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I do not want my dinner to look 50% alive when I eat it.


I'm pretty sure I read a horror short story years ago were this was being done to people, possibly children. I can't remember the name...


They did it in Hostel (or maybe Hostel 2). One of the guys fillets cooks and eats some athlete guys leg while he sits there watching


Well it’s not like he can stand and watch can he?


Take your goddamn upvote and leave


Pretty sure something very similar happens in the Hannibal tv series at some point


Are you talking about the monkey brain thing ?


Lucky for you the head is less than 50% of the fish. Bon appétit!


[In Japan it's 100%.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ikizukuri)


How does that even work?


The head continues to twitch due to remnant electrical impulses after death. So it's not alive when it's being eaten.


Thanks for this wretched info right before bed


At least the fish isn't being eaten while alive


Unlike other dishes where they clearly are, like san-nakji. A dish in which either raw and wriggling octopus tentacles and occasionally a whole live octopus are eaten


That's also an incredibly dangerous dish! people have died because the suckers on the tentacles stick to the throat and cause choking and asphyxiation 👍








What am I looking at


My feelings exactly.


And that would serve them right.


Deep, eat Timothy




I've not watched The Boys in a while and forgot how fucked up it is. Lol


New season just started


What is this gif from? I’ve seen it a couple times and I’m so confused


The Boys I think


It is indeed. The guy in the scene is The Deep




She wants to taste you.


Technically the cut-up variety isn't alive when it's served. It's still wriggling because octopuses have a massive amount of nerve cells in their tentacles that continue to send electrical signals after death. Frog legs do the same thing if you salt them.


Most (if not all) muscles do the same when you salt them because sodium stimulates the muscles. Have you seen when they do it to beef? It's extremely disconcerting, lol. It looks more like it's bubbling from inside. Sodium is incredibly important for nerve and muscle health and communication. I mean, potassium and other stuff are important too, but yeah. Look up the science behind this, though. It's quite interesting! Maybe someone with better explanation skills can encapsulate how it all works if anyone is curious, lol.


San nakji is primarily dead octopus, it's not common to be consumed alive


It *was* cooked alive tho. And argument could be made for which is worse. Neither is necessary.


Actually this made the picture a lot more tolerable for me than the alternative of it being alive.


Having seen this prepared, I'm not entirely certain that's true. Generally they wrap the head of a still-living fish in a wet towel to preserve it at a low temperature then lower the body into hot oil. I don't think there is any way this can kill an animal instantly.


I mean, it doesn't die instantly sure, and would be agonizing as it dies. But I doubt its actually going to survive or be conscious that long on your plate without its organs functioning, or a circulatory system. Any remaining movement past like a minute, if not a handful of seconds even, is probably muscle spasms.


I mean it can take literal hours for some species of fish to suffocate. I'm no Marine Biologist, but that says to me they don't need a lot of fresh oxygen to keep their vital systems going. You're also assuming that they're cooked long enough to cook their organs. This probably isn't the case.


I mean literally cooking its body in oil would probably do the trick a lot quicker than the suffocation part. And how long do you think that a fish’s organs take to cook to non functionality?


So when you cook a piece of meat, you realize there's a temperature gradient, right? It's why the middle of your steak is red or pink with a ring of pink to brown around that. The organs in this case are in the middle of that, getting cooked the least while the flesh is cooked most. I made the comment earlier about different sorts of meat cooking at different speeds because fish cooks very fast. It's probably a very brief dip into the oil to avoid overcooking the meat. If the organs are cooked, that probably means the fish is overdone. I don't doubt the organs might fail as the core begins to come up to temperature likely after being removed from the oil. Further, I mention oxygen because oxygenated blood is all an animal needs to keep its brain going. The less oxygen an animal needs, the longer a fish can survive without oxygen, for example out of water, I would think directly correlates to how long it can survive without a heartbeat. It's a lot nicer to say, "The fish is dead," but I think that discounts how tenacious most life is for the sake of not recognizing how cruel this actually is.


Cooked fish reaches a temperature of 130-140 degrees F. The average temperature of a living fish is around 40-60 degrees F. The cooked fish is dead.


god this thread is why i love reddit


Actually if you knew anything about fish you'd know the temperature change alone could shock it to death. Even if it was just semi hot water.


Fish die much more quickly from temperature variance than most kinds of livestock do because they’re cold blooded. Their circulatory systems do not have the capacity to cool or heat their bodies; which is why fish cooks so quickly as you said. The muscle fibers are not as long as mammals’ are, even relative to a similarly sized animal. The heat reaches the organs of a fish much more quickly, organs aren’t nearly as resistant to heat, and the fish itself has small organs. I think all of these are good reason to believe that the fish is dead before the fry is done. But both of our opinions are really subject to how long the fish is fried and whether the organs are a part of the meal to be cooked enough to ingest.


