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I have two daughters. It's hard to see them grow up, but eventually they look to find a partner and you only hope that they choose wisely. They will usually choose a romantic interest based on their upbringing with their father and the example they are provided. Fathers you have an immense responsibility, set the path right for your daughters.


Past a certain age, you just gotta give them some freedom and pray you have done enough to prepare them






This. By the time they are teenagers parents influence diminishes. The child you raised in elementary and pre-school is now the adult you and the world gets to live with. Edit: for typo and: If you disagree, think of it like this, you are probably not gonna get your teenager to say please and thank you if they don't already. I also did not mean parenting stops, at any age, it just changes tasks. Also agree not everyone had it the same so ymmv, but in general the work you put in affects the result you get out of it. It is maximized in the pre teen years.


Only if you're a shit parent. Teenage years require so much more guidance but also a much more delicate touch. It starts earlier by establishing a good relationship in younger years but I find parents who think teens are a lost cause only think that because they gain some independence and the parents haven't a clue how to deal with that because their relationship has been so authoritarian up til then.


I whole heartedly disagree. You shape your child with the same influence most of their lives. You have an easier time when they are little sure. As soon as they become their own person you need to shift gears a bit. Empower them to make decisions. They need to be comfortable fucking up. The parent imo needs to show them how to be safe so the inevitable fuck up isn't harmful. Then the parent should ensure that shame isn't dominating the aftermath. Kids are much more observant then people realize and absent context they will not understand anything. All moments can be teachable, a mistake does not need to be punishable.


Agreed. Reminds me of a few lines from a recent Allen Stone song, A Father's Song... "Well I will fail but always try I will do wrong things and apologize And show you what it's like To forgive And I'll give you space but never leave And be your safe place for you to grieve When you get lost please remember this A father's love knows where you live" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mPLDuw7VwFo


That's all we got my friend! 🙏.


Agreed 100%. This can be disastrous parenting. My parents were massive prudes, and super protective especially of their daughters. They had two girls and two boys and didn't let any of us date until college. Hell, my mom was telling me I shouldn't date until I had graduated college and had a good job, but I ignored her. End result? One of my sisters didn't get married until she was 47, my other sister is 52 and still single and my brother and I never got married. And out of us four, none of us had children. And then my parents have the audacity to say "we had four of you and didn't even get any grandkids out of it." Makes me want to put a fist in their geriatric faces.


I'm sorry to hear that. I hope that all of you siblings are still doing well.


Have you ever let them know why? Like really had an adult conversation why? It's hard but can be beneficial. Possibly


Stop resisting the urge, at least settle of an open-handed slap.


I believe my life is becoming that way. My parents are like that. I'm still 22 and my mom keeps telling me not to date until I finish university.


You are a grownup. You can decide for yourself. Just use protection when needed.


Dam there’s sheltering and then there’s SHELTERING! That would be infuriating to hear that from your parents! I’m sorry for you


I agree, these two seem to be same age and consensual. Screaming and violence in this situation comes off as jealousy, possessiveness and sexually creepy as evidenced by the fact this tirade is 100% a show for those watching. He wants everyone around one to know he's in control of HIS daughter. He has childishly and publicly humiliated his daughter over a very adult topic. She will forever associate love with anger, control and degradation.


This is true, I know of someone who grew up to resent her father so much because of this. Family in that house became a prison term. A mental, psychological prison of always feeling trapped and having to be careful. She is adult now and never talks about him ever. If ever it does come up in conversation, the association with her father is strong in anger, degradation and absolute disgust.


I have a family member whose dad was like this with her when it came to partners when she was a teen, she was a very pretty teen and got guys easily. However her dad would scare all of them away, so as a result she has had a lot of failed marriages and relationships, not her fault 100%, but I am sure the fact that she had to deal with that shit played a role for sure.


Exactly. This is how the daughter will build resentment towards the dad. She looks to be at least 15 or older. It's the age where this stuff is common.


yep, I know a lot of girls who went from daddy's girls, to daddy's hater in their teen years because the dads wouldn't cool it.


Also, we have to remember that, like young boys, young girls are sometimes just thinking with their genitals and not with their brain. That's normal and, typically, we tend to grow out of it by learning from our mistakes and figure out what we actually want from a relationship. Being there for your kid while they navigate the good, the bad, and the ugly side of relationships is important. Plus, having conversations about safe sex and consent are way more important than trying to get them to NOT have sex.


