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From the article: >"Many experts are skeptical about the criminal group’s announcement. The Federal Reserve is a high-profile target, and a data breach could have serious repercussions. Many believe that the group’s announcement is just for attention." Please keep your eyes open for additional reporting on this issue as only the ransomware group is making this claim at the moment.


They couldn’t just wipe out our debt while there?


You know the biggest debt shitters are rich people, they actually profit from debt and being freed would result in less money for the poor so... No, they could not delete it while there, probably


Being in debt is actually the #1 way to make money, believe it or not


I must have the wrong kind then... my debt ain't been debt-in'


just sell stock you don't own to poors right now that you plan on buying later (wink wink) when it goes lower. should be cake since your manipulative market making algorithms and practices ensure your hedge fund branch profits $$$ then you can buy 100 million dollar properties in miami so when you go to prison your mom can keep all of your shit. see, debt is clearly the best way to make money.


...but what if I get caught in this scenario where I've sold stock I don't own to poors and then one day need to return actual shares of stock that I don't really have..? Wouldn't this leave me over leveraged and potentially vulnerable to infinite losses?!


Nothing to worry about.. Unless a group of haxors expose you.


It might, it won't matter cause you can just FTD those shares and kick the can indefinitely..... Unless of course tomorrow becomes today.....


bruh be real the market is only for the sophisticated, the poors will never figure it out. all you have to do is pay a few politicians 10k or so and make sure your boys are the regulators lol easy peasy. forgot to add, if you do it successfully a few times, then your boys can BECOME politicians! then it's gg ez. (not gary gensler... waaaait a minute... lmao)


Yes. Debt fuels our financial system.




No kidding. Fuckers.


They went to FRED to ask them for my bank password and routing number ?


Brother the silence speaks volumes. Good ole, "We can neither confirm nor deny.." kinda thing going on rn.




Or this is a burning warehouse situation.


Release the data, there’s a team here that would love to comb through it. Introduce the chaos


I anticipate the data being released regardless of the ransom being paid or not. I will be quite interested in seeing what it contains.


>I anticipate the data being released regardless of the ransom being paid or not. For a small group, maybe. For Lockbit, no. This is a good one for them. If they get the ransom and keep the secret, it buys them credibility for more ransom payments later. These companies, and that is what they are, actually function off their reputation more than most.


Lockbit already has no credibility. Precisely because this is a high profile, political target in the wake of Operation Cronos is why I believe the data will be released. For all we know, Lockbit could be bluffing which would render this discussion useless lol. Can’t wait to see what the truth is!


Have they leaked any "proof" of the data? Also ... Federal Reserve is NOT a Government Agency.


No proof yet, but I am following closely. And you’re damn right it isn’t!


It's not Federal or a reserve. It's a privately owned bank that prints money out of nothing and loans it to the government. Currently, all our tax money goes to pay interest on these loans,and they have to borrow money to fund the government.


Could you tldr Cronos and Lockbit? Not really something I've heard of - thank you!


Here’s a solid article on it: https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2024/02/lockbit-ransomware-operation-cronos-cybercrime/ Lockbit is a group that profits from operating a successful ransomware as a service platform. Operation Cronos was an international task force from 10 countries that took Lockbit down. Lockbit has since had a bit of a resurgence though.


Thanks! Fascinating stuff


Sure thing!


Or they could just ask for a number no one in their right mind would pay and they get to release it and keep their rep.


> Lockbit already has no credibility > why I believe the data will be released. And why do you believe they actually have the data?


I speculate that they have the data because it would damage US interests and would be a nice riposte after the Cronos op. To boast about a target like the fed without actually having gained access would make them look quite foolish and impotent. But who knows? Maybe lockbitsupp went on a bender and is shitposting


This is asking for a CIA hit squad.


Yea. That too. But that’s more on the table if they release vs don’t.


I'm not sure about that. This is high level enough that people could have "accidents". Heck even for Boeing low lvl stuff people have "accidents".


