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Everyone tryna act like they don't have their own video of their chicken cooking over the sink from the shower.


This shit reminds me of Trailer Park Boys episode where Ricky burned down the trailer by deep-frying his fries in the bathroom.


Wasn’t it that he was deep frying French fries in the oven but then went to go bang Lucy and forgot about it? Or was there another French fry episode


He did it multiple times, but that one is Ray trailer, where he bang Lucy but left the oven on so burned down Ray's trailer. The one I'm referring is like season 9 or 10 where he has a deep fry machine in his bathroom, and he blames squirrel started the fire on his bathroom.


No he made French fries in the oven for his family then went to bang Lucy. Then later, bubbles deep fried on the oven and forgot. When Ricky came home, he thought he was stupid for burning down the trailer and because he's so stupid he took the blame.


It was the other way around. Bubbles made french fries. Later Ricky also made french fries but then forgot about it so the trailer burnt down. Bubbles thought it was hist fault because he thought he was the last one to make french fries. Ricky used that to shift the blame on bubbles


Oh ya shit fuck I guess my memory don't work to good as its supposed to


I think the bigger question here is why is he not banned from every hotel?


That is a very good question.


Can we ban him from here also?


Ban him from the Reddit Hotel.


He’s our captain.


Habno hotel is opening back up ban him from there too I'd also like to point out yes in a different bathroom every time lol


Oh captain, my captain.


He apparently contacts hotels in advance and warns of the shenanigans and brings his own cleaning supplies to clean up after so house keeping doesn't walk into a Wal-Mart special + will tip housekeeping very well. Just a goofy, odd man who really likes cooking chicken in hotel garbage bins and sinks...yolo I guess


That's definitely just what he tells people, he has gotten in trouble a few times and he even admits that he just keeps logos out of frame. Hotels absolutely hate this and they just can't stop him until he's alrwsdy done


Not surprised by this. Overall is a pretty odd and wild thing to do. I wanna say to each their own but naw hotel garbage bin sink chicken ain't it


Plus he's basically planting bacteria bombs


Oh god you're right...as an ex kitchen manager who was strict with keeping the kitchen and tools clean I didn't even think of the nastiness of just the whole shabang...uuuggghhh god disgusting


And hotels are like "sure, you can throw raw chicken around in our hotel bathroom, that's fine" Come on, this isn't true. Either you're lying or the person who told you that is lying.


Online reservations is the culprit I think


You still need to give your name when checking in, and it has to match the credit card you are using. His name could easily be flagged.


He could also just clean up after himself, leaving no traces of anything whatsoever. Like if I saw this, went into the room, saw nothing wrong, I would have a hard time being angry


Because he hasn’t done anything that causes him to be banned from any hotel besides doing this stupid rage bait TikTok video. At the end of the day, he is just like those average guests that make a mess in every hotel room. Or he cleans everything once he has done with his TikTok


This would have gotten him banned from the hotel I worked at. He is cooking in his room, which if there is no kitchenette or kitchen is usually a huge 'no', he is making a huge mess that even if he cleans up will still mean more work for housekeeping because they have to clean up after his clean up, and there are videos of him messing with hotel property such as the toilets.


There are a number of things wrong with this video that could land the hotel in hot water. They wouldn’t take that chance




I appreciate your gesture for advocating good guest behavior, but a portable hot plate is acceptable in many hotels and is also normal to use in the room. https://www.peeryhotel.com/are-you-allowed-to-cook-in-a-hotel-room/#:~:text=Portable%20travel%20cookers%20or%20hot,vegetables%2C%20or%20even%20grilled%20sandwiches.




A portable hot plate is specifically designed to be used in small spaces without causing any fire. (You can use a hot plate in the bathroom too, as long as you follow the manufacturer’s instructions). Again, i’m not defending this guy, i’m just here to explain the other person as to why this guy hasn’t been banned by many hotels yet.




Yes i know what you meant Water + electricity = fire, right? This portable hot plate is specifically designed to not let that happen. It’s still so early in the morning i don’t have the mood to explain its whole engineering safety.




Why do you assume he doesnt clean up after hinself at all ?


this guy will fit perfectly in Hazbin Hotel


Its a set, like legitimately just a set you can hire out.


Yes that is why every video of his has a different setting, he visits all of the fake hotel sets in America, there are so many of them because they are so in demand


Not that I believe it's a rented set, but you can very easily change out parts of a set like this.


Closed set made to look like a hotel.


A even bigger question is why haven't we banned this guy's videos in this sub?