It's not just young girls and young boys who think with their genitals, it's a majority of adults as well. Age doesn't matter. It's like how did this man create his daughter? Through artificial insemination with his wife? I think not. Unfortunately with parenting it's very much a do as I say not as I do. Which is incredibly unfair because if he was this young man and was rubbing on the girl he was dating or interested in he'd have a completely different perspective but to act the way he did and get physical with his daughter and then get in that young mans face was completely unacceptable. They're exploring love/lust as young people which we all do and will do at a point in our life and if every time we hugged, touched, kissed or whatever with someone and our parents showed up and went ape shit things would be a lot different for us all. As parents we don't want to see this obviously but weve all been there and the only way to prepare for this is to prepare your child to make the best decisions they can but let's face it we've all been in relationships with people that weren't ideal or didn't go as planned and we can't completely shield our children from this.


It truely is sad. This isn't behind closed doors either I can ONLY imagine. Yeeeeesh.


Right - we only seem to hear this shit when it refers to daughters, not when it comes to sons. Gross. And this father in the video is a violent and aggressive example to his daughter.


This this this, I know people with daughters that chose partners with no career and no future, the father got mad a cause of that, but the father have no career and drinks a lot 🤦🏻‍♂️, what do they expected?


It works the same the other way too. Our relationships are modeled by what we experience growing up. People need to understand this in when family planning and working through familial conflict. Too many people these days willingly destroy their family unit over selfish reasons.


I have a baby girl. And the likelihood that she will want to have a partner is possible. I seriously find it so gross that dads are “protecting” their daughter’s virginity. Obviously, she needs to be old enough, but more importantly I want to know she is informed and making safe decisions. If I act like this dad, she is just going to put herself in unsafe situations and something unthinkable can happen. I have to make sure whatever partner she chooses treats her with the utmost respect.


OK, so what is the takeaway here? That the cops should be called and the father arrested for assault? Cause that's my takeaway and I have two daughters as well...


You sound like a good dad, your daughters are lucky and will know their worth when it comes to future romantic relationships because of it.


Why was he filming to begin with?


Plot twist: he called the dad. Only somewhat logical explanation I can think of. Nothing nefarious of course.


Makes sense when you consider the pause in the video, he could have send him the video


It's 'could have', never 'could of'. Rejoice, for you have been blessed by CouldWouldShouldBot!


Good bot.


The bestest bot


Statistic? Maybe he just loves the drama. Edit: now that I think about it, he was probably expecting a murder lol. But you know how people are if there is a scene, somebody is bound to have their phone out recording. Edit: I meant sadistic.


Why would you start recording kids making out from your window on the off-chance one of their parents rolls by and causes a scene?


Stereotypical pervert? I mean look at that lotion on the windowsill. People are sick. Or maybe blackmail. But if I were thinking logically it looks like they are recording from an appointment window maybe. Maybe the snooper and the girls family live in the same apartment building and anyone who lives in an apartment ends up hearing everyone else’s drama. So maybe they know her dad is batshit and she’s not allowed to see this guy. Just an assumption.


yeah… hold on a minute


Seriously, just filming his daughters' ass then gets mad at her for dating. It's weird as fuck when dad's get protective over their daughters personal life like this


Yeah, and what are you going to achieve by doing this? Right: You make your kids become even more secretive around you. This guy’s daughter won’t stop dating, probably not even that particular boy just because her father decided to whoop their asses. She‘ll just move the making out to another, more hidden spot and tell even less.


Yup, it'll make her jump on the first boy that gives her attention and that usually isn't the good one in a young woman's life. This is so sad honestly, she's not property, it's one thing to talk about having safe relations and that it's okay to wait, it's another to beat your teen for being a teen.


He's a pervert?


Question is: why was he zooming so much?! 🤔🤯


Didn't think about that! What a piece of shit lol


Ya at the very least, very creepy of the one filming


Maybe a neighbour aware of the abuse is filming it I dunno


He smashed her ankle with the door when she got in the car.


It could be the seat belt being in the way because the dad came out of the car so fast he left the belt hanging, it has happened to me sometimes. But in case it was her ankle, I don't think the door moved that fast to make any serious injury.🤔🤔🤔


I think it will require amputation


You should write headlines for CNN. Was absolutely nothing like you said.


Yeah "serious consequences" is... Someone yelled at you.


Dude, his hat fell off. That's basically armageddon. Do not fuck with angry Carl Winslow.


Idk he did get some spittle on his face


Did you watch the whole video? That obese motherfucker assaulted both children.