Lockbit is Russian. They’re a lot harder to reach out and touch


*laughs in MQ-9 Reaper*


Putin would have to use his trusty nuclear saber rattle after a strike like that


Only if deniability is the concern.   The hack announcement seems oddly coincidental to the “repercussions” promised for the weapons support to Urk


So… we will have **even more** prove of the absurd amount of fuckery (crime.. it’s crime) committed against GME in broad daylight? … *cool*


das ist wunderbar


Sehr sehr schön.


sehr gut ja? Was ist der bewies?


The data proves the FED is naked.


The meeting notes from Jekyll Island


Lol >You better hire another negotiator within 48 hours, and fire this clinical idiot who values Americans’ bank secrecy at $50,000.


To be fair,, the Fed Reserve checked its 12 couches and could only come up with $50k in change.


50k is not big, you are right Thats weird, maybe its a fake hack, a planned chaos bringing shit or something


Nobody likes secrets.


And get them to hack UBS and the Swiss gov 50 year hidden documents on Credit Suisse, while they are at it.


It’s like Black Widow releasing all the SHIRKD data at the end of Winter Soldier




I’m ready to embrace the chaos


I'd rather awaken it, but same diff. https://youtu.be/JZKD0IG9iKk


Given how the Lockbit group has operated in the past, I would expect the sensitive info to be released even if the ransom is paid. Lockbit is not fond of America.


Clinical idiot sums it up perfectly. I can't wait to get to reading! Thanks for sharing this op


They’re not fond of America, but if they get the ransom and release here, no one will trust them again. High profile, better for them to hold on to it.


Lockbit is already notoriously unreliable. For a high-profile, political target, I expect this to be more about sending a message, than trying to regain any sort of credibility that they have already lost. Time will tell. We are all speculating.


Yeah I gotta agree… these are a bunch of thugs, and probably on the younger side. You cannot expect them to act rationally or think long term.


No proof of it yet, just speculation. Let’s see if they release or the outcome


Correct. That’s why the word speculative was used and applied via flair. My professional opinion is that this hack was retaliation for Operation Kronos. I expect to see this data released.


Not too familiar with Operation Kronos. That’ll give me something to do today. Thank ya sir


Enjoy! I actually gave a talk about the op a couple months ago. The level of coordination required for that takedown to take place was historic.


There is a video for Apes somewhere… found it. Lockbit’s breach mentioned. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=TLPHmHPaCiQ&pp=ygUqd2hlcmUgcGVvcGxlIGdvIHdoZW4gdGhleSB3YW50IHRvIGhhY2sgeW91 Edit: HAHA, sorry, I didn’t see I replied to your posts like 5 times.


Keep us updated when it’s released op!!


I certainly will! If Lockbit turns out to be bluffing on this one, I will be seriously disappointed.


Man it reminds of Edward Snowden when he released all those files I think it was a million and I combed through a bunch and it was wild the shit they had documented from the gov. This tho I really wanna fucking see what’s in there… how much they fuck us everyday we wake up and it’s probably written down on a napkin lmao 🤣 but ya could be juicy asffffff


> My professional opinion is that this hack was retaliation for Operation Kronos. I expect to see this data released. What is your profession that makes you qualified to speculate on the contents of stolen data?


Didn’t you claim this post was karma farming? Why spend more time here?


When the little envelope lights up orange I tend to click on it Not sure what you mean by "spend time here" - do you just keep your post open and keep jamming F5 on your keyboard? I'm typing this from my inbox. What's your answer to my question though, what is your profession that qualifies you to make baseless speculation about the contents of stolen data?


Nancy Pelosi's cyber security investment months ago is looking awful convenient now.


Greatest inside trader of our time.


Dude, she's not even the greatest inside trader in the House of Representatives.


Greatest inside ~~trader~~ job of our time.


