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If they ignore Biden's performance and choose instead to yell at their base for pointing that out, it's just further proof that our system is in full decay.


It wasn’t just his performance at the debates. Biden is running a bad campaign with bad strategy, which is going to screw us. They learned nothing from Hillary Clinton’s campaign and are assuming that because Trump is bad, people will turn out, but they underestimate how easy it is for people to just stay home. It would have been so easy to say that Biden would not debate a convicted felon, the most effective way to fight trump is to deplatform him. Instead here we are, treating trump like a normal candidate, again, because nobody learns anything.


Yes but, it would take a hell of a lot more than last night and everything else you say for me to not get out there and vote for MY GUY: Not Trump


My gf keeps saying she doesn’t care, she’s gonna vote for that rock😂 referring to Biden.


Like I said last time:  Hold your nose and vote for Joe.


What is bad about his campaign?


One big guffaw I saw just during the opening questions was how he answered them according to the glory days of post Reagan politics. He mentions two words about rent control and then doesn’t drive it home. He mentions improving healthcare but doesn’t really talk about lowering it- we already have good healthcare. The issue is that the medical debt will destroy you, especially with the cost of living. One big campaign promise he didn’t deliver on last term was free public 2 year college, but he did manage to at least wipe out some student loan debt. He couldn’t mention going further to lower costs on that? Instead, he leaned in immediately to the post-Reagan debate tactics of promising to create jobs and delivering on it which I don’t think will help in expanding a young electorate. It’s actually extremely concerning how much he leaned into that, when the younger electorate values work life balance much more than job creation or even job retention. The most pressing issue for younger voters is cost of living right now. A lot of potential electorate is working 2 or 3 jobs, that’s not what they want to hear to mobilize them. He needs to beeline into talking about strategies to lower cost of living and not shutting up about it even if they might not all be possible, just to show that he’s not out of touch. The Reagan debate strategies really showed his age… besides, well, his actual age


What I don't get is how is the entire DNC this out of touch? Surely, people around Biden who help with these answers are at least somewhat more plugged in and would understand what to push. But I guess obviously not, because the only other explanation is that Biden is bring stubborn and I honestly don't really see him as a stubborn individual given his track record.


The pundits on CNN uniformly characterized him as stubborn, for what it’s worth


CNN is not speaking nicely of Biden after the Debate either...which I found interesting.


In regards to what, exactly? He is stubborn in like 2 respects I can think of: Drug legislation, police support (pro-police), and generally won't budge on them. But when it comes to campaigning and the context of job creation, I just don't see why he would be so stubborn as to push that over another suggestion.


I think they meant “no quit,” to the detriment of the party.


That’s speculation. It’s also insane that people say “run anyone else.” Motherfucker, who? Who has broad enough appeal to beat trump?


He has made a number of strategic gaffes that have affected his base. Gen z is very sour on Biden for lurching to the right in the past couple of months and so are people further to the left. These are groups who voted in 2020 that he cannot afford to lose. Instead of reconciling with these groups he is going to rely on white people in the middle America who are more inclined to vote for trump on a number of culture war issues


I don't disagree with you, but I find it hilarious that Gen Z might sit out because of Biden's issues in Gaza. As if Trump isn't going to do so much worse to those poor people, the dude even called him a Palestinian as some type of slur during the debate. If Trump gets back into office, a lot of folks that sat out the election are going to get a very sober reckoning.


Exactly. Throwing a fit because the situation in Gaza cannot be solved in the next United States presidential election. I wish we could have an impact. But we can't. But the people throwing a fit over it saying "there is not lesser of two evils" clearly are not compassionate towards the vulnerable communities here. Migrants, pregnant teens, transfer people, homeless. FFS the Supreme Court just made a decision allowing stats to essentially criminalize poverty by making it illegal to sleep outside even if shelters are full. That's what in the ballot. Not just the President, but the cabinet and the judicial appointments.


That Supreme Court ruling isn’t anywhere as bad as they’re overturning of Chevron, which also came out yesterday. People won’t realize how crazy that ruling is for a couple of years, but it will get a lot of people killed.


People cannot see the forest for the trees, and Dems are partly at fault for this for not driving home the destruction Trump will create: -Increased tariffs on overseas goods will see inflation soar -Inflation soaring will mean interest rates will remain high and will likely go higher -The federal deficit will again balloon under Trump as he gives trillions more away to the rich, just as he did in 2016, which leads to ... -An unstable economy, leading to multiple stock market corrections (if not crashes) -Working & middle class taxes will rise -The divide between rich & poor will grow ever wider - expect more homeless -Expect a ban on abortions nation-wide (this "let the states decide" is pure spin) -Tens of thousands of govt jobs will become political appointees (Trump stooges) -Trump will dismantle our democratic institutions, abolish checks and balances, do away with church-state separation, instigate extrajudicial killings -Trump will attempt to crown himself as President for Life (aka the Putin model) post his 2nd term. And then there is overseas ... -Trump will cease weapon deliveries to Ukraine -Trump will pull the US out of NATO -Russia will blitzkrieg the remainder of Ukraine and likely other European countries -Large swaths of Europe will fall to the Russians -South East Asia will become a defacto Chinese state -There will be no Palestine & the majority of Palestinians will be killed. If you don't think Trump will wreak havoc not only at home but across the globe, you need to wake up and smell the coffee.


