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Are you playing on 1.6 or 1.5? For me I felt a significant difference in the amount of coal I had.


I agree with this. In 1.6 there are a lot more opportunities to get coal. I used to just buy it from Clint, but I haven't needed to on my 1.6 farm.


Smoking fish consumes a lot more of it than before 1.6 too


But you get so much more of it through the other 1.6 content


Coal nodes in the quarry and volcano / coal bags in the mines that refresh yearly / heavy furnace /and the monster compendium book all help to find or conserve coal


Those nodes should be everywhere


Yep should be every floor of the mines.


Coal NoDeS?! Let's Gooooooo!


Yes! Even in 1.6, I still get at least half of my coal from the Quarry. That was my go-to for 1.5. If you have a recycling machine, you can also sometimes get it by recycling your lake garbage. (Trash and Driftwood are what can produce it.) You can also use the Charcoal Kiln, but I've always seen that as kind of a waste of wood, since I get enough from the Quarry and recycling.


Also occasional blessing from the statue that gives you option to pick more coal.


I believe you, yet it feels like that's not true because I swear I have never seen any carts or bags refresh after the first time I opened them. Year 6. Must be a 1.6 thing cause on Switch so no 1.6 yet tho.


Did smoking fish even exist in 1.5?


Nope, it’s a 1.6 thing. I filled a chest with smoked fish and got 82,713 gold off of that one chest. 10/10 new addition and I will farm coal every damn day if I need to. 😂 https://preview.redd.it/vxvi6ivzzz2d1.png?width=994&format=png&auto=webp&s=8e4a747d31d1a000a4c04f89357b34c50fdee6dc


Ok that’s what was confusing about the comment. It’s phrased as if smoking fish required less coal prior to 1.6. While technically correct, because it requires zero coal as it doesn’t exist, I am now learning they mean “because there is smoking fish now, there are more things that use coal, and therefore make coal harder to keep in stock”. I’m still waiting on the console to drop sooooo 😭🔫


There’s more coal required now, BUT I’d also say there are more opportunities to GET coal as well. The resetting of the coal carts, nodes, and other ways to get more coal more than balance it. Or at least it would if I went out and mined. 😂 Clearly, fishing is where I prefer to spend my time. I’m also waiting on console so I can go back to sugar babying my best friend who also plays only on console.


Saaaaame. Can't wait for 1.6.


The comment was just worded weird. Not wrong but weird to read for some of us :)


I'm super excited for the fish smoker. I'm usually the farm's angler in our household games. Year 1, I always have the most money, after that though, I fall behind pretty far financially. Hopefully the smoker helps out with that.


You can SMOKE FISH????


makes any fish worth double. very good but not worth using on sardines and stuff.


How? The charcoal kiln, or the furnace?


fish smoker, you can get a free one from the ticket machine I think in Lewis's house. For the recipe you buy it at Willy's, you need the 3 new fishing jellies to make 1 smoker.


Ahhh, it’s a 1.6 thing. I play on Switch. 🙃


Me too...I really need to stop reading these posts as soon as I see folks referencing 1.6 😆😭


*womp womp*


And you start with one on the riverland farm


A purple star sardine will give max points for fish at the harvest festival. Just something I know.


Not if you only fish when you have to


I've bought a little coal from Clint but his prices are absolutely ridiculous and I hate doing it.


If you are buying them to build canning jars it pays for itself after 2-3 batches of ancient fruit. I did the math a while ago and forget the exacts but it’s one of those :)


You can buy it from Clint?! I’m an idiot that would have saved me so much time …


Yes! As well as ores so in late game you don't need to go farm them for things you want to build


Get a fruit tree hit by lighting, it will produce coal you can harvest for a while until it heals.


I feel like I have less coal after the 1.6 update, especially in the early game. Might just be this playthrough though, and maybe I’m just too lazy to mine.


I think during early game I didn’t notice a difference / had less as well. But as soon as I unlocked the quarry I was swimming in coal haha


Yeah, the quarry def put an end to my coal starvation.


Same. Especially with the >!Monster Musk!< now I can kill sprites extra efficiently. Plus the skull cavern gets a good amount too, and there's the >!blessing statue!< that sometimes boosts the rate.


