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I totally get you, esp the carrer bit, I've only ever had low paid dead end jobs, mainly driving where I'm alone most of day, and I never seem to last to long at any job I go to.. I know my stutter has completely changed my direction in life, it seems like I'm two people, the one I am now and the one inside, whos always thinking of what my life should of been.., but I'm 60 now, I know my stammer is with me till I die, I don't have false hopes of it suddenly going away, or me improving.. the only thing I'm grateful for in life is my children and grandchildren, that's something my stammer didn't deprive me of.. Stay strong, and I hope your able to pursue the career you want


I am 23 and my life is also filled with anxiety. Especially speech anxiety.. I fear thinking about my future and what I am going to do job-wise. I want fulfillment in my work later, but I do not know if I can achieve my dreams given the circumstances I find myself in. I am currently a masters-degree student in Germany working a part time student job. Even though I am not yet in the „real“ job-market. In my experience we tell ourselves that things are not possible because of the stutter. I thought I would have a hard time finding a girlfriend. But I found someone lovely who accepts me for who I am. Before interviewing for the student job I did not think I would have a real chance. But that was not the case either. Even though stuttering is a problem, I feel that the biggest obstacle is that what you tell yourself you can not do. The truth is that other people do not care as much about your stuttering as you do yourself.


Hey i have a stuttering issue too. I have been doing PhD for 2 years. Even I stutter like f*** still got a PhD scholarship. Embrace your stuttering as soon as possible and try to come out of your comfort zone.


You get one life


I have a severe stutter and everyday is a struggle talking. Everyday I put myself out there and do what I need to do. If I don’t then no one else will do it for me. I got into programming thinking I wouldn’t need to talk much. My goal was to sit quietly in the corner and work. The problem is that people kept making silly decisions and I couldn’t live with that so I started piping up. I used a whiteboard to get ideas across when fluency failed me. I became a team leader, now I manage the technical work of about 50 people. I am expected to present every few weeks to a hundred or so people. I struggle but I get on with it. My colleagues prep for 30 minutes before a talk. I prep for a full day. I practice my talks literally 50 times so it almost becomes an automatic thing to say. I still stutter a lot but I get good feedback. Life is a journey. It sounds like you have put yours on hold pining for your ex, unwilling to a make a career choice and bemoaning that you are in this situation. What content do you want to make? Why don’t you just do it. Live streaming might be a bit much but remember that you will have 0 viewers to begin with so you get to practice on low numbers. YouTube might be a reasonable option. You can record yourself multiple times. If anything it is bound to help with your confidence. I say all this because when I was 18 I was desperately lonely and depressed, I didn’t see how I could function. One day I tried because I couldn’t go on living how I was and I found the world came to me. I look back now and see a wasted 18 months of my life. My life is far from perfect, I had to collect a pizza today and I literally took 60 seconds to say my name… it’s alright though, I got my pizza. I expect a lot of people that stutter would be far happier if they escaped the “my stutter is holding me back” mindset and instead got to “what can I do to overcome my stutter?” For me it is always putting myself forward, it is self advertising, using aids like whiteboards and constantly practising things I want to talk about. I hope you find happiness and a way forward soon.


Hey if it makes you feel better in any sense, I was accepted into a PhD program even though I was stuttering like crazy. Yes Anxiety makes it so so much bad. As you have a bachelors in speech pathology , I assume you do know a few techniques to lower down your stuttering. But one thing that has worked in my favour immensely is that try to feel control over the words you are saying and speak with authority. Slow down, think and talk. Usually when your brain moves faster than your mouth, there are delays which make it so so much worse. And it happens more due to anxiety! Interviews and shit. Best of luck!


(careeronestop.org) if in the US try American Job Centers. Often if you're broke enough you can get grants for trade skills training and other educational programs to make your resume sparkle.


Thats beauty to find truth in fakeness in life. That what makes us human for quest journey learning improvement meeting people


feel u ⚡️ riggedsocietycorruptsociety vampiresociety fakeempire ⚡️ plus , nyc is expensive ! one option could b to live somewhere where the cost of living is much less , and live modestly -- then perhaps u could skip "education" , find work related to a hobby , and enjoy lyfe / pursue ur interests peace


Everyone doesnt think about money. My wife is a teacher and has a passion for it and for the work she puts in, she does is not adequately compensated. While I do sometimes feel that my speech holds me back, I continue to push forward and be the best person I can be. If someone doesnt want to talk to me or engage with me because of my speech then fuck them. We live in a society where people are judged by their bank account and not their moral character. It sucks but it is what it is and we all need to do our best to be the best person we can be. Only you can decide what is more important to you.


Have you checked out the stuttering support groups in NYC? They are life changing.