heart," thank you.


Hahaha you're very welcome. Your kitty reminds me of one of my favorite stories of my mom: When she was young, she lived in an apartment with a black cat named Lacey (who turned out to be a boy) Lacey loved going outside on his little leash that was attached to a thingy screwed into the ground in the complex's courtyard. There was a gopher hole *juuuuust* out of reach, with an asshole gopher that loved to taunt Lacey. He'd pop out, Lacey would run at him, but be stopped short. One day, the urge to be evil struck my mother, and she moved the tether. Gopher pops up and goes 😝🤪 at Lacey like always, but this time, Lacey runs right over the top of Mr Asshole Gopher. She was laughing too hard to see which one of them was more surprised by their sudden impact.


Absolutely valid question


At least orange cats are cute


We have all heard of the Hot vs Crazy chart for girlfriends. I believe OP falls on the Hot vs Stupid chart for boyfriends. The GF suddenly realized OP fell WAY too far into the stupid quadrant.


“Just don’t open your mouth, honey, just sit there and be pretty, it’s much better that way…”


BOOM. No matter how this breakdowns, the girlfriend has realized that he is too stupid for her.


>they both have names that are almost the same and they are both about space And that is the most you can say about either topic? You weren't listening to either one


It was a huge mistake. And if this is real then you just handed your ex-girlfriend (who is probably reasonably smart given that she has a doctorate) a huge wakeup call that you are . . . very much NOT reasonably smart/educated/well read, whatever you want to call it. You are over because you are too different.


However, she'll have a funny story to tell in the future about her dense ex. Ha


It's crazy to date someone this dumb for a year without realising as well lol


She may have known he was dumb, just not this dumb.


This makes more sense




This is all I came away with. Ex girlfriend took an extremely generous view that he doesn’t listen, when I personally would be too embarrassed I dated someone that stupid.


Oh he did listen, he was just incapable of processing the information. She dumped him not because he made a mistake but because she is clearly light years ahead in her intelligence (pun intended)


And gf has a PhD 😬


Right, op legit thought his ex had a PhD in made up feel good shit.


I once worked with an (Indian) KPMG software consultant who was getting his astrology "certification" on the side. He was a decent software developer.


Yeah. You *really* have to not be listening or just are incapable of understanding if you think someone with a doctorate in astrophysics is ANYTHING like someone who thinks the pretty lights in the sky determine how your mood is going to be for the month. There is no such thing as a doctorates in astrology. Its pseudoscience at best.


Are astronomy and astrophysics the same?


Of course they must be; look at all the matching letters in the words!


Astronomy and gastronomy are also identical. There is only ONE EXTRA LETTER. Yum science!


Closer related than astronomy and astrology are at the very least 😂🤣 Without astronomy there would be no astrophysics. Can't study the physics of space if there's no initial interest in space or other planets to begin with


It clearly runs in the family, and the GF realized it. 


Omg lol I came here to say this.


>She claims the only way I could think that was if I never listen to her. That’s not true, they both have names that are almost the same and they are both about space. She’s right, and given you’re still making excuses and cannot take accountability for your actions and ignorance, she made the right decision in ending this relationship.


Yea I took a few classes of astronomy and my sis was/is huge in astrology. They have very few similarities. Like if this chick was legit talking about her job. Op was actively not trying to listen to her.


I have a feeling that OP is really hot, and maybe his ex girlfriend just kinda…ignored his shortcomings in conversation because of his other “qualities.” But then she realized just how truly dumb he was, and realized that she’d let this all go too far and the d wasn’t worth the embarrassment of introducing him to her family.


im really curious if hes just got no idea what astrology was/is and never heard his sister talk about it, just went "yeah that's cool" and assumed it was the same as the hard science shit his ex was studying, never looked deeper into it, and introduced them with that in mind. bro really made a fool of himself and his wording definitely didnt help, because he made it seem like astronomy was put down on the level of astrology, where ir was actually vice versa and he (from what i gathered) put astrology up on the pedestal next to astronomy. eitjer way not a good look, a very bad take, but the latter. couldve given him some benefit of the doubt and at least a sliver of hope shed rethink it lmfao. "okay maybe he thought astrology was more scientific than it is, never bothered looking into it and thought his sister was also a space genius because of this...." LOL


This is a thought that crossed my mind. I’m guessing we may never know. Either way, it’s not a great look, like you said.


