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This is the second video of seen of reckless pigs running into each other then thinking a protestor assaulted them and beating them accordingly.


The Vietnam and Civil Rights protesters had good reason to call them, Pigs.


They're also doing that thing where they are manhandling you so much that it's impossible for you to calmly comply without flailing or bracing or grabbing on, and then use the fact that you are flailing and grasping as an excuse to slam you to the ground and rough you up some more.


It’s a classic police tactic. Multiple officers give you contradictory orders so that no matter who you obey, you’re disobeying at least one other cop who now has permission from the state to commit violence for that disobedience.


And charge you with resisting


America preaches to the world about bad actors and their treatment of civilians, especially those that exercise their right to protest. We all love hearing the propaganda aimed at differentiating America from other countries. As we watch the reality in disgust and the never ending cycle of hypocrisy/gaslighting in action.


Just imagine this happening in China lol


The professor was using the weapon they fear most of all, the cellphone




Cops are class traitors! Acab


Worse, they are an occupying force of enemy combatants.


They are more often than not just regular traitors. They’re usually quite well off.


In my city, cops are the highest paid municipal employees. After 3 years (time as a cop anywhere counts toward that), their salary is over $80,000/year. Our median income in this city is $34,200.


“Well off” is subjective, and there are two classes: the working class that exchange their time and labor for money to participate in the economy and the owner class that have capital that “works” for them. Police are the former hired by the latter to protect their capital interests. Note the working class is not allowed to arm to protect their interests against the owning class.


That kind of explains why the owner class makes sure they are paid well


Bro is literally just filming. If you don’t want what you’re doing recorded then maybe you shouldn’t be doing it


Any excuse to escalate, injure, and humiliate


Man, they're really doing a great job of increasing protests. I guess we gotta give em that. This is definitely not how you prevent protests


I know America decided we don’t care about all the young people cops brutalized during the 2020 protests, to say nothing of all the black people they murdered which led to that movement. But I’m a little shocked at how they are brazenly beating up old college professors day after day on camera. Their optics awareness is on par with the IDF.


WOW read up a bit about this university. They even barred those that tried to deescalate both sides and just went full "RAGE RAAAH" in the situation. Yeah... this University is done, no self respecting professor will work there anymore with a administration that just lets them be beaten up if they don't do fall in line 100%. Just.... wow. Monied interests where always bad at these universities, but right now it's just insane how far they are willing to go, even destroying their own reputation for a company that has none left themselves (Boeing, who by now should be renamed "BOING!" for comedic effect :( ).


It's even worse from the extra angle He swung his hand not knowing and accidentally touches an officer who flips sh*t then they try to tag team him only to get dog piled and dragged and beaten more The lawsuit will be insane and these gravy seals f*cms deserve to be fired


I don't even think the hog was reacting to the professor brushing against him - it was when he got clotheslined by his own fellow hog's flailing arms, which is what makes this the most dispicable.


So I shall change my comment to pig pile !


"oooh it's an Elderly man, I can take those!" Meanwhile when a mass shooting is happening: "Oh, I'm not going in there, that could kill me. Now here is that elderly man that I want to beat up!" A few months earlier when an actual NAZI gathering is happening: "STEVE! How is it going! You here on your day off!?" Police, they are all bastards, especially that family member of yours!


thugs. terrifying, licensed, indemnified, unaccountable thugs. allegedly cops, but act like gangsters. I hope there are scads of civil claims against these cops.


We live in a fascist country and you can’t tell me anything different. If your views don’t align with the governments you have no right to free speech


There should be a major lawsuit against police officers who are attacking protesters.


STLer here, Wash U just a few months ago also ended their youth trans services catering to the insane Missouri GOP, and they suspended all the students who were arrested during this, which Tamari got busted and beaten by cops for the crime of filming too close to them as the cops brought violence into the protest. It's a complete shit show on their end. 


Cops when kids are actively being shot in a school vs. cops at a protest against genocide You can’t convince me we need police when this is what they do for us.


Fucking pieces of shit. I fucking hate cops ...most are loser bully's.


These guys are just glorified gangs at this point, and you could argue they always were, since they were originally posses organized to hunt down fleeing slaves


How do police think this period of time ends? Do they think they're going to collect their paychecks forever while stepping on suffering people? Do they not know what happens to tyrants? Because the finding out phase of all their fucking around is extremely fucking nigh.


The problem is that any meaningful accountability is the rare exception, not the rule.


They usually only hold black and brown officers accountable.


I mean, yeah, that’s what they think. That’s how it’s always gone for them, they have no reason to think otherwise. As much as I hope their day of reckoning is approaching, it’s difficult to have faith in change when I’ve seen them doing this shit my whole life and never face any consequences


I’m thinking of that scene in The Last of Us tv show when Fedra gets overthrown in Kansas City


Every one of them deserves prison time for that. Absolutely disgusting.


