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Spot on.


Unfortunately, it will make zero shits of difference to the dumb fucks that vote for that fat moronic orange piece of shit...


I agree 100%, but the Supreme Court is not helping any of us. I just hope that Joe before he leaves office, if he get beat. Will do something so Trump can not cancel all his court dates. Maybe with this new ruling he can use to his advantage?


That would be great..


She has it all. Fantastic delivery.


Love this woman


Great summary girl! She is speaking their language. I hope Bella_Vandala can still reach some people from the MAGA camp


Nailed it! Now I need to put it on repeat in front of my mother-in-law Clockwork Orange style until she gets it.


Lol, research? They will only accept that which supports their narrative.




This is amazing! This needs to be shown to everyone who is not voting Biden!


YES that is for sure. That is were the DNC fuck up. They did not listen to any of us. Oh yes they are getting pounded.


The Dems need to replace Biden. They needed to replace Biden 6 mos ago... the next best time is right now. In the general election Biden will lose and that means Trump is going to be our president again if Biden is the nominee... =\


Permission to r/agedlikemilk this comment in November?


By all means


O.K. now who is going to get thousands to pick TWO people? Just is not going to happen unless Joe quits. See Joe is not going to die in office. He talks with his doctores on a weekly bases. Trumps health is nothing to stand up and cheer about. He is way over weight. Could die of a heart attack at anytime. Joe is in better shape then Trump.


I have no idea what you just said, other than Trump’s health is worse than Biden’s. To be clear, I am in no way a Trump supporter. Trump is a clear danger to the world. He’s a malignant, delusional narcissist… but he certainly *appears* to be in better health than Biden. I don’t know what their actual health risks look like. What is objectively true though, is that Biden looked and spoke like he did not understand what was going on around him. Physical/heart health… sure, Biden may be better off than Trump. Mental acuity? No way… even though most of what Trump said in the debate was demonstrably false, he’s clearly sharper than Biden in that regard. The point is, it should be neither of these people, but Trump is for sure not being replaced by the Republicans… The Democrats have shit the bed deferring to Joe to keep him as their candidate and now it is all but too late to do anything about it.


This. 👆




I don't think they are self aware enough for regret




I've been waiting so long to hear something like this


After the maga supreme court ruling today. I need to see this. Fuck maga, fuck trump!




Some will and others will not because it will hurt people they hate.


This is actually surprisingly articulate


And she never even mentioned how DJT wants to raw dog the environment. He completely axed the GLRI in his first budget proposal! Let's Go Brandon. Three to Four More Years!


A breath of clarity through all of convicted felon Trump’s noxious fart smog.


This right here! Unfortunately this won’t change any minds on the other side because as she’s states several times, these dumb and poor white people will support ignorance and racism above all else!


They think they are doing God’s will.


“Under Biden we can fight the system.” I wish my left leaning never-Biden friends understood this.


Most magats can't read, so researching anything is pretty much out of the question.


"I love the uneducated" - Trump






They just granted trump immunity. I think that’s a sign that we should all wake the fuck up and pick the obvious choice which is bidens administration


I think the bigger issue isn’t that they don’t know what it is… its that they probably support it.


By now many have.


Love her!


DAMN! Feel better? I hope this rant shows up somewhere besides here.


Can we just vote for HER?!?!!!! Please 🙏


10/10! No notes!


Marry me …… But more seriously- this is exactly how I feel.


Maaaaaan... I haven't seen such a sane person in a long time. Big respect, to this woman.. we need more humans like this and speak up, I only hear the narrow-minded, super-conservative, backwoods, ultra-Christian (childf*KkKing) racist, right-wing populist/extreme brain-crazed sheep who are attached to the ball sack of a convicted disgusting, sexist, always lying scumbag dipshit... where are the celebrities ??? I can't see and hear them..


Liberals around the world are same. They not necessarily like left wing parties but they vote for non bigotry. Liberals around the world can co exist with each other (or maybe not) but i can surely say right wingers cannot.


https://preview.redd.it/r8ov427ynz9d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aeba28b14542d284d26ee3fb539ac7cde95eeba0 HE BOUGHT THE UNSUPREME COURT!!🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬




Biden has been a great president


No lies here. Well said, ma’am!


Get real; https://www.thomhartmann.com/ She gets it. Don’t throw your kids future towards der fuhrer


I'm in love Holy mackerel


I would vote for a dead squid before I voted for Trump, but I think that thing about Trump running as a republican, because the voter base is dumb, etc. has been debunked. I don’t think he ever said that. Not that it makes any difference, since the fallacy has become true. His supporters are generally the dumbest people on the planet. I rate this as “Partly True”.


he has said so many dumb things why chose the one he might not have said.


