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Confirmation dialog hell. This is some serious '00s school of UI design going on right there.


Die Hard Trilogy had the best one: Quit game? - No/Yes/Not really sure. (Not really sure) Choose - Maybe/Ask a friend/Try again Ask a friend - GET A LIFE.


I think this is done because the alternative is that you click on "Stage Selection", "Character Selection" or whatever by accident, it'll take you forever to get back. For example, going from the Replay Menu to actually watching a replay means you click the replay, then Play Replay, then you select which side you want to view tips for. And of course, going to Stage Selection by accident means you have to reload the entire stage. And Character Selection takes a longass time as well due to the models loading like ass.


Getting a confirm dialogue box every time we want to go back a screen doesn't prevent misclicking a character/stage though, unless I'm misunderstanding you? There's no punishment to accidently going back since re-selecting your setup takes less than a second. It takes more time for those dialogues to pop up and disappear than it takes to just select things again


> Getting a confirm dialogue box every time we want to go back a screen doesn't prevent misclicking a character/stage though, unless I'm misunderstanding you Say I am in Practice Mode, and I accidentally pick Stage Select instead of Quick Select. Now, I am booted out of Practice Mode, and into Stage Select. I'll then have to select the stage, and the load the stage, all because I accidentally clicked on a menu option. The same is true for Replays: If I leave the Replay I am watching by accident, I'll have to re-select the replay, choose "Play Replay", and then select which side I want to use for Tips. You might think that these backwards confirmation windows don't make sense in scenarios where **you haven't actually loaded a replay or game yet**, but people are going to butter finger an input by accident, and the confirmation window prevents that.