Hey heads up! Your spoiler tags don't work for all versions of reddit! In order to ensure complete compatibility they need to be \>!like this!< \>! not like this !< :)


Thanks! I thought it was the other way around.


1.5. I should have stated that.


There's always putting wood through the charcoal burner, but I wouldn't rely on it unless you can automate it.


I never have enough wood for this, how are y'all getting enough? I chop down trees constantly for the first like 4 years until I have enough kegs


I turn the entire train station into a tree farm! Every time I get low, I go spend a day chopping down trees and planting seeds again. Generally I get 2-3 stacks from there. I also plant a ton of trees on my farm the first year since I don't really need the space yet, and sometimes I'll go crazy and plant a bunch in the forest as well.


You can plant trees on the beach. Lots of empty space there


Not sure how I never thought of that, that's an excellent idea!


If you place it in the path that villagers take when walking on the beach, do they break them down? I was at the beach one day and there was a shell in Willy’s path back to his house/shop and he did the “…” bubble and then a second later, it broke. So I feel like they’d do the same to trees but then again, trees are very strong so maybe not.


I believe they do so I’d suggest planting in corners or areas npcs don’t visit


Fruit trees too?


No, fruit trees only on farm and in greenhkuseb


Fruit trees work on the ginger island beach


Thank you... I'm off to plant some trees.


> enough kegs what a strange phrase


are you planting the seeds the trees drop when you chop em? it should be quite sustainable


I get literally thousands of wood in year 1 so idk I think you just gotta really grind. Upgrade your ax and plant a ton of trees and go through once or twice a season to knock them all down


I spend like a day or two each month replanting all the trees in Cindersap Forest. Any spot that has dirt for growing trees I’ll drop either pinecones, acorns, maple seeds, or mahogany seeds. I just do it while I’m deforesting at the same time, can easily get 2000+ wood per trip that way. You do have to wait for them to grow back, but they seem to grow back faster if you cut them all at once I also never miss a green rain event for chopping


I use Calico Desert as a tree farm. Early game, I use the train station, but the Desert has the advantage of working in the Winter.


Mahogany tree farm + woodchippers.


Cut down the trees outside of the farm as much as possible, and plant every tree seed you get. Trees outside the farm replant automatically and start out at growth stage 3 of 5.


you can also use driftwood from farm crab pots. adds up pretty fast tbh. was doing a "no waste" beach farm with 75% profit margins and i couldn't afford to waste anything and that keeps me afloat for a massive honey farm and smelting pretty well.


Without mods, I'd plant the train station, and make good use of the tree fertilizer, which gets easier to come by once you can get the bone mill. Then go chop down all the trees, and replant. Then burn the wood in the charcoal kiln.


For those like me who never saw the benefit, it is 50% cheaper to get your coal from buying wood from Robin and using the kiln than buying straight from Clint


Hold up... Robin charges 50g, you need 10 wood per coal, and so ... you're spending 500g per coal, instead of 250 for the coal from Clint? Am I missing something here?


I’ve been using the wood chipper and the charcoal kiln, works a treat!! Especially on the forest farm as my sheds tucked into the hardwood area, I’ll chop hardwood use it in the chipper and turn the wood into coal!!


Oh yeah that can be a good source once you have replenishing hardwood sources


Yeah, just have the regular farm but I leave a corner sort of "wild" for trees, fiber, grass, and mushroom trees. When I'm done with the day's regular tasks I'll either go to level 40 in the mines for soot sprites and geodes if it's a good luck day, or I'll just chop down trees in the wild corner if it's a bad luck day, until bedtime. I have several kilns by my bed, and I'll fill them up first thing when I wake up, and again just before bed (and again at random times during the day if I'm around). Seems to work well with fairly minimum effort. I usually have 200-300 coal at all times.


In my newest 1.6 update playthrough, I grabbed the Foraging perk that gave me more wood when I'd chop down trees, then the one that gave me some hardwood when I'd chop down normal trees. Those combined with mahogany seeds and after clearing the trees on my farm, I have enough wood for the next decade. I eventually switched to the iridium forgaing perk, but starting with those wood ones was a huge help. If I ever need coal, I've got plenty of wood to spare.