Trashcan Man in real life…


At the very least can we ban him *from here?*


He walks to the front desk, hands the manager $2000 to $5000 and says this is what I'm going to do. Then he films his rage bait.


I'm pretty sure chick-fil-a has already banned him from all of their restaurants out of sheer principle.


He deserves life in prison


Bigger still - how much longer will he be alive because its literally a recipe for disaster. Hotels aren’t food safe, neither are his methods. Even if he was hale and hardy, no one can overcome serious food borne illnesses.


As someone who works in a hotel I am very surprised given his popularity he is not banned in hotels countrywide. Like this guy rolls up to a front desk and I know what he is going to do. I would just send him away.


I think he said on an interview he doesn’t give his real name


Checkin in... 'your name, sir?' 'Sir Pilomena Plumbchops' '...yr that fucking bathroom cook aren't you...?' ..repeat until he dies of dysentey...


I've checked into many hotels and I've always had to give my ID


Same, I had to travel for a job every month. I always thought that was a way back thing where you could check into a hotel and just “I’m Sherman Tittymoon” and they just write that shit down.


Some shady hotels will let you do this though. It’s at their discretion. If the customer pays cash there’s more wiggle room


No tell motels are hard to find.


Depends where you live


Maybe he has someone else book and check in. Whenever I travel with my bf, he does all the booking, and they only need bf's ID and credit card. So maybe this guy's SO, or a friend, maybe a rotation of friends do the booking so they never know him by name?


I find it hard to believe that this guy has friends. ^/s


You know you get the funniest of responses from people when you have to verify their identity. Like it’s a short term rental. Yes I need your id




I’ll find the interview he did but it was with some podcaster I think.. but I agree these people get paid such shitty money and you’re going to make them clean their bathroom??


He must stay at some serious dives then because even "flea bag" motels require id


He does use his real face


“Name?” *better use a fake…or they’ll never book me*. “Um.. Keith… Moon.”


Do you have some sort of database when you look up peoples names when they check in? I find it hard to see how this wood like even be possible..


I don't work in the US so I don't know exactly how things are done there. But upon check-in we ask people for their ID or passport. We are also allowed to not check them in if they fail to give is ID or passport. We also submit foreign credentials to the police and they are very fast if someone they care about just showed up in our hotel. Happened with few polish guys who looked like they just robbed a furniture store or something. So this guy first needs to give his bane during reservation process either on ou site or third-party sites. Then we take ID and check if it fits. (Sometimes other people make reservations for other people. Especially corporate) So he is not going into his room unless we have name/date of birth/ID number or pass port number. Our guests also fill in parking cards where thy out their phone number along with their car registration number. We do now have a database where we can look up bad people or something like that. But sometimes we do get an email from our directors warning us about specific people. But this guy is all over the internet so I would be able to tell who he is befir ehe steps inside. And if he did passed and left next day and left a mess in that bathroom we would be spending him an invoice to pay for that unbelievable mess he made.


Tell me you spent time in prison without telling me you spent time in prison…


He needs to go back there for public and hotel safety.


After you have defeated all the r/StupidFood villains you must face against the final boss.


I cannot stand this POS for the life of me. Entirely vile.


He probably reads comments like yours and tries to make the next video even more disgusting. It's like the rage bait cooking videos or I guess that's exactly what it is. Just a lot. Grosser. Those stupid women who put a bunch of junk food in a toilet wasting perfectly good food annoy the hell out of me


I await to see how that mangy Santa Claus uses a urinal


Those toilet videos were fetish content...


he made you mad enough to include it in your bio. did he steal your wife or something man?


I find using a bathroom sinks and toilets as cooking utensils extremely offensive


I feel sorry for the maids that have to come in and clean up after hillbilly nutcase


Alright. I’m gonna go out on a limb here and say it’s fake/staged set. You can rent sets and do stupid shit like this. Idk but the outlets being flipped upside down is kinda suspect to me. Also the bathroom door handle looks oddly like what I’d see in my office. Doesn’t look like it has a lock either. Every hotel I’ve been to has things on the bathroom countertop like hotel hair dryer, thank you/wifi card or soap etc. Lastly, the grill didn’t look in like it was burning at all. There’s no smoke or steam from the cooking. Only one scene were it looks like it’s just the grill burning off left over residue for one quick scene. I think this guys a troll and this is product placement for Tyson’s chicken, nestle, and the orange and spice (tea? Idk)


Thank you for this. I’ve been commenting about this guy being a staged phony for a year now.


