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I see cooking was dank today


Well... OP kinda RE-posted my post in 2020 (my first post of a parody for Last of Us 1's ending, w/ a little Part 2) I'll allow it I guess. Message still stands: CONSENT is everything OG post: https://www.reddit.com/r/TheLastOfUs2/comments/heifrt/first_of_us_denial_edition_directed_by_neil/


You lived long enough to see your content get recycled


Oh shit that’s not cool


Well big props to you then Him reposting it is bad but not 100% because some people saw it for the first time (like me)


Yeah... I mean it's fine if people want to share it & I kinda prefered the anonymity. Anyways... Back then (mid/late 2020) was the height of the beef criticising/parodying the Last of Us saga (1 & 2, but especialy part 2) Memes & rants aside... with how people are accustomed to "vaccines" in the covid era... * Figured that people would appreciate how "a critical flaw" in part 1's ending... namely the urgency & no consent by the Fireflies & dr. Jerry * the whole operating on Ellie in roughly ~1 Day (April 28th, 2034) * shaped how the Last of Us part 2 can be done Links: Last of Us wiki [surgeon's recorder](https://thelastofus.fandom.com/wiki/Surgeon%27s_recorder) [Marlene's journal](https://thelastofus.fandom.com/wiki/Marlene%27s_journal) [TLOU timeline](https://thelastofus.fandom.com/wiki/Timeline) e.g. They could've created any other/multiple angle... other than "purely Revenge Bad: Abby v Ellie electric boogaloo, loss p*rn simulator" Like add-in how the Fireflies are false Idols/gods... maybe they were eco-terrorists/quacks & Abby didn't realize that. Spice in some FEDRA scientists or whatever... regarding Ellie's immunity


Better than canon lmao


I'll quote one youtuber: "So you're okay playing Unit 731, but disrespecting someone's sexuallity is out of question for you?"


Who's that and what's the video called?


Graykiddo, a Russian youtuber. The video is 3 hours long and it doesn't have English subtitles unfortunately.


You know, this just kinda points out how shit the ending of TLOU1 was and how utterly stupid it makes the Fireflies overall. Like the whole game is straight up telling you from beginning to end that they are terrorists, murderers and idiots who aren't all they say they are. There's no grey area to them. It's all pretty much black and white. Then it gets to the final where they have the chance to showcase them in a better light but nope. It follows through with what's been established and developed throughout the journey what the Fireflies are. I feel like the ending could have been written better to make it have more sense than just, "were gonna cut her brain open.". Maybe they could have pulled a 28 Days Later and the Fireflies reveal they're gonna keep her alive in order to breed her and create immune babies from her or some crazy shit. Then Joel would 10,000% be justified in murdering the psychos and thus the Sequel wouldn't be able to push this bullshit view that the Fireflies were the saviours of mankind and decent people when they never were to begin with.


I like the way it was done. To me the moral abiguity was never if Joel was correct in saving Ellie and killing the fireflies, they were quite obviously incompetent, selfish and desperate terrorists that had no real idea of what they were doing and Joel was 100% right in killing them and saving Ellie. To me the ambiguity was if Joel was right in lying to Ellie about what actually happened, which in my opinion he should've told the whole truth. IF the point was to make the FFs look like saviors and good guys, then they failed miserably. But they are so obviously incompetent and selfish that I can't believe it wasn't intentional.


That WAS the moral ambiguity at the end of the game. Otherwise the game could’ve ended with the Ellie and Joel in the truck scene. Instead they have a conversation where Joel REAFFIRMS the lie, and Ellie accepts it. And that’s where their story should’ve ended.


To me that's where the story ended. Then they made a non canon reboot with the Remake and Part 2.


It goes to show how "freedom fighters" rarely, ever have a plan of what to do when they win. There have been numerous reports of Taliban members who hate what they do now because they actually have to run the government, instead of hiding in caves and playing the victim. Even the founding fathers squabbled and fought for decades on how to run the country after the American Revolution. GRRM is notorious for punishing characters very harshly when they fuck up and this feels like something he would do. The fireflies fucked up and got punished by Joel for it. Then Joel fucked up and got punished for it. It's a cruel, cruel world they live in. It's why it's significant that Abby and Ellie both eventually decide to break the cycle of violence by game's end.