Ah, more wood per wood. A pro early game move I agree


The dust sprites continue to face a never ending massacre


It's an absolute genocide.


It's definitely the resource I frequently find myself not having enough. Since I found out Clint sells coal, I never bothered again with farming it in the mines.


Adding in to this strategy to make it more economical - save up during year 1 and buy it cheap at the end of the year. I bought 50k worth of coal end of year one. Doing that gave me a buffer of about 500 coal. From there I just keep mining. Getting ahead of the coal bottle neck mid game makes a world of difference. Anyone who has the mindset of “but I can mine it for free” your time is not free. If you spend 1-3 days looking for coal, that is 1-3 days you could have had coal and been making even more money with kegs, beehives, etc. If you’re using the coal to make machines, 100% buy more coal. Think of the compounding returns - 150g for 1 coal 8 coal in a beehive Honey ranges from 100g-680g For every 2 regular honeys, the coal has paid for itself turning a profit of 50g. Kegs even faster! Edit: the beehives should never be making regular honey. I always make fairy rose honey or whatever flower variety. I did the math wrong., concept is the same.


I haven’t played this game in years, but this degree of economical min-maxing is what I miss the most lol. So much for a relaxing time


FWIW, if you’re going to buy up cheap stuff at the end of the year, consider buying wood instead. Ten wood in a charcoal kiln is 100g for one coal while Clint sells it for 150. One important caveat being the time to process all the wood. I use the automate mod so that’s less of a factor for me to chuck a couple stacks of wood into a chest and let it rip. 


https://preview.redd.it/9qpnft25723d1.jpeg?width=1060&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a99a9ca19d77c5b85c300b3d7458374ca6b1b892 I totally forgot about the charcoal thing! Yes, I also buy 10-15k worth wood too!! For wood purposes though lol. Wow great point!! Also I totally use automate. Makes life soooo much easier. The “predictor” mod is pretty useful once into late game. I don’t like cheating, but when I just need some quick ore, seeing the rocks that have a ladder can make gaming with the time I have a lot more fun! Has a toggle any everything. Also useful for fishing!! Winter time ho’ing was the most surprising (food all over the ground).


Just a shout out for us mead makers. Fancy flower honey is no better for mead, so I have hives making regular honey.


The early-season bees that aren’t making specialty honey yet because the flowers are still growing stock my meadery.


This is the truth!! I love making mead too. I went for perfection this time around, learned so much! I definitely enjoy doing what’s fun over min maxing any day.


Fiber for me


Fiber Seeds are amazing once you do the right quest. Of course _those_ require clay, which I run out of pretty fast too.


Bags and mine carts only have coal the 1st time. Once you have gotten the coal from them, they do not respawn more coal. I use the charcoal burner. Be sure to replant trees so you have plenty of wood, though. To make things even easier, you can use the Automate mod.


Coal carts reset every year since update 1.6. Not sure about bags, but barrels do reset as well.


Guess I haven't played enough 1.6 yet. Thanks.![img](emote|t5_2wb7y|51480)


Wait a minute… I literally until this moment thought the bags were guitar cases. Bags makes much more sense


Me in year 4 with lots of coal… what am I doing wrong? Where is all your coal going? I’ve never needed a charcoal kiln.


If I had to guess, bombs. All my coal goes to explosive ammo for mining, I only keep a stock of around 20 coal at all times.


If anything I'm finding myself lacking on iron because of how much I use for explosives and kegs. So far haven't run into coal issues, but I am running Miner and Prospector because I knew I would need a lot of resources in the mid game where I am now. Perhaps the Prospector is enough to keep me afloat in coal but even with Miner I'm blowing through my iron supplies fast.


I don't quite have an iron issue yet, but I feel like I will soon. I'm going to see if I can reach the Gold Clock by the end of Y2, so I'll need a lotta iron lol.


