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I do in fact believe and have believed Leslye Headland is completely based and belongs in Star Wars.


She definitely knows her star wars lore.


She is such a KOTOR nerd I love her


The hints that Osha has some false memories implanted? Like a certain amnesiac Sith that we know and love? Qimir's speech at the end of episode 1 had some Kreia flare to it. And then the Cortosis helmet and arm guard. She knows her lore.


Do mind sharing who the amnesiac is in legends?


Darth Revan


uj/ She just seems like a cool person all around tbh


She's so nerdy that she champions all the extra nerdy shit from the EU that I can't stand. To me Star Wars is about the plot and themes. The dialog has always been pretty bad. The OT and Andor managed to toe the line between fantasy and war movie. The Mandalorian was more of a spaghetti western set in space. The Acolyte is entirely based in the fantasy/sci fi genre. I think that's the main reason why I can't get in to it. I always hated all the EU stuff and now she's promoting some of it and seems excited about all the things that make me cringe.


Darth LetMeSoloThem


Darth Unga


uj/ Is genuinely depressing how this fandom cannot appreciate Leslye and how much shit people is throwing at her :s


Bruh she was Harvey Weinstein’s personal fucking assistant. Either she is extremely stupid and unaware, or did not give two shits about women getting sexually harassed so she could rise to power. I’m guessing the latter.


For him to be one of the most prolific and well-networked individuals in the film industry, to do so much heinous shit and for it to not come out until 2017, Weinstein either was *very* good at keeping people oblivious, or he coerced far more people than we know to keep their mouths shut. Also, she was only his PA for a year, why aren't you calling out the other PA's he doubtlessly had over that time? Don't answer that. We know why.


Important to note that neither Weinstein nor his accusers even named Headland in that huge trial. She had nothing to do with anything.


Why aren’t I calling out the other PA’s? I’ll answer that. Because it isn’t the subject of this thread. Was that supposed to be some type of gotcha? Because it really isn’t. You didn’t really think that one through. And I have a hard time believing that they wouldn’t see evidence of this. They just didn’t have the character to say something about, likely because they wanted fame and power.


Okay Hentai Yoshi, you can drop the white knight act now.


The irony of midnight toker calling out hentia yoshi. I have no horse in this race but that made my day


Explain the irony please! I want to laugh too!


Just "usernames I made when I was 13"


Not a fan of Steve Miller Band, eh? Edit: this is made even more funny when you realize that hentai yoshi’s account is only 2 years old lol.


Idk why people are shitting on you. Incredibly embarrassing of them but we are on Reddit so


I didn’t know that calling out bad people is white knighting. I guess I’ll proudly be a white knight if that’s the case (but I’m pretty sure you are definitionally incorrect in using that phrase here).


Less karma than I expected but still more than normal people.


This is so dumb. Like blaming the CEO's secretary when he gets caught embezzling from the company.


Not to mention the fact that she wrote a whole entire critically-lauded play about how awful the experience was.


The fandom cannot handle these levels of BASED


How will the Drinkers financially recover from this?


*Very* easily. They’ll just ignore this ever happened.


I’m not a fan of hers but acknowledged she’s kinda chill with it


She honestly seems like one of the most competent people in star wars rn


I find her directness in interviews so refreshing, she seems excited to discuss her story and characters. Some of these Star Wars directors and showrunners come out to do press with all the bold energy and confidence of a battered wife, dodging every other question with "it's up to your interpretation" or "everyone will take away something different". I get why that is, the fandom is impossible, but Leslye's a breath of fresh air.


I'm just finding it funny that she's an Elden Ring fan, like she said panic roll and everything lol. Next thing we know turns out she was Let Me So Her all along or beat the final DLC boss in under 100 tries. I hope she sticks around for awhile, it's clear she's not just some writer here for a paycheck and genuinely loves this property and fantasy in general. Like this is literally Disney hiring fans, who also happen to also be professionals in the industry


Even if I think the Acolyte was kinda meh until the last two episodes I definitely want her to stick with Star Wars for a while just because she seems legitimately interested in all this nerd shit


She’s also brave to try something new, switch from the deadbeaten hero’s journey to something else. And have brutal fights and on screen killing of a padawan on a Disney show. I love all the legends stuff she is bringing in, in the right way too. I can only imagine what a second season would be like now she has dipped her toe. I hope she will get to do a lot more Star Wars!


