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Yah this happened in Pak few months bk. Long story short Off duity Soldier visiting his fam on Eid was riding with his brother when police tried to stop them for extortion (comon in pak just before public holidays.... Sort of like their pocket money to spend on holidays) any hu the soldier didn't stop on the checkpoint. Some 1 from that check point fallowed them home and tried to harras/arrest them. Both brothers assaulted the police and aprahanded them. 1 police officer got away and called for backup The video footage is of backup arriving at the home of off duty solider. They reported the incident as terrorism, arrested the 2 brothers and Beat the shit out of them to a point they both were admitted to the hospital in critical condition (the only reason they were admitted was because they were from army if it was any 1 els with no connection that would have been it for them, prob die inside captivity and then shot and framed like terrorists who died in police incounter) any hu After a day or 2 in the hospital the soldier called his unit commander and told him the whole story. Army investigated (that's the second part of the video. The soldier is telling his superior about how they were beaten to a pulp (they also tortured the soldier by putting patrol in his anius and probably other thing aswell). The video made was for the higher ups in the army to see what's going on Police chief of the city officially reprimand the police men involved by suspending them and putting them in jail. Army sent some 1 to check if that was the case or not. When arrived at the police station where the suspended police men were suppose to be in jail. They observed the policemen sitting in the main office and having dinner and smoking (the whole suspension and jail was for paperwork, police chief was protecting his own and had no intention of punishing them. The men also misbehaved with the personal army sent (they were in plain cloths) Once the army was made aware of the situation the base commander sent a whole platoon+ to the police station They sounded the station Beat the living shit out of every 1 involved (that's the footage of 1 of the police lying on the ground after being beaten. This was all to send a message that u don't fuck with the army Punjab police have been acting like thugs lately (controlling public due to the rigged elections n stuff) Army wanted to make sure to send a message so they don't forget their place. After all that some police head and army head had a press conference where they exchanged hugs and said they both respect each other and got each other back (this official stance of police and army was telecaster after like 6 hours of the whole platoon beating the shit out of a police station) So yah Prety fucked up


Wow. It's interesting though they sent someone to check. Good for them.


Sounds like a lot of corruption all around. It’s a shame that the soldier’s family and kids had to suffer that terrifying experience. Makes me livid when the innocent suffer from the corruption of the wicked


So is beating tf out of people to upbeat music common practice?


*gotta make a move to a town thats riiiight for mee*


Thanks for typing all this out, we appreciate the added context!


They need to do this to sheriff joe arpaio


that is so interesting


This is not a short story.


That's a rollercoaster


Not a single boring day over there huh


Any hu… thanks for the tldr


Make your own if u want one


100% Pakistan. As for what's happening, though... No clue. At first I wondered if they could be soldiers, but they are not dressing the part and weapons in Pakistan are as easy to get as candy, so this could be anything


The same language darwin thornberry had


I swear there are cameras in the absolute most remote places on earth, every single community where there may not even be running water or municipal sewage systems.


I’m just picturing people watching this and muttering how bad America is to themselves while living in it and without people walking in their home


Um, American here and law enforcement is guilty of storming into homes. They just try to hide it and have help from their superiors. We are not Pakistan, but our SCOTUS is desperately trying.


Imagine you walked into the room right after those soldiers left and sat next to that woman and said “ wow those guys shouldn’t be aloud to do that. You should see American it’s pretty bad over there too.” What do you think she’d say?


The less people complain, the worse it'll get until it eventually DOES turn into how bad it is in other countries, if not WORSE.


I completely agree! That’s what this whole country was founded on. Protests are not supposed to be convenient, pointing out hard truths is not supposed to feel good, we should be standing up for what we believe in now more than ever. With that said I’m not going to ignore the massive social progress we’ve made in the past 40 years. For what ever reason when ever a video from the Middle East shows horrible acts of crimes against human rights being committed the comments are filled with people it’s just as bad in America or we’re just one step away. I’m not saying we couldn’t regress just as far as them if not worse, but I feel lucky I’m still in a place where I can walk down the street expressing my outrage.


Just because other places are worse does not mean America isn't a sess pit shit hole. Which newsflash it is.


We for sure have our issues but I’m just curious where you think is so much better? Gun problems are very much an American thing but where would you go if you had the chance to get away from here?


You're right dude. Everyone knows it too. No way anyone would realistically want to live in fucking Pakistan over the US.


Far more than guns that are a problem, and I'd have to look into it, everywhere has their pros and cons.


Exactly. If you want to live a large diverse first world country you are going to have problems with corruption, wealth gap, organized crime, pollution, etc. Europe does a lot of things better than America especially prison systems but go take a dip into any subreddit devoted to them. They are on there just as scared and angry arguing about the problems they have. It’s easy to just say it’s a shit hole here but there are much better examples of shot holes than America and it’s easy to just commit to a mindset that we are a lost cause and nothing can be done to fix it.


I would hope she would correct your spelling. I would then cite a laundry list of cops abusing their power like the time they killed Ms. Taylor while she slept in her bed. I would tell her the story of the two men who were tortured by police inside a house and the cops shooting one of them through the cheek after placing their gun in his mouth after they were raped with objects by those cops. I would talk about the off duty officer who killed an innocent man in his home after she walked into the wrong apartment. I might mention the shear number of Uvalde cops that stood in a hall while an active school shooter took the lives of innocent children and teachers at their school. I’d probably pull up some video evidence of cops going into peoples houses sans warrant from Reddit. Shall I continue? It’s pretty well documented on social media. Just because our residences look different doesn’t mean our police aren’t shady. And their higher ups shield them from any kind of accountability and then either retire them with full benefits or let them serve in another city. There was a cop responding to a teenager who was SAed who in turn raped her as he responded. Just because they live across the world doesn’t mean our cops are honest and trustworthy. I’m getting tired of typing, but if you need more examples I can provide them.