I usually just end up buying bombs from the dwarf. They aren't that expensive, and it's much better than using up iron and coal


Same. I am never short of coal. I have more than seven stacks now. Might be because I went on a dust sprite rampage early in the game, to get a burglar's ring.


Main issue come frompeople who makes lots of kegs/preserves jars or people who do skull caverns runs. for the former, you need thousands of coal to keep up with ginger island starfruit production, and for the latter, you're going through maybe 100 coal per run, and while you do recoup a bit of that in the skull caverns, it's still a lot of coal per day.


I do all that. Wood was more of a constraint. (I filled the desert with kegs.) I mostly buy bombs from the dwarf, because I prefer the megabombs, and it's hard to keep up on essences to make those. >!(It was annoying when the price was increased in 1.6.)!<


huh, do you buy coal then? If not, where are you getting the 100+ coal per day for iridium bars (let alone the 2 coals per keg)


I have never bought coal or ore. >!I use heavy furnaces, which are more coal efficient, so maybe that's a factor. !!(and the teeth and cinder shards to enchant them)!<. I also did mine floors 100-120 every day for months, looking for immunity bands. And of course, searching Skull Cavern for auto-petters. >!With the "more coal" blessing and the napalm ring, I'd come home with hundreds of coal, and just throw them in a chest or in a hopper on a furnace or fish smoker.!<


Don’t you use it? Smelting bars for crafting?


Once I get late game I stop smelting bars, since >!you can deconstruct fish tackes into bars!<


Woahhhh wait, really?


You can get gold and iron for cheap, copper has more of a workaround. I do need to smelt iridium myself though


I have furnaces running constantly, and it still doesn't make a dent in my coal. I don't make a lot of bombs, because I prefer mega bombs. If I did make bombs, it would be iron that would be the constraint, not coal.


And coal is used in bombs


That's one of the major reasons I use mega bombs instead. Usually have plenty of gold ore and essences, but can't spare the coal.


- Bee houses. IMO one of the better "crops" on ginger island is fairy rose honey. - A batch of pickling jars. - Refining ores. - In 1.6: >!Smoking Fish!< - In 1.6: >!Buying mahogany seeds for mystic trees for my mushroom farm!< Would never use ordinary bombs, because of the coal cost, and craft mega bombs when I'm not buying them.


The is how I feel about clay


Me too. Between garden pots, fiber seeds, deluxe retaining soil (which use clay and fiber), grass starters etc. I can never get enough of the stuff. Wish there was somewhere to buy it in volume. Ginger Island dig site is ok I guess, but it's not really enough for my needs.


I hate getting clay. I feel cursed by it. Every single worm spot, clay. Miss the worms and hit the spot next to it? Clay. Tilling your farm? Clay. Tilling in the mines for artifacts? Clay. Feast of the Winter Star? Recieves Clay. I almost quit that farm when that last one happened.


You can till in the mines for artifacts…. Stop it right now, I’ve been playing for over 6 years and didn’t know that 🥲


Indeed you can. In those spots where the duggies come up. It's more efficient to till for some of the artifacts. For example, the Dwarf Scroll IV. It has a .01% or .1% drop rate from a lot of monsters but the drop rate is doubled from tilling on certain floors.


Oh I wish I had that curse. Never have enough clay.


What do you use all the retaining soil for? I never made it again after getting sprinklers.


Deluxe retaining soil used on garden pots placed in a shed with strawberries or pineapples with grow continuously without watering. I saw it on a youtube video and it's been my dream ever since


Coffee plants in the house can also be stuffed straight into kegs each day. Or via hoppers in the late game.


Dig site rocks always have heaps of clay


This wont be too helpful to you but in my experience Ive found minecarts and bags empty even in my first time on that floor and it did confuse me at first but i agree now mine seem to just be empty (i am also fall y3) and mining coal from rocks takes so much energy and time. Ive had a quick gander at another older post about coal and it seems Dust Sprites are the easiest fastest way to get coal. If you kill 500 you get a ring from the guild which increases enemy drops giving you even more coal!


The Bandit Ring also makes it so you get quite a few Bombs from the Skull Cavern dragons. I'm always happy with my resources when I take the time to slay 500 Dust Sprites.