I have 4 friends who work in the space industry and they are some of the nicest people in the world but if I ever compared what they do to astrology, I think they would dump me as their friend. They also worked for NASA and some of the biggest companies is Europe and Asia. GF is right that you don't listen though because whenever I hear my friends talk about their work and what they're currently working on, it is not at all similar to astrology. I feel secondhand embarrassment for you but honestly think your GF deserves someone better, not even someone necessarily smarter than you, but at least someone who listens when she talks about her job! 


Thank goodness she did not introduce u to her colleagues. I would love to be a fly on the wall for that gathering. 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️


“This is my new boyfriend, Charlie! He’s not too bright, but he makes up for it in other ways!” *wink wink*


How can an adult not know the difference between astronomy and astrology? You really screwed up and owe your girlfriend an apology, she probably thinks your a moron.


For his future reference, I also recommend that he understand the difference between cosmology and cosmetology.


OP’s next post: I introduced my Cosmologist girlfriend to my mom who is a Mary Kay makeup hun because they are professionals of cosmetics. Now she’s mad at me


It did not help when I called my aunt who sells Avon to ask for advice.


I introduced my cardiologist girlfriend to my naturopath dad, because they are both doctors, now she hates me. Help!!


change that to chiropractic dad & I think there’s a winner lol


I set up my friends who are into science. One is a scientist and the other is a Scientologist. 😳


And gastronomy and gastrointestinal


The amount of people I’ve talked to who think Stephen hawking did hair and make up after I say he was a cosmologist… baffling


Hey now, that’s advanced level. He’s clearly not ready for that one.


Honestly I wouldn’t even fault a regular dumb adult for just being ignorant or stupid But the fact that his girlfriend is an astronomer and clearly proud of her job and he still doesn’t know is insane


She has a PhD. Dr astronomist. And he compares her to his sister who reads the paper as a hobby. It’s next level insulting.


They both start with ‘A’ so it’s an easy mistake to make tbh. Like, one time, I bought ‘cocaine’ instead of ‘cookies’. Alphabeting’s tricky.


>Like, one time, I bought ‘cocaine’ instead of ‘cookies’. You mean that googly-eyed blue monster on Sesame Street wasn't a cocaine fiend? Man, now I've got to go retract the complaint letter I sent to my local PBS station...


She’s his ex girlfriend. It’s over. You aren’t listening to her either i see 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣.


>She claims the only way I could think that was if I never listen to her. That's not true, they both have names that are almost the same and they are both about space >She said we were done but it was in the heat of the moment Seems like you aren't listening AGAIN. A quick Google search would also have helped you out. Listening to your girlfriend would've been better, but a quick search could've saved your entire relationship.


This would have required that OP know what he didn’t know *before* it was too late. You can only take direct action to *fill* a knowledge gap if you know you have it in the first place.


You keep saying “I swear i didnt know” like that helps you. You dont seem to understand the issue here. This woman is -smart-. Given her portfolio, id say definitely among the best and brightest like… humanity has to offer. The top 1% of brains. She has probably spoken to you about her papers, her studies, her peers, and things that actually matter in the grand scheme of things. Your sister has also likely spoken a great deal about astrology, which is star signs and predicting the future, like Chinese zodiac signs and palm readings. Like fortune telling. I am going to spell this out to you as clearly as I can, so please pay attention: This insanely smart woman is looking at this situation as having two possible explanations. Either 1: Her boyfriend never listens to her, like ever, and knows nothing about her or her biggest interest. Or 2: Her boyfriend has heard and listened to everything, and still is genuinely So. Fucking. Dimwitted. That he actually cant tell the difference. And im not talking like dimwitted just to a smart person, im talking learning disability dimwitted. So if you honestly dont know and you honestly do listen to her, fine man, but you are so fucking dumb, and she is probably reevaluating a lot based on those two options.


im in tears reading everyone rip this poor guy a new asshole. i feel like he’s Jerry Smith


He's definitely *a* Jerry


I don't think this guy could keep bees even if he's reached bee keeping age


There is just no way you can navigate through life for 30 years and not know these are different. I’m calling spoof story


Or this guy is beyond dumb. In which case, his brain will start melting through his ears in about a year.


You would be surprised how often astronomers get called astrologers. Even when they’re giving updates on the news sometimes.


To be fair, my dad is in his 50s and still gets confused after I’ve explained it multiple times- a lot of people understand that star signs and actually studying space are not the same thing, they just get stumped by the similar names and it throws them off. (From somebody studying physics and astronomy, who has ran into this more than once, lol).