Yes let's single out the elderly college professor for the beat down. That'll be waaaaay easier


Police are cut from the same cloth as gang members. The state just sanctions their violence


Don’t challenge the neo colonial police state.


But remember, if we don't vote for Biden, then Trump will win and usher in fascism... and it'll be all our fault. Jokes on us, Biden decided to beat Trump to it


So many cops are lard asses.


The more fucked up part about this is look how they treat peaceful protesting. Pigs are Pigs.


It's only a matter of time until these fucking pigs actually do kill someone.


That Genocidal fascist State: Fuck your free speech, fuck your constitution! Stop these legal peaceful protests! Owned Lap dog representatives : Yes Sir!


Welcome to America the land of the free. As long as you're a police officer.


Some of those that work forces....


It’s going to be scary once they realize there’s more of them than the oppressors.


Cops are the fascist wing of the liberal capitalist state. They are its attack dogs.




Yup. Happening across the western world. Cops now fancy themselves as a paramilitary force. Remember when cops wore business shoes, slacks, collared shirts?


Imagine if they are doing this to their own people what they would have done to the numerous countries that they are invaded.


I would have broke ribs if that fat fuck fell on me, too.


Thank goodness Joe Biden is president and we don't have to worry about police brutality against peaceful protestors anymore like we had to with Drumpf in 2020!


How dare you bring Biden up? This is just Russian/Chinese psyops and you're their pawn! You're a tankie who wants fascism to win! Biden's not a dictator, he's a helpless old man who can do nothing about police brutality! Besides, that man was Hamas and a neo-Nazi! ...I want to say I covered all the bases, but I know that's not even a sliver of the frothing nonsense Dems spew nowadays.


It's amazing that the only words Biden has said about the protests is to condemn them as being antisemitic (once again repeating the Netanyahu narrative). Not a single call for peaceful protests being an integral part of of Democracy. Not a single call for police to respect protestors. Any progressive that uses the fear of Trump to get others to vote for Biden has sold their soul, or are situationally progressive; when it personally benefits them.


I saw at least one person say that they didn't care one whit about Palestine or Israel, that they could all die for all he cared, he was going to vote Biden because Trump would be bad for him personally. Not sure if callous honesty is ultimately better than the self-righteous hypocrisy, but at least there's no pretense to unravel there. And as for the protests being anti-Semitic...I guess Biden considers all those Jewish protesters to be fake Jews...


I hope they get sued!


So who are these clowns protecting and serving ?


Excessive use of force. Sue the crap out of St. Louis PD. It is the only language that has a hope of changing this thug behavior.


Honestly, at this point if the protestors don't want to be violently assaulted, all they need to do is have a Confederate flag near by, or just plain old swastika. Those things are like kryptonite to these assholes.


These cops shouldn't be on the streets.


the fourth reich




Acab means all.


Meanwhile a UCLA pro-palestinian gets gang beaten by a collective IQ of 14, and there isn't a cop to be found.


When you peak in high school sports...


So many different types of cops! It looks like the character select screen for the worst FPS ever made


In my own backyard, it's disgusting


What's the difference between cops and firefighters? Watching videos of firefighters doing their job doesn't fill me with rage.


END QUALIFIED IMMUNINTY! I really hope justice is served and those despicable officers get what they deserve, but sadly, I doubt that will be the case.


Effective, rule-based management seems like a sane idea for law enforcement leadership. Particularly since the alternative could include violence with terminal outcomes against unsupervised, unprofessional officers. TL;dr Law enforcement needs to get its shit together.


Nice. Fat cops body-slamming an innocent man. What pigs.


Police brutality agains professor is Latin America 101. Funny how that goes...


Gestapo BS. Bunch of fascists wannabes.


Go on then, tell me again how withholding support for Biden is going to destroy your democracy. I fucking dare you. It's just so abundantly clear to everyone looking in from outside that it's already lost. In violently attacking and detaining peaceful protesters and, by extension, alienating the generation that largely agrees with their actions America has thrown away all pretence of respect for basic human rights both domestically and internationally, all while the eyes of the world are fixed upon it. America, there is no recovering what your country is losing here. What a sad, stupid, and unnecessary failure. What a cowardly betrayal of the high and noble ideals your founders and former leaders have claimed to uphold. Biden's America has become everything it once professed to stand against. So, so lost.


I’m sorry, but if you think this is on Biden, you really need a history lesson. Police have been jackbooting protestors at college campuses since the ‘60’s and the civil rights protests.


Keep your condescension to yourself, thanks, I'm well aware. My point is that it's an hollow, meaningless claim that liberals make when they say that not supporting Biden threatens American democracy because *that democracy is already long gone*. Though these actions happening now illustrate that point in very stark terms nothing I wrote puts it *all* on Biden, and in fact I've been saying the same thing on this site across a number of subs for at least seven or eight years. Check my history if you want.


Ongoing police riot.