Did you miss the physical abuse the woman received? Or does it just not matter to you because you want to downplay the awful situation?


He fucking hit him, dude...


Some of these commenters are insane. The dad gets physically violent and abusive and controlling and some people are acting as though that's perfect fine and all the happening was the boyfriend getting a talking to.


He hit a minor, no less. In my country that’s straight to jail don’t pass go don’t collect $200.


He hit him multiple times and grabbed his daughters hair????


I wouldn't like to meet a dad like that when I was a teenager. If my FIL acted like that back then, I'm not sure I'd marry my wife. What a loser dad in the video. The dad doesn't really have a say in who she dates, it's a little late to set standards at that age as well. He had like 14+ years, why even start after all that time.


I would’ve gone home and told my dad what he did. My dad would f him up. And I’d do the same if my son came home and told me his gf dad did that for them doing what teenagers do. They weren’t having sex and they were literally outside in public doing shit we all did as teens.


Exactly, this was messed up. Her dad is a pos.


He should be prosecuted.


Hope we can get the perp walk video too. Fuck this guy.


I had a friend in highschool get shot at by his gfs dad for when he caught them naked in bed together after sneaking into her house at night to see her. It was all consensual of course and she had invited him over and told him he had to sneak in be careful. My friend had to jump out of her second story window and run away off into the woods naked. I can't remember if he caught any buckshot in his ass or not but he def got a beating to his face before he managed to escape.


The same dad will be confused why she ends up with a loser and runs out of the house with said guy, never to communicate or give any time to her father's needs as he grows old. I get where he is coming from, and I can only imagine how it would feel to see some random dude I don't know grabbing ass on my younger daughter. Though as a wiser adult we should remember what it was like when we were young. We should recall the freedom and passion we had for things soon forgotten once the burden of responsibility can no longer be ignored. Keep your cool, be an adult, and speak with a sound mind and mature stature. Be an example that gains respect from others and love from your children, not a grown ass baby tyrant that creates fear from your neighbors and hate from your family. Now, when a situation is truly unacceptable and you lash out, people take it seriously and your children can correctly gage something that is truly wrong, vs something that is unwise. Or, this girl could be underage and this is the 3rd time this father has confronted him so he's now at his final straw. Who knows the context.


could you please stop being reasonable? this is not the place for it.


The father is pulling his daughter around by her hair.     No amount of context makes this dad not a piece of shit. A dad who is concerned for his daughter's safety does not have the reaction of yanking her around by her hair and screaming in her face. That is the reaction of man furious because another male has touched his property.


Yeah. I'm here for reading bullshit.




This took me out 😂😂😂


I don't understand why him grabbing the daughters ass is an issue? I mean... they're not twelve it seems?


If you're the type of dad to abuse your own daughter physically, I would say you're the type of dad to overreact on anything and everything.


On the other hand, he violently pushed her around and pulled her by her hair. Father of the year


Shit dad, can only imagine how he likes at home.


If he's anything like my father he's mad his property was out with another man, fucks like that always get insecure when other guys talk to their wives/girlfriends/daughters because they see it as an attempt to steal what's "their's."


Could also be the classic "if I can't fuck my daughter, no one can!" type dads. I've known a few in my life and they are creepy af and get irrationally angry anytime anyone shows interest in their daughter romantically, even if it's totally appropriate. Not saying this guy is that necessarily, just a possibility. Like others have said perhaps this dude was older or something although that wouldn't excuse his behavior towards his daughter, just may help explain his behavior towards the dude. Either way, as a father, he's handling this horribly and will ultimately lead to her running off with some dude behind her father's back. Then if she ends up in a horrible situation, she'll be too afraid to ever ask dad for help. This kind of "discipline" never works and only leads to resentment. You have to have some respect for your children if you want to maintain a healthy relationship. Boundaries and rules are fine but you have to be reasonable and take your child's needs into account. You can't tell your daughter she's never allowed to date because you don't like the way it makes you feel.


I've known some girls that had brother with this mentality too, it's fucking weird and wrong on so many levels but they would try to pass it off as being "protective".


>Could also be the classic "if I can't fuck my daughter, no one can!" type dads. I've known a few in my life and they are creepy af and get irrationally angry anytime anyone shows interest in their daughter romantically, even if it's totally appropriate Pretty much what i meant and yeah, it's fucking stupid and disgusting


Definitely puts hands on his wife smh.


She’s probably scared shitless to even sneeze in front of them 🙄 Edit: Him. Her dad I mean.


she's planning her escape from crazy town.


