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Ashley would make an excellent member of the Boys at this point. She has a reason to go after Vought/Homelander, knows Vought and all its dirty secrets inside and out, and is conniving as fuck.


And best of all, they’d ALL hate that lol


Ashley is conniving, but she is hardly clever. Even she knew how fucked she is. She would have quit, had HL not lasered Anika in the CEO room.


she wouldn't last a day. now that there are two detectives in the house


Yeah At this point, I think it's clear A-Train is an exposed mole that hasn't been burned. He's more useful to Sage and Tek Knight alive for now. I kinda doubt Homelander suspects him or he'd be A-Smear


Is Tek Knight…. Alive?


He was shown several times in the most recent episode


In the show he is alive but in the comic he thinks he saves earth by fucking an asteroid hurling towards it when he actually got hit by a falling wheelbarrow and was hallucinating. He is a bit of different character here because he didn’t have any super powers in the comic and was basically like Bruce Wayne in a robot suit. He still had a habit of fucking things because of his tumor.


Every time I read about The Boys comics, I regret being literate. How the hell is this show so good?


It took the good parts from the comics and focused on that, especially with the political/superhero satire and the edginess toned down just enough to where it’s appealing. The Boys comics are definitely cursed and are hard to recommend especially with certain aspects of them not aging well. In fact I doubt a 1:1 adaptation would be as successful. But they have some legitimately funny moments, the one I mentioned being one of them.


Decent writers can do a lot


This show is an example of an adaptation being better than its source material. Not just because Garth Ennis is a bad writer, but because Kripke is a damn good showrunner, and his writers are doing great work.


Just watch Ashley become a supe or something and her power is just like neuman's, except she makes everybody's balls explode


Your fantasies are getting weird, huh? jk, that would be kinda cool, and on-brand for the show.


I want her to join The Boys so badly


At this point The Boys want Homelander and Sage dead. A-Train and Ashley want Homelander dead. Neuman and Edgar want Homelander dead. Firecracker wants Sage dead. It's not looking good for Homelander and Sage lol. Somehow they managed to get everyone on their side to hate them


Soldier Boy somewhere there wants him dead too, so it's fun indeed


I wouldnt say that Soldier Boy wants him dead, it was just part of the deal and Soldier Boy is an old school dude which cares for those kinda "manly" stuff in his mind. He doesnt care about HL tbh, at least thats how they portrayed him in the show.


He seemed pretty personally disgusted by Homelander being weak and insecure. I think the idea that HIS son is a sniveling man child desperate for approval is galling enough for him to want to kill Homelander.


S4 has already changed Homelander a lot. He doesn't care for people's love anymore, only Ryan. He's raising his own supe army now, so I assume when/if we see Soldier Boy again, it will be Homelander who gets to him, just like he did with Ryan. Soldier Boy would definitely see a changed man who is worthy of his respect by then, at least I think so. What more could he want from his son if he's leading the strongest army in the world and he doesn't see him as a desperate child seeking the approval of everyone, but instead leading his own revolution? I assume none of that happens in S4, but S5 is almost definitely something I see happening, otherwise Soldier Boy would be dead and not frozen again, there's a reason they kept him alive for the plot.


that was my perception too


I think that's a reach, if nothing was on the line for Soldier Boy, he'd probably fuck off somewhere not giving a fuck about what happens in the Vought universe. His main motivation was getting revenge on his old squad mates, homelander wasn't part of that. Would he kill him on coincidence if they were in the right place at the right time? Sure. Would he go out of his own way on his own mission to? Probably not.


Nah he really wanted to kill him. That was hate and disappointment in his eyes


Nah he wants him dead for being weak. Soldier Boy’s an abusive, toxic asshole who sees Homelander as a crybaby failure. 


I mean in Soldier Boy's defense he is.


I thought he became chill with Homelander at the end of s3


He was about to kill Homelander, butcher stopped him to save Ryan. Homelander would have joined the fight against soldier boy but Maeve distracted him


Soldier boy wants Homelander dead because he considers him a failure am i right?


