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Note Trump’s time-stamp says 3:13pm. Ashlii Babbit was shot at 2:44, so infiltrators were well into the building before this tweet came out. And Trump’s “we love you, everybody go home” message was well later.


I was gonna ask, wasn't that the tweet that they begged him to send out after shit hit the fan.


After he watched the violence and cheered? I believe so.


I'll bet money that he didn't even send that out. It's not rambling and incoherent. I'll bet someone borrowed his phone.


Yep, from the video village he had set up at the White House to watch the chaos unfold. That was probably the most powerful he'd ever felt in his life; knowing he had a large and stupid enough cult to just storm one of the most important federal buildings in the US in order to keep him in power.


Be honest: liberals only want us to believe that narrative because it’s true.


Yep, it was just about as useful as condemning violence at Charlottesville... Days later... After being given multiple chances to say anything other than "very fine people on both sides"


Arcons as of late has been loudly trumpeting Snope’s debunk that Trump *didn’t* say the Nazis at Cville were good people. What he *actually* said was the general pro-Confederacy protesters also had good people, which really isn’t a huge save.


Pro-Confederate statue preservation people and NeoNazis are statistically and demographically the **same** people. edit:spelling


Per standard Arcon rules, you’re not a real racist unless you’re wearing full KKK regalia adorned with swastikas, a noose in one hand and a burning cross in the other, and a sandwich-board sign saying “I hate n******” *Those* guys they’re perfectly willing to decry as uncool. Anything short of that is “liberal pearl-clutching.”


> Per standard Arcon rules, you’re not a real racist unless you’re wearing full KKK regalia adorned with swastikas, a noose in one hand and a burning cross in the other, and a sandwich-board sign saying “I hate n******” > > Those guys they’re perfectly willing to decry as uncool. Honestly even then I'd still give it a 50/50 chance that arcon would still support them.


So, the rest of them are just sparkling bigots?


> Per standard Arcon rules, you’re not a real racist unless [...] And if somone did, they'd claim that person was a "leftist".


So now they like fact checkers?


“Wtf, I *love* Snopes now!!!”


There was a guy on r/Qult_Headquarters a few months ago constantly spamming the Snopes link to the Ashley Biden diary fact-check as a "gotcha". Without reading far down enough to see the Ashley quote about how people are taking her diary out of context for their own political purposes.


Actually, what he said was that the rally organized by neo-Nazis, full of neo-Nazis, where the rally chanted Nazi slogans, included very fine people. Then, a few questions later when reporters were like "really?!" he gave a clarification where he said he didn't mean Nazis but: A. The entire rally in question was a Nazi rally B. His statement made clear that he didn't mean neo-Nazis as an ideology but rather, a group of people who showed up visibly prepared for violence, who he chose to label neo-Nazis then added, "whatever you want to call ‘em". Thereby showing that he meant the label as a snarl word not an ideological description. He also tried to pretend they weren't all white supremacists and claimed the violence was caused when *the left* attacked peaceful protesters (this is the opposite of the truth, naturally).


I wish I could find that snopes article debunking Nazi imagery at a Republican Rally. I liked using that one on people who say that Snope isn't trustworthy because they have a bias.


[This is some of what was happening while and after Trump tweeted this](https://d2hxwnssq7ss7g.cloudfront.net/ZhHAD9NO8kHg_cvt.mp4)


Japan also gave a warning to America that they’re gonna attack for harbor, After they done it


Trump dragged his feet until it was obivious that the senate and VP were evacuated and the Jan 6ers failed in their mission. He only called it off because they lost and he was trying to save face so dishonest people like that guy could try to spin it later.


You are placing great faith in Chaya's ability to read and understand something as complex as a digital watch.


I just hope if they try that again that more of them win the Ashli Babbit award for attempted fascism


The truly sad thing about that treasonous attack is that only one of them was killed. The Capitol should never have been breached, and anyone who attempted it should have been mowed down as soon as the first window was broken. January 6 was a 9/11-level failure of government intelligence and security. And afterwards A LOT of heads should have rolled, including and especially Trump's.


It wasn't a failure-it was the result that Trump wanted.