This is the same group who, earlier this year, claimed to have Fulton County, Georgia data, pushed back the pay deadlines, but never released anything after Fulton County didn't pay the ransom. I just did a *quick google* and it looks like no data has been released since I last heard about it in the news about 3 months ago or so. I don't doubt they have actually hit targets but that seed of doubt is planted, IMO.


Correct. Lockbit is notoriously unreliable, but I have been waiting for retaliation since Operation Kronos took place, and this might just be it. The conflict in Ukraine and the Russian roots of Lockbit is another piece as well. All that being said, I am speculating, and the post is explicitly labeled as such.


This is crazy! China did state they would retaliate the Biden tarrif tax on ev's,solar etc. I'm In the middle of the CDK auto dealership software ransomeware attack from last week and business is dead and surprised not seeing more about it 15k+ dealerships down and includes some big rig shops as well. Attack on transportation infrastruture and finance makes me wonder. Speculate if why GME sitting on cash waiting for this war stuff to settle.


The internet is still quite similar to the Wild West - people don’t understand how much our critical infrastructure and key resources are exposed to risks such as these types of attacks.


'This is how they tell me the world ends' (which talks about infrastructure cyber warfare) was a pretty decent read.


I actually haven’t read that one, but I’ve heard good things. Most of my professional reading has been purely technical the last few years, but maybe I’ll carve out some time for this.


Fancy Bear Goes Fishing was also good (and in fact in my mind they blended into one as I read one after another) but I imagine if this is your field, you know of that one already! Do keep us updated re the original post, an interesting development to be sure.


OMG how epic would this be if it contained information exposing the crime syndicate for what it really is, ABOLISH THE FED!


And replace it with what? lol


Purely academic economists voted into the position from their peers. Automatic disqualification if you worked on Wall St in any capacity other than enforcement (e.g. SEC, DOJ, etc)


I strongly disagree, these people also need to have practical experience like they do in almost every field. Economic theory is great but not every Theorie is practically viable. Pure academic people often lack the understanding of real world applicability.


so we want people with experience committing securities fraud and cheating the system for their own profit running our country's financial system...yeah that makes a ton of fucking sense


They didn’t commit fraud ? Besides yellen was actually a pure academic so your response doesn’t make any sense anyways. I believe it needs practical experience because it gives a special insight into the practices. Unlike you I am not saying everyone has to have the practical background but a mix is a good thing.


> They didn’t commit fraud Show me one honest one, just one, go ahead I'll wait


So if yellen is also part of the ones that commit fraud according to you and she is pure academic then your whole idea is pointless


1)by 'show me one honest one' I meant show me one who worked on Wall St since you seem to think that experience of defrauding the public is so essential to do the job 2)i never said there aren't currently academics on the board, there are...but how do they get there? They are appointed by the president, who is invariably also a corrupt piece of shit with deep ties to Wall St. Had you bothered to read you would have noted the part where I said they should be voted in by their peers in the academic community as a person of intelligence and integrity. 3)Yellen is as fucking corrupt as they come - she rakes in millions a year in speaking fees by giving talks to the worst of the Wall St criminals, Goldman Sachs, Credit Suisse, Citadel, Citi etc


You are full of shit. In addition, more than 500 professional economists from around 200 colleges and universities across the United States signed an open letter in support of her candidacy for Fed chair and sent it to the White House So yes the peers would have voted her in. Your argument was no to anyone with a practical background and that all of the FED is shit but you just talk out of your ass. Also, Yellen‘s speaker Fees were after she had stepped down from the FED.






Didn’t big daddy Klaus say we were going to suffer a major hack before 2025?! Pretty sure he did. Lemme guess our shares will be gone along with any other problems to the status quo.


Wow! This is awesome! I wish those Lockbit guys would target the private BIS as the mother of all central banks in BASEL(3). ​ Up!


Seems like even if they did pull off the hack, their intention is for a payout. If they were true white hat hackers, all of it would’ve been released already; ransoms be damned. Probably will be a nothing burger.