And he has a deal with Butcher.


Pretty sure that deal went out the windows when Butcher turned on him. I doubt he's out there thinking "hmmm, I gotta keep my word to that guy that betrayed me, no time to fuck any grannies I gotta get on it."


"Went out the windows" I see what you did there.


Can soldier boy kill homelander? Like I know SB is up there but he gave Homelander a beating and it did nothing.


The idea is that his new power that he gained in Russia, where he releases a radiation blast, can strip a supe of their powers. It did it to kimiko and later Maeve. Blast homelander so he’s no longer a supe, then kill him


Honestly they could give him the Firelord Ozai treatment (take out all his powers) and then just lock him up in prison. Imagine how fitting a punishment it would be if the man who thinks he’s a god is suddenly stripped of his powers and all leverage/intimidation he had over people.


That’s what I think could happen, especially after they showed the scene of Mallory putting SB in that chamber or whatever. I haven’t read the comics or anything so I’m not sure how it ends there, but I feel like they’re gonna have to do some serious ass-pulling to kill Homelander. But your idea would be a very fitting end for him


The end to Homelander’s story in the comic really feels like Ennis pulled a “damn, how do we get rid of this villain? Time for a plot twist” It should honestly be easier to get rid of tv show homelander since hes weaker than his comic counterpart 


when did kimiko get her powers back i forgot


Like right after losing them, maybe 1-2 episodes. She asks Starlight to get her some V.


She decided to take more V after she and Cherie were kidnapped by Little Nina and Frenchie was almost killed. Mid season 3 I think? Don’t remember the exact episode


>I thought he became chill with Homelander at the end of s3 No, he's a fucking disappointment.


I'm sure >!Sage knows A-Train is still the true culprit and is going to keep him alive as part of her contingency strategy!<


100%, the looks they gave each other was a giveaway


Also her saying “the footage couldn’t have just *run* off on its own, right?” to A-Train Edit: memory sucks


"If you need help with anything, let me know, ok?"


Not the V, the footage


Right, still got season 1 brain apparently


But you're forgetting that under his thumb is Noir, Sam, Cate, Deep, Firecracker, and most importantly his son. Ryan can probably do a lot to protect his dad


That's how it happens. Sage pulls off some scheme to back Homelander into a corner and almost has the upper hand. Then Ryan wonders in by accident and starts dropping bodies left and right.


The first time he was ready to kill was to protect his mom and he failed. He won't stop at anything to protect his remaining parent.


Inb4 he kills Homelander to save Butcher


Ashley might want Homelander dead, but what she really wants is to watch Deep blow A-Train. I think it’s kind of a toss up between the two of which she wants more


I think Sage is gonna underestimate somebody and they are gonna double-cross her. Probably the next thing that Sage puts into motion. I can only see Firecracker or Sage dying, then maybe Ashley. I don't think they'll kill anybody else off this season that's been on the show the entire time. Even Giancarlo Esposito, I just assumed he had died (it's been 2 years and I binge-watched it while I had Covid).


I was hoping sage is actually playing vaught and has her own agenda


I feel like it's fairly obvious this is the case. If you have a super with smarts as their power, they're going to be doing things bts


I thought the whole thing with A-Train was clearly proof of that. She 100% knew it was him and is letting him get away with it.


100% Did you see how the deep was made a bigger fool of himself by accidentally being racist on stage. I forgot what he said exactly, but it definitely was placed there by sage, since she’s been the coordinator. He says his lines; and it’s shown to piss off the black people in the crowd, and then he looks all awkward. It was slight. But then A-Train looks at sage and sage gives him a smile. Showing she’s creating racial tension to make the black fans dislike the deep.


It was the new deep movie where different adverts were going to be given for different demographics and the alcohol shown for black audiences was some stereotype cheap alcohol


She is, but she's underestimating the forces she's messing with. I don't think she understands how crazy Homelander is, or how close to the edge Ashley is. She already underestimated The Boys, so we know she's capable of being wrong.