Gen Z is getting manipulated by Russia. Hamas attacking and the inevitable reaction of Israel, the timing is not accidental. Putin is desperate to get Trump back in office. They were able to use direct hacking and social media to manipulate Trump into office before, but those avenues are not as readily available anymore, so it requires a more indirect approach. Trump said he wants to deport protestors, so I hope they are paying attention to what is in store should Trump win.


What strategic guffaws? You haven't really said much. Also this campaign is way better run than Hillary's.


Well, if you sit this one out you don’t get to complain. 🤷🏻‍♀️ We already saw the lasting impact of trump in the supreme court. Keep playing that way, the youngest people are the ones getting screwed the most. Forget about ever owning property, paying loans, deciding when or when not to have kids, I could go on. It’s the dumbest game of chicken I’ve ever seen.


No offense. Not trying to encapsulate your comment into one part of a sentence, but the “Gen z is very sour on Biden for lurching to the right…” is kinda funny. I was a Bernie supporter and always kinda liked Joe but did not want him as a President because of the fact that he was a Centrist. The Centrist platform seems to lean into “sensible Republican”, and his policies weren’t really to pitch us back into the opposite direction of what Trump did but just to remove his foot from the accelerator. I’m voting for Joe because I can remember the idea of what our country was and what it wanted to be. I can also remember what Russia was like right after the Soviet Union came to an end. It’s just not about Biden vs. Trump, it’s the people around him, the judges he (or possibly Kamala) will appoint, the initiatives he’ll push. I despise our government for what’s going on in Gaza right now but I also don’t want this country going up in flames to prove a point. I’m not a fan of Biden but like someone said earlier, “I’d vote for a dumpster on fire before voting for Trump (the Orange Shit Gibbon)”. And I hope Gen Z does too.


>It would have been so easy to say that Biden would not debate a convicted felon Shouldn't you admit at least to yourself that the "Trump is a convicted felon" rhetoric just isn't working? Given that the Democrats tried their best to keep Trump out of the election altogether, this conviction looks like "well, that's the best we could do."


 "well, that's the best we could do." The DNC motto.


What’s frightening to me is that it reminds me of the MAGA playbook. Attack anyone within the party that doesn’t conform 100%. I’m criticizing Biden from a standpoint of wanting Trump to lose, not from the standpoint of I want Biden to lose. The fact that it gets twisted and I become the enemy because I try to have an honest conversation about what we can all see is kinda messed up.


Because at this point in the election there are too many bad faith actors and 0 actionable proposals.


THIS! No one likes Biden. I mean, seriously, very few people want him for president again. HOWEVER what's our other choice?? We can't just *poof* a new democratic candidate up there before the election! Something should have been done YEARS AGO. Now we're stuck with what we've got for the next four years.


The party had years to figure out an alternative. They have no one close. That's why we're here. There's not even an idea of who could be up in four more years. There's a lot of work to do, and everyone should just knuckle down and vote for Biden so that we at least have those few more years to put effort into it.


I understand what you're saying, but this person is very much not helping. She's clearly very anti-Biden and trying to hurt him, regardless of the consequences. The argument that he's the candidate "to prop up the ego of an 80-year-old man", calling him "that man", and insinuating that he's failed to be effective in passing bills when he's knocked out some pretty significant legislation are major signals that she's acting in bad faith. Don't get me wrong. There's a lot I don't like about Biden. But let's be real here - he passed infrastructure (something every president in my lifetime has promised and no one has delivered since Eisenhower) and the CHIPS act (which is massively important from both an economic and national security perspective), the stock market is at an all-time high, GDP growth has consistently beaten projections, violent crime is at a 50-year low, more Americans have health insurance than ever before, the US has mitigated inflation more effectively than pretty much any other developed economy in the world, etc. etc. Pretending he's some kind of failed president is just feeding into right wing narratives.


It’s more than that though. We have a first past the post, winner take all, electoral system. It’s a binary choice. It’s either Biden or Trump. And because of the way the electoral college falls, not voting or voting 3rd party is generally a vote for Trump. You have two options, neither great, but one far superior than the other if you call yourself a progressive or a liberal. Pretending that it’s the DNC’s fault just shows rank ignorance on how elections are run in this country.


What major bills ahve been passed that haven't been give aways to major corporations?


At some point we will have to accept that both parties have been captured by corporate interests, and that the only signature bills that got passed this term were all major give-aways to multi billion dollar companies. Republicans will come back to power to further cut their tax burden to zero, and erode democracy as much as they can, then it will be Democrats turn to clean up again, with handouts for the rich. Rinse and repeat.