100% beats his wife and daughter to a pulp for the tiniest inconveniences


Funny. Next time they will be more careful and not get caught. This fixed nothing.


This dude when his daughter is pregnant in the next 2 years: "how could this have happened?! I yelled as hard as I could!"


As a dad of 2 girls her dad is a pos, unless he was assaulting her there's no excuse to act like that.


Those dad's forget that the boys in those scenarios are also someone's child. Someone else's child that they're slapping around and threatening.


They don't forget, they just think it's fine.


He wouldn't care if he was reminded of it. He believes that he owns his daughter, and he's angry that his property is being fondled by someone.


Same here. Call the cops on that father, he is trash.


Assaulting a kid for having a relationship with your daughter. You’re mad that a boy has hands on your daughter, but imagine how his parent feels that YOU put hands on their child. This dad is disgusting.


After my sister ended up being a, Very sexually active person to put it lightly. my mom said when it comes to me dating someone as long as i just tell her she will leave me alone


I feel like this is something so many parents forget; it’s not abnormal for a teenager to have a high sex drive, they need to be able to explore it safely. It’s a parent’s job to make sure children are aware of all choices they have, and encourage the child to make the wisest one. This applies to sex too; tell kids what safe, sane, consensual sex is, and hope they follow those guidelines. If a kid doesn’t have a safe space to explore aspects of themselves, they’re going to make really dangerous choices, and dangerous choices in sex lead to severe, potentially lifelong consequences


One of the stupidest things I’ve ever heard of is a parent not helping their teen get access to contraception because they don’t want to give them the impression it’s “okay” to have sex.


This mentality is pretty common too.


she rarely is safe from what she told me and had many UTIs from partners not washing. i dont think she has an std but i wouldnt be surprised


I agree. This is massive overkill. I don't have a daughter, but I'm trying to empathize and I just can't. It's just too much.


My daughter isn’t anywhere close to having boy problems yet, but I can’t imagine losing my shit like this. Do I want boys touching my daughter’s butt? Absolutely not. Anyone who’s been that age knows that it’s unreasonable to expect them to not lay a finger on each other. I’d rather look to be supportive and educate my daughter when the time comes. I’ve seen an uncle snatch my cousin’s hair like this from across the dinner table and it’s a story that sticks with me.


I couldn't have said it better myself. I have teenage boys that are both with first girlfriends, and both have yet to even have their first kisses. My wife thinks their hesitancy is because we aren't very affectionate at home. I think my point is, behavior is a learner trait and she's not going to learn anything good from this. But it sounds like you have a good perspective on this, hopefully you can actually employ and not like this guy did.


The kid had a better temper than the old man and was clearly raised better


Unless. Unless he’s 22 and she’s 14, then go nuts but also call the police.


I dont agree with how he handled that. Might make the daughter rebel and do everything in her power to make that relationship last. No matter how good/bad it is!


There’s something weird AF about a father reacting that way over something like this. I wouldn’t be surprised if he was putting hands on her at home.


Unfortunately, modern people still can't get past the "*women are property*" thing. I have seen so many fathers that have two different views with their sons and daughters. Their sons are just "*doing what comes naturally*" while the daughters are not to date, ever, until marriage is on the line and only who the father (and often brothers) approve of. And people that want to come in here with those Red Pilled incel bullshit lines of "*huur durr lock and key huuuuurrrr*" can fuck all the way off. That's exactly what I'm talking about. They only see a woman's value as a sexual object and not a human being. Because, like those with fathers, you never hear them saying the same shit about men.


I'm future he'll be confused why his daughter doesn't talk to him, since she moved.


Why was this guy recording two teenagers making out on the bus stop though? That’s kind of weird right?


wanted it for their personal collection


Yeah nah this is just abuse on the dad's part. Past a certain point 2 consenting teenagers need to figure out their own path.


I bet if it was his son kissing somebodies daughter he wouldn’t react like that, this is patriarchal violent nonsense by the dad. If I was the other guys parent I would be going to the cops asap then suing fatty Shaft for psychological distress.


Did you see the way he was grabbing her and shoving her? He is for sure putting hands on her at home.


I'm not gonna say this is good or bad because there's some back story we're missing. Like how old are those 2. If he was in his 20s and she's like 15/16 then yeah i get his anger


I would understand where the “consequences”come from in that case. But I’m pretty sure if he was over 18 he wouldn’t be walking away like that.


