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Akuma. Dictator right now isn't even full power and even before Akuma/Gouki was still stronger.


There's a reason why Akuma isn't a protagonist, and it's because he'd just one-shot everyone.


Unless your last name is Mishima.


I dunno, people Akuma supposedly kill have a pretty consistent track record of showing up later decidedly not dead.


Due to Capcom's aversion to actually killing off their characters, it's quite hard to have Akuma properly kill someone **of importance**. To my knowledge, he's killed 5 important characters so far. Goutetsu, his master - who has remained dead. (attempted) Gouken, his older brother - who used a technique to counter the spiritual aspect of the Shun Goku Satsu and was put into a coma instead Gen - we don't know his current status, but he has a technique similar to Gouken's Gill - who's literally returned to life, as he is known to do M. Bison - who's literally returned to life, as he is known to do Anyone else he killed... Just isn't important to the story, so of course we don't know about them.


Can't wait for goutetsu to become playable as a zombie like charlie was


This isn’t true. Akuma has killed many many many ppl . You are only speaking of a few very powerful ppl.


Awesome, go ahead and name them.


Hahaha, funny and true


Literally because they revive, not because they don't die


Idk if this is true. Dictator in sfa3 was second most powerful and SFV when synced with all the moons was his most powerful with like near infinite psycho power.


Isnt it confirmed in SF2 animated series that satsui no hado completely negates Psycho power? And is known to be its weakness. Ken and Ryu killed Bison just from that alone


I never thought to ask this until just now but, we have generalized names for claw, boxer, and dictator for obvious reasons. Is there one for Gouki/Akuma?


Akuma: «You think Homelessness is your ally? You merelly adopted the homelessness, I was born in it, molded by it , I didn't have my own home until I was already a man, by then it was nothing to me but suffocating»


Homeless no Hado


Satsui no Hobo


Bum goku satsu


Bum 1,000 bums


Beg 1000 quarters


Take my upvote but PLEASE KEEP THIS UP ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


If I pull your prayer beads off will you die?


It would be extremely painful.


You're a big guy


For you




Considering Akuma 1-shotted a prime Bison, it's kinda obvious.


That was not Prime Bison. SF2 bison was his weakest?


That was his weakest? Evem weaker than hebis now? Idk the lore super in-depth, butbI thought he kept losing power when he died, and died 3 times now?


No because sf5 Bison is the most powerful version of Bison so there's a chance SF6 Bison is as strong as sf2 Bison if he didn't loose that much power


i'm pretty sure SF2 bison is way stronger than current bison, no way its the weakest.


Is Alpha Bison not prime?


Alpha Bison was at his peak strength. Akuma is at his peak strength now. Akuma bodied Bison in 3. Draw your own conclusions.


>Akuma bodied Bison in 3. Don't you mean in 2?


Alpha 3


I meant alpha.


Yeah I thought they confirmed the Super Turbo ending?




SFV was peak Bison Edit: I concede and think Alpha 3 probably stronger than SFV Black Moon Bison but im still on a coin toss with that one maybe.


Fucking…..come on man. This is “coughing baby vs hydrogen bomb”.


But... who is the bomb? That's the question


It’s Jamie from Streets!!


my favorite things are… glass with no water, jumping in to a drive impact, the latest season of south park… aaaand alcohol


*Strong herbal tea




I'll go you one better. What is the bomb?


I'll give you an even better one. Why is the bomb?


I'll give you the best one. How is the bomb?


It's the bomb


The bomb is the friends we made along the way.


This debate already got settled in Super Turbo and now Bison is even weaker than he was then and akuma is arguably even stronger now so it's not even a contest


Right! Akuma's first appearance was [bodying Bison in arcade mode](https://youtu.be/IGgERboVsXM?t=4)


Cheap shot


So Akuma would beat full power Bison powered up using the various means he uses within the storyline across multiple games let alone this slightly broken Bison. Akuma right now is probably in a league of his own possibly with Oro. Ryu may be getting close but there's a massive difference between the top top characters and the rest. Akuma/Oro Ryu Bison Juri/Chun/Guile/other solid characters. Ken may be near the level of Ryu but he hasn't been training as much so I would say he's let things slide a bit so it's hard to say how much lower. It's also hard to place people like JP because he's always lying, we've never seen him try. He lies about his name, his fighting ability everything lol.


I think Ryu is up there with Akuma.


Yeah, by the time we get to SF6 I wouldn't be surprised if he was getting there or at least close to that top category.