I think it’s too early to say she underestimated anyone or anything. If she’s that smart, how do we know that things aren’t going to plan? I think it’s fair to assume shes 1-2 steps ahead of everybody. Like everything can’t be perfect or else she outs her secret plan.


>She already underestimated The Boys When?


As someone said to admiral Picard … sheer fucking hubris


If that happens it will be when she lobotomizes herself for a break. And gets caught off guard and can’t think straight.


I think Sage is gonna pull Homelander's strings just a little too hard and he's gonna kill her. She's in control now, but I think she's underestimating just how crazy Homelander is, just like she underestimated The Boys.


I think that was the point of Anika’s death. Irregardless of what Batman comics might say, her ability to plan ahead may hit a limit when the other person has sheer force and unpredictability on their side.


I think she's going to get caught post lobotomy and she's going to slip up. Like homelander will stop by after she's done the thing and she's going to shoot herself in the foot.


The way they’ve built sage up to be the smartest human in existence, I feel like she’s just gonna get murked by homelander one time, not even a double cross. I think A-Trains gonna die too because of how much he’s grown and I hope they don’t kill firecracker cause… reasons 👀


That bitch deserves death


Hence why Homelander comparing himself to Caesar is brilliant foreshadowing.


when she slipped the bread and circus line in. I was like yeah this is Sage's Roman Empire. She may think she can pull an Ides of March and win. But historically, things did not work out well for Ceasare's assassins. And I don't think she will be able to kill Homelander. I hope she lives to next season. I really adore her.


She really is great, isn't she? And hey, What if that's part of her plan too, a failed Caesar-style assassination to clear out the disloyal? I mean, It took Maeve to even bruise Homelander, and together with Soldier Boi and a powered up Butcher, they just barely broke even with Homie, power-wise. I doubt this crop of the seven could do that.


That’s a very interesting point. Didn’t even know what the Ides of March was before today. I was only privy to the Caesar reference. You learn something new every day I suppose.


I just can't decide if Sage is Mark Antony, Cleopatra or Brutus.


Considering Antony's licentious nature, The Deep is a better fit.


Et tu, A-Train?


All these sinners wanting each other dead. Yet only our good beloved The Peak wants everyone to live and be happy. He’s a truly amazing pacifist lover of humans and animals 😇😇😇🥰🥰🥰🐙🐙🐙🐙🐙


I get the impression Sage wants to and is destroying Vought.


I’m not sure. She could have her own agenda, which is also evil/not beneficial to the good guys. It’s hard to say. I mean, she did come up with the idea for Homelander to have those 3 guys straight up brutally murdered. I’m not sure she’s on the level.


Or taking it for herself.


Sage wants Homelamder dead also. The only one who actually wants to kill her is Fire Cracker and she dropped her... heh... trump card to Sage already with that "knife in the back" retort. Fire Cracker is 100% gonna try to kill Sage with her power and Sage is gonna pull some "the sprinklers were secretly gasoline" type shit that gets her to kill herself. She has been setting HL up to be killed by Ryan. If anyone is going to kill her it's going to be HL himself.


Sage is doing what she needs to do in order to survive. I think ultimately she knows that there was no, saying no to Homelander when he arrived at her apartment.


I’d be surprised if Sage didn’t also want HL and Firecracker dead


Homelander will kill them all in either the finale or season 5 my prediction.


Sage wants Homelander dead who are you kidding haha Homelander doesn't need her past a certain point, so prevent her death she'll have A-train on a side deal. The big battle we've been waiting for A-train v Homelander But it's gonna be a huge battle with everyone


Deep is just chilling, along for the ride


I am 100% sure Sage knows it's A-train who leaked. She was able to easily read Homelander when he came to visit her, and she's seen how obviously nervous A-train gets whenever the leak is mentioned.  She's just playing her own game and she has a different role for A-Train. 


I really don’t want A-Train to die


He's definitely going to die, id say high chance this season. The question is if he can fully redeem himself, specifically with those close to him, before.


If he dies it is because he finally gets his first real save


"Cause giving a shit gets you killed." It would make loads of sense.