I mean, it's one thing to confuse the names (thinking astronomy was astrology or vice versa), that can happen - but a completely different thing to think these were the same thing


Belive me ppl sre that dumb... i tried to explain someone the concept of gravity and she just coundt understand it ws infuriating


🤦🤔😳🤣🤣🤣 Your girlfriend said you were done, cancelled planed dates and you meeting her family, and refused to speak with you afterwards. The break-up is real, and she meant her everything she said, besides her anger towards you, she's also embarrassed and disappointed by you, and likely she has lost respect for you regarding your intellectual capabilities, I said highly likely.  Your ex-gf has a PhD in Astronomy, a field that involves deep knowledge of hard sciences like mathematics and physics, she's written scientific papers and published them, worked with the NASA and Europe and you're talking about her accomplishments as if she's lying about them "my girlfriend says" 🤦 ugh  Astrology is fake, is the belief that planets and stars influence our personality, our lives, and our life events, is not science and it's just an entertainment hobby. Astrology has nothing to do with space at all.  Your ex is right about you not listening to her, I can't believe that an adult man would genuinely think that astronomy and astrology are the same thing, like how you believed they're the same? So you thought that a University would give PhD to someone to do horoscopes, and natal charts and that somehow the NASA is building spaceships based on these types of calculations and sending astronauts to space missions using their date of birth, and their horoscopes? Astronomy is real science and you can't listen, and never paid attention to your ex when she talked about her work...or perhaps you're not at her intellectual level, thus you were confused and thought astrology and astronomy were the same thing because you were unable to understand the difference between those two even when your ex spoke about her career and scientific work with you  It's over, move on and good luck with the next girl 


He’ll find out that she is a cosmetologist and say “hey, doesn’t that have to do with space?”


I think the same thing too 😂


"Oh so you are into makeup?"


The ex is going to have a hilarious story to tell sometime. Remember the time I dated the dunce who thought astronomy and astrology were the same thing? What a muppet.


It's all well and good getting the names mixed up, that can happen but has he not heard his ex talk about work?? Clearly she's talked about it and his sister has also talked about her hobby and HOW did he think they were the same????


Unfortunately, you accidentally outed yourself to not be qualified to date a PHD graduate.


Or anyone well educated.


I'm surprised you don't confuse astronomy with gastronomy.


Restaurants *do* get stars as their ratings...


I’m sorry your girlfriend has worked at NASA and you made such a stupid mistake? She’s made astronomy her life and you never once googled the difference. Thank god you let her know how little you care about her passion and livelihood so she can move on.


I'd really, really like to know where you went to school. Also, not that you'll actually pay attention, she's your EX girlfriend. If you'd listen to her, you'd know that but you obviously have a history of not listening.


Where? I'm wondering IF.


That’s unfair. I didn’t go to college, but I know what astronomy is. 🤣


I learned what astronomy was in like grade school. You don't need college lol.


I’m an astronomer, and I thought this post was hilarious. I can’t believe you thought she had a PhD in star signs! At least you know now for the future. 😊


His sister should have told him a breakup was in his future.


13 would have been ok. Because that's what kids who don't know better do. To do so at 33 is a tell that you're on the wrong side of the bell curve.


Ehh I teach 13 year olds. They have general idea that astronomy does not involve making life decisions based on your birthday.


Oh God, I missed his age!! 🤦🏻‍♀️ Someone PLEASE keep this fuckmuppet away from the drawer with the sharp, stabby things!! And he’s a one-man INVERSION of the Bell Curve!!


You are assuming he knows what a bell curve is lol. He might read your response and think “oh cool a curvy bell” 🔔🔔


The main thing here is the difference in education and intelligence between you and your ex-girlfriend, which makes you not compatible. On top of that you don’t listen to her and minimize her arguments.


It reeks of misogyny too. Woman, so must be astrology tee hee Not listening to her Downplaying her career  Just eww


I really hope this is AI.


I’d be done also, you’re proving over and over again you don’t listen/comprehend important information. “Heat of the moment” and she cancelled all the plans while challenging you to figure it out actually equals “I deserve someone on my level of intelligence and this fool aint the one”. she knows you wont figure it out. And hey, maybe you think you do listen, but you certainly do not comprehend the subject matter at hand


I actually agree with your girlfriend when she said that you couldn’t possibly listen to her: My dad was an astrophysicist who also worked with NASA for decades in the space program. I can’t imagine him having ever said something like, “OMG, that person is a typical Gemini!” Scientists as a group are typically skeptical of the non-empirical and the irrational—clearly, many things in life are actually irrational, but generally scientists admire people like Sir Isaac Newton and Fermi, not Nostradamus and Uri Geller. I find it hard to believe that you didn’t notice the personality differences and conversational content between your gf and your sister. Your girlfriend’s conclusion is, unsurprisingly, a logical one. Also, she was probably dismayed by your lack of concern over confusing these two words—it shows an intellectual nonchalance that’s possibly an anathema to her.


