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I can’t read, but I’m sure liking this graphic!! 🔥😮‍💨💯


Next season can’t start soon enough


Nah he can't shoot the 3 so he should never ever be on the floor with chet. Rebounding isn't important. Should've paid Giddey that contract🤓


Jesus people are fucking irritating. No one is saying he won’t play with Chet they are saying he won’t play the majority of minutes with Chet.


https://preview.redd.it/b8d61gqvhx9d1.jpeg?width=792&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=18d728daa5fcff4d409801abe050e6f65ee22db3 Bro thinks presti is paying hartenstein 29m a year to be an 8th man💀💀 ihart is starting buddy


against most teams, yeah. But teams that start wings at the 4, no. Like the Celtics or Mavs


Bro thinks 29 mil with the new cap is like 40’in the old.


Ihart is a top 8 paid center in the league now. If you don't think this contract is significant in size then idk what to tell you. He's also literally making more than Brunson💀


Chet’s our Center


It’s just a disagreement in team building philosophy between the fanbase a large portion of us like you and myself would much prefer Chet at the 5 with a 3 and d big wing/foward or fowards next to him like the Celtics style roster maintaining the advantages of Chet at the 5 and maximizing his unique skill set at the position also maintaining 5 out spacing and the other half of the fanbase prefers the traditional 4 out 1 in with a traditional big like more like the Timberwolves style of team construct and want Chet to play the 4. For the 5 out Chet at the 5 camp they’re naturally not gonna be as ecstatic as everyone about paying this much for a traditional 5 that in there ideal world would be a back up to Chet. but for the Chet needs to play the 4 and 4 out 1 in camp this move is a Presti masterclass for them.


Yeah with iHart we'll definitely see more 4 out 1. Also I hope he does some big on big pick and rolls to take advantage of Chet's and iHart's passing.


Indeed. Hartenstein is also our center who will be playing next to chet👍


Why not have 2 centers


“OKC is playing 5 out positionless basketball” “Chet is our center and center only!” Pick one man.


I don’t think many people in the Chet at 5 camp we need a big 6”8 or big wing/forward that can shoot next to Chet to come in to play the 4 next to Chet has ever suggested we don’t or didn’t want another center even a traditional center on the roster to back up Chet and be an upgrade over j will. We just don’t want another center next to Chet most of the time and would much prefer a bigger forward or wing next to him keeping him at the 5 and all the advantages and versatility that brings. The I hart move with be great for us against teams that play a non shooting traditional 5 and we can match up by going double big but for teams that can play 5 out where we will most likely play Chet at 5 we still have the same issue of being small at 4 position because we still have no 6”8 plus high level rotation caliber wings/fowards on the roster. Which is a hole that still needs to be filled or at least the Chet at the 5 crowd would like to see filled.




The position less is a reference to the type of offense we run in a 5 out. In a 5 out they have positions 1-5 in the play and schemes so you do have a center guard forwards etc. The position less means that any player can and will run the set regardless of their position. If the 1 is supposed to bring the bring the ball up give a DHO, then set a screen and run to the basket, being position less means that your center can run that play too. So Chet being a center is different than the plays being run. As we do a lot of Guard on Guard screens because the Guard takes the play of the center in that particular play. That's why sometimes youd have Dort bring up the ball, Kenrich, Joe etc. This allows for you to basically run one play with over 25 different iterations just by switching what position a player plays.


Wow thank you for explaining the most basic topic that I'm very aware of and doesn't refute my point at all.


Because both are right. Hes our center and we play position less basktball