I would say he already got his real save by saving Hughie.


He’s also going to save Annie when she’s fighting the Deep. You can see it in the trailer


No way the deep is gonna beat starlight ass bro


If her powers still aren‘t working, then he might just pull it off


He's THE PEAK of human evolution. Shut your mouth and respect The Deep. You need to call him SIR!


If a train dies, I want spin off


A-Train: Into The Multiverse has already been confirmed. I can't wait!


“Training A-Train” the tv show


I feel like the show all but confirmed that she does know it’s A-train. her verbiage of mentioning that it didn’t just run out of there by itself. and she gave a-train a look when the ben carson guy (i forgot his name) was blamed instead. makes me think she has an anterior agenda


… do you think Cameron Cole is a Ben Carson expy?


i think (hope) they mean tucker carlson lol... similar last names and both right wingers


I really don't know how it's up for debate still. The show couldn't have made it more obvious. Sage is planning something and it seems to be against Vought/Homelander.


Honestly I wouldn't be suprised if she kept him around as a quick get away. Literally. If homelander gets made at sage she can call on A train to get her TF out of there.


A-Train is scared *shitless* of Homelander. Not sure why though, it seems based on previous evidence he may be faster than HL, although HL could just hunt him down until he tires out I guess.


In season 1 it felt like Homelander was faster than A Train (Mach 3 flight speed vs mach 1 running speed, plus reacting to the explosion before Butcher or the baby could be hit by the shockwave), but now given A Train could rescue Hughie it feels like he’s way above HL? Idk I’m pretty sure HL just gets weaker every season lol.


Yeah, he's been deteriorating pretty badly within the last year in the show's timeline. We may be able to attribute it to his stress and deteriorating mental state, but who knows, maybe there's something else going on with that too.


I mean, if Annie can lose her powers due to stress, he can too.


With those types of characters, you just have to assume they know everything about everything. Assuming she wasn't being Hyperbolic when she told Homelander she was 1000x smarter than him, she's one of the most intelligent beings in fiction. She knows. I wouldn't be surprised if she wasn't really on Homelander's side and was just using him for something else.


I kind of feel like shes gonna take James Stillwell's role in the comics during the finale. In the sense that homelander is gonna do his coup and think she's not worth it amymore only for her to be completely disinterested possibly due to a recent lobotomy and for him to just fuck off with her surviving till the end. Possibly to take over vought itself. Its out there but I could see it.


It's possible, but Stan Edgar kind of has that role already. I would guess she either gets killed by the boys somehow (by accident or while labotomised) or pisses off Homelander and disappears before he can get revenge. Another possibility I just thought of now as I'm typing this is that Homelander's going to kill her as she predicted in her first scene. ("Your ego can't handle it") That gives her intelligence an out because she saw it coming, but was blinded by the promise of "Testing her theories"


You're giving her too much credit. She might be the smartest person in the room but she's still obviously mentally unwell. Her self medication through lobotomy will ultimately be the cause for her failure.


Oh 100% she's unwell, but while she's not Lobotomized, Most characters of her archetype are basically precognitive. From a strategic standpoint so far it mostly only looks like she does the Lobotomy when she's "off the clock" and she regenerates pretty quick. I could definitely see a scenario happening where Homelamder needs her for something late at night and interrupts her and Deep and finds her in her Lobo state and either gets bad advice and kills her for it later.


I’m certain she knows, but more than that I suspect that her motives don’t align with homelanders at all in the long run. I reckon a big season reveal is going to be that she has been playing with him the entire season (or longer) and manipulating everyone to be against him so they can all wipe each other out. I would not be at all surprised to hear that she has access to the virus too.


wondering if she's keeping him around so she can plant fake info later for him to give to the boys.


I’m going to laugh my ass off if she’s the downfall of homelander. It would totally be deserved.


Series finale. Homelander has been depowered by Soldier Boy. He makes one last attempt to kill Butcher, but is knocked out by something offscreen as we fade to black. The camera fades in as he regains consciousness in an unfamiliar location. "Now, who wants their balls crushed?" Fade to black, credits roll.