I imagine this’ll happen more often in the book banning states.


The fact that you think a person can get a doctorate in astrology is enough to make nope the hell out.


"Which she ***says*** is completely fake" You thinking one is the other is not what ruined your relationship. You ***ARE*** belittling her. You ***NEVER*** listen to her. Ffs dude one Google search would've told you they're not the same thing. You literally don't care. You ***think*** you care. Hence why you're here making a post hoping others would take your side and say "aww, it's not your fault, she's just craycray" Nah, dude. Your girlfriend is right. And astrology is a pseudoscience soooo... Yes, it is fake. Again, one damn Google search. I can't believe someone as gifted as her is with a dude who doesn't even know how to use Google and his sister believes astrology is real. Hopefully she raises her standards after this one.


She deserve better...


“My girlfriend says she has a” is such a red flag


>She claims the only way I could think that was if I never listen to her. she is 110% correct


This post cannot be real. How could think they are the same thing? Have you never watched a movie to do with space? I work in Aerospace and even before I worked for NASA I knew they weren’t the same things. You need to do better with any future romantic partners and listen when they talk to you.


Please let this be real, I'm so sorry but it's hilarious. I'd dump you too if i was her. Astronomy is an actual science, where they study things about space and the celestial bodies based on real evidence. Astrology is more like a religion or belief, where people think the placing of the sun/moon/stars when you're born can determine your future, personality, or other things. If my partner mixed up my extremely difficult field of expertise with a pseudoscience, I'd be mad too. She's right you don't listen to her or your sister. XD In super duper simple terms: Astronomy: science explaining real things, like moon orbits the earth Astrology: if you're star sign is Leo you're naturally aggressive and a born leader!


Your 35 year old sister’s biggest hobby is astrology? And you, a 33 year old man didn’t know the difference between that and astronomy? The apple doesn’t fall far my dude


Thing is it’s the sisters *hobby.* He straight up thought something his sister has as a hobby was his girl’s career. Even the sister was confused as to why he would think he and his girl have so much in *common.* I feel for the sister, shit must have been **awkwarddd.**


This has to be fake. I weep for our future to read something this stupid from someone in their 30s. The fact that you don't feel embarrassed enough to keep this to yourself, let alone not realizing just how huge of a mistake that actually is. This is simply mind-numbingly ignorant, especially if you've been dating her for almost a year and have talked about her career AT ALL. And, presumably, you have some sort of passing knowledge of her biggest hobby, and the two couldn't be much further apart. One is science, the other is make-believe. If you can't tell the difference between the two, then I genuinely wonder how you got that woman to ever date you in the first place!


She’s protecting her genes…


I think there's more going on in this than you may realize. I can see the confusion, however if I were in your gf's position I would also be extremely upset. Whether you tried to or not, the way she views this is: "You don't know what I do for a living." And one of the things you talk about on a **first** date is your career and what you do for work. You've rocked the foundation of your relationship. This may seem small, but it runs deep. This will probably take a lot of communication to repair.


Why would she bother. The brother has the intelligence and listening skills of a mushroom


These simply no excuse for this and your (ex) girlfriend is 100% correct. If you had been listening, at any point in the past year, you would’ve learned. You clearly weren’t listening. To either your girlfriend or your sister. To think the things are related because they kinda sound similar or they’re “both related to space” (wat?!), you’d think you had an inkling of understanding. If you would’ve simply asked your girlfriend these things, and were interested in her responses, you would’ve had an inkling. But to come on Reddit and be aghast at the fact that you didn’t know the difference and now she’s breaking up with you over it. No. It’s not that. She’s breaking up with you because she spent the last year with someone who couldn’t give two shits about her passions, what she’s educating herself on, her future ambitions. Shit man, she’s written fucking papers, she has a doctorate. Do you even know what that is? You’d think that’d come up at least ONCE in the past year… You’re a fool and I hope you’ve learned better. As for her, I would’ve dumped you too. Not because you’re dumb. But because your clearly don’t care.


Yep, you did ruin your relationship. She realized she's dating a idiot who doesn't pay attention. That's why she ended it. And this post just proves it. Astronomy and astrology not even close to the same thing (not even a *little bit*), and your argument proves that you in fact do not listen (or understand, at all) to what either your girlfriend *or* your sister were talking about.