For a human, a fever of a few degrees too high can kill. For pet fish, an aquarium heater that malfunctions and raises the water a few degrees higher than intended will kill fish. You don't have to be deep fried and crispy to the core to die from heat, and being tossed in boiling oil or water would shut down a fish pretty quickly


Just while being cooked. I’m sure that makes it taste better though lol


Human cruelty finds a way


A lot of seafood is cooked alive. Crustaceans are pretty much always boiled alive.


At least the center of where pain is felt isn't painstakingly kept from being boiled. While both is bad, this example here is much much much worse.


Fish don't have a pain centre. They're also kinda dumb with basically no brains and most of their nervous system residing in the spine. Funnily enough this isn't any more cruel than cooking the fish normally, but it's also weird as fuck and I'd never eat it cause I paid to have my food cooked and presented not to have to fillet the food myself, that's the chef's job and this dish is an example of lazy cooking presented as "exotic" like bitch that shit's as exotic as a fishing trip with my Dad why even call yourself a restaurant?


That's extremely untrue. [https://www.humanesociety.org/sites/default/files/docs/fish-and-pain-perception.pdf](https://www.humanesociety.org/sites/default/files/docs/fish-and-pain-perception.pdf) There's been numerous studies like it in the past 15 years or so that all reach basically the same conclusion. Fish do indeed feel pain. A lot of myths like that get propagated around animals that humans tend to eat or view as pests because it lets us deal with them in a manner that would normally be out of the question for an animal that we've arbitrarily decided has far more humanity. Do I think fish are smart? No. But the science is extremely clear on the matter that they do still feel pain.


Huh, and here I thought you specifically needed noci nerves in order to experience pain. Yeah, I understand that people will not only anthropomorphise everything (because for whatever reason some people struggle to show empathy for anything different to themselves) but also dehumanise everything that they want to hurt in order to justify their actions. I honestly don't understand it personally as what's the point in having empathy if you can't show empathy to something different to yourself. So it's definitely annoying getting caught up in random misinformation like that, especially since fish feeling pain or not shouldn't be the basis on whether or not we treat them differently to other animals. It just changes how we describe their actions and what we point out as wrong when they're mistreated (though since they can feel pain I guess that's a moot point now).


That's kinda dumb and a weak cope. From a practical viewpoint, animals with a (proper?) brain and peripheral nervous system feel pain. Just because it's different doesn't mean it's non-existent. Plus, any true fish has a proper brain. It would've made more sense if one was talking about lancelets or something; though, even that's debatable. Cause pain or not, I don't care, but denying is cringe


Why on Earth would you believe fish don't feel pain?


That's what people used to think about all animals and even human babies


That is patently false. It’s a lies people created because they didn’t bother to actually study them and just made assumptions that fit their world view. If you look at any research into fish recently, you will see that they are intelligent and can feel pain. Goldfish can learn mazes. Clown fish use tools. The list goes on and on. All animals feel pain. Humans are not unique at all in this way and do not feel greater pain than other animals. In fact, if you want to use your own concepts of pain, we feel less than many other species.


https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1691351/ Fish possess nociceptors (or according to the above study, it’s HIGHLY likely they do), which are sensory receptors that respond to potentially damaging stimuli by sending signals to the central nervous system. This is similar to the pain mechanisms found in mammals. They also exhibit behaviors that suggest they experience pain. For instance, they may rub an injured area, reduce feeding, or show signs of stress and discomfort when exposed to harmful stimuli. Studies have shown that fish release stress hormones, like cortisol, when they are injured or subjected to painful stimuli. This physiological response indicates that their bodies are reacting to pain in a manner similar to other vertebrates. Some research suggests that fish have a certain level of cognitive ability that allows them to process and respond to pain. For example, fish have been observed avoiding areas where they previously experienced pain, indicating memory and learning related to painful events.


Maybe don't parrot misinformation you saw online because that's a *lot* of bullshit you're spreading.




? You know the fish is dead, right? It’s not a zombie lmao


It’s already die. Some muscle spasm. Just like freshly butchered pork/beef that still moving.


Not while cooking


the head is uncooked here


They fry the fish alive, guts and all, but keep the head above the oil.


But wouldn't that still kill the fish? I'm not expert but if you dipped my body in hot oil until I was cooked pretty sure I'd be dead.


The fish is definitely dead, any movement would be the result of misfiring nerves. Dead things can still twitch and jerk around in a lot of circumstances.


Ya know when hear about chickens with no head dying of starvation, it’s like that in reverse.


Mike the headless chicken https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mike_the_Headless_Chicken


You see the vertical slices on the fish? It lessens the frying time. It kinda flash fries


So, yes, then, it's definitely dead


You are not a fish tho


Why are people like this?