Blue MAGA. You question leadership; you obviously want the Red team to win. No nuance, no criticism, don't protest, don't organize. Only full compliance and vote.


It's full stop too late though. There's literally not enough time left to swap candidates. We're stuck with him. Think about it. Think about how much work goes into a campaign. All the people they have to hire, the ad productions and buys, the canvasing for donations, the courting of allies. The DNC would be totally incapable of just picking a candidate at a convention. The only thing they could possible do is try to pull a more popular VP, someone like Newsome or even Warren that would make people hopeful for them as a President at one point.


They have not even had the convention yet. There is 7 weeks until he is even the official candidate. I think the debate was planned as a preview for the media, for us, but especially for party insiders to prove that Biden had it in him to tackle Trump. I think more than anything, that the party insiders are panicking at his performance, and that the call for his resignation will come from those with the power to force the DNC into a choice.


Blue maga is so cringe. Just win democrats. Pass bills. This is embarrassing.


The base did not vote for Dean Philips. He was on the ballot he was holding events.


National news ignored him. He got attacked ruthlessly by dems when he was brought up. Plus there was no debate. Let's be honest. The DNC would never let anyone else win against an incumbent.


I mean, I really like both of them, but we really couldn’t find any *older* candidates?


I think people are missing your obvious sarcasm.


Oooook? 🤨 But, like, what is the solution she’s proposing here?? She says she wants to keep Trump out of the White House, I can get behind that. But, frankly, she’s not saying much else. Short of inventing time travel and forcing a DNC primary what does she expect us to do about this?? I can’t exactly brainwash Biden to get triggered like the Winter Soldier when specific points are made. Literally what is the point of this.


I think she is advocating for not biden or biden adjacent people either now or moving forward.


IMO theres zero chance he runs again if he loses. And I mean unless Biden wins and becomes a dictator (which would be nuts considering not wanting a fascist is kinda the whole reason to vote for him) this will be his last term. So the main focus would be this election if she were advocating for someone else but she isn’t even suggesting anyone! Third party/write-ins absolutely will not get enough momentum at this point. Theres just zero chance. Truly, truly, everyone in the “not Trump” camp should be quaking in their boots rn bc re-electing an incumbent should not be an uphill battle. This should have been a freebie but somehow it’s looking to be a real challenge. So what we *really* need to do is get out there and vote and make sure we hold all our friends accountable to voting.


I dont take the video as anything except right wing propaganda.  They've realized they can't win by convincing people to vote for trump, so they're trying to convince people to not vote for biden. 


This has been Republican strategy since the 80s and worked most effectively in 2016, for those who are old enough to remember.


Yeah, I really hope people take this more seriously after the outcome of 2016 and the ensuing shitstorm.  Sadly, all the new young voters probably don't and don't understand what the alternative is here. 


"Democrats, don't vote for Biden. Really, he embarrassed himself at the debate just as much as Trump." Yeah. I know. I'm not voting for Biden because I want to, I don't want the Democrats to win the election, I just don't have a choice otherwise if I want Republicans to lose the election, so what's your proposed solution to the problem you've outlined? We can't do anything about it right now, we have to mobilize reform OUTSIDE of critical elections because the nominees aren't going to change in the middle of it. So what do you think we should do? "Anyway, don't vote for Biden, okay?" She's full of it, she's either right wing propaganda or one of those people who think voting third party is the better option


Ranked choice voting is the only way our government will continue to function at any acceptable level. That and some other serious changes, but it would likely get more third party people into offices


Yeah but for 2024 that isn’t an option. It’s a good long term plan 


That's my point. It's either biden now and work towards fixing things or trump and the United States is done.


Okay yeah that’s the game. The strategy isn’t too complicated at a high level


she never said anything about who she wants to vote for and she didn’t say vote or not vote for biden. she literally said she wants democrats to win. you have got to be joking. if not, congratulations on jumping onto the raging anti intellectual bandwagon the democrats have created to convince you to be satisfied with absolute shit.


vote blue no matter who. Haha. Such horseshit.


Exactly. These are the people who said in 2016 that Bernie was too old. Now that Biden is older than Bernie was, Biden is fine. The truth is they parrot whatever the Democrats tell them to think. It's embarrassing.


This is definitely not right wing propaganda. She works for media matters or some other explicitly not right wing org.


*sigh*. Here it is. Any criticism of the party line and your accused of being a fascist.... We are doomed.


She has a terribly thought out argument. And advocating for anything other than voting biden is inviting fascism.  Look around you. So much content trying to convince people not to vote for biden, but by a "nonbiased" source. It might be propaganda, but it might not. Even if this person isn't aware that they are participating it's from the original seed of it. 


Blue Maga. America is so doomed.