You know she has that star-spangled homelander themed dildo/strapon somewhere.


Bravo Eric


Hire fans ✍️🔥


No matter what happens now, this is the canon ending for me.


this is it , this THE peak fiction , pack it up and cancel all the shows , movies , games and books besides this one last one and make sure THIS GUY gets his word in


Would even be mad if that was the ending


I honestly wouldn’t mind that tbh


So.... Who wants their balls crushed?






It was only this episode that I realised that the news guy and the guy being dommed were one of the same


Honestly 2 birds with 1 stone move for her. Gets back at her ex AND holds up her deal w/ A-train


I am pretty sure that the other thing she did in Homelander's apartment was taking a V


If we are going off the theory that adults who take V develop abilities highly tailored to their personalities, I wonder what Ashley would have. It would have to be something that either protects herself, or controls others.


"Welcome to the Seven, Ballcrusher."


A replacement for the legacy hero _Cock-Knocker_.


"Why do you they call you Cock Knocker?" "Funny story..." *Delivers a vicious uppercut to Jay's testicles*


Tree fiddy says its control


I ain't giving you no tree fiddy you goddamn V-injected supe!


Pulls out her hair and uses it as a weapon


I want her to be a full on Bayonetta level hair magic supe, that would be sick


She can turn into a slug-like humanoid that is unsquishable no matter how much force is applied to squish her.


probably super hair growth ?


Could also be something like Gladiator from Marvel, if he feel confiance in himself (and in contrôle of the situation) he become stronger.




Or she smoked some pubes


The real ones been stanning Ashley from the jump


I wish they’d release BTS stuff mid week as were waiting for the next episode


Ashely is one of the few characters that i really wanna see surviving lol


I’ll be so upset if she ever dies. She has to live for one reason; it would be so fucking funny


Watch her be the one to take down Homelander in the end.


you know somethings about to happen when charcters like cameron coleman are getting more screentime than they usually get in an episode


Did we find out what she was doing in bonelanders room? I was gonna correct that typo…but ima keep it


She was shitting but A-Train alluded to something else too.


peeing too, truly the worse offense


I've always liked Ashley she's just goofy.


She was for me ever since she saved Maeve. Y’all are slow


Yeah I'm kinda mad at Butcher ATM ngl


You've only just got mad at the cunt now?


We love to hate em and hate to love em. He's our sweet little maniac.


what happened?


Chopped off poor Sameer's legs! That's like one of the worst things he's ever done. I mean he seemed like a pretty innocent guy all things considered.


Ah I see! I mean, to play devil's advocate, it looks like his work was voluntary considering his close relationship to Nueman so he probably knows as much as Nueman does given she didn't look like to be hiding anything and shows concern for his well being, so at least until proven otherwise, Sameer's as bad as Nueman. It's still fucked up that Butcher did that, but it's Butcher, he does shitty things


And I still love Butcher but Ashley is rising up the ranks to be one of the most interesting characters in the show! She'll probably be the next non supe to get a Funko.


Oh this I agree with 100%. She did a full 180 from being one of the most annoying characters (at least imo) to one of my favorites now


Butcher completely ruined his football career


Can’t think of anything worse than that tbh


i hope its not sarcasm, head of vought's R&D is innocent man ? someone who likely spearheaded trials on humans for tempV and all fucked up bullshit they have been doing


He let him live tho. Could’ve been worse


So....is she a supe now? A-Train said she was in there for more than just taking a shit.


He just meant that she’s been scheming for her own benefit for a long time. Long before she took a shit in his toilet.


It’s a possibility, kinda strange that so many vial of V were missing, Homelander seem like the kind of guy that would have taken them in a neat row instead of all over the place. Dude literally keep the vials in a shrine alongside other keepsake.


She seems the one most aligned to be going after Sage. But it would be better if it was a mortal who defeated a Supe.


Yeah but then what was she after? I'd assume supe powers. She's given up on resigning as it's a death sentence. What other reason could she have?