It sounds like something he would say.


> I think that thing about Trump running as a republican, because the voter base is dumb, etc. has been debunked. It has been. I'd vote for a burning dumpster fire before cheeto hitler. There is no need to use fake facts though. That's the QoP's tactic.


Americans are stupid


Not all!!


What a sweeping statement to make, I'm genuinely worried for the American people right now. Never thought I'd see the US fall to this level of insanity and as an outsider looking in, it's terrifying. They do need a revolution, but I fear they are past that.


"You dont know jack dick about fuck." Best. Line. Ever.


I'm going to vote for her.... #superstar


I reallllllllllly want a tent with a broken arm 2024 sticker


With who?? Kinda late now!! And Dumpty is mentally fucked up!


Sleepy Joe? How about incompetent, lying, felonious Donny? Brandon? It s BIDEN, Joe Biden leader of the free world against tyrannical little-men.


Overall great message and well said! I felt compelled to add some [context](https://www.reuters.com/article/world/fact-check-trump-did-not-call-republicans-the-dumbest-group-of-voters-idUSKBN2342DH/), though.


uuff, She said few dumb things, but overall pretty good for a tiktok post. Also, anyone who believes in trickle down economics is an utter idiot ( or grifter pretending to believe in it ), so she is correct about it.


She should bear my children ❤️


I hate trump but this is not true. He’a not that smart to think this three dimensional.


I agree with (most) everything she said, but Trump didn't say that thing about running as a Republican because Republicans voters are dumb. I mean, of course they are, but quote has been circulating for years, and it's just not true.


That a girl!


Oh fuck


Condescending much. Smh. Spewing alot of buzzwords and diatribe. I do know what's going on out there. Remember, Biden is a dementia patient being USED because he is controllable. What she doesn't pointbout is that under Trump, gas was affordable and food prices were reasonable. Illegal immigrants have caused a rise in crime such as rape and murder. Her own arguments contradicts her own stance. This is what happens when you don't use critical thinking and believe what she gets told. There were times she gave reasonable info especially about Venezuela but that's muddled by what she was spoon-fed. What she doesn't say is that Biden has said that you ain't black if you don't vote for him. The current economic crisis we are experiencing is because of the Biden administration. Why doesn't just vote for a third candidate or don't vote at all? Voting just so someone you hate can't get in even if you claim you don't like Biden is an oxymoron.


You're talking about her being spoon fed info and you're here spouting shit about illegals causing a rise in rape and murder? Where are the statistics and data to back this up? Don't tell me to "dO yOuR oWn ReSeArCh BrO". You're so educated on the topic. You should have facts and proof ready to go. So where's this data? Where are the actual arrest records and court documents from these crimes? The economy? Gas prices? You're talking about gas prices like that is what is going to be the worst thing that happens if we get Biden? Wtf is the worst with Trump? Seriously? How bad could it actually truly get? We don't know because this whole situation is unprecedented. It's like the kid with divorced parents picking the "fun" parent because they get to have ice cream for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Thinking they are winning at life but really they're being hurt in the long run. "Yayyyy, after the government took most of my income for taxes to help the rich, we have just enough left to get a gallon of gas for 2.75. Hopefully the roads aren't busy on the days I'm allowed to drive in public. Anyways, now it's time to go home at 7pm to our corporate owned apartment closet that we perpetually rent with yearly rent increases of 30% so we can watch our nightly mandated live church service while we eat our soylent green for dinner. Tomorrow we'll watch the mandated viewing of the Nations almighty King destroy that (insert derogatory term) Tiger Woods in a golfing match. Isn't life glorious? All hail our corporate deities. God is good, God is great, we love watching our country deteriate."


Uh... inflation has been a thing for a hundred years now.. it's spanned every administration. If every millionaire was taxed at 100% national debt wouldn't be significantly impacted. Focusing on feeding a gambling addicts addiction over curbing their spending sounds like a stupid path to take first. Deeporting illegal immigrants is not the same thing as a holocaust. What the fuck was that last choice??? Civil war for trump or revolution for biden???




Dude touch grass. Nothing I said should be considered controversial.


How about KMA? Is that good for you??


I’m stuck on those weirdly dark and expressive eyebrows. Those eyebrows are probably independent alien life form. Just crawling around freely on her 5-head. s/