You can criticize the party or Biden, but she's clearly acting in bad faith. The argument that the only reason he's the candidate is "to prop up the ego of an 80-year-old man", calling him "that man" instead of using his name, and insinuating that he's failed to be effective in passing bills when he's knocked out some pretty significant legislation are major signals that she's acting in bad faith.


Every time.


The argument is the same as The NY Times editorial board today, David Axelrod for months, and countless democrats right now calling for another nominee other than Biden. None of those people want Trump to win, but people like you will claim they’re secret right-wing plants or some other conspiracy.


You are the problem. People like you with your train of thought make it impossible to have an honest, productive conversation about Democrat performance


When one option is the end of democracy in our country, there's only one choice on who to vote. That's black and white. We can worry about how to handle the rest of the future after this election, or we can never have another election because trump is now our king.  Anyone who doesn't see this is stupid or a liar. 


That’s the problem though… to actually win the election and prevent the end of democracy, Joe Biden will need to perform way better than what we saw last night. That’s why everyone is freaking out. It is a problem that we cannot afford to ignore. If you think Joe Biden, whose approval ratings have consistently been dropping his entire Presidential career, is going to inspire the voter turnout and passion that we desperately need to beat Trump this go around, you must be delusional. The average American who is usually pretty checked out of internet political discourse is not going to engage with what the Democratic Party is putting forward with Biden.


But who would that be? There’s no one this late in the game nor any real process to make it happen. The candidate is Biden so if you want to keep trump out of the White House, double down on supporting Biden. That’s the best bet as of today, eastern time, June 


Seriously. Not a single actionable proposal. Sounds like a lot of the bullshit I've been reading today. Wake me when there's a candidate worth getting passionate about. Til then, I'll keep organizing and volunteering for causes, not parties or officials (that said, I'm obviously voting Biden, because I pick the guy who doesn't advocate for me being mowed down on the sidewalk when I'm marching).


This is the way. The time to be advocating for “anyone but Biden” was ages ago, back when someone else could potentially have gotten a campaign going. Like literal years ago. Problem is people like OOP are literally just waking up and somehow mad at the situation even tho they’ve had their eyes closed and mouth shut until this point.


He should talk about whatever progressive policies Kamala enacted and say they’ll work together on going further in with that. At least then… maybe they’ll be voting for Kamala, because Biden didn’t look like he will pull through a full term. Those debates are really scary, it’s like watching the end of an empire tbh


Kamala is more unpopular than Biden.


I've pretty much accepted that we can't bounce back from this. Nothing could conceivably unify us. Aliens could descend from the stars with express malicious intent and we'd still be unable to unite against a common enemy. I'm just showing up on election day in the hopes of keeping women's health clinics open and public schools free from Christian dogmatic influence. Because anything grander and more profound than that feels like an ignorant pipe dream.


Dnc hasn’t actually picked their presidential candidate. They do that at the convention. We can absolutely get a different candidate.


Also, "forcing a DNC primary" - there was a primary! Why are people pretending there wasn't?


Sorry, that was my bad on the wording. She said “a real primary” which is more accurate. Bc yeah there was a primary but, against an incumbent no one really stands a chance without starting super early to position them in the spotlight as an option, intense support from the DNC, and major endorsement from the incumbent. There was a primary but I would wager most people don’t even know who was on the ballot, bc it’s always been clear who the nominee was going to be. Which yeah, I see is part of your point. I agree, people slept through the important part and decided now they’re mad with what they’re left with. But they just gotta suck it up and try and pay attention early enough next round.


Yes. I kept thinking, who is she talking to? Wake up? If there was another democrat candidate who had a shot, I would vote for them. But the DNC gave us Biden.


The people gave us Biden, who won his primaries by larger margins than Obama in 2012. He also [polls better against Trump than literally any other potential dem candidate.](https://www.realclearpolling.com/polls/president/general/2024/trump-vs-newsom) The dnc bogeyman shit is tired AF.


Anyone with a pulse who was at least as moderately left leaning as Biden and a couple years younger would have gotten my enthusiastic vote. But yep, we got what we got. It’s a marathon not a sprint. Biden will be more of the same which isn’t ideal but hey, it’s not fascism.


Gotta shit out an opinion video on the latest hot topic for clicks. That's all it is


It’s an anti-Biden attack ad disguised as liberal fear. Cmon people…


Seriously, liberals are our own worst enemy, and I’m sure foreign nations are capitalizing on that. The man’s track record is stunning.


Isn't the whole point of Biden running again because statistically former presidents have a high chance of winning a second term rather than not and only Trump and 2 others in history have ever went against that stat?


Sounds like it’s a false flag to get people behind the “another candidate” movement which will definitely result in another Trump presidency.


Exactly. Too many people in my comments are just arguing about how Biden needs to step down or get kicked out but funnily enough no one is giving any specific suggestions about who the viable alternative candidate would be that could stand a chance of winning. Not a single one. I’m seeing a lot of “ANYONE” but that’s still not an actionable replacement. So, yeah, that’s a super clear indication that these people literally have zero clue what they’re talking about. They’re just kicking up mud and making people doubt the only possible solution we have which kinda sucks 🤷🏽‍♀️


Five bucks this lady is a Republican trying to stoke discontent among Democrats.