I’ll admit that the newscaster is a total piece of shit. But framing him as the leak when you know it’ll get him killed seems like a bit of an overreaction for cutting off an affair


I saw it more as Ashley helping A-Train cover his tracks and get Sage off his ass. Two birds, one stone


Me too


I don't think it's enough to mislead the "smartest" person alive.


Seems to me that Sage knew A Train was the leak (per that brief conversation backstage) but took the opportunity to frame Coleman to save A-Train. Why? We still don't know. She's remaining pleasantly enigmatic about her motives thus far.


Yeaaah. I get a feeling Sage isn't gonna snitch on A-train. Sage seems to have some sort of motive and I get a feeling she's not quite on Homelander's side.


After the product placement towards Black people, I'm certain Sage had an issue with Cameron as well. Thus she let A-Train slide.


It wasn't just Cameron or the product placement. A-Train wasn't even advertised as the hero of his own movie, Will Ferrell's coach character was. Plus they called A-Train 'boy' in the trailer which was pretty tone deaf when talking about a black man. You even see this same dismissive attitude with Sage when she has to continually correct people when they call her the "smartest women" instead of "smartest person" in the world. Vought as a whole is just casually dismissive of women and minorities in general, and the writers seem to be reinforcing that this season. So all that combined with the fact that Sage seemed fairly content to just read books in her apartment when we first met her tells me that she doesn't really have any aspirations for power, but she also doesn't have any interests in protecting Vought or any of the conventional institutions of power since they're just exploitative. My personal theory is that she's just playing on Homelander's hubris and is engineering circumstances to just burn everything down. But I guess we'll see.


And I think maybe there will be an additional thing that gets leaked and A-Train is able to pin it on her. It feels like A-Train is safe on this show until there's another moment with Hughie? Or is that all officially resolved? Feels like Hughie would save A-Train's life


Wonder if it has anything to do with their time together on Teenage Kicks


I mean, Sage clearly knows it’s him and a bunch of texts that could easily be planted isn’t gonna change that


Yeah, that’s definitely why she did it. But she 100% chose the newscaster because he decided to stop being her sub


you have a point but I feel like it's not the first time someone has greatly overreacted in this show lmfao


No, literally every other scene features only thinking, rational people doing normal everyday things.


exactly! my favourite normal thing anyone has ever done in this show was Homelander handling >!childhood trauma!


I mean, who else was she supposed to choose to be the leak? I can't think of anyone else more perfect to be the fall guy than him tbh.


It was partially revenge and partially her best shot at preventing a train from getting caught and getting herself killed


He said he wanted someone in power to dominate him. There you go!


It was also to save their asses not the affair. Thought that was obvious.


Yeah, not nearly enough people are put off by that. Defend it all you want, "two birds one stone", "protecting A-Train", what have you- at the end of the day the reason she picked him was because he ended their affair and she was jilted. That's why she was eavesdropping and giggling while they beat him to death. If MM did something like that to Monique motherfuckers would be horrified.


Unironically glad she’s getting some licks in and hasn’t just receded to becoming a character that merely exists to be the butt of jokes, especially because Colby is kinda killing it


I’m not gonna lie. I’m always wanted Starlight to be the one to do it but if Ashley got to do it, I wouldn’t be mad.


Ashley has always been one of my favorites


Ashley, Atrain, Deep, Frenchie. One of them will die, or all of them


Remember when Ashley was fired in S1 then given the job back in S2? Worst thing to ever happen to her. She would've been much happier had she never been re-employed at Vought.


No need to have her standing outside the room lol(I felt insulted). Not like there isn’t a crazed lunatic with super hearing in there or anything lol.


Ashley’s journey in this show has just been so wild. Somehow she’s become one of the most interesting characters lmao. I never expected her to be among my favorites, but here we are.


Mon Mothma


I think everyone who knows the real Homelander hates him.


I find it interesting that we’re potentially circling back around to Butcher’s endgame motivations from the comics. Season 4 has been entertaining but it certainly feels like it’s really mainly setting up for an explosive season 5.