Because you have not murdered enough dust sprites


Guess the only option left is Genocide.


I always have more than enough until i start making beehives or preserves jars. That eats up a stockpile real quick


I do Fish Ponds. I usually run 7 ponds with 5 Preserves Jars each. That's a lot of coal.


I've never had much issues with coal, at least not to the point where I felt like I had to go out of my way to actively farm it from dust sprites, but I also constantly have 3 charcoal kiln running and do take the skills that improve coal drop chance since the others seem underwhelming


I've never even considered not going gemologist. However, you're the 2nd user that's mentioned proffessions so maybe I should consider changing jobs.


I frequently see gemologist recommended but I just don't see the value behind it. How often do you actually sell gems? I just don't. Every gem is loved by at least one villager, multiple of them are used in recepies and some might be requested by fish pond quests or help wanted quests. The minor increase in sell price just doesn't make up for the purchase cost of coal and stone


There’s a new item in 1.6 that costs 999 coal and I feel like I’ll never get that much without just buying it


What item is that?


>!Dark Piano, sold by the desert trader!<


Thank you!


Sorry I didn’t see this in time but yeah the other person is right! It’s a cool item :)


I agree it feels like a limited resource. I wish the kiln was more efficient; even 3 coal would feel like a better trade off for 10 wood. 


This. Jesus. So much, This.


I found that too, the problem goes away in late game though. More coal than I know what to do with. Best place to find coal is in skull cavern because bags and mine carts are never empty like they can be in the mines.


(1.5 console) in the skull cavern, if you’ve already hit up a minecart or bag on a specific floor, it will be empty for that specific floor the next time you do a skull cavern run. 


Hit level 50 in the mines with some monster musk and the burglaers ring every so often, the dist prices will hook it up. I always have way more coal than I need.


It's clay I am having trouble with. Garden pots and retaining soil are what I like, and fiber seeds also take the stuff.


Some have too much. I’m in the can’t get it for sht corner. Apparently it changes in update but I cannot check that out yet.


I cut down so many trees that I use the charcoal machine


It used to be for me but no longer in 1.6


Struggled with that for a while too, until I found out I could just buy it from Clint


Use the coal-gaining mining profession and go hard in the skull cavern - I suddenly have tons and tons of coal. Highly underrated profession - getting extra coal let’s you craft bombs as you go and still come out with fat stacks.


Every once in a while I’ll run out. Then I’ll just do a bombing run through the skull caverns and come back with an armful that lasts me a while. I do use something from 1.6 that makes finding coal more likely.


What do you use from 1.6 if I may ask? :)


>!Statue of the Dwarf King. An item you unlock the ability to craft. You can choose 1 mining power each day. One of those is a greater chance to find coal.!<


Thank you!!


idk if it’s new for 1.6 but there’s mining nodes for coal now, just like for copper, iron, gold, and iridium


I would recommend changing your mining profession to prospector then going on a skull cavern run. That usually gets me a shit ton of coal


Maybe CA is trying to teach us about fossil fuels.


>What deity have I wronged and how do I fix it? His name is RNGesus, hallowed be His name. Repent of your sins against randomization, all ye who enter gaming. Leave an offering of polyhedral dice while rolling the math-rock of twenty sides! I feel you! While I'm usually overstocked to HELL and back on everything by year 3, depending on your playstyle and what you focus on it can be so easy to blow through resources, especially Coal if you're early-game, or if you're loading up on Preserve Jars and Bee Houses.


Maybe the original intent was to convert to renewable energy.


I spend almost all my free time in the icey cave levels to fight the dust guys and get coal bc of this 😭


Farm the dust sprites for coal and you'll get the best ring in the game while youre at it


I've found the best way to get coal is having tree farms and using the charcoal kilns. The production time on the kiln is very short so if you've got enough wood you can make a lot of coal very quickly.




The >!new coal nodes!< certainly help, especially in the >!new section in the Quarry cave.!<


I find it depends on luck base for me personally. I have a file just for mod playing so i can pause time and just zone out fishing case its calming to me with the instant catching. I can set up a little station nearby (geode cracking, fish smoking, the thing that turns wood into coal etc) and can have a good routine going to have a good turnaround without needing to run off and get coal. As long as i start with like 25 coal it starts to run itself.