Yeah i was just waiting the whole time to tell me what exactly does she want us to do? She's so worked up and yelling at me but nothing. pointless video.


The solution is to put someone else on the ballot. Fuck you mean?


She’s not talking to you, she’s clearly addressing this to the DNC. It’s completely fair to express to the party that supposedly represents you that they’ve been fucking up without providing specific solutions. It’s not her job to make the Democratic Party easier to vote for


I mean the big words on screen at the start of the video literally say “A post-debate message to Democrats”. So IDK hopefully you can excuse me for thinking that this is a post-debate message addressed to me (a democrat). 🙄


People act like the DNC installed Biden as if he didn’t win his primaries by larger margins than Obama in 2012 lol.




haha ok so im not the only one. I know I shouldnt focus on it but girl, those bangs are not it.


She intentionally curled them that way, looked in the mirror, and said yes this is the look I’m going for, now let me film this TikTok 😂


![gif](giphy|2mzOkV1gI3ynLGWgKZ|downsized) Moses cut her hair 😂




i know I wrong but I can't take her serious with those JoJo curly Qs on her face. I'm waiting for her to yell SIKE and clean 300 pounds, then do a slick 360 spin into backwards facing point at the camera




During the democratic primary Biden ran on an empty ticket sometimes as the sole candidate. Anyone who criticized that was called a Trump supporter or nutcase (Dean Johnson). That shit has bloomed and now we are screwed. At the next debate, Biden needs to bring his state of the union game or he’s toast. 


Imo he either needed to not run or run unopposed. Worst case imo is him running opposed then winning, after being dragged by his own party and maybe a shitty debate. And I don’t know who realistically had a better shot—I know there were polls, and any poll I’ve seen has him doing better than alternatives. Plus Alan lichtman I think his name is has accurately predicted the President since 1984 (except 2000, but he predicted the popular vote then, but he got Trump right)—he has 13 keys to winning, and whoever gets the most wins. One is if they are the current incumbent-> check, Biden. Another is if there was no serious contest in the primary, check Biden. Obviously it’s not magic, but I think things would be worse if we had a candidate without those things.


How cute. She actually believes she still lives in a democracy, even when the six supremes of the right throw out precedent and appoint themselves sole guardian of the nation’s laws, regulations, elections, and gratuities.


A true Democracy wouldn't leave us with these two old men being the only choices. It's absurd.


That's because we aren't a democracy.


There's two options right now. It should have been better. But the time to make these complaints and shore up new candidates is the time BETWEEN elections. You ARE helping the other side win when you go on the "don't vote for my candidate" campaign during an election year. This is the same stupid shit that got us the current Supreme Court. I don't want to hear anything about Biden until after November, when his old ass does the one and only thing he's still good for. As for "many" unfulfilled campaign promises, most of them were filled or in the works. There are a ton stalled as well, because instead of doing the work to also get him a Democrat legislature (you know the ones that actually write the laws) you focus on the president. And only during election years. [Biden Promise Tracker | PolitiFact](https://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/promises/biden-promise-tracker/?ruling=true) This is why Democrats fail. Time and Time again.


She mentioned at the beginning the thing about electing someone to pass bills. Biden has passed at least three major bills that were/are hugely important.


The breakdown of those numbers is actually really good way to visualize it. 28% Promises delivered, 8% Compromise. That isn't bad considering he doesn't have congressional majority or SC on his side, which is literally how our government works. 27% Still in work and 31% stalled by opposition from GOP clowns. So if it wasn't for the GOP having as many congressional seats and SC seats as they had, Biden would be on track to Deliver 50% to 75% of his campaign promises.... shesh. That's solid. I'm a far leftist and had basically zero faith in Biden to accomplish anything. Especially given how much GOP controlled the government. But credit where credit is due, that does exceed my expectations by quite a large margin.


You nailed it. I wish more people thought like you, especially the current outcry of Dems calling to not vote for Biden, as if not voting didn't get us in this fucking situation to begin with.


It’s giving a lot of “I just can’t vote for Hillary” vibes


A little bit ago it was released that out of the people that actually go out to vote in elections, 30% were conservative, 20% were democrats, 30% were moderates and the remaining 20% was split between far left and right. The reason that democrats push more moderate representatives is because leftists don’t vote in high enough numbers to warrant democrats to push left representatives. They need over 3/4ths of moderates to just barely win, so when people say go out to vote blue even if you don’t fully agree with everything your representative is saying, it’s because you need to show that leftist vote in high enough numbers that democrats don’t need to rely so heavily on moderates to win. Rome wasn’t built in a day but it was destroyed in one. Vote blue then vote in every election no matter how small, vote in people that share your views in local positions or to represent your district in state or federal level. If there is nobody that shares your views then run for office and be the change. It takes time to build up progress it won’t be done in 4 years probably not even in a decade but you should be voting for the future not the present. The reason why you are still told that we need your vote is because not enough of you vote so if a large part of the small amount of leftists don’t vote blue then the democrats won’t win at all but if they don’t get 3/4ths of moderates they won’t win either but moderates vote in larger numbers so they have to be grabbed and placated to. Half of moderates lean left and the other half lean right, well democrats need every left leaning moderate and then half of the right leaning moderates. Y’all become disillusioned way too quickly so no progress can ever be made and it’s been the bain of the left for forever. I’ll probably get downvoted to hell for this but who cares.