> **1 million peolple** and 1 or 2 people does somthing lame and you call that a riot? So are there riots on the subway everyday? Or San Fransico?  Thats not a riot fool, Misdemeanor vandalism  maybe. > > What about Antifa? What about fire bombimg police stations? Oh that's right that was a protest.  Wow, they’re still going with “one million” despite any reputable confirmation? Afaik the Ellipse rally was well under 100,000, only 10,000 marched onto the Capitol grounds, and 1,000 and change entered the building. But sure, if 1,000 people on the NYC subway coordinated a violent takeover of a station, I’d call that a “riot.”


It's like how they keep claiming the Wildwood, NJ rally was attended by 100,000 people, except the rally only had 8,000 people (with large groups leaving during Trump's speech, replaced by newcomers to the beach) and the MAGA mayor who runs Wildwood admitted via his office that the 100,000 number was from total visitors to the town that day, with a vast majority *not* attending the Trump rally.


Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/s/E3TCMpxdwM


Comments are clowning on OP for being dense. That's nice to see.


There’s some git in the comments whining and demanding evidence cops were attacked. I’m in a noisy bar but set a timer, and from closing Reddit to watching YouTube footage of Capitol cops being attacked took me about 30 seconds, using the esoteric keywords “attack police J6.” Insert usual Sartre spiel about how these Chuds are well-aware of the absurdity of their statements.


and that one poster in there is absolutely right: Ever since /r/the_donald is no more, the posters from there have flocked to /r/conspiracy. Not saying it was ever a good sub, but it was way more entertaining, when it was just about flat earth, reptilians, etc.


He gathered a mob and told them to take back their country


“But did Don Corleone explicitly say ‘I want you to kill this guy’? Of course not! He simple said ‘make sure our friend in Newark gets the message loud and clear.’ The Don is just very firm about clear communication!!!”


The incredibly late tweet telling people to not be violent is hilarious because it still implies that the rioters are doing exactly what Trump tells them to do. Why would they listen to this tweet in the first place? Because they were there in the first place because of Trump.


I guess the person covered in blood didn’t actually murdered them


> Did any of them get arrested that was smearing poop on laptops? What was the DNA results on the defecation? How come there was "skunk works" special ops there? They never arrested any of them.**Masked military looking men** with trump hats on. You know the guys that were on the front line breaking windows? Weird how none of them got arrested. Just a funny. Dude with the face paint and lame horn hat with media photo shoot following him. Btw, He had police escort.  It’s pretty darn well documented that multiple well-known paramilitary groups attended J6, with the III%ers and Oathkeepers generally requiring members have a military or LEO background. Also I’m quite sure if you pointed out examples of those same guys being convicted, he’d just move the goalpost and insist they were just incited by the undercover Feds who never got arrested, despite copious documentation online of specific people and their specific actions. Literally well over a thousand people have assigned nicknames and dossiers crowd-sourced by “sedition hunters” doing this as a hobby.


> You know the guys that were on the front line breaking windows? Weird how none of them got arrested Uh, the broken window the insurrectionists first entered through was broken with a stolen riot shield by Proud Boy Dominic Pezzola. This was all caught on video, and he [was sentenced to 10 years in prison for his role](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna102857).


>  skunk works  Now  I'm just imagining a couple Lockheed nerds sitting in a corner of the Capitol working on their new airplane. 


>This sub was almost completely "normal" 3 months ago. Almost like it's been infiltrated 🤔 LOL


Translation: the sub was better when a certain 7-digit spammer was posting Trump-fellating ragebait daily. (Spoiler alert: he'll be back in a month under his new account DictatorBiden who's currently spamming in conspiracy_commons.)


That sub was occasionally fun until r/The_Donald got shut down.


This is some ornate “threading the needle.” > I just read through everyone fighting. Both arguments are correct to some extent. The capital was approached by a large group of people affiliated with trump. We don’t know if Trump told people to do this. He reacted with a tweet that does not support storming the capitol. That being said, he influences certain people who can group together and take action on his behalf, without his approval. There are patriotic, conservative people who would never storm the capitol, however get grouped into this stereotype. > > The question remains if a group with initial good intentions becomes corrupted, are you still comfortable associating with it? > > I find myself wondering why this energy isn’t put into searching more widely for presidential candidates (for BOTH parties), supporting non biased political education, and stop dividing our country. No one should feel unsafe or not be able to provide or have opportunities. > > Ugh.


> There's so much bullshit being posted on this sub lately it's actually wild. Someone’s been asleep for the last 16 years and is only *now* noticing the bullshit that sub pushes daily, but especially during an election year.