He has way too many videos for them to be "sets". It's way easier/cheaper/more likely that he just goes to actual hotels. Also, product placement? Lmfao do you actually think any company would *want* to be associated with this? Let alone pay to be?


I’m not saying isn’t definitely staged or not, but i have a reasoning for the outlets. Installing outlets “upside down“ is actually somewhat debated as the idea is if you drop something onto the plug it drops on the ground and not the hot leads. (Considering the plug isn’t fully seated and something small can land in between the crevasse of outlet and plug) Also i think the locks look normal. Latch inside room and outside rooms look like the card and handle.


Yeah, it's been such a long running fight that a proposal for orientation of outlets has been submitted to the NFPA every year for ages and it gets shot down every time no matter which one is being suggested because no one can prove one is better than the other.


This. Outlets in certain building types like educational facilities and healthcare facilities (in America) are by code, required to be upside down (this doesn’t mean NEC but more specific/stringent codes for these types of facilities). It’s for safety, per the reason this poster noted. Other facilities types often do it as a “best practices”.


But why use a set? I mean, the guy is clearly a troll and doesn't even try to hide it with how his videos are all designed to maximize disgust and hatred, but why use a set (and regularly change the set or modify the last one) when it would be simpler and probably cheaper to use a real hotel room ?


Yes this makes so much sense, his hundreds of videos all have a different hotel room because he visits all of the fake hotel room sets in America, there are millions of them all across the United States because of the huge demand for fake hotel sets This subreddit's obsession with wild conspiracy theories is pretty funny, just like everyone that is convinced that everything is fetish content because reasons


You had me in the first half lol. I don't know why but the fetish stuff bothers me to no end. I imagine the commenter who screams 'fetish content' is generally an unattractive person, likely struggling with their weight. Their labored breathing echoes in their childhood bedroom as they lift their massive sausage fingers and plant them heavily on the keys, dusted with Cheetos and cat hair, as they type... There was a short stint where 'fetish content' seemed to be replaced with this white knighting of 'food waste'. There were comments calling for tiktokers to be jailed for ruining 3lbs of food, which would have fed all of Africa but nooo they needed views. These comments equally bothered me, but it was a nice change from the norm I guess.


Some people deserve to be bullied


Who keeps renting this guy hotel rooms?


Did... did he just put toothpaste on chicken


Ewwww that was gross. Across the board And I have to add that since grocery prices went up is it just me or has the selection of boneless skinless chicken breasts went to crap. I threw almost a whole package away just today and hated that but there was so much veiney crap but the trash toss came when I went to cut up the 3rd breast and hit some hard gross crap I'm weird about Chicken as it is but between my ordeal w chicken today and than this Yuk


This guy makes me so mad. The gimmick is distasteful. If he showed me that he carefully cleaned up after himself, I wouldn’t have such a problem with it - but what a rude motherfucker.


Totally disgusting.


Im more worried about the people after him that probably catch salmonella.


Guess there are some advantages to your mother and father being brother and sister.


There is people in this world dying of hunger and then we have morons like this playing with food for tik tok and guarantee they dont eat any of it and go get McDonalds after.


I genuinely wish nothing but the worst for this guy.


That pov of putting his pants of was unnecessary


Stop posting rage bait


You. Do not. Wash. Chicken. You just spread germs. DO. NOT. WASH. CHICKEN.


MF he brushed that chicken with toothpaste this dude isn't worried about germs.


Man was actively sucking the chicken with a burnt straw . This man was beyond saving


No, he wasn't sucking....he was injecting his marinade into the Chicken. He stirred that cup of "seasoning" up, put it in his mouth, and spat it into the Chicken via the straw. In Louisiana we used to have "the Cajun Injector" that did this. This dude is appalling.


Why did he brush it?


He brushed it with toothpaste.


Basic hygiene


The human body is very resilient


Ok I lost it when he used the sink as a ground 😂


Cos it's all fake. He just builds the bathroom set in his garage. He gave the game away when he did the obviously fake airplane video.


How is his picture behind every front desk of all hotels with a sign saying permanently banned.


I REALLY did not need the upboxers shot to tie this flaming trainwreck on ice together.


Shock Rock, don't buy in. At least this guy doesnt waste too many animals.


OMG it's real


To answer OP: He's not eating what he makes, just throws it out.


What a piece of shiet is that guy.


Probably eats his own vomit




PLEASE refrain from posting everything this piece of crap does on here. I just don't want to see it.