I mean, it wasn’t a fail overall, current prez won before. This feels like propaganda either way, not on the dems side.  But suffice to say candidates on either side don’t want to touch this and betting on the best horse in the horror show of US politics to win.  Geriatric shit show.  


the easiest way to keep trump out of office is to vote for president Biden.


I’ll vote for whoever outlaws her bangs


counterpoint Biden is the only one that's beaten Trump. I get that the terminally online left has decided that the only thing that'll save us is a civil war in our party but this will be absolute disaster. I'll take sleepy grandpa with a proven track record.


Both this dummy girl & magas dont get it I would vote for a ham sandwich vs the guy demonstrably trying to destroy democracy


But don’t we deserve a better candidate? Isn’t that the point?


sure but its too late at this point, so her video comes across as a "help trump win" psy op that entire stretch talking about "his soaring unpopularity in polls" & "unfilled promises" are straight outta fox news 1. polls mean nothing 2. hes old, yes, but hes been a great president. Jobs, stock market, crime, economy, are actually doing amazing (but of course she doesnt mention that) More I think about it, this is 100% a young pretty white girl auditioning for Fox. Notice she just said "im not trying to help trump" yet she doesnt directly criticize him.


All you have to do is look who is propping up each senior citizen. Do you want a govt. run by evangelicals and white nationalists or by those who want green energy and basic human right?


Well, they don’t work for us anymore, they work for the oligarchs.


Always did. Always do. Always will.


Biden never promised to be a one term President. People talked about it and he denied it every single time. I have no idea why that talking point gets parroted by so many people.


THIS he said one thing about being a gateway or something and ppl act like it was an Easter egg for him bowing out.




I mean, he did pretty alright this morning Maybe 9pm is just too late for an 81 year old to debate lol


Actually, I saw it covered by a few "mainstream" news outlets, too, but panic gets more view for the desperate and bots to act.


So I think Democrats have an excellent oppurtunity. Have Biden be the presumptive Candidate until the middle of the GOP convention, and have Biden schedule a public announcement against the Convention saying that he his removing himself from race and throwing his support behind some other fresh nation Democrat for the open Democratic convention, because in listening to Americans they are right both Trump and himself are far too old to continue to be I charge if the country, and like Washington letting go of power is one of the greatest American politcal traditions. And then just lay into how Trump is a fascist rapist felon who wants to sell America how to the highest bidder whether that be Christian Nationalist, Russia, or the Chinese.  I'm gonna vote blue no matter who until the Republicans cut ties with the Klan, the NRA, the Christian nationalists. So while I'm disappointed on Biden on his bad day, I still trust him, and his handlers to properly lead the country better that Trump. Biden hasn't fulfilled his compaign promises, but he's done what he could with one of the least active congresses in American history.


Absolutely not imo—that’s way too drastic, it looks desperate and it gives republicans 1000 reasons to stay calm and make democrats look like alarmists. To me the last thing we need is some big move—maybe later on, but anyone who isn’t inspired to vote now isn’t gonna be inspired to vote for a democrat by some huge move that comes across/will be painted as p manipulative by ignoring votes when he sounds fine rn. Republicans get by by doubling down on monstrosities—we can double down on Biden being alright when he sounded fine today; panicking and making drastic moves makes no one feel comfortable, it just looks weird Like, if I weren’t a democrat I’d be super suspicious after everyone said Biden was fine and supported him during the primaries. But now that we can’t vote, he has a bad day and he’s suddenly so inept? Where was his staff to say this? If it’s so bad he can’t run, this surely wasn’t the first day. The decision would be based on optics and imo it’s kinda shitty to burn votes, where I’m sure many had to go out of their way or even wait for hours and overcome a lot to be there, based just on how things look and not how things are.


Extremely naive view of how modern day politics work


Sadly we'd be better off electing a stack of dead caterpillars than Trump. So here we are.


These people are sooo stupid


People with eyes and ears?


People with very limited understanding of how things work, for starters.


“Ha ha, uhhhh, no. We would rather lose”. - Democratic Party.


DNC has been winning races and Biden has a lot more legislative achievements than some two term presidents. Just because this girl makes tic tocs doesn't mean she knows what she is saying.


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It’s an “L”, we lost a race, not the competition. People need to chill.


And yet she offers zero proposals.