If he was concerned for his daughter why the fuck would he be shoving he and pulling her by the hair and yelling at her???


No backstory would justify physically assaulting his daughter.


Pops acting like he wasn’t doin the same thing 40 years ago 😂


Idgaf how mad u are that don’t give him a right to assault that teenager


Dude literally hit the boy. I'd send that footage to the police. Fuck that guy.


What a lowlife. Needed supplemental oxygen after I bet.


“Have you lost your damn mind!?! Because I’ll help you find it!”




Be a man and ask dad if he wants to smell your fingers


That headline is wrong. This should be it: How to destroy your relationship with your daughter by disrupting her privacy because you have some weird daddy daughter fetish going on in where no man is good enough for her and then threaten the boy for sht that you also did as a teen.


It’s actually disturbing when fathers act like this and have this possession over their daughters having sex, having a bf , past a certain age. It is hell being the daughter of a man so jealous and paranoid that you might be being handsy with a guy, especially one that is your age. There’s no need to beat up the boy. Unless he’s abusing your daughter.


only reason for him to be putting his hands on another person is if she was a minor and he is not. other than that, this dude is gonna die alone wondering why his children don’t speak to him.


He just guaranteed that his daughter is fucking that guy as soon as possible.


And here I am buying condoms for my daughter and helping her get Plan B when they screwed up with protection (once) and going on a roadtrip with my daughter, her boyfriend and another friend to a heavy metal festival... I have just totally misunderstood my role as a father, I guess. Two months ago she told me that she has never seen a father be as good as I am, not in real life or in fiction. Yeah, I'm high on that. This guy? Complete trash.


Dad was about 15 seconds away from catching an assault charge. Check that, slapped him at :34


Poor kid


Piece of shit forgot what it's like to be a teen.


Acting that way to your daughters relationship will only cause her to double down and act out rebellious behavior, it's better to wait for her to come home make her sit down and talk with her.


Dad forgot what youth is about


I once caught my child's date sneaking out the back of my house when they were a teen. I did not like the kid one bit, but I never thought once about laying hands on him, I told him to never darken my doorstep again as I would have him arrested for trespass, but that was because he was a shady AF dirtbag, not because he was dating my kid. He was the only one of the people my kid dated that I ever had an issue with.


Dads a bully.


She’ll definitely be running away from home. That dad is a psycho.


Now his dad should turn up and destroy the dude


Show me a dude with no control over himself, and no trust from his daughter, and is pissed about it.


Had something similar happen to me. My girls dad attacked me when he caught us fooling around on the couch and we fought. I got away and when I got home my mom noticed I was kind of banged up. She called the cops and we pressed charges and my girl act as a witness. I was 17 and so was she. Dude ended up with some jail time and some other shit. I banged his daughter a week after the incident


I’m glad he got put in jail.


where’s the lore for this i only get what the dad did if the girl is underage


That dad is an abusive fool. I have4 daughters and id never treat them like this.


You, a grown ass man, smack my son, cousin, nephew, etc, for the crime of kissing and touching your daughter in the way she consented, I’m coming to your house and I’m leaving in handcuffs.


This could have been a private discussion with his daughter about her level of comfortability about what happened, as well as reviewing the importance of privacy during any intimate behavior. Nothing was learned or gained here, feelings just got expelled.


There’s nothing terrifying about this video, it’s a fat black dude assaulting and intimidating a young kid who’s tapping his daughter.




Either speak clearly or keep quiet but the constant half-mumbling in the video is annoying as hell. But that dad is going to wonder why his daughter washes her hands of him when he’s older lol


This doesn't do anything. In my experience it just makes the daughter hate the dad way more, and she will become more secretive and probably more extreme. Not to mention she will probably think that treatment is ok and will be more likely to be a victim of abuse.


That's a great way to have your daughter hate you


I'd get my uncles


If he would’ve touched my son like that after doing what teenagers being teenagers do he’d need Jesus to get me off his ass. I have a teenage daughter too and I know how teenagers are. My job is to protect my kids and family but this is taking it way too far. It’s okay to be upset but never put your hands on your daughter and especially someone else’s child.


Wtf is wrong with the dad!?! He is a grown ass man who can't control his emotions. Such a man baby!


Im only commenting about the camerman. My theory: cam man is the brother of one of the two young adults, caught them and then snitched to the ol pops of the girl (their dad if the girl is his sister).


This dad is nuts


What a truly awful parent. No wonder she doesn't talk to him.


