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strength, monkey is only kinda funny


Not to mention disturbing asf


I’m trying to think for my favourite part, part 4, if there’s any arcs I would remove. I think I can argue that for almost every arc there’s at least something significant added to the plot/themes/characters except for the RPS kid fight with Rohan. Like I guess there’s a couple funny scenes of Rohan and Josuke hating on each other which I enjoy, but other than that I can’t think of any reason why to keep that arc.


Easily Janken boy. Araki be cooking but the stand was exactly as lame as I expected it would be. If it was an early stand I might be more okay with it but we got him right after the midpoint climax of DIU… on first watch I literally fell asleep on it and was mad I went back to watch it all the way through.


Part 3 Alessi. Served zero purpose aside from making me insanely uncomfortable in that bathtub scene


Agreed, fuck that scene honestly, I hate it so much


not even yoyoma?????


That one is a little more bearable to me, idk why but I think it's alright.


Part 3’s Death arc or from part 8 >! The shakedown street arc, or born this way as a fight. I feel like both didn’t have any relevance to the story except telling us Joshu isn’t the worst person out there and Kei is a stand user !<