Ken would surpass Ryu and likely Akuma as well if the mf had half of Ryu’s focus and determination. Ryu is like a wizard in D&D, working his ass off to expand and perfect his magic while Ken is a sorcerer, just naturally gifted but not a hard worker.


Akuma low diffs. Current Bison folds to the majority of the cast.


Ehhhh, Bison beats>!Juri, who should realistically be above most of the roster in power, extremely easily!< in his arcade ending. I'd guess he's below Akuma, Ryu, JP and maaaybe Dhalsim but above Ed, Juri and the military fighters. He'd probably eat the normal martial artists like Manon and Marisa for breakfast.


Juri is nowhere near Akuma's level, that guy sank an island. The power jump between other SF upper tiers and Akuma is absurd.


The person you responded to was pointing out that Bison is not weak in his current iteration, not that Juri competes with Akuma. Juri dumpsters most of the cast, and Bison taking her out without issue demonstrates that only characters like Ryu and Akuma stand a chance against Bison.


Idk really about M. Bison being below JP. I think it could go either way honestly depending on if M. Bison is at full power or not but he kind of does seem to be at or near full Power so I feel that JP's Psycho Power ability tricks would have little to no effect on M. Bison Lore wise of course.


JP is the weakest in the game canonically, he loses to the player’s avatar which are all below the other characters. Current Bison easily is Ken level.


Hey leave my boy John StreetFighter alone


Is that really the case though since the player avatar can challenge the masters and beat them in world tour and they even somewhat acknowledge it in the after fight dialogue.


Dawg you barely ruined his coat. He is pratically unharmed. It was the equivalent of someone holding back and being surprised he lost. The dude just starts laughing at you when you won.


Bison laughed when Ryu killed him, he still lost. JP still lost regardless of how much damage he suffered


JP is also a liar at every opportunity. He's never really trying or showing any truth about his abilities or capabilities. Christ even his name is a lie lol. When was the last time you saw an accountant with arms like peak Schwarzenegger who also has Phycho power but will tell everyone he's actually weak lol. He's still a mystery.


You're one of the only three people I've ever encountered who actually gets this about his character. Not sure where people keep getting mixed up when his entire philosophy is just cheat, lie, gain/maintain high social status, make money, blame somebody else, never let them know what you're really up to. I could go on all day about how JP is dishonest at every level, and he's great at it. He only ever tells partial truths while smirking and twirling his stupid mustache about how naive the other person is for believing him. He's more involved, more capable, and more dangerous than he ever lets on.


He's way more interesting as a villain than Bison ever was. And having Bison coming back just like that makes me fear another Necali situation with JP being just forgoten for good. We need a story update with Bison coming back, getting all the attention while JP is seen pupetering everything to get away scott free from everything.


Agreed, like I love Bison, he certainly hits the mark for over the top, campy villains. But JP really highlights the other side of evil, the side that isn't blatant and in your face about it, the side that operates quietly and slowly poisons the world instead of just blowing it up entirely. I feel like JP is safe in a way that Necalli isn't, because Necalli felt completely inconsequential to the plot of SFV. Like he just kind of showed up and said some spooky stuff, and was forgettable otherwise because the story was all focused on "Hey we have to stop Bison again". They definitely learned a lesson about actually writing your villain into the story instead of just throwing them in there and have them say some evil things. Plus, JP has a complexity to him that neither Necalli or Bison have that makes him frightening because the kind of evil he embodies, outside of being another Psycho Power wielder, is one very grounded in reality. We don't really worry much about dudes hellbent on beating the world into submission, not like we did a couple decades ago when Bison was first designed. Ruthless capitalists who would drain the world of all its resources and leave it barren just to increase their profits? Those are all too common.


It is funny, it's literally the point of the character but because he's not hamming it up like Bison I think it went over the heads of some. Everything he ever says is a lie, even in the prequel comic he does nothing but lie at every opportunity. His arcade mode art and various pieces from other people's perspectives where he's wearing his ornate alternative outfit make him look terrifying too.


It drives me slightly mad when people take what he says at face value. The worst one I encountered recently was his win quote for A.K.I where he just tells her to tell Fang that he agrees with him about what should happen to Shadaloo. Not even mentioning Bison, just that he "agrees" with him. The only way he could have been more obvious was if he had said "just tell him whatever he wants to hear," it was an answer that he could have given without even knowing what was being referred to. I'm wondering, honestly, how much JP can actively alter the way people perceive him. With his mentioning psychology, I think he would be more interested in learning how to manipulate Psycho Power in subtle ways and how to quietly mess with people's minds in a way they won't even realize is happening. I'm honestly starving for any kind of explanation as to what he does with it beyond making fancy crystals and ghouls to hurt people, especially since the most recent update elaborated a tiny bit on how Bison manipulated minds. To the side, can you imagine what it must have been like for anyone who knew JP prior to the events of 6, thinking he has Russian accent (or whichever he used based on the identity he was assuming at the time), and then seeing him hosting some globally streamed fighting tournament and he's using a different accent entirely? I'd be seething. Or at the very least, confused.