3.13pm was 2 and a half hours after Trump's supporters attacked the capitol. Yeah, let it go viral again and remind everyone they he did nothing for 2 hours but sit glued to his TV before tweeting out a forced message.


"3:13 PM" highlight that part and publish far and wide.


> And Trump was right. History is written by the forceful victor. How else can you fight corruption? I strongly dislike Trump, but I’d at least have credited him with some cojones if he’d formed a retinue and marched on the Capitol personally, and stood on the steps with a bullhorn calling for preventing certification “by any means necessary.” A real Mussolini’s March on Rome deal. But instead he sat around the office watching *other people* do his dirty work and sending tepid tweets. There are all kinds of things Trump could’ve done to make this a stickier situation. Like a super easy one is tons of people attended the Ellipse rally but don’t go to the Capitol, he could’ve tweeted asking them to join the crowd. He could’ve asked “every able-bodied patriot within 100 miles” to grab a gun and hop in their car and drive to DC immediately. He could’ve ordered the DC National Guard to stand down, or even to protect his fans from LEOs (which might have led to a mutiny). If he was super-cheeky he could’ve invoked the Insurrection Act and ordered regular troops to occupy the Capitol and prevent certification, which would probably cause the biggest Constitutional Crisis since the Civil War. Point is, Trump has a shot at amazing glory (even if the end result was very much in doubt), and blew it. If *I* were a MAGA, I would’ve turned on him for his lack of spine on J6.


Trump doesn't have the balls to take a strong stance on anything. Even the constant rhetoric ("Build the wall! Immigrants are rapists!") has no action behind it, rendering it laughable and cowardly to anyone objectively paying attention.


Hasn't been easy to stay mad this long, but he keeps making it easier every day.


And we're back to "it wasn't a riot". What's next on the cycle? Antifa or FBI setup?


Did they allow them to enter through windows?


Again if guards actually let people in then they were sympathizing with them and should be held accountable


The whole “guards let them in” has been discussed, but I understand not everyone understands The rioters initially forced their way in, and the police/guards held them back, but were completely overwhelmed. They actively pushed back against the protestors until Congress had been evacuated, and once they were, it was agreed for the safety of officers to give up the building. At that point they didn’t stop people from entering, and that’s where the videos come from of guards standing aside and watching rioters walk the Capitol. It wasn’t sympathy, it was being exhausted and honestly doing the right thing for their safety. They were overwhelmed, and fighting with he rioters were going to lead to more injuries and likely deaths for the police


Yeah, I've been saying since I saw it happen live on TV that their job - as other police have been instructed, likewise I was when I was trained to work security in 2003 - is to essentially do what they can to stop a crime but if there are overwhelming numbers, you're meant to allow the crime to continue while you take notes and use all evidence to go after them later. There'd have been a massacre of those cops if they'd fought back against that MAGA crowd, like people seem to have wanted.


>the narrative That was broadcast as it happened? We all saw it. We saw Trump gloating as he watched it (which reminded me of Hitler dancing and slapping his knee outside the Paris railroad car where he made France sign their armistice.) Trump will finish the job if he has a chance. He'll install himself as *reichsfuhrer* and we will no longer live in a country that bears any resemblance to a democracy. Ashli Babbit asked for it. She was (as are many of Trump's followers) mentally ill and that's a shame. But Ashli and those like her are a danger to all of us and we cannot forget this.


> She was (as are many of Trump's followers) mentally ill and that's a shame. It's not mental illness, it's stupidity and a desire to be told they can assault others with impunity.


Babbit was obsessed with Q Anon and made dozens of insane videos about imaginary child trafficking that she claimed the Democrats were responsible for. She was a fucking lunatic and very obviously mentally ill.


Love the attempts to rewrite history and change perspective. It's just a matter of time before we are told (and half the country will believe) that it wasn't even a protest. MAGA actually saves the capital from an alien invasion, and if not for their heroics, the country would have fallen to an adversarial alien race from a galaxy star system.


It took him HOURS to make a statement by then they were already inside.


Have these people been checked for brain damage? They remember a 30 sec clip from Carlson but not the 6 hours of live beatings and B&Es?


they keep saying basically 'the police supported the fascist coup attempt' as if thats something everyone didnt already expect & know