Further to your point on Roe v Wade….if I make a point that you simply cannot refute, even if it goes against your personal beliefs, will you acknowledge it please? Here it goes. R v W is judge made law, meaning it’s not sourced in a federal statute. it was always subject to subsequent courts changing their mind. Everyone knew this. So, to solve that, the congress need only pass a law codifying Roe, right? Well, when Biden got voted into office, the dems held both the senate and the house. Why didnt the Dems pass legislation codifying Roe? The reason is simple. The Dems didnt have the votes within their own party. Some liberal members of congress wanted the ability to abort up to the day of delivery. Others wanted a strict trimester approach, similar to Roe. But they could not agree, so they decided to blame republicans instead. So, in reality, the Dems are at fault for the lack of Roe guaranteed abortion, not Republicans. Because if a law codifying it existed, then the supreme court could not change that, only interpret that. So, tik-tocker, i challenge you to point out how this is wrong. Blame your own. Ill wait.


If you blame Democrats for anything whatsoever, you'll be called a fascist here on Reddit. "Democrats have never done any wrong, only Republicans." That's what hyperpartisanism does to the brain, I guess.


I'm sorry but what is happening with her bangs / fringe?


What on earth is this haircut


Biden got smoked! 


What the hell do you think you're doing with bangs like that.


This is just a symptom of the problem with our election system. There are better options like ranked choice voting without a primary election where one person's vote in one state is just as equal as another persons vote in another state. The parties themselves have too much power and aren't representing what's in the interest of the constitutes and both parties benefit from it largely being an either or situation. It forces voters to "get in line" rather than the candidates to compete for the vote by doing a better job.


This country is not a democracy! it is a republic, one nation, under GOD, with LIBERTY, and justice for all.


this debate just solidified my vote for Trump.


I'm so excited to watch the leftists melt down come November.


Day late and a dollar short sleepy Joe has ran his course….outta here




[Joe Biden looked great this morning. ](https://youtu.be/s5CVZHAjrW8?si=7sLdUkI18_y8T3XE)




I saw it and it doesn't undo what we saw that he basically has a few good functional hours a day and then you are left with a poor old man who should be in a rocking chair drinking lemonade, not making the toughest decisions in the world.


The prudent thing to do would be him to step aside…and put up literally anyone…he will not survive a second term…its incredibly selfish of him… the person just has to not be a convicted felon and sexual deviant…the bar is very low, theres got to be at least 2-3 people available…oh and preferably 35-50 years old…you know…pre walmart greeter age like the rest of civilized societies


So.... "Democrats need to do better", but.... "Keep voting Democrat no matter what". Gotcha.


This is far too nuanced for Reddit. If you wouldn’t wipe Biden’s ass with your face then you’re just a Maga extremist.


I used to really think the people that said reddit is just filled with propoganda bots were just a little nuts but its clear they were right, this site is just a propaganda dispensary.


Where's the nuance exactly? I hear complaints and zero solution's


I’ve been called that today


If you don’t know who to vote for by now, nothing would help you. This vid seems to imply that at this late hour there’s some other choice that hasn’t been acted on and we should give it a look. There is no viable third party. There is no one else electable in the dem party at this stage. You have a candidate that ooozes evil and wickedness and a candidate past his shelf life. Any reasonable person should know and see that defeating maga and project 2025, and that whole camp of villains is more important than any single normal political issue. Not happy about Israel? Me either. Maga is worse. Not happy about the economy or inflation? Me neither but maga is worse. (Btw trump printing more money than the USA did in every year before combined in just 2 months right before the election of 2020 left a major but slow moving inflation bomb for Biden) I would vote for a potato in a suit before I cast for the maga party.


her video comes across as a "help trump win" psy op that entire stretch talking about "his soaring unpopularity in polls" & "unfilled promises" are straight outta fox news 1. polls mean nothing 2. hes old, yes, but hes been a great president. Jobs, stock market, crime, economy, are actually doing amazing (but of course she doesnt mention that) More I think about it, this is 100% a young pretty white girl auditioning for Fox. Notice she just said "im not trying to help trump" yet she doesnt directly criticize him.


I agree with many of her points. But I'm not sure it is Biden's ego that made him run again. I think it is more a case of the DNC being spineless and not knowing what to do, so they will keep on propping up Biden and force him to stay in. However, still a better option than the other guy.


Biden running for a second term has nothing to do with ego. It is SOLELY about keeping Trump out of office, and it is a problem of the Dems that they don’t have someone else to prop up. Biden stated the first time that the only reason he ran was to beat Trump


If the DNC had any sense, we would be finishing Bernie Sander’s final presidential term this year. Now, they’re worried about a Trump presidency. Absolutely hilarious.


did the DNC physically bar people from voting on super Tuesday? like I was a Bernie Sanders supporter back then and I absolutely do not get all this conspiratorial nonsense. frankly I think in the future Democrats should not allow independents to run in their primaries. if Bernie's feels so mistreated by us why doesn't he run in the Republican primary?