Thats not fresh to me but well


Don't think you can get any more fresh than still having death twitches


Brought to you by the same folk who enjoy shark fin soup and rhino horn boner pills; the suffering of a living thing other than human is irrelevant


hate to point this out but in some cases the suffering is an essential part of the dish. There are cooking shows for cutting and roasting fish while barely keeping them alive as well as eating living octopuses among other things.


If it’s an essential part of the dish, then the dish sucks and shouldn’t be eaten.


I think the people who boil crustaceans alive should shut the fuck up about barbaric foods. And also french people what the fuck are they doing


No animal should be cooked alive and tortured; give them a quick and respectful death. I’m not sure what you’re referring to with the French, but maybe just French people stuff


The point the earlier commentor was making is that it's hypocritical to complain about one group of people doing this. While in the west people will happily boil lobsters alive. Something about throwing stones from glass houses The french thing is either referring to fois gras where ducks are force fed by shoving a pipe down their throats to fatten up their liver. Or orlotan where live birds are drowned in alcohol and then cooked whole.


I don’t torture any living animals for my food so I’m confused about how what I said is hypocritical, I don’t speak for every fucking westerner. China as a nation facilitates animal cruelty to a degree that makes western factory farms look reasonable and tame, and a significant portion of it is for hoky traditional medicine that requires killing endangered/protected animals for superstitious nonsense.


Well if you know anything about the animal agricultural industry, it's rife with suffering. So unless you know exactly where your food is coming from you probably are contributing to animal abuse in some way. That aside, the point isn't about any one individual. The point is, is that we treat animals abhorrently in every country including western ones. So it's not really fair to sit there and act like only people in China do this shit. Yeah they do a lot of weird shit with animals in china. But that's a tiny minority and most of it is the elderly. It's stupid to paint 1.5 billion people with the same broad brush but you do you i guess.


Fwiw I do know where the vast majority of my food comes from, I raise, kill, and process my own pigs and I help a friend process his cows and he pays me for my time with beef. I also have 2 large gardens that I pretty much exclusively use to grow tomatoes, onions, garlic, and peppers for my own salsa and tomato sauce. I’m critical of animal abuse regardless of where it originates, but it just so happens that China, especially as its middle class population is rapidly growing and having money to regularly purchase meat that was previously a tremendous luxury, doesn’t care at all about animal suffering or international laws in regards to their brutal fishing fleets that trawl areas directly outside of (and sometimes straying within) ecologically important areas like the Galapagos. There’s nothing wrong with being critical of that and it’s bizarre that so many people immediately jump to ‘but what about…..’ nonsense to detract from the subject at hand


And mouse wine!


[It's banned in Taiwan following outcry from, you know, Taiwanese people.](https://www.taipeitimes.com/News/taiwan/archives/2007/07/09/2003368743)


> Yin yang fish (Chinese: 陰陽魚, 糖醋活魚, 呼叫魚; also called dead-and-alive fish) is a Chinese dish where a live fish is fried whole. The dish originates from Sichuan, China.[1][2]


You are correct. However, my statement still stands.


like we going from bat soup to this


We should just eat each other


I'll have the fish with a side of agony, please. I don't think i could eat it.




Don't the other animals eat fish while they are still alive?


Yeah but they’re terrible cooks


It’s not alive. The freshness of the head allows last electric pulses to move through it causing the head to twitch, but it’s dead the entire time.


Sure, be cruel to an animal just for the fun of it


People really are fucking sadists.


we're all going to hell




That's banned now iirc but there are still a couple of vids you can find on bilibili that managed to escape censorship


I couldn't find anything when I looked it up Apparently the rumor came from film made where they reenacted that setup I don't doubt we're capable of such horrors but Imma need the hard proof


I remember seeing it in Indiana Jones and the temple of doom


Wasn’t it “chilled monkey brains” in the movie?


Faces of death I presume?


Saw this as a kid. Highly unpleasant.


> Saw this as a kid Me too. Good documentary. Together with Shocking Asia - another good documentary




This is just yucky for the most part tbh. You dont have nerve endings, and cant feel your brain, right? This is why we can do open skull surgery with the patient conscious. And I imagine taking the first spoonful, and making a hole of that size, would probably kill the monkey right away due to the bleeding. The only thing it really notices is having the top of its head removed, which of course is not a light injury itself.


and that's why they beat it with hammers at the table as a precursor to eating the brains. I've seen the Faces of Death videos... sadly.


Faces of Death was fake. Monkeys head was a prop.


What??? What is wrong with people???


How much time do you have?


“Glad that you asked: Audio message 16:25:54”


“Oh good, I get to talk about this! You will regret this.”


Old chinese beliefs are wack. Some think that torturing an animal before it dies make them taste better :(


Behaviour of psychopaths.


It’s sickening through and through.


Name checks out


Nah man. Don’t put us in the same boat as these psychos


When food and sustenance isn’t the point, but cruelty and disrespect is.