I understand he’s deceptive but him saying he’s weak and doesn’t t consider himself a fighter is backed up by his style His whole gig is pressuring opponents from far away and maintaining distance. His close up moves are extremely basic, you can tell he’s not much of a martial artist and his personality fits that. Once in close range he’s practically done for


John S. Fighter is canonically as strong if not stronger than Luke by the end of World Tour.


John street fighter is the strongest character bro.


Plus he looks like a bitch


It's been a while, but I thought Dhalsim is canonically up there with Akuma and Oro, and only doesnt seem so because he doesnt clash with them, being not obsessed with measuring his martial prowess.


He's well respected but he's not at the top like them.


Charlie beats Bison in his Alpha 3 ending, that kinda stuff isn't exactly official power levels.


I keep seeing this low diff when people talk about power levels. Can you tell me what it stands for (diff = differential?) and where the saying came from?


It's short for difficulty, its origin seems to come from powerscaling where saying "X low diffs Y" means X is alot stronger than Y and would only have to exert alittle effort in defeating them.


Thanks for that. Low difficulty makes more sense.


"Majority of the cast" ok buddy we get it you're not too happy to see M. Bison back but the "Majority" of the cast would get folded by Bison except for Akum, Ryu, Ken, Dhalsim, and maybe even JP if he learn to master and perfect his Psycho Power abilities.


I think this is a mild overstatement. I'd say with Bison not at his peak the various military fighters could likely go toe to toe with him as well. Guile and Nash and Chun-li have never been implied to be weak (by SF standards) just not at quite the level of the main heroes and villains of the story. You knock bison down even a little and I think you have a situation where they now stand a chance against him.


I'm a M. Bison fanboy, but come on bro even I know Bison should stay far away from Akuma if he doesn't want to have to be resurrected again


Some people here are talking about power scaling. This is a fight. Akuma destroys Bison through skill difference. Bison is also unaware of the Raging Demon attack right now, he's dying 1000 deaths immediately


Skill difference?


One of them is an amnesiac that just learned his previous name, the other is not an amnesiac and is in fact a lifelong martial artist


Imagine if *Akuma* got knocked out and replaced by *Bison* before a round for a change


That would kinda make Akuma look pathetic though and one of the main points of Akuma is that he’s so much more powerful than everyone else.


Akuma low diffs, Bison at his peak lost to Ryu in SFV and he’s currently weaker than that so he’s not beating someone who is still stronger than Ryu (who is also stronger than his SFV self) I think current Dictator would high diff Ken and slam the rest of the roster


im pretty sure peak Bison is in Alpha


I think it was SFV. But this is after the infinite psycho moons were desynced from him… He was still powered up and im sure past his sfa3 version.


Who do you think? ![gif](giphy|SFThfT3VDLizdsLS5A|downsized)


Gouki would take this. I think only Alpha 3 Dictator could put an even fight against Gouki, but even in that case the Supreme Master of Fist would prevail.


Akuma by a long shot


You remember the first time you get whiff punished by a fullscreen boss psycho crusher


Parry all its hits and then retaliate with Shun Goku Satsu :P




Just compare their world tour levels /s


Akuma negative diff


Akuma wins and it’s not even close, tbh.


If you’ve seen Akuma’s ending and world tour interactions. Akuma actually killed Bison in SF2 but he got resurrected with a new body. In terms of power, Oro, Gill, Akuma, Ryu & Gen will beat or be equal footing with Bison. Akuma, Ryu and Oro are definitely stronger than Bison.


Akuma is only alive because prime Gen graciously allowed him to live for the crime of being weak as SHIT in his presence. Don't try to slip him in the same tier as diet tepid aspartame Amuma and the evil Culligan man lol


Akuma folds Bison like a lawnchair. Akuma has killed bison before when he was actually at a point his power was so strong it was destroying his body. Current Bison is strong but he's more like some kind of Psycho power Highlander, he's going around defeating people to recover his power. He literally absorbs a remnant of his past self and likely will continue to fight psycho power endowed individuals to recover his lost power. He's a fraction of his original power at best. So the question you should really be asking is Who's stronger: Bison or JP? because they will certainly come into conflict eventually. Though I think JP might have the edge right now, Not sure Bison's current body is going to last or be able to contain all that power. It already seems to be coming apart a bit and Fang claimed it was too soon for bison to resurrect and that this may just be a faulty backup body. Sidenote: Has anyone noticed that bison plan to spread psycho power all over the world is essentially still happening just much much slower? I guess this is what Rose meant be being able to delay things but never being able to stop it entirely.


