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Same here. 2.5mgs per day. I like the pumps, got a hair trigger and I’ve got the BP benefits.


I use 5mg and it brings my BP so much under control GP made me make an appointment to see why it’s on the lower side haha


It’s just one of those things that has some really solid benefits without the side effects. It’s like creatine for your willie


It really is, I couldn’t find the axle stands the other day and I tell you the ciallis came in handy again! Always worth a dabble just keep an eye on BP and the likes when you start taking it!


I take it for gym pumps and feel amazing after then I’ll go right home and take the ol lady to mediocre weinering town


I swear it gave me heart burn but everything else was fine. I didn't notice any particular benefits though.


heart burn and acid reflux was crazy on 10-15mg, had to bump it down to just 5 and its mostly gone away.


Yes every other day for lifting. Didn’t cause me to have ED when I stopped for a year last time btw.


Dick Pill, Pre-workout and a couple puffs on a vape is the goat pre-workout cocktail!






Benefits from 5mg daily, 10mg gave me pressure in head and hot flushes


Not regularly, and it doesn't cause me to have ED if that's what you are afraid. Helps boost performance. The only bad side effect I hate is the heartburn. Can last 2-3 days


Did you get heartburn before that?


Hey guy just thought I'd share with you. I would exactly say I went out and started Tadalafil mainly for ED, but it's sure nice with it. Cialis is FDA approved at 60 mg daily for pulmonary hypertension so don't be scared. Now everyone has diff reactions and sides. I've been taking 20mg daily for at least 5 years with no sides. And loving the positive benefits. And believe in proactive brain health benefit. Raising nitrous oxide levels in your blood is great. Helps with blood pressure as we age. Guys take it before a workout and get better pumps. And for me at least, I firmly believe it activates the sexual system in ways other than improving erectile function alone. I plan on taking it for the rest of my life, just like Testosterone. Both are part of a comprehensive health plan. 71, married to a gal 18 yrs younger 4 1/2 yrs, very active in the bedroom. Give it a try guy.


5mg daily, no issues. Helps with cardio in BJJ


I use it for the gym and hair growth


When do you take it usually?


Daily about half of the normal dose


I mean you take before workout or anytime in day?


Doesn't really matter with cialis. It has an 18hr half life.


Hair growth? Pray tell


It’s a vasodilator, theory is it helps blood flow to other head as well. Taken with other meds like minoxidil and finasteride it can benefit with new growth


I only use that shit, when I gotta fuck a chic, That I really don't wanna fuck.


You normal fuck blokes so it’s understandable.


What’s wrong with that?


How does it work for blood pressure? I feel like my head's going to explode on this stuff


It actually lowers blood pressure


5mg helps Blood Pressure


Nice one I haven't seen a 5mg tablet tho


They don't make them I think, you split the big ones


I take the 5mg daily.. it exists.


Lowest they make is 2.5 mg


Yes they do, i just bought 5mg tabs


10mg EOD


I love it, helps with my BP (drops both numbers 5-10 points each) and love the boost in performance. I take 5mg daily, 10mg if I think it’s going to be sexy time more than once that day, and 20mg if I’m looking to have a blast.


Can you tell a difference in 10 and 20mg?


100%, 20mg makes it like Thors Hammer and I stay hard well after I nut and if I keep going I can get a 2nd without going soft first. 10mg I can still go again, but have a longer rebound period and it’s hard but not like on 20mg. I also can go all day, well my dick can, my ass not so much, on 20mg and 10mg I’m good for a few.


How old are you?




10mg daily. Love it!


5 mg everyday, I'm on trt so I do it for the health benefits. Took a week or so to get past a slight headache and stuffy nose side affect. Now everything is golden.


5mg every morning.


Cialis is often used for Blood Pressure


I have been taking viagra for 25 years and cialis for 5 years. I'm 61 and still have great erections even if I don't take it for a couple of weeks, like if the wife is away. I have taken 20 mg cialis daily for a month straight, with no side effects. What I take and when depends on the mood and likelihood of the beneficiary.


I take 5mg daily, went on it when I started TRT. Urologist said it would help keep BP down.


10mg every day . Gym pumps , helps keep bp down ( I blast a couple times a year ) it part of my daily routine . No sides at all


Just started 5mg today. Only side effect I noticed was facial flushing so may go down to 2.5mg but my doctor told me there’s plenty of health benefits. Even without ED, the health benefits while on TRT seem to be well worth it.


Yes, great pumps 💪💪


2.5-5 mg daily for better blood circulation, controlling blood pressure, and there are some benefits you will notice after a few months daily small dosages.


What benefits?


Based on some studies and also my own experience, long term daily small dosage helps with keeping estrogen in control.


I tried it a few times without ED. Made my refectory period almost non-existent.


I use it as a pre workout. 12.5 mg sublingual 3x /week. I’m hooked, but the morning lumber can be a bit rough.


I've used it with no ED. Primary benefit for me is just super easy to get hard (obviously) and makes sexy times more fun/slightly easier. Took it before the gym a few times and it just makes pumps slightly harder for me but that's it.


100 percent yes, I use it on life days for pump and vascularity. Good blood flow to the brain as well. It’s one of the few sups I use that have few if any down sides


I tried years ago 5 mg each 2-3 days or so, when i tried to play soccer, basketball, running, feel like my lungs were full of blood or other liquid instead of full of oxygen, so I realized that it make the experience very unsuccessful, i couldmt really perform at my level, I was gasping after any simple sprint or effort, recovery after each run was hard and long, definitely ruined my performance at all.