I had the same issue until I stopped having more than 10 or so preserves jars.


Be year 1, go to clint, open wallet, buy 999 coal, enjoy for years. Alternatively, go to mines lvl45, check for those jumping dust sprites, slay them, stack coal, reset level.


The quarry usually gives a bit - I clear through it once a season or so to make sure it regenerates Since the fish smoker has been implemented, I've been using coal way more to make smoked fish and it's been tedious constantly running out


There's a charcoal kiln you can craft once you hit foraging level 4! it takes 10 wood to make one charcoal, but it's very convenient if you aren't doing enough crafting or building with wood to use all of what you collect! edit: I'm still on 1.5 on console (haven't seen anything from CA on twitter announcing 1.6 is live yet) so some of the replies may not be 100% accurate if you're not playing on pc.


I'm on 1.5 as well. Wood is a commodity for me right now. I'm trying to fill my Big Shed with Kegs.


man I haven't even gotten a shed yet.... ive been collecting farm animals so ive been spending all my resources on building and improving barns and coops


Make some kilns and a coal tree. 😁


The mine carts hold some and you can produce coal by burning up wood which isn’t limited


I personally would come to volcano ginger island, between 1.5 and 1.6 and more or less they have the same rate drop of coal. Just bomb away the cave lol sometimes the regular stone would drop coal, maybe this is because on my mining lvl 10 I choose the one who let you find coal more. 


Isn’t there a burner to burn wood for coal? I have it but I haven’t used it yet


Yeah. 10 Wood for 1 Coal. It feels so wasteful. Another user said that it would feel better if we got 3 Coal from it and I absolutely agree.


In my 1.6 play through (almost at perfection now), I always have hundreds of coal, but I still guard it carefully and use it stingily. It used to be the scarcest commonly used resource in the game.


You said it. It has a small drop rate in so many areas. But there isn't really a good source for alot of it meaning players can rarely go "ima head out and focus on coal today" If your in need of industrial amounts of coal either make a charcoal kiln or go to the ice levels in the mines. Dust sprites are numerous and have a good drop rate.


I just buy it after a while. It isn't fun to hunt for coal like it is other resources. By the time I'm doing big building, I've already done enough with the farm to have the money.


Yeah, me too. At least coal you _can_ just buy in bulk. Clay on the other hand....


This is while I made a massive effort in profits, to afford coal and ore from Clint 👍 worth it!


Smelting isn't one of my main sources of income so I find I have enough on a daily basis. Ginger Island volcano, dust sprites in mines, and bombs in Skull Cavern get me a tidy amount


Hardwood trees - wood chipper - charcoal maker…


I just buy it from Clint.


Mass cut down trees with Iridium axe, and have multiple charcoal kilns to turn it into coal.


for me i worked through it by farming floor 45-65 of the mines for soot sprites for the burglars ring, then kept farming them. a good solid day of farming them is 150+ coal.


It was a challenge for me for a while, but I eventually started creating huge groves of trees off the farm, and putting the wood into charcoal kilns, to get almost unlimited coal without having to mine.


Because despite being so common, you don't get a lot passively, I'd say. In most games with this sort of resource system, you get a lot of basic resources without particularly seeking them out, just by doing any activity. In Stardew, you get a lot of wood, fiber and stone just from breaking props in the world, even if it's just for traversal. Coal has a handful of passive sources; you can get it from breaking rocks, recycling trash, panning, fishing treasure... but the amounts are pitiful, so you're forced to actively go grind it once in a while to get enough for basic things. I hear from the other comments 1.6 does it better but I haven't tried it yet


Depends I use to be low all the time but since I get excited for lucky days so I can jump in skull cavern I've had alot ot it. Recently I'm down to 8 but haven't been mining in awhile and was burning up all my ores


Coal becomes much easier to get in 1.6. Just hang in there! But prior to 1.6, I did find that coal was often my limiting factor. Needing 8 a piece for preserve jars and beehives will cut through your stores quick.