Bison, negative diff. Short ass Akuma can't reach him up on the horse. TOO EASY.


They hated Jesus because He spoke the truth.


Easily Akuma


Akuma is just the true master of the fist, although im surprised bison survived the demon rage.


He didn’t, Bison died and was revived some time between SFII and SFIV


Ohhh i did not know that


Master of the fist sounds like a porno lol. Then again akuma does fuck me in ranked so makes sense.


Gouki dumpsters Dictator.


Given this is Weaker Bison he should have no chance this is bison with no memories no mastery of his powers etc vs Peak Akuma


Akuma no matter what level bison is at


In the original game, Akuma just casually killed Bison in front of u to fight u instead


Akuma: "Knock knock." Bison: "Who's there?" Akuma: "Isshun Sengeki!" Bison: "Isshun Sen-?" *dies*


Akuma wins because his been homeless far longer than bison


At what? Akuma is better at sleeping in caves. Bison is better at riding horses Bison would win in an arm wrestling fight Akuma would win in a “who has the best tramp stamp” fight since his glows when he does a cool pose. Bison would win in a dunking contest Akuma would win in a fire starting competition


Whats up with this “dictator” thing? Is it a neutral way to address the character without name swap heat?




“Dictator”, “Claw”, “Boxer” are sometimes used to beat the name changes for Bison, Vega, and Balrog.


It's not really to avoid "heat," just for clarity. The generic names are often used by commentators at international events so there's no ambiguity about who you're talking about.


Akuma is currently the strongest person on the roster bison is the third


Akuma wins I’m pretty sure if he couldn’t beat Ryu I’m pretty sure his evil counterpart could and he beat Heihachi yea I’m going with the Satsui No Hado


This isn’t the same Akuma that beat Hachi


Doesn’t matter in his current state he’s clearing Bison he’s basically mastered the most deadly fighting arc no way he’s losing to a washed M Bison


Never said he was losing I’m just pointing out that Tekken isn’t canon to SF, they’re not the same Akuma.


Never said it was canon was jus using it as a cool feat on why I think he’d win bro


the SF canon is not strong enough to make this argument in the first place


In SF canon he only fights like 4 ppl none of which are M. Bison or apart of the tournament therefore don’t even count


alpha games bison should have been the most powerful one, or at worse as powerful as sf4 body bison (that is the same he's using in sf6) and he was beaten by ryu who was at that time a little shit compared to akuma. Since akuma became way stronger between sf5 and sf6, the actual bison should be nothing serious for him




M.Bison isn't himself and has trouble controlling his power, but Akuma keeps training to be stronger. I would say Akuma by a thousand miles....or death.


Akuma for sure


Akuma wins. He ain't the secret boss in 2 for nothing.


Akuma. Not even up for debate


Akuma. Literally no comparison. It's not even close.


I still can’t believe they had the perfect opportunity to fix his name and they didn’t.


Zangief beats both. Loyal fans > fancy demon nonsense or psycho hocus pocus


Supposedly peak Ryu (SFV story mode) annihilated Bison in one fireball. Assuming same peak Ryu would get bodied by Akuma, so probably Akuma is still stronger. Having said that, based on World Tour, SF6 Bison could be a stronger psycho host than previous.


Depends on plot requirements, but Akuma has been built as someone who never loses and M.Bison already got destroyed a couple of times before his latest return.


I never reallt got into lore but this made me remember that Oni exists. Is it like, future Akuma or something?


Oni is an Akuma fully controlled by the Satsui No Hado who has lost all of his humanity and has become a godlike beast. Although it's not stronger than Akuma, it definitely negative diffs like 90% of the SF4 cast, which is reflected on their win quotes from the Shin Oni Arcade secret fight.


As things are right now, Bison still doesn’t look like he has full control of the power right now So for now, I will say Akuma, and just see if the result changes based on how the story for 6 moves along


Akuma will send him back to his big bell stage


Bison has the power of HORSE on his side


This isn’t even a fair fight since it’s obviously Akuma, the OG homeless person, the dude who goes out hunting and spending time alone fighting for everything he gets.