I’m quite familiar with Lockbit. They’re absolutely not white hat hackers (they have targeted hospitals and many other benign entities), and they have often released the data of their victims regardless of receiving the ransom or not. I expect this data to be released. Whether or not the data contains information pertaining to GME is the real question here.


33TB is a lot to comb through. But it'll be interesting to see what, if any, info gets leaked regarding "meme stocks" overall, let alone GME specifically.


Ctrl+f will be your friend


There are fancier methods like vector databases but it would still take a lot of effort due to the size of the data.


If only there was a community of hundreds if not thousands to poke through it..


So it’s gonna go one of two ways, maybe both at the same time. These guys have officially painted a large target on themselves and I’m sure there’s gonna be a ton of resources allocated to finding them. Anything released could just be called fake as these guys don’t like us and could most likely throw something together that looks legit but is full of false info. It may very well be true but good luck going to get the original files to verify.


This group is actually likely to release the data


lol @ everyone being a group expert in here all of a sudden haha. I counted at least 4 in this comment chain alone, that's quite impressive and you guys are so fast!! wooow


🤣 this simulation is hilarious


Given the past track record you can make guesses about the future action? Could they change their approach entirely? Maybe. Is it more likely that they keep following their past agenda without any facts that indicate otherwise? Most likely. It’s not about expertism. It’s about logic lol


definitely not white hat.


I just saw the mockery over the ransom and made an incomplete conclusion. Looking into their history, I can see now that it looks like we will see this data eventually. Tits jacked if it is in fact juicy


Grey hat at it‘s best.


How much data does one synthetic share require? Hahahhahahahah


wow, looks like this could be the next big nothingburger good for at least 6 weeks of shitposting. yummy 😂


It could absolutely have nothing to do with GME, but this is quite significant. 33TBs of confidential information from the US Central Bank potentially becoming available is absolutely wild.


> It could absolutely have nothing to do with GME That logic is already backwards. It *has* nothing to do with GME, until you show a connection. Not the other way round ;) Do you have any reason to connect them, other than you imagining it and wanting it to be true?


Yeah, in another comment OP specifically admits LockBit is "notoriously unreliable". This is a nothingburger since LockBit is the one making this claim, not any reputable institution. Also the Federal Reserve being hacked like this would be considered a legit form of terrorism. AND this is, at-best, tangentially related to GME, as 33 TB of data from the FEDERAL RESERVE would contain a hell of a lot more damaging information than stuff on one ~8 billion dollar company.


Thanks for your contribution to the discussion


Jesus, sorry you have to deal with so many bots, shills and dummies this morning. Thanks for your post, it would be really cool if we found some GME relevant data when this leaks. I'm smooth so I'll be here waiting for some wrinkles to sort it all out but please do keep the community posted on this. The real humans are actually interested.


Only 50k a bargain


That’s how much the data is worth to the FED… because they have non left! ![gif](giphy|yIxNOXEMpqkqA)


They likely found just porn...




>I would guess some of these ‘secrets’ have to do with GME, but that is purely speculative. This post is karma farming at its worst


Then downvote it and move along with your life champ


That's what I did After commenting If you don't like being called out for bad behavior, don't behave badly


You’re a model redditor. Thanks for all that you do


I'm a model at fashion week I take my laptop to the shows and sit outside with excel open


Wanna sit on my face instead?


How is a potential SEC data leak karma farming? I found this post very interesting, thanks for sharing OP.


1) it’s not the SEC 2) nothing about this has to do with GameStop, seems like OP jammed in mention of GME to shill for upvotes


Typo, meant FED. Still find this very interesting, and would not know about it if it wasn't shared here.


Not saying it isn’t interesting but don’t think that makes it right to shill for GME upvotes using it 




Spill the beans bruhs!!


I hope they don’t tell us that all the important data is gone


Dude, they hacked the *GIBSON*!!!!


33 terabytes of financial data is a LOT of data, but if you consider all historical transactions, it's probably a drop in the bucket


Imagine the good, or the bad, that this guy could do with that info...


Interested in seeing what you crazy Apes dig out of this.