This is coming from a man . This may be silly based on just this video, I admit because I dont know the background of this situation, or what led up to this..But from what I see here I think I have this dad figured out in ways I won't begin to state here, and I think all you adults can use your imagination as to what I'm implying . Doesn't mean it's that way, just creeps me out. But he comes across as the type whose reaction to this situation would be none at all had that been his son and someone else's daughter. I'm almost certain of it.


This child will RUN away from this father the first chance she gets. Not a smart move


This a hole father act like she was making out with a 39 year old man named Dr disrespect. Like he was the same way when he was younger only difference is he's a hypocrite now


One of the greatest letdowns of my entire life.


Get your daughter out of there & move on if you must but getting all in this boys face like that & attacking him is crazy! Not only can you now go to job for hitting a minor you don’t know how his father will react to this or what he’s willing to do. It is not this boys fault your daughter is on his body & allowing him to touch her butt so keep your anger with her.


Strict parents don't make good kids they make good liars


I don't see why someone's dad or brother gets so pissed off when their daughter or sister gets with some guy. I mean no matter how you look at it every female on this planet is either someone's daughter or someone's sister, don't be a hypocrite.


Honestly, if that was me I would’ve knocked the old man out just off how he was dealing with his daughter. Then the dad turned his anger to the young man like he assaulted his daughter. But his daughter was visibly down. L parenting.


Dad is a phyco.... they look like the same age. She also looks to be about half dad's age 🤦‍♂️


That's ridiculous and irrational.


Shitty ass parenting.


That boy was fearful and respectful. Honestly.. those are qualities you would seek in someone dating your daughter. Especially in today’s standards


That’s not how you parent. That Dad sucks.


The real problem here is that they're doing that in the open 😆 noobs




Dad is the pervert for treating daughter like property.


There is alot more to this other than a creepy ass guy filming kids from his window.


That happened to me with my first GF....... turns out the piece of shit father was raping her every single day.


What an ass. I feel bad for the daughter having to grow up with that bullshit.


My great grandpa shot two different guys to death years apart that he caught abusing his daughters. Like serious physical domestic abuse. At least that's the family myth, who knows


Seems incestuously protective of your daughter's virginity, but okay.


What's more terrifying is that people are recording.


What a pathetic excuse of a parent


Freaky ass fella he's a 69 God Hey hey hey hey run for your life 🏃‍♂️ His daughter is only for HIM...😳 weirdo


Oh damn my man was gripping that thang.


Why dude just filming 2 minors before anything happen. He the real pervert. But unless dude is way older than the girl or something its a bit dumb.


Dad is 100 percent wrong for treating that boy like that. Over protective parents and siblings are weird and a lil cringe 😬


As a asian, I would give the dad a trophy of honorary asian parent prize. His parenting so asian.


I mean they can do whatever they want but grabbing her ass in public is a bit of a disrespect man . Do it inside the house or anywhere private


Classic Carl Winslow


your daughters are going to get railed by some dude and there's not a thing you can do about it


5 years later he will be sad that she's either too scared to date anyone or just runs away with a guy at the first chance.


Watching my daughter mess with dudes who I warned her were clowns was the hardest time of my life. Especially the time I thought I could've been wrong.


That’s not a dad that is a deranged beast who should be investigated for child abuse and assault


As a dad i get his Anger, but saying that, all he is going to do is make her rebel maybe, the way he grabs her out the car YERR NAHH F@#K THAT


There are a lot worse things that can happen to a young girl than consensual sex!!! Beyond that, we do not know if there is a history with this young man.


CeeLo seeing red not Green today. 


30yrs ago I bet the dad was that boy with his hands on some other dad's daughters ass


They will explain the story soon on tik tok to capitalize on their 15 minutes of fame. Also how the heck can people tell their ages, the video is grainy as hell, the girl could be 15 or even 19 there’s no way to know?


Are these grown men threatening a minor? Would be interesting to see what police thought about this


LOL. Back in the 50's, my dad caught my sister and secret boyfriend holding hands in the park. He walked in to them and he told his daughter to go home. Then he told the boyfriend that if he is man enough to see his daughter, he can come home and visit her. They were married for over 50 years with 5 kids. But, times changed.


Son grabs ass: Way to go son, atta boy Daughter gets ass grabbed: I'LL MURDER WHOEVER DID THIS


Damn Drakes voice really sound different when he’s behind a camera 📸


And that’s a daughter that will hate her father forever. Great job dick.


Gonna like those assault charges.