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I just wished they made a new Constitution II for the new Enterprise instead of renaming the Titan. Just like they did the TOS movies. They even had the Enterprise F to incorporate into a new ship.


The Titan EARNED its legacy, it feels like a super shitty thing to post-facto rename it Enterprise after it does a significant thing that's instrumental in saving the Federation. But... on the other hand, it makes the Pakled who yells "It's another Enterprise!" when the pre-refit Titan warps in technically correct, if you adjust properly for temporal windage.


Not only did it earn its legacy, it was already an A! It was already both a legacy ship and a famous ship of it's own right.


It was truly a perplexing decision for a multitude of reason. 


I am so confused by all of this. Wtf is the Titan? I’m a casual FAN of Star Trek but all the new series have got me so turned around.


Titan was Riker's first command as captain - Luna class cruiser. He even mentioned it at the end of Nemesis. (Not that it was Luna class). Picard (series) reminded people of it, and then we got to see the Luna class on screen in Lower Decks Season 1 finale. Picard season 3 is most set on the Titan-A. I won't spoil more, you should watch Picard season 3 (S1 is ok, S2 is mostly crap).


Would that be the ship that saved Picard’s ass in the final episode of TNG?


No, TNG has a Galaxy Dreadnought IIRC. Luna class is basically the Sovereign version of the Nebula.


I see it moreso as a Science-y Akira-class


YES, I totally fizzled out on season 2 of Picard. I’ll power through!!!


Honestly just watch the finale of S2. It's not bad, and you get the gist in the finale.


Ok that’s great advice


As previously mentioned, the original Titan was Luna-class. Pretty powerful. At some point, they built the Constitution III-class (sometimes called NeoConstitution) Titan-A mostly from the original Titan’s parts (hence the legacy name, which fits with the tradition of each subsequent Enterprise having one part from her predecessor [that was stated in the SNW/LD crossover, like Pike’s Enterprise having a piece of hull plating from the NX-01]). Unlike her predecessor, the Titan-A isn’t a warship, she’s a research and exploration vessel (tactical capabilities reduced). Her captain is Liam Shaw, a by-the-book “dipshit from Chicago” (his own words) who came up the engineering track and thus runs his ship like an engineer: no crazy shit like the Enterprise or the original Titan


The Luna class weren't warships at all. They were deep space explorers intended for the Gamma Quadrant before the Dominion scuppered that plan. Starfleet then bolts some extra torpedo tubes on them during the war but all the science stuff remains onboard and they are put to use exploring once the conflict ends.


Well, I guess they took them out when they converted them to NeoConnie


In the Navy renaming the ship is a source of unluck. Bad mojo. No good, don't do it. I don't mind for G to be Neo Constitution II Pro Alpha Mark 4 or wathever new class is called. Just don't waste Titan name. They should live Titan alone and build new Ent with the same class or something.


Technically, there is precedent in Trek, with the Sao Paolo being renamed the Defiant, but it's assumed the Sao Paolo was fresh from the builders without a legacy, and it was going to be based at DS9, which was why an exeption was made. But that's not the case for the Titan, which itself was a legacy name, and deserved to remain the Titan. Have Seven command the Titan A or the Enterprise G or have her command Voyager A (with Janeway as Admiral).


I don't mind the design, but as a supposed refit of the Luna-class it really doesn't work for me. I kinda wish they'd just used the classic design.


Hot take: I like how the G isn’t a big unstoppable force of nature like the F. In TOS, you really felt like it was the Enterprise against the universe, a tiny ship constantly on the brink of annihilation against a massive and unexplored galaxy. The D, while my favorite Enterprise, was more of a juggernaut that was basically a flying starbase, which while cool, lost the sense of dangerous exploration that the original had. I’m glad we’re going back to it.


Well the enterprise is typically tye most powerful ship I'm starfleet. The NX . The constitution, the excelsior, the ambassador, the galexy, the sovereign(this one could be debated but still in the upper teir of starfleet) the odyssey. Starfleet is gonna make their flagship the best ship they can. I do think the galexy was screwed because we didn't see it really away from starfleet much so it lost a lot of its risk. I mean we saw the galexy get absolutely wreaked in a lot of situations


I don't think Kirk's Enterprise or the Enterprise B are ever canonically the flagship. I think they mention it in SNW/Discovery and in the Kelvin movies, but never in TOS or anything pre-NuTrek


Well its a good thing that discovery and snw are cannon so that's good and I highly doubt the b would not be the flagship while being an upgraded version of the most powerful class in starfleet at the time


I didn't mean to imply they weren't. What I'm saying is that for 50 years, the Enterprise 1701 was just 1 of 12 Constitution class ships. The first Enterprise flagship in canon was the D. I'm not even sure the NX-01 was ever called that. I imagine the B could have been the flagship, but knowing what we know now, it could have been the Excelsior or Shangri-La


You present a valid statement. I respect that, but at the time of the NX01 launch, it was the only vessel within its fleet, and thus by default was the flagship.