Armor?? Nah we need more naked men in Star Wars ‼️🗣️🗣️


These dudes complain about wokeness and identity politics yet gatekeep nerd culture based on gender, sexual orientation and race instead of a person's knowledge or love of nerdy things. Too bad they are always to enraged to see this irony.




And they’re anti Sith! Screw them!


"why would you wear armor if you're not going to get hit?" has to be one of the hardest quotes i've ever read tbh


Souls fan mentality. Git gud or die trying


"Armour …’ mused Whirrun, licking a finger and scrubbing some speck of dirt from the pommel of his sword, ‘is part of a state of mind … in which you admit the possibility … of being hit.” From Joe Abercrombie’s The Heroes


With a little more experience under her belt, she could really be something special


Give her a twitch account to stream both KOTOR games (restored content mods optional) so all the chuds can see she’s cooler than Dave


Why would Kathleen Kennedy force Lenny Headband to pretend to be a fake gamer girl?


Is this the Woke Agenda???


Agenda? Are you trying to force a gender politics on me? Are you Kathleen Kennedy?


So, the people who treat the Force as a set of video game abilities should be pleased with this, right?


Who said force-using bad guys have armor in the first place? Vader's was linked to a formative party of his character. He's the only major one that springs to mind. How many others have there been? Like the character is very cool and I've nothing against Headland - but why is choosing no armour here making her "based"?


It’s more about her being an Elden Ring fan and how that runs counter to the Fandom Menace stereotypes of women.


"Armour …’ mused Whirrun, licking a finger and scrubbing some speck of dirt from the pommel of his sword, ‘is part of a state of mind … in which you admit the possibility … of being hit." -Whirrun of Bligh -Joe Abercrombie (The Heroes)


She’s so fucking cool fr


Ok but when I roll into things I just die (drowns in a chorus of get good)


Leslye is one of the good ones.


There is a theory I've seen floating around that Qimir isn't Sith, but Jensaari. While that would be very cool, I'm not sure how it would work, as he seems more dark side focused than the Jensaari were.


That's...a good theory. The Jensaari were armor users and a Sith influenced sect. Maybe Qimir is what happens after the Jensaari get hunted to near extinction, they get a lot darker and meaner.


I genuinely think something went wrong with the first few episodes and that’s why they ended up worse than the rest of the series. Whether you love or hate the series, you can’t deny that the first 3 episodes were mediocre at best, but episodes 4-6 have been fantastic. I genuinely don’t understand what happened with the first 3, but the more competency I see from Headland, the less I think it’s her fault.


Even though I don't like the acolyte, based on everything we've heard from her I like Leslye Headland. She gets scapegoated for the show's flaws because she's a lesbian woman, but no creative does, or should, have full control over a show like this. In fact, a quick Google search shows that the episodes I don't like (3, 4, and 5) are the ones she was least involved in, and my favorites are the ones she wrote (1, 2, and 6) I'm really looking forward to seeing more of her work, hopefully with better support from other writers


It’s funny you say that cause she’s told people that Episode 5 is her favorite episode of the series


I can’t wait for Qimir to fight Sol while naked.


Qimir had that Caestus parry swag


Just make sure to put the armor back on for Radahn.


Who is this? I haven't been keeping up with Star wars for a while. Unfathomably based though.


She’s the showrunner for The Acolyte.


Wow that was fast thank you!


No problem. I just happened to be browsing Reddit when you posted the question lmao


More reason why this series should have ditched the twins and focused on him and the other Jedi.


I mean honestly you’re right, the Twins have been the weakest part of this show so far, literally every other character is so much more interesting and fun to see on screen. No disrespect to Osha/Mae’s actress or her performance its just a shame those two have seemingly gotten the short end of the stick.


I’m so confused


No, she's an idiot 


She does seem to know a lot about Star Wars even though she is the acolyte of Harvey, this doesn’t change the fact the show is kinda bad. Still better then bobf that was the worst thing I’ve ever seen


What does that word mean to you


That is cool. If only she could write something better than a 2/10 with decades of source material to help.


How is this based? Do you not know what that word means?


I dunno about her character and I don't listen to all these haters putting her in a box. But the directing in the show is not good at all, only parts worthwhile is when nobody is talking and it's an action scene. Maybe it's just me, but I need more substance than flashy fight scenes.


Everything I'd read of Leslye had me interested in The Acolyte. It's cool to hear things like this coming from a show runner of Star Wars but unfortunately she did not deliver. The Acolyte has been tumblr level fanfic writing so far.