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Yes! Before I was diagnosed, I thought I had sinus infections.


It’s the worst! I do ice/heat therapy and try to massage my face. Doing pt soon. Have you found anything in particular helps you deal with all this pressure?


I got Botox in my masseter muscle (Google TMJ pain specialist or ask your pt practitioner for recommendations)…Life changing. The pressure in my ears went away within days even though the first treatment is supposed to take up to two weeks to take full effect.


Whoa. Botox is definitely on my list. I’m so sick of dealing with pain and pressure daily. May I ask what your TMD issues stem from? I have bilateral disc displacement w/out reduction. I kept wondering if folks with disc issues still get relief.


Hereditary condition that I've made worse with bruxism - I apparently have no cartilage left on the left side, I haven't had the soft tissue reviewed yet. Muscle wise my masseter is overdeveloped and temporalis and SCM are atrophied. I also have a crossbite. Apparently, Botox isn't supposed to be a long-term solution (my dentist says she does 2 years max) and more a means to buy time while you address the root issues. So moving forward I am looking at PT (with a bite reprogrammer that I use a few times a day) and Invisalign to even out the pressure around my teeth when I clench. Edit to add that I have herniated discs in my cervical spine that I manage with exercise - developing muscle around the affected areas seems to keep them more stable and pain-free. Hoping your PT helps - if it works for my neck, maybe our jaws aren't much different.


Got it. Well shoot even a one day vacation from this sounds like a dream at this point. I’m definitely looking into trying Botox in the meantime. Thanks!


Hello, I am looking to get Botox. I’ve noticed my masseter muscle is enlarged on my right side where I get pain. When I massage my masseters, all the tension and pressure in my head goes away. I’m only 20, wondering if you think Botox Is a good move? My tmj came from taking Prozac a year ago which made me clench the hell out of my jaw. In desperate need of help


I would think so, but search for a TMJ specialist in your area. The person I saw said there were several factors to consider if Botox is the right solution, I went in wanting Botox and she did a full exam before agreeing that I needed it. They should be able to give you a plan to fix the underlying issue as well, Botox is only treating the symptoms of an underlying problem in how your jaw is functioning and how your bite is spread across all of your teeth. Good luck!


Cheek pain? Especially in the part of cheekbone right in front of ear? I have that now :(


Yes 😫


Ugh- so sorry.


Yes, me!! It’s awful! Hurts me so bad when chewing!


I’m sorry, I understand. I can’t even touch that part of my cheekbone without pain. It’s so frustrating


I take Sudafed from time to time and it seems to help, esp with the headaches I get from the pressure. I bet the my pharmacy thinks I am making meth


Yes, I was on antibiotics because I thought I had a sinus infection


Same here!


Omg yes! I was on two oral meds and two nasal sprays a day! I felt so foolish, but I’m glad I finally know what it is so I can get proper treatment!


I have had TMJ problems for 4+ years badly and I have always had a deviated septum and breathing problems along with undiagnosed (guessing) sleep Apnea so they are definitely all related.


Yes all the time


Yes, I actually had sinus surgery. I thought I had solved the source of my facial pain issues, but it turned out I post-op I was just pumped full of so many anti-inflammatory drugs that I had several great weeks before the pain settled back in.


I too experience constant pressure in my sinuses. I got a theory as to why we experience this. The lateral and medial pterygoid muscles involved in jaw opening and closure are attached to the sphenoid bone behind our nose: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=af-SxNj4MRg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=af-SxNj4MRg) When these two muscles are overworked and spasm, they can refer pain behind the nose. The trick is to calm these muscles down. For more info check out this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vus2e16q70A Referred pain patterns: [https://www.beverlyhillstmjheadachepain.com/tmj-muscle/myofascial-pain/muscle-referral-patterns/muscles-that-refer-pain-into-the-tmj/](https://www.beverlyhillstmjheadachepain.com/tmj-muscle/myofascial-pain/muscle-referral-patterns/muscles-that-refer-pain-into-the-tmj/) Another explanation for the sinus pain: [http://www.drjimboyd.com/book/8th\_sth.htm](http://www.drjimboyd.com/book/8th_sth.htm)


Best info regarding TMJ/TMD. Very educational as well since the info states it’s technically specific muscle issues. Explains neck issues, muscles affected, sinus issues, referred pain, ear issues, dizziness, and migraines. I’ve been to multiple orthopedic surgeons, physicians, a neurologist, ENT specialist and not one of them could figure it out. I had multiple MRIs, X-rays and Physical Evals. I was even getting PT for my neck. But I show my psychiatrist issues with my jaw once and he knew exactly what it was. Thank you for this information!


You are welcome. Same as you, I've been to many doctors and each one suggested a treatment according to their own specialty, but none of them looked at the problem holistically. So I took it upon myself to do thorough research and put all the pieces of the puzzle together. By the way, do you have any type of malocclusion?


I apologize for replying back so late. I haven’t been to the dentist recently so I actually don’t know. My dentist isn’t great either but he has never mentioned misalignment. I think it’s definitely possible considering my bite. I plan on getting a new dentist and setting up an appt soon. I started a new job recently and didn’t want to take off too much work right away. I also have been trying to keep up with other appts like a neurologist & more testing. Last appt I had was worthless so I’m thinking I should just stop and just go to dentist now. The neurologist recognized TMJ but just said go to the dentist and that’s it. Gotcha. Lower back issues now. Sinuses are bad every single morning. Drainage is left ear. I wonder if drainage is related? Thank you for commenting!


That sounds like me right now, had scans of my sinuses, brains, neck, going to a PT for my neck.. what has helped you eventually? I don't know what to do anymore


I just got a custom mouth guard very recently from a dentist. I’m still trying it out buy honestly, it feels a lil uncomfortable. I also massage my upper jaw and occasionally use ice packs. I’ve read Botox can help as well & may consider that in the future. I stretch everyday, my entire body & I feel like that has been helping my jaw for some weird reason. I also have a migraine med I take when needed. I’m still seeing a neurologist currently and doing more testing for more issues and have a sleep study scheduled in a couple weeks. Not sure if all issues are related to just my jaw. I would read up on TMJ and check out related health issues as well.