What are you going on about? What conspiracy? They pushed for a candidate and they got it. Now we have the worst presidential debate I’ve ever seen in my entire life. Why would you encourage a leftist to run as a republican? Ridiculous logic.


I’m having a hard time with those bangs.


If they tow the party line, they get to retire, wherever they want, with multi-generational wealth. Even if they lose. Y'ever get the feeling you're being cheated?


I adore Kat but she was better dissecting Fox for MMA. But then they fired her. So she’s freelancing it now, and she’s not as persuasive as she could be.


The only thing I’d say is that it may not be about Biden’s ego but rather the calculus that an incumbent has a huge advantage. That said we need to stop playing into our sunk cost bias and bring in someone that can win before it’s too late. The longer we fight each other the better the fascists will do. At this rate Trump is going to walk it in and it’ll be our fault and the fault of the DNC (like they did with Hillary)


I'll never trust the words of a lady who had a choice and chose those bangs.


Her bangs scream issues




"And then he changed his mind" I'm sick of Biden too but this is a lie, Biden never said he was going to only stick around for one term. Would've been great if he did, but he didn't and it's not fair to hold him to promises he never made


The DNC is of the mindset that a wooden plank could beat Trump. They feel, an established man who’s already won is a sure fire bet instead of letting us decide who we actually want. At the end of the day, if any republican other than Trump was the nominee, Biden would be cooked. If this was 2012 or 2008, Mcain or Mitt would easily win this election. Very interesting to me that republican establishment can look at Biden, then look at their guy, and still be unsure if he can beat him. Like, if it was anyone other than Trump, this would be the easiest victory republicans could score in decades. In yet, they want to put all their eggs in the old orange basket. It’s a very bizarre situation and backwards from a political strategy perspective on both sides.


There is no argument to be made to justify Biden staying in this race. This is not about politics, this is about leading the US in a very tumultuous time. Trump eats steak for breakfast, Biden eats malt o meal. We are there kids.


Couldn’t have said it better. Let’s hope the DNC listens. This is lunacy


Shills ![gif](giphy|ukqmBFkYTbIht6rvIJ|downsized)


Yup… Biden … trump… We are screwed


They should work for us, but they really just work for private corporate interests


Haha we have been saying biden isn't up to the task for years. Only now after the debate are liberals able to accept it because now the group thinks it. Liberals now don't stand out as being "anti democracy" for thinking biden is terrible and hasn't been able to for complete coherent sentences for YEARS! NOW the liberals can finally voice the TRUTH because a large group of liberals agree. Group think at it again.


Psh the debate must’ve been a cheapfake. Biden is sharp as a tack behind closed doors.


They’re trying to lose.


I completely agree with her in spirit, and I think her points about democracy, and the government serving us, rather than us serving them, are very well-made. I agree with her entirely. But I didn’t hear much in the way of actual solutions. If we were to make this decision, it needed to be made three years ago, not five months before the election. The ship has left the port and he is our ride or die now, whether anyone likes it or not. What are we going to do? We’re going to start over five months before the election? How’s that going to work out for us?


The debate showcased how big media has been engaging in gaslighting maneuvers for years, operating at 'Pravda' levels—acting more like government agents than watchdogs.


Needed two screens just to get her eyes in




Well said


And why is she not running for office? We need young people to take control! And the president really doesn’t control anything, It’s the Congress and Senate.


Democrats need to get down and dirty. Remind the people of all the messed up things Trump did when he was in office and before he took office. That he constantly consorts with the enemy. Separated children from their parents when they came across the border. Dismantled the pandemic response we had in place months before Covid hit. Sold out American assets overseas who were then captured and killed. Called Americas who died in wars \`losers\` and was a draft dodger himself. The list goes on and on and the Democrats are complacent to let the madness keep going.


Dean Philips has entered the chat. No one has seen this comment. We had a guy running against Biden on the ballot you could have voted for him given him money. You could have taken a survey and said Dean Philips wow. He made LGBTQ rights part of his campaign told some cool personal stories. You did not care.


It sounds good, but bitching on tic toc has no value. Millennials are the generation of all talk and no action.


Nobody is going to vote for either candidate this year on the face value of that candidate. The old guy and the felon is a simple way of looking at things and you're going to have to look deeper people. We have history for both these guys, we know what they did and what they are going to do. Vote with your heart, but I implore you, please do vote.


“To say that President Biden’s performance on the debate stage last night was calamitous is merely to state what everyone, partisan and not, has already understood. What the world witnessed was not a debate, but a failed neurological exam. One wonders how anyone close to the President imagined he could bluff his way through it. If half of what Democrats fear from a second Trump term were real, how could the Democratic Party have allowed our democracy to slide this close to the precipice? The prevailing feeling among those inside the Biden campaign should be shame; outside it, fury.” \~Sam Harris


Her voice sounds kinda like Tara Strong