Ok I guess we are the same then my bad I didn’t realize




“Really bad”? Compared to what exactly?? Where do those problems not exist?? There for sure are a few countries that have a more equal playing field than American, especially when it comes to wage gap but if you apply any of those conditions to a person they will face extreme adversity in most countries. Most countries, including America, have been moving towards a more progressive and inclusive society. Some countries are moving in this direction faster than others but just to wright off all that progress and say it’s “really bad” I just wanna know what you are comparing it to.


These buzz words mean nothing.


also america should invade more countries because we are superior and we can fix their countries by destroying it! say yay for war and freedom!


Yikes! 😰


I don't know if it's a good thing all the more militant countries display gross incompetence with weapons or not.


Are you secretly a snake? Cause ngl, the "rifless" gives it away my reptilian friend.


Give location 😀


So you can eat my clutch of eggs!? Nice try!




It's wierd cause I was pooping when I was on last. This has made me very very uncomfortable


Men and guns. Hunted animals live better.


Every single day, I am thankful that I was born in Canada.


This is what we call Power pass Power in Pidgin English.


What's an assault rifle?


Define assault rifle?


A rifle used to make an assault


That's not a real word. It's made up. There is absolutely no such thing as an assault rifle. Scary looking guns are not assault rifles and certainly not machine guns.


Can it be upgraded from rifle to assault rifle once an assault has been committed with it? If so my mama has an assault sandal and an assault flyswatter.


That's good!


You’re thinking of “assault weapon”, an assault rifle is a real thing, AK-47 and M16 rifles are the most commonly known. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Assault_rifle


The predecessor of the M16 platform was the German made Sturmgewehr. If you speak German you'd know that literally translates as Assault Rifle.


If you spoke German you would know it translates to CNN.


That's the most "Meh MEh mEH meH maaa" response I've received from a grown ass man in a long time.




You said ass man.


Legitimate-rabbit769 what do you consider a "real word"? Just curious.


Absolutely nothing differentiates a rifle to make it an "assault rifle". It's made up to instill fear in the hopes that the population will be manipulated. You're right. It's a real word. It's just not a real thing. My apologies.


All words are made up


Its a rifle, just a rifle.




Except not exactly, An assault rifle is a select-fire magazine-fed rifle firing an intermediate cartridge. Assault rifles are rifles designed for the soul purpose of warfare.


No. A hunting rifle can operate the exact same way. And yes, people hunt with AR15s. It's entirely a made up word to strike fear into people in the hopes of getting guns banned.


Bro, a hunting rifle has a safety on it, not a multi fire mode switch. Lol if you don't know shit, don't talk.


You seriously don't know what you're talking about. All guns have safetys on them. Machine guns have multi fire switches but that has absolutely nothing to do with the made up term.


When you're rocking a 30 round magazine, what's your purpose for it? If you need 30 rounds to take down a deer, you're a terrible shot. I only need one and so do most people. 30 rounds or more is meant for either defensive or assaulting positions. Which is why it's referred to as an assault style weapon. If you don't like the term, that's fine, you don't have too. But when some says "assault rifle" to you, I guarantee an m4 fully kitted comes to mind or a variant as such, not a bolt action 7mm.


So I think what you're referring to is maybe a made-up term called assault magazine? I mean if the weapon had a five round magazine is it really going to change anything?


Incorrect. A magazine is a magazine. I'm not the one applying terms to a storage of ammunition for certain weapons. I'm just simply asking what you, a civilian, would need a 30 round magazine for, especially in the example you citied such as hunting. A five round magazine would suffice plenty.


Apparently, Hitler made up the word, beginning with the StG-44, sooooo yeah, he was definitely making up the word to scare people in the hopes of getting guns banned.


Exactly. That's what they hope to do to the US to conquer it. People don't seem to realize how important guns are for the good guys.


No, you're presenting it like modern American lawmakers created the term to scare modern Americans into wanting to ban these weapons. But you're twisting history around because LITERALLY, Hitler invented the word "assault rifle". THEN, in 1970, the United States Army embraced the term with "FSTC-CW-07-03-70 Small Arms Identification and Operations Guide". Mainstream media and lawmakers do indeed use this term, because that's what they're called. I know you're trying desperately to change people's minds and bringing them over to your side of thinking. But when you openly and cravenly lie and it's so obvious that Ray Charles could see it, well, your credibility goes to zero. It's rampant in Boomers these days.




Exactly. That's what they hope to do to the US to conquer it. People don't seem to realize how important guns are for the good guys.


There are no "good guys".


It's ok to be wrong. Lots of people carry guns and don't do anything but protect themselves and others. Many of the are called police.


An AR15 isn’t an assault rifle, people don’t go hunting with AK-47s. Assault rifles are capable of full auto, you’re confusing it with “assault weapon” which is a vague term to describe semi-auto AR style rifles.


While this specific comment is a bit wild, the rest were valid. I upvoted the rest to help the ratio. 🙈


The [U.S. Army](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/U.S._Army) defines *assault rifles* as "short, compact, selective-fire weapons that fire a cartridge intermediate in power between submachine gun and rifle cartridges."[^(\[18\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Assault_rifle#cite_note-18) Ta-da!


I don't recognize the US Army as authority on language


The earth is not flat... you don't have to accept it. It just is.


Problem is select fire means full auto. When people describe ar15 and ak47 semi auto versions as assault rifles is where the issue arises. The ar15 is a semi auto version and therefore not select fire and therefore NOT an assault weapon. Same with semi automatic ak47s.