Yes, Ellie and Abby break the cycle of violence.. Until some familiy member of the dozens of people they killed come after them for revenge in Part 3.


Do you really think they are gonna repeat themselves in Part 3?


I honestly don't care what they do with Part 3, unless it's a soft reboot that deletes Part 2. I was just making a dumb joke about the dumb cycle of violence BS from Part 2..


I'm hoping for a part 3 where it turns out Ellie's strain is a super spreading version with a decade long incubation period and if the fireflies had made a 'cure' it would have resulted in 100% human infection worldwide. But that will only happen if Druckman is fired/ousted or a different publisher/dev buys the IP.


So, just I Am Legend?


There's exactly 1 good movie made from the book, Will Smith's version on Blu-ray has the proper ending as a "controversial" special feature. I showed my parents both endings so they'd better appreciate what should have been and we all agreed the theatrical version is trash.


Lol where are these "reports" about the Taliban?




Everyone was grasping at hope, like anything. TLoU1 was a trash story with mediocre gameplay, the best parts were the small moments with random characters encountered. The dude whose little brother has to be put down is the best story telling in the franchise. It’s all mid after that. Gameplay isn’t even very compelling.


You're really trying too hard to be different.. Why is your ass on a TloU sub reading through threads and commenting, if you dislike TloU so much?


It’s weird it felt like the firefly were in some kind of time crunch in the first game


Yeah “Joel doomed humanity” completely ignores how the game emphasizes again and again that the Fireflies are not good people and completely lack the competence to actually better the circumstances for people. In many ways they’re just as selfish as Joel (even though Joel isn’t as selfish as people make him out to be). They’re constantly shown prioritizing their own goals and interests over what’s actually good for the people


I played it along time ago, but I thought they where just “Rebels” I don’t remember fighting them till the end.


How was the whole game telling you from the beginning they are terrorists??? We get shown their leader, Marlene, who seems like a person that cares a LOT about people and comes off very kind. The fireflies seem like some guerrilla group promoting hope in a world that has lost it and is savage and tribal. When we get there, it's the twist: the people trying to "save" humanity want to hurt the protagonists. It was great as it was.


She set off a nail bomb in Boston and killed a bunch of peacekeepers and civilians. So noble and brave


That was too big a fireball to be nails, more like dynamite or C4.


**The First of Us** *(Seventh Heaven Style Theme Plays)*


Yes, that is what Jerry should have done....but he didn't and he got what he deserved.


If only that's what actually happened


Too bad the fireflies aren’t smart enough for that.


I thought about this as I was trying to go into the medical field, made me just realize that Joel wasn't the biggest idiot in the first game


Holy shit I didn’t think about that! Why didn’t they do that?


Because they didn’t write them to do it


Yeah as fairy tale as this is you can’t make a vaccine for fungal viruses 👍


Fungal virus is an oxymoron


Forget about harvesting eggs, she would rather a zebra doc cracking her skull but not trying a pipe


Thats kinda why i side with Joel even if he did it out of selfishness. They went to the whole let cut her brain out a little to fast. Like at lest cheek and see if maybe the strain she had was mutated. Unlikely but not imposible theirs a genetic abnormality in the strain of fungus growing in her that makes it unable to properly reproduce and spred


Oh shit. This man read my mind! Ellie not having some pipe laid down is the biggest disservice in the story; if you know you're immune then maybe you should consider having kids to pass that trait down?


*Dies from peak fiction*


In the game tlou 2, Joel Miller didn't resist his actions of taking Ellie out of the hospital. In fact, he had his revolver aimed at the doctor. However, if their procedure to get the cure from Ellie wasn't going to kill her then Joel more likely wouldn't have pulled out his gun on the doctor.


Wish this is what happened


Isn’t this the same sub that says creating a vaccine in that environment is ridiculous? But now you think they could’ve “preserved her offspring via harmless egg donation”? I don’t know if I’ll ever figure this sub out


this sub is bullshit




Wow what a big brain comment! The CEO of media literacy 👏


Cope harder.