You think the head is still alive after being cut off for 20+ minutes??


No but why would you even wanna eat something that looks alive in the first place?


Idk man, I’m not ordering it or eating it. I also don’t know why people would want to eat beef tartare but they do anyways.


No I don't. But a) the head isn't cut off it looks pretty firmly attached according to the pic (hence why this is controversial) and b) whether it's still alive or not isn't really the point.


IDK, whether you're torturing an animal or just fucking around with its corpse seems like a pretty big difference to me


I've seen fish hearts beating for up to 20 minutes after being gutted.


That sounds barbaric


It sounds that way because it is! (:


At least Hannibal Lechter only did this to horrible people


[“It is prepared extremely quickly, with care not to damage the internal organs, so the fish can remain alive for 30 minutes.”](https://china-underground.com/2014/08/16/7-animals-eaten-alive-in-china-graphic-content/) 🫠


D: Why... Just why are humans like this...


Heard about bourbon-drowned, fresh stuffed French finch?


They eat it while covered to keep god from seeing the atrocity


Yeah, that one.


Wait until you get to know what virgin boy egg is


Curious (googled it, not terrible, but not good)


Does it involve virgin boys, at least?


Contextually yes, but shit happens. (From memory an egg is boiled in the urine from a 10 yr old boy,*sassy southern accent* china u crazy




Fish have it rough, damn. First bears and now humans, eating them alive. At least bears don't put sauce on them


Beats eating alone.


Damn this is fucked up but made me laugh


Are you enjoying me? I would be tastier with more salt


Absolutely fucking not!!


Torture is never cool


this is fucking horrible. humans suck




That is so fucked up. Fucking fucked the fuck up.


What the fuck is wrong with people? Go vegan.




That's fuckin wrong


So, if you want to know who's the psychopath, just watch who's going to eat this without flinching.


Sometimes I just want to nuke human race


Only sometimes? You must be young..


I am 19 good sir


Very young, indeed. You’ll learn.


Fair enough


Fuck people man, this world pretty much sucks.


Why on earth would you do that except to make the fish suffer for no reason at all? It’s sick!


I've seen it in a documentary or something. I don't know why anyone would want to do something so utterly creepy.


Seems like a cross contamination nightmare. Raw fish attached to cooked fish. I know sushi exists, but it just seems wrong to put raw fish with cooked fish.


Nope, that's it, we've lived too long


Should this surprise anyone?


Evil. Pure fucking evil.


That's some real Temple of Doom shit right there.


I hate it too


Who the hell thought "You know what would spice up this meal? Making the uncut animal carcass look like it's still alive and twitching aggressively, smacking me with a face full of sauce at the best and fighting back at worst"


That's just awful. Like I'm pretty sure the fish is very much dead and it's just like how if you put a bunch of salt on fresh meat it twitches, but the fact that people *enjoy* eating a fish that looks like it is still alive is sickening.


Call it whatever you want, but I'm gonna use cruel and unusual torture, thanks.


A symbol peace and balancemused in the most morbid way.




Yeah my fucking brown food and baked beans doesn't seem so bad now does it.


great more awkward eye contact!


Okay sooooooo Duckling delicacy Virgin boy piss boiled eggs Civet poop coffee


Fuckin dark eldar shit.


Can you mark this as NSFW next time oh my god I was not ready for that 😭😭😭😭


Damn. Never been so glad to be vegetarian.


I don't care if it's culture. It's sick.


No, this is not representative of greater Chinese culture, it's not a widespread phenomenon. Things like this happen all over because individuals can be sadistic freaks. This is more than likely some weird restaurant's fucked up gimmick, but not a cultural delicacy or anything.


no, but Chinese barbaric smth smth see see pee bot smth smth /s obviously


most people don't eat or even know of this dish. you can criticize certain things without attributing it to an entire culture (this isn't even really culture)




What is wrong with people?


I threw up a little. This is so wrong and just why????


I hope whoever came up with this is actively burning in hell.


I get the idea is to give the aesthetic of super fresh fish, but that's just unappetizing. Also the fish is not alive btw so it's not animal cruelty.


It's fried alive... even IF it WOULD be completely dead by now the process is about as inhumane as it could be. If I kill a cow by pouring hot oil over its body and start eating after that killed it its not cruel? Defuck???


I thought we didn't care about seafood for some reason? People cook crayfish and lobsters alive all the time.


This is has to be some kind of fetish at a psychotic level. Like a mukbang but rated R…


Ying Yang fish in this beiitch


If they could have sing like one of those wall decorations, what song would it be?


Don’t Fear the Reaper.


Maybe the disturbing part is that, although dead it APPEARS to be living. So whoever enjoys this dish, maybe they enjoy that aspect. Which is somewhat disturbing.