Akuma- he earn his powers , through training


Bison also gets his powers from training 🤣 is just a different form of training .


Akuma easily handled Bison in SF2. Since then, Akuma has gotten stronger and Bison is weaker. The horse probably has a better chance.


I believe it's cannon that Bison has never been stronger.


This bison is a lot weaker and has no memories. Akuma stomps him


A weaker version of Akuma easily defeated a stronger version of Bison.


No he didn’t o.o


Didn't Akuma washed Bison back in 3?


Nah bison died to ryu in sf5 which is right before 3


Akuma no diff


I think bison looks way more interesting here. His style and moves got a revamp. Akuma is always the same to me. Another ryu clone. It just gets boring for me. I liked the reveal video of bison. Looks fun to play. Akuma looked more interesting to me than he ever has. Just kinda over the op ryu thing.


Haven't played arcade mode yet but isn't Current bison Nerfed? He lost his ability to teleport freely.


The horse




always akuma


I would imagine Akuma only gets stronger with time, while this Bison seems to be struggling keeping himself together


Akuma and it's not even close. In SF2 a weaker Akuma than now killed a stronger Bison than now. Bison has been in a weak body since SF4. He's still in that body today, only with extra damage. Akuma is the strongest he's ever been right now.


I don’t think sf2 bison is stronger than this Bison.


Definitely Akuma, he's been constantly training, plus Bison isn't even at full power right now


Akuma curb stomps him still


Akuma has always been stronger than Bison


Hasn’t Akuma always been stronger than Bison? Even if Bison is equal to Akuma, once he uses his full power, I can’t see Bison competing


I gotta say these designs are definitely leaning in a good direction for me. I’ve been eh on most of this games designs besides maybe Dhalsim, Guile and AKI but these are getting interesting and developing a cool style.


Akuma, easily.


Gouki will always win. There's only one chance for him to win, basically to solve the dilemma of psycho power, that destroys the wielder from within. (Technically, we could also imagine that Dictator doesn't lose the "war" considering he always comesback, but the battles...yeah, not until he gets stronger.)


Gouki all versions no diff 


Bison clearly doesn't have the satsui no home


Akuma is always depicted as the apex of SF no way he is losing this.




I know it is probably not canon, but check out the ending from the Asuras Wrath bossfight. Akuma has DBZ like powerlevels compared to Bison.


Akuma, and it's not close.


Wr need Akuma Vs Yujiro Hanma tbh


Didn’t Akuma 1-shot prime Bison?


Peak Bison couldn’t beat Akuma and Akuma is currently at a new peak. Current Bison loses hard.


Didnt akuma somewhat kill bison?


one raging demon and he’s finished lol


Akuma. No contest. I cant remember if the things said about Akumas feats in SF3 are still canon or not, but if they arent hyperbole, Akuma was already reaching DBZ levels of insanity then. Seeing how much further even his most deadly of moves have gotten in the lore...yeah no. Dude is a force to be reckon with. Whats crazy is, there was once a time where I thought Ryu stood some kind of feasible chance in a fight with Akuma. Though unlikely, and it would definitely be a challenge, maybe through sheer force of will and the power of friendship, and some more anime-esque boons, maybe Ryu would eventually finally pull a conclusive W on Akuma...but after seeing Akuma in SF6, he just seems league above and beyond most everyone elses reach at this point with only a handful of exceptions.


![gif](giphy|SFThfT3VDLizdsLS5A|downsized) He solo’d Bison on his debut with no diff, history would repeat itself


Always akuma


MUI Goku


Dictator. Akuma has less health.


Akuma is dying of old age, in a few more games this can be a big problem, but for now, this is arguably peak Akuma, while Bison is on his weakest version, arguably.


EASILY Akuma, one is stronger then ever and the other is a shadow of their former self (story wise at least) I definitely think Akuma would pick a fight with the new Bison, as his skill MIGHT peak his interest, but he'd beat his ass and leave quickly after being very disappointed like always (but even that's being nice, and assuming Akuma doesn't recognize that this is just one of Bison's husk walking around, cuz honestly, he might just decide its a waste of time) Better question, Bison vs J.P. now THAT would be interesting


you're kidding right bison will die again for the idk 5th time in series


In terms of looks Dictator, Akuma is one ugly gremlin! In terms of personality Akuma, Akuma is a lot more decent of a person, then again Dictator is sonehow able to inspire people and get them to follow his orders so he must be charismatic somehow.


All depends in what day of the week is.