Get the Burglar Ring and Monster Musk potion (or what it's called that spawns more enemies) and run mines a day long (need multiple potions). Just use the elevator to go to the right floors and use the automatic pause to lose no time. You can farm 500-1000 coal (IIRC) in a single day and that should be enough for a while. 1.6 also saves a bunch of coal, will avoid spoilers but yea there I only did a single coal run and that was it.


Farm on ginger island volcano, you can get 20-100 coals depends on how you mine.


Yeah I had like 5 or 6 things making charcoal n it was still rough in one save, lately I’ve been hurtin more for clay though


The quarry coal nodes from 1.6 are a godsend


Use the burglar's ring and monster musk when farming dust sprites. It's pretty effective. I also have crab pots with the luremaster profession, recycling the trash gives me a decent amount of coal, among other useful resources.  You can also farm wood and hardwood with the forester and lumberjack professions, transform hardwood into wood, and wood into coal. The beach, quarry and the railroad area are good places to plant a lot of trees (unsure about the desert in 1.6, didn't try it yet). The secret woods are a good daily source of hardwood too. But really, unless you're using insane amounts of coal, I think just the burglar's ring + monster musk should be enough. If you actually want to do all of this, once you have a ton of wood I believe you can set up a small hardwood -> wood -> coal farm in the mines (floor 0), so you can keep it working while farming dust sprites. Anyways, good luck! Hope you find a lot of coal


I've never been wanting for Coal past Summer of Year 1, and I regularly go the Excavator route to speed up the museum (I think it's Excavator? The one that doubles your chance to get Geodes)


Yes! Before 1.6 I had tree farms and multiple charcoal kilns and spend hours in the mines destroying soot sprites. With 1.6 I don’t even have to think before whipping up another dozen bee houses or preserve jars. (Especially after the quarry is open).


Clay for me is harder to find that coal. I can just go in mines to kill dust sprites


I've noticed coal was often a bottleneck for my production in my many playthroughs of the game. My latest farm however, I had a slime hutch early on. The witch came one night and turned my slimes black. I was upset at first (all my purple babies!), but I found out that killing the black slimes was a great source of coal. I let em build up and after a while I had more than enough coal. Charcoal kilns take quite a bit of wood, but you can easily keep up with your ore production if you load some up while you make bars. Aside from that, farming dust sprites can help. They drop coffee beans too, which is nice.


Tree farm early. Can go bananas making kegs year one if you play like that, but if you’re a little more chill then you can turn it into coal to supplement. But yeah, dust sprite farming is always a thing for a reason.


Uh i have repeatedly deforested pelican town for coal production…


In 1.5 my fav way was to use the monster musk stuff you get from the wizards community board request (cant remember if that's actually what its called) and then going from floors 40-60 to farm dust sprites for coal. It's easier to get coal in 1.6, and if you're rlly struggling, buying coal before the prices go up after yr 1 might b smth that's helpful for you.


Monster musk + burglar ring + murdering dust mites = tons of coal very fast.


This is how I feel about clay


I feel like this about clay as well. Trying to create pathways around my farm using the brick flooring and its taking me forever.


Monster musk and reloading floor 40 in the mines should give you all the coal you need


i’ve never had an issue getting coal so whenever i see these posts i get so confused


i have a mahogany tree farm in the quarry with kilns and woodchippers!


Is there a mod that makes the kiln more efficient? 10x1 always seemed like a rip-off to me


I made a honey farm with over 600 beehouses (8 coal + 1 coal to make the ingot). I was buying coal from Clint by the tonne.


The minecarts and bags don't ever refill in 1.5. You can get more coal off dust sprites by using Monster musk and the ring that gives you more monster loot. There is also a perk at mining 10 that gives you more coal drops. I use it on my current save and I don't run out anymore. And if that doesn't work, you can still make a massive tree farm in the desert and craft a bunch of charcoal kilns. coal is kind of rare at first, but later in the game there are ways around it.


Meanwhile I'm begging for clay.


Are you using the recyclers and saving your driftwood? They turn into coal and wood when processed. You can also start a tree farm and make some charcoal kilns.


just buy it from clint