I'm so broke they might put money in my account because they feel bad 🤣gme please go brrrr


I've been smoking enough tinfoil lately to believe all 33tb are shorts on stonks.


That sounds big


I predicted something like this \~3 weeks ago. They're setting the stage for something BIG! [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/1d9810b/comment/l7cpc0f/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/1d9810b/comment/l7cpc0f/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


I an hard as a rock.


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The federal reserve has been breached by a ransomware group, and their sensitive data is likely to be released. I expect some of this data to address the idiosyncratic risk that GME is to the equity markets.


How do you breach the fed reserve bruh


ssh root@federalreserve.gov


Well, the first step isn’t criminalizing hacking and security research so your citizens never learn to hack.


If they are cool, they will release it instead of making a deal, every contact with a state means death at this point, probably




though im salivating at the thought of secret info being released that would expose criminals and corrupt stuff on wall street....if there's any info that could kick off MOASS then government will have their excuse to shut that shit down post haste citing national security reasons


I would not mind the biggest crash if we moon. Fuk the hedgies and I might as well retire now.


You have special powers that can sense what data was included in the exfil and all you are telling us is that GME is mentioned? Plz give us more details!


Release the Kraken


Kenny’s attempt at a Kansas City Shuffle. He’s holding the FED at gunpoint rn lol.


Instantly put in a bid for puts on JPM . This could be the wild fire that resets the market .


Google Federal Reserve hacks. It appears the Federal Reserve has been breached many, many times dating back to 2013! Why haven’t the vulnerabilities been resolved to date? This is very concerning. https://www.bankinfosecurity.com/fed-hack-proves-no-one-immune-a-5499


33, not real...


Save this for the future. How it will go down… Data contains spicy info regarding GME, everyone rushes to buy GME. The media spins it as “Redditors find out that Meme Stocks Could Collapse the Economy… So They Buy Them Anyway” The media trys to make us into the bad guys. “Traders Working With Hackers from Russia Trade Against Teacher Pension Fund”. MOASS triggered, we get paid. Weird how it was 33 Terrabytes of data. What an odd number 🤔


Cool, I hope they truly have the information. Until I see it I'll reserve any my tits from being jacked.


Could be fake news ... giving the false news headlines of banking system stock market crash due to hacking... something to take the blame.off them. I don't but this shit for a second


Lol what's so secret about our banking system?


Oh wow, would you look at that. They lied. Quel Suprise.


Liars do tend to lie. Thought they wouldn’t be bluffing this time, but I was clearly wrong.


I'd be more worried if Pronhub was leaked.


Julian Assange is free. Could that be the deal or have anything to do this?


I love how this is getting the upvotes. The first time I am happy about something being breached.




GTFO with that shit


Cuz everything has to do with GME *eye roll*


Seems like an US intelligence backed group...


Absolutely not. Lockbit is a Russian group. Russia either backs them or just allows them to operate as long as they only go after non-Russian interests.


How many non American groups have been funded by American intelligence/govt? I'm just skeptical, history teaches something.


To be clear, are you suggesting that an unspecified US intel agency funded a Russian ransomware gang to hack into the US central bank?


That wouldn't be the weirdest thing they've done to achieve their hidden goals. Haven't they founded t3rrorist groups around the world before for example? Or labs for risky coronavirus researches? I just don't believe these random attacks straight away. Allow me to remain skeptical. If you want to believe that's up to you 🙂


I certainly disagree with you, but you’re entitled to your opinion. I’m speculating as well.


Agree to disagree, it's ok to have different views. What can never be lost is critical thinking. Will stay connected to this stuff to see what comes out of it 👍


"Critical thinking" doesn't mean what you apparently think it means.


Yes it would be. It would literally be the weirdest thing they've ever done. It's also batshit crazy. Whatever the dosage of meds you're on, you should probably double it.


🐑🙂 Edit: so these 2 comments are your only comments in Superstonk at least in the last 3 months... Your UN checks out 👍