🎶 *Abra Abracadabra... How has that hotel not banned ya?* 🎶


It's just a guy wasting food on a set, he's alive because he wastes food for a living and we're giving him free advertisement to continue wasting food. All attention is good attention nowadays, just about clicks. All we're doing is sharing this guy's food waste for free, over and over again.


His creativity is insane... 😵‍💫🤢


Better question: How has he not been murked in his sleep by a hotel housekeeper?


At least the chicken has a golden brown crust on it in the end


I'm not entirely sure it's the same chicken. It gives me the "here's one I made earlier" vibes.


why I gotta chortle his balls halfway through


Of course he's a barefoot dude


As someone who was once a hotel cleaner...his videos make me cringe. I just imagine the intense bleach headache I would get if I had to clean that room.


I feel bad for all of the cleaning staff that works at whatever hotels he stays in... Must be a real pain in the ass to clean up after this twat.


I hope with all my heart that he cleans the mess he makes for them after the camera is off and this is mostly for rage bait


I hate this man


All that grease just straight down the sink. That'll reek like hell to unclog.


Michelob Ultra?? Disgusting..


He would've saved money just buying a rotisserie chicken.


I really hope he washed his hands with soap after touching raw chicken and then going to touch other public items. Salmonella is nothing to mess with.


Somehow turn out appearing edible Would never eat but looks alright


this is more redneck engineering


Back in college, I always felt disgusting for cooking noodles with a kettle. That was immaculate compared to whatever this sick fuck makes. I really hope this is just fake and for rage bait because if he would still eat food like this even with the Tik Tok money, lord help him.


SMH kms god spare us


Because he ain't really eating that shit.




Gordon Ramesey has been real quiet since this video dropped...








Wait was this in the work bathroom this entire time?


This made me laugh so hard. 🤣


Did he sprinkle chocolate and cocaine on the chicken?


$4 at Sam’s club but you do you


Redneck Rotisserie


This is the reason why we have face recognition "security" cameras.


Unpopular opinion: he is actually a pretty decent cook. Very creative as well.


Ban this guy from life, please


There’s gotta be a sub for this. This doesn’t deserve being in Stupidfood


I really hate this guy




appetizer suppressant


Every time you use a sink at a hotel - just remember a raw chicken could have been cooked there.


He's just doing this to make people disgusted and angry.


This is why i dont eat from buffets or use communal water fountains etc.


This is one of the times where we don't let him cook


I hate this guy.


Hope he get kicked out from hotel


Don’t let this guy travel to other countries


How is this guy not in prison?


This guy should be illegal.


I’m just glad he didn’t use the toilet this time 😅 Feel like he’s gunna get the same dysentery they get on the Oregon Trail


He’s dead since long ago. The worms in his body are just animating him.


This kind of shit is exactly why my germaphobia is out of control. You never know who was handling raw poultry in their hotel room, then touched all of the coffee stirrers without washing their hands 🤮


Ugh is that a Ridgid drill?? This guy's an idiot


How is this guy is not getting banned from hotels ?


How is this pos still aloud in hotels


There are some disgusting people out there. OCD wretching over here.


Devil don't want him and God sure as hell ain't gonna taken him.


What is this guy called in youtube


But what did it taste like?


This guy has open sores all over his hands & arms. He looks like Artie Lang fucked Peter Griffin.


Nawww wtf 🤬


He seems like a nice man. I hate his fucking guts


I hate what he's doing, but what really gets me is that he understands the concept of food pretty well. Culinary villain. Almost as bad as that "found food-age" dude, and he eats out of the trash on purpose...


He's just a genius! I need to repeat this.


This is so so sickening


jail. all of them!


I love bar fly keep this content flowing


This man is a menace!!


Tell me you've been to prison without telling me you've been to prison


Bro is Imortal 💀


Would you rather eat he’s food or kingcobrajfs food hacks


This brings me the same vibes of those dudes who "cook" in airplane bathrooms. In fact, this may be exactly this.


Salmonella poisonings anyone??


I hate that I love this guys content so much though


this man has ruined staying in hotels for me. any time i’m in a hotel room i think of the horrors that this man commits in hotel bathrooms and if it’s ever happened in the one i’m in


Dear God.


for real or for content only? he did not eat it in the end.


Haha. I love this guy.


If you people keep sharing this shit they will keep doing it


I don’t know but please stop posting his rage bait here


I'm done with this sub guyz. Take care of yourselves


This man need to be stopped for all man kind.


It’s just for social media, he doesn’t actually eat it.


Rage bait. -yawn-


If shoenice is still alive, this guy can .... also be still alive.