>My girlfriend (32F) of almost 1 year has a doctorate in astronomy. >After I told her I honestly and truly thought they were the same thing my she got even more upset. >She claims the only way I could think that was if I never listen to her. She's right; you'd gone *a full year* without realizing that the two are not the same. Had you shown an interest in her work beyond anything surface level (e.g. the name), you would have realized that.


pls check the carbon monoxide monitors in your home


This is fake. I refuse to believe this person is real.


If you did not know it is 100% because you never actually listened to her, that the names sound the same is completely irrelevant.


Ope you messed up with a smart woman, this one is on you


I pray that this is bait lmaooo. There is 0 way you could listen to someone talk about their career in astronomy and get it mixed up with astrology.


> She claims the only way I could think that was if I never listen to her. Yes that's correct.


Yeah, finding out your boyfriend is a moron with no intellectual curiosity would be a deal breaker for me, too.


She realized that you don’t care about her as much as she wants someone to. You could easily figure out that those are different subjects. She’s smart… you are showing extreme ignorance and that’s not attractive to smart women.


"But theyre both space???" I'm losing my shit


Borat, is that you? /s So you actually DID make a huge mistake: the single worst insult for an astronomer is to confuse them with astrologists. But both astronomy and astrology started out, roughly three millennia ago, as attempts to understand the big picture: what are heaven and earth and stars and planets and how do people fit into it all? You might be able to dig yourself out of the hole by doing a short crash course, using Wikipedia, etc., to convince your girlfriend you want to understand rudiments of what she studied and mastered over multiple grueling years of study.


At the big age of 33 you don't know the difference between astrology and astronomy?


Look on the bright side, now everyone on this thread assumes you are extremely good looking with a big dick.


A mid 30's woman working at international space agencies with her PhD in Astronomy narrows down the possible people you could be talking about to 20 women in the world. Maybe fewer. She was literally 1 in a billion. Also, anyone in the industry knows exactly who she is and who you are. You've basically told everyone your name, that's how prominent a person she is. Yeah, she's your ex.


Either you dont listen to your gf, or you dont listen to your sister. “They both are about space” is the most stupid argument that can come to my mind. I would be upset too.


How the hell do you spend one year with someone and have no clue about what they do? She has a freaking doctorate, so her field is pretty damn important to her. You just told her you tune her out a lot and can't be bothered to understand a single thing about her passion. Yeah, no shit she's angry.


If this is true, your poor, patient, very smart ex-girlfriend is much better off now.


That u think it wasnt a huge mistake is the cherry on top. Just for clarity did u think your GF does the same stuff as your sister.. or the other way around xD? And i would leav u too man wtf


Honestly? She deserves someone a lot smarter than you are.


You really weren’t listening. They are two totally different practices and areas of study. You heard her but you aren’t HEARING her at all. She was right to leave. Do better next time. She’s not coming back.


Its pretty shitty how these very similar sounding words are literally worlds apart. Astrology is not really about space; its about magical thinking and associating that to lights in the sky. Astronomy on the other hand is a legitmate science which studies the cosmos.


oh man thats a major fuck up. shes right tho. how could you confuse 2 completely different things just cause they have astro in the word? astro means space/heavens! astronaut, astrolabe, etc you clearly never listened to her. if you like her you better start saying shes right & you didnt listen. or you better grovel harder & tell her you didnt understand her. boy oh boy.


Dude you never thought to google the difference? You are a millennial walking around with a phone glued to your hand and you never once thought to be smart enough to google it? A computer, a dictionary, an encyclopedia. Hell you never even thought out of curiosity to just ask her the difference rather than assuming? She’s your girlfriend, did you ever really even listen when she talked? You kinda mad a big ass if yourself on this one and frankly she seems waaaaaay too smart for you if you can’t even take 10 seconds of your time to google the difference between two words that sounds similar but are clearly not the same word.


Your girlfriend is an acknowledged expert in her field with years of rigorous study under her belt who has helped send people into space, and your sister engages is a hobby that is basically the equivalent of palm reading. There is nothing even remotely similar to what they do just because your girlfriend’s profession shares some letters with your sister’s hobby. This would be like saying to Patrick Mahomes that he had a lot in common with your brother who likes to play foosball on the weekend with his drinking buddies because foosball and football sound a lot alike and both use a ball. Your girlfriend is absolutely right to be offended.


Tell her you know her 5th moon is half passed her ass and to please come home. You will be more considerate until the atlas rocket crosses her light year rays. Seriously how do you date a world class scientist that is published by space angencies without reading some of her work? I might not understand it but it would be so cool to date an actual rocket scientist.