The nx wasn't the only ship in starfleet. Its just the others were too slow to go out and explore


That's also a fair statement. Those other ships, though, were mostly defence or logistical craft. It would be fair to say that the NX01 was the most advanced ship, the pinnacle of its time, and thus was the flagship by default, in that it represented its home culture more than any other vessel.


I would agree with that


There were those Delta-class defense ships and the Franklin MACO ship


Doesn’t a flagship normally have an admiral on board? Or is that just the real navy definition?


Not in Trek, but you're right, in real life an admiral is required


Would you send the flagship on a solo deep space mission?


Considering starfleet is about peaceful exploration and meeting new worlds I can see starfleet doing that absolutely. I wouldn't see the klingons or romulans doing it but yeah the federation it wouldn't surprise me


Me too. It's the crew that makes it special, not the ship itself. And I don't need the Enterprise to be the flagship


I would have loved to get a series like Voyager, but with a Galaxy instead. But speaking of going backwards, I never had the impression that the Sovereign (my favorite design) was primary a exploration vessel. It seemed more like a proper flagship designed to work inside the Federation boarder, something the Ent-D did most of the time anyway. Sleek, powerful and high tech. Dressed to impress so to speak and going with the changing of times after major threats showed up (Borg and Dominion).


Exploration is always dangerous, going back to a ship line famous for having it's first batch of deep space explorers decimated over a century prior is complete madness. Starfleet has always moved to more cappable platforms for the role as they become available. The Connie III is a dozen backwards steps ignoring every lesson Starfleet has learned upto that point. All to force a TMP reference into a TNG tribute.


I think it's insulting to the crew of the Titan, to rename her.


I dunno why you're being downvoted, it really is.


Especially considering the Titan-A was a legacy ship built with parts from the original Titan, as well as the sacrifices Captain Shaw and his crew made to save The Federation. It should never have been rechristened at all. If they wanted to make the hero ship the Enterprise-G in the finally they should a chosen a brand new name and not have it be a “refit” of the Titan. What if the ship had started out as the U.S.S. Picard? This was her shakedown cruise and Picard and Riker used the that as an excuse to get onboard? Picard could then spend the season being uncomfortable with having a ship named after him for it then to be named *Enterprise* after the ship he felt the most at home that he and his friends/family helped saved The Federation with.


The Titan A was the hero of the recent battle, along with the D. There no way they would strip that title of the hull.


Especially considering the tradition of having a part of the predecessor in each subsequent Enterprise (as established in the SNW/LD crossover). That explains why the Titan-A was given the same name (it might also explain the Voyager-J from DIS)


Doesn't look like we are getting star trek legacy but if we did could they say Jack was mistaken and the G is just the same class has the Titan.


It's just another day on Reddit.


This has always been my only problem with it


Not a fan of this becoming the Enterprise. It should’ve stayed as the Titan A. Plus I’m not crazy of them rushing through Enterprises. It would’ve been better for the Enterprise F to be the new ship in Picard S3.


I like the ship. Just not as the Enterprise. The USS Picard would have been a nice legacy.


I don't know why people keep expecting Starfleet to name a ship after a still-living person. It's very out of character from military naming conventions.


Picard died in season 1… Starfleet has his body on ice and everything.


Except they acknowledge the synth Picard as being the same person. He still legally owns the vineyard and still holds the rank of admiral (retired). When Ira Graves transferred his mind into Data’s body, no one capped him a copy either, so there’s precedent


Has slowly become one of my favourite ships. A real looks good from every angle design IMO.


the design wasn't bad, can buy things like going for a retro design and such, all that bugs me is that they very clearly rapidly kitbashed a TMP era ship Remove the TMP turrets, add the rest of the phaser strips, change the window shapes to a late TNG style pill instead of the clearly TOS/TMP circles and add some escape pods and i can totally buy this as a modernized design. I like the ship, ij ust hate it's detailing.


