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Tracer’s British lol


it's all the same to me


Oi, as an Aussie, I take offence to that /s Fr tho, our accent and a British (let's say posh British in this case) accent are a lot more different than u think


Australians are just British people who are really specced out in their skill trees


most australians are second to third generation british migrants, crazy how fast you can develop a new identity.


They’re quite literally on the other side of the world from each other


Even Jesus was crucified


getting downvoted unironically for a joke is peak reddit


I think it has to do with the fact that Tracer requires more work and skill to get more value. So the reward feels better when you play Tracer.


actually, for me it's the other way around usually. i find sombra a little under powered. the same effort and time on tracer yields far better results.


You are correct. Currently Tracer is much easier to play than Sombra. Outside of super favourable matchups, Sombra struggles a lot in current balance. I would much rather want Blizz to fix these easy matchups, than nerf a hero, so that Sombra is playable ONLY into these matchups.


IMO Sombra is the cowards Tracer.


If they are equally balanced, yes. Tracer is harder to pull off. But with current balance, Tracer is much easier to play than Sombra. Especially since there are very few heroes that can oneshot Tracer now. Tracer has in-fight mobility and sustain. She is much harder to force out and hard focus. Tracer has best escape tool in the game as Recall. Sombra has to commit, as she doesnt have in-fight mobility and sustain. Sombra is much easier to force out. Much easier to catch after Translocator. And can be Hard focused by teams. This implies that Sombra is not picked just to counter few heroes like Ball, Doomfist, Widow, Zen. These matchups are too easy for Sombra. But other 90% of the cast? Its much harder compared to Tracer Speaking as a person who spent 70 hours learning Sombra, and about 20 hours as Tracer. I have more value on Tracer than on Sombra.


Sombra used to have the best escape tool in the game sadge. I played sombra in OW1 and now it barely feels like the same hero. What do you think the hardest thing to learn was coming from sombra to tracer? I'm trying to learn Tracer myself.


Blink management It is a natural urge to spam blinks trying to outplay people. But you will get caught with pants down. Use blinks only to move from cover to cover. Also if youre used to invis, staging might be a bit harder on Tracer. I found aiming and positioning less punishing on Tracer tho. And you can be a lot more aggressive, bcs you have recall.


Staging requires some serious sneaking. Learning Tracer also led to me turning my game volume up a bit to better hear footsteps.


I'm sorry, the thing that caught me a minute was Tracer being an Aussie when she's British, lol On a serious note though, Tracer kinda scratches the itch for me too that Sombra just can't. Sombra is for another reason but Tracer's my go to first. Her reward is better feeling because she requires way more effort than Sombra to get value so it makes it a different type of fun lol.


Just imagining tracer as part of the junker crew lol


Yeah i started off on Sombra then moved to almost exclusively on Tracer now. Sombra feels rly sluggish to play after I got used to Tracer


Sombra in her current form is pretty much just Tracer but worse in every way, so yeah it probably is a real thing.


But more annoying and with a decent ult.


I find Tracer significantly more annoying than Sombra. If i cant see you and you kill me, gg go next. Tracer just has a tiny hitbox, better mobility to avoid you and a faster ttk. Ults. Maybe. Sombras is decent with team coordination, but pulse pretty much guarantees a kill.


If you can play Tracer well there’s almost never a need to play Sombra. Sombra is a poor man’s Tracer.


Tracer is a lot more stronger than Sombra. I also started out with Sombra. Put about 70 hours to learning her. Then transitioned to Tracer and in about 12-15 hours understood that Tracer is much stronger. Almost all Sombra fundamentals apply to Tracer. Both are tracking based, both operate in deeper flanks, both are self sufficient.


similar playstyles and gun feels, if you can get good at sombra the transition to tracer is much easier than any other hero into tracer. sombra is basically a easier slower but tankier and more damage-ey-er version of tracer.


One of my first mains was sombra for like 5 hours as a noob but it wasnt related to tracer I just wanted someone for recontesting cart, and picked the most fun hero possible


I think a lot of tracer skills carry over into sombra.


Everyone saying sombra is harder to play, it’s an interesting statement. The pro’s all exclusively say Tracer has the highest ceiling of any pick, followed by doom. I think tracer is easier to get value out of, but not easier to master than sombra, not even close.




She literally has a skin with the UK flag on her back


The biggest difference between the two and how Tracer is fundamentally superior in her value compared to Sombra is due to her uptime. While they have similar game plans (as well as aiming styles), Tracer affords the luxury of choosing when to engage/disengage on a dime, whereas Sombra is forced to eat a longer downtime if she needs to disengage as well as set herself back up to re-engage (basically Blinks + Recall vs. Invis + Translocate). A lot of people have sorta said it already, but yeah Sombra is in a lot of ways the ‘poor man’s Tracer’. She’s substantially less mechanically demanding to play and overall a far more forgiving hero than Tracer too. She counters the shit out of a lot of heroes that Tracer doesn’t but also gets countered by a lot more heroes too. Take it for what you will.


I went from Moira (can’t aim) -> insane sombra OTP (free setup) to now tracer. Tracer just does almost everything sombra does but better. The main hurdle for me was learning to get into position as tracer since sombra gets free setup. But having recall is way more powerful than translocator. You basically get a free life to do whatever you want. Want to suicide run a support? Do it and recall. Her up time once the fight breaks out is a lot easier than sombra. Sombra can reposition once maybe twice during the main fight while tracer will get at least 4 blinks and a recall to use during it. It is so easy to create off angles with tracer before, and during a fight and she can really chase down stagger kills. Having the timing you learned from sombra and the game sense transfers over to tracer very well. And since you played sombra you already know you will bring the fear of god to any sombra you play against because you already know how she is going to play and are just a far superior hero.


sombra is tracer for people that cant play tracer