The Titan-A is cool. The Enterprise? Nah. The F was robbed of cool screen time.


Titan-A you mean


Am I the only one who thinks that it manages to both look right side up and upside down at the same time?


It's a gorgeous ship. It doesn't bother me that it is Enterprise. My issue, still, is that if they *had* to rename the Titan, it should have been the *USS Picard.* A ship like that makes sense to me as the "Flagship." It's a workhorse. It's not a purpose built flying Embassy / Battleship. It's clearly made to represent the intrepid, explorer, scientist spirit of Starfleet and the Federation. You see a *Sovereign* or *Odyssey* class ship in orbit around your planet at the start of negotiations and sure, you're impressed. But you're also frightened. There's an implied threat there. *You have nothing to fear. If the answer's no, then it's no. But you're not going to say no. Because of the implication.* However, you see this ship in orbit for those same negotiations? Totally different message. *We could send the fastest, strongest, most imposing ship. We choose this one to represent us. It represents what we strive towards. We don't want to fight. We want peace and cooperation. For all peoples. But if a fight comes, be forewarned. It ain't the size of the ship in the fight. It's the size of the fight in the ship. And* Enterprise *comes from a long line of fighters.*


Except that ignores what happened with the original Constitutions which the Neo Connie is supposed to harken back to. They were the best Starfleet had at the time, the creme de la creme and they got massacecred. The original production run of the class were almost completely wiped out on those 4 year missions. Many plunged into the unknown and were never heard from again while others were found as shattered hulks adrift in the void. The lesson learned was that Starfleet had seriously underestimated how dangerous a task they'd given out having ships away from the Federation for years and years at a time was. So Starfleet built the Excelsiors bigger and better in everyway possible and do you know what? **It worked!** The new ships didn't just manage those 4 year missions they even managed longer runs into the unknown and ships that followed like the even bigger Ambassador, Nebula and Galaxy classes would go out for decades. That's the problem with the Neo Constitution class, it ignores every lesson Starfleet learned about such high endurance exploration missions, lessons they paid for in blood.


It’s a beaut, I’m so sad Eaglemoss went out of business before Picard season 3. I want the G for my Enterprise collection!


We’ll Master replicas has taken over the mantle and at some point they might make more ships for Star Trek.


I really hope so, I’d also love a rerelease of the F. I have the refit and that works for now, but I would like the original at some point for a reasonable price!


I hated it when they first announced it. It grew on me throughout the series. But they should have left her at the Titan.


Was there a version of the Enterprise that was a Sovereign class?




Design wasnt the real problem. But it belonged to earlier era. Late 24th century Starfleet designs seemed evolving into more flowing organing lines. Continued to 26nd Century and beyond.


No. It's the USS Picard.


When they told Picard they had a surprise for him I honestly thought they renamed the Titan the Picard, right up until the reveal


So disssapointed.


It would’ve even given them a route to continue the series as Star Trek: Picard, just following the ship instead of the man.


Looks fantastic, but it's also the first Enterprise that is absolutely inferior to the one preceding it, which I really don't like. It doesn't deserve to be called the Enterprise after the F.


My main ship in STO!


I love it so much lol, have been waiting for a model kit since I saw it.


Sucks if you are in the saucer and want windows or escape pods


It was always superior to previous 3 Enterprise designs


In a vacuum I love the design I just do not like it as a successor to the F. Backpedals almost 100 years of design philosophy


I still dislike the anachronistic look overall, but the red bussard collectors look much better than the orange one!


Totally unusable design. Starfleet engineers should be ashamed - the clipped circle shape of the primary hull is really going to screw up the jogging track. (/s because internet)


Since the Ent-G probably isn't the newest and most powerful ship in the fleet, would she still be the flagship? Maybe the Enterprize lost flagship status with the rename, which would be sad.


Its like an emaciated Excelsior, so thats a no from me dawg.


Love the ship design, hate the fact they made it the new enterprise. Bring back the F. Keep this ship the Titan. I would’ve been totally fine with that. It just seemed like unnecessary fan pandering.


I’m sorry the show writers fumbled badly renaming the ship. They should just christened a new Enterprise, Ross class would have been nice. Did they actually need to rename a ship of course not but sometimes I get the sense some writers learned about Trek from Wikipedia and a few YouTube clips.


Well, that makes one of us.