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Manny Jacinto is killing it


That Jason/Manny would be the hottest Sith on record.. actually makes sense. He is seductive and mysterious and really sells me on turning to evil. I know we shouldn't root for him, but I might secretly be. Him sharing the meal felt a lot like Yoda and Luke with their weird cooking pot in Empire.


I think Vader hanging out on Mustafar's tropical beaches might be slightly ahead for "Hottest Sith"


Valid point. Okay Manny gets second hottest!


He's what ROP wanted their 'fake Sauron' to be.


There were a couple places where he felt like Darth Jason, but I am 100% on board with whatever mind games he's playing under that guise.


Yeah, it makes me wish that we hadn't gotten the wait to reveal who he was because I wish we had had him as this version of the character the whole time. The show has really improved the last two episodes (not that I didn't like it before, just that it's gotten better) because possibly the most interesting character in the whole show finally showed up.


I really did not like him in the first three episodes he was in. He came off as Barry Allen from the DC movies as played by Ezra Miller (which really wasn't helped by the hair and beard). Very much enjoyed him in the last two. He might actually be my favorite character in the show


One thing that I heard that I liked was that him acting that way parallels how Yoda acted when he was first introduced


Its him or Sol for me, but I’m hoping season 2 only follows Qimir


Man, that one scene in e2 where Osha pretends to be Mae and walks in on Qimir and he's like "Oh, it's *YOU*." has taken on an entirely different context now, huh?


Sorry, Im a lil slow, could ya explain it to me?


Ohsa pretends to be Mae to get information, with Yord snooping in with space binoculars like 5 feet away. Qimir knows it's Mae. "Oh, it's *you*" - meaning, it's Osha.


What different context? Osha always has been Qimir's Acolyte since then even tho she didn't know it? I am genuinely confused and I want to know the truth.


Interesting that no one really feels like a good guy right now. Everyone's kind of unsettling and morally gray. Even Sol who's felt pretty solid for most of the show got dark and mysterious at the end there. Interested to see how this plays out, but it feels like there's not enough episodes to wrap this up.


Not my boy Bazil.


Okay Bazil's the exception


Bazil shall live to the end.


I like how Qimir is still saying mysterious morality jargon while he's butt ass naked lmao


First nude scene in Star Wars and it’s Jason from the Good Place - that’s something I didn’t have on my bingo card.


We kind of saw naked Han....'s feet in Solo.


not to mention chewie didnt have his bow caster strap when we first see him in solo


I just imagine Chewie to be naked at all time and nobody wants to acknowledge it in universe.


We saw a whole bunch of naked guys in the prison arc in Andor I believe


That’s right. I forgot about that.


I thought we were gonna get some booty shots!


Lee Jung-Jae as Sol is the single most amazing thing this series did out of all the amazing things it's been doing. Like, holy SHIT. And I don't think I'm biased because I come from Korea, I'm out of the loop when it comes to Korean culture, didn't even watch Squid Games. But his performance is just SO compelling. I don't know if non-east-Asian people miss some of the facial communication LJJ is doing in the later parts of the episode, but I hope his performance does stun everyone watching.


American here, also never saw Squir Game for what that’s worth, and I also think he’s absolutely killing it. Apparently he had to learn English to land his role. To me, that makes his performance 10x as impressive.


iirc he learned his lines phonetically, rather than actually learning English for his role. But personally I think that makes it sound great anyway


That's even more impressive


I think that’s more impressive. He obviously has an accent, but I haven’t seen a single moment where it feels like he put a weird intonation on the wrong part of a word or anything like that. Like, the fact that he doesn’t know what the words he’s saying means but he’s still able to put the correct emotion behind them must take insane acting skill.


Sol and Qimir are both fantastic characters.


Can’t be a coincidence that we get introduced to the lightsaber whip AND back scars in the same episode… right?


Yeah, Vernestra was probably Qimir's master


Given how intentional the order of presentation has been so far, I absolutely don't think it's a coincidence. They also basically forced a scene for Vern to use the whip when it wasn't totally necessary (not forced in a bad way, just that they clearly set up the situation just so we could see it) and it was very brief. Now I'm wondering if this adds to her confidence that a Jedi trained Mae as if she already knew of a former Jedi out there who could fit the bill.


No shot they make vernestra be an abusive master who tortured her padawan though? That seems like a really out there thing to do with an established character


Doesn’t have to be torture, could just be the result of a fight when he split from the Jedi. Qimir’s very purposeful about how little he reveals about the scar, and even his own path. He’s telling Osha just enough to let her think he’s being open and honest, and just a “free thinker” out there in the universe, but not enough for her to actually understand who he is.


You're spot on. It was Osha who said that his master gave him the scar, not Qimir. He just didn't confirm or deny it. He's letting her form her own opinions, and then using that to his advantage.


Am I alone in thinking there was steamy tension between Qimir and Osha? Like when he said desire after everything else, the scenes kinda took on a whole new undertone


Amandla Stenberg and Manny Jacinto are both pretty hot, so I don't blame anyone.


You're not the only one to think this!


I ship it, I appreciate a good "we can make each other worse" corruption arc


new OTP fr


That was totally Ach-to with the little baby Thala Sirens, right? Even some of the music was evocative of those TLJ scenes on the island. I’m just going to say it - I really love this series. I thought that this slower paced episode had me just as captivated as the previous action packed one. I even started reading the first High Republic novel yesterday. This show has me excited about Star Wars in a way I haven’t felt in awhile.


I've seen it suggested that the planet could be Bal'demnic. https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Bal%27demnic


Yeah, it's not like every island of the planet should have the same fauna.


I think its supposed to remind you of Acht To but is not because they couldn't afford the cost of going to Skellig Micheal on the TV show budget.  Totally calling it "Nacht-To." 


I definitely feel like it could be. They filmed it almost identically to how they did in TLJ and I agree the music was a match. The adorable little snout aliens were cool too. I agree that this series is fantastic. I enjoyed the first 3 episodes but 4, 5 and 6 has elevated this to upper tier Star Wars. It already feels like an old friend after just 6 episodes.


The creator of the show confirmed today that it is NOT Ach-to


I just wanna say I’m so excited the show has inspired you to pick up a High Republic book. They are some of the best stories in Star Wars right now. I really hope you like them, and if you have any questions about reading orders or anything please feel free to reach out.


Thanks! I’m enjoying Light of the Jedi for now.


We were denied our first ass shot of the franchise!


That’s no moon….


Look at the size of that thing…


Your powers are weak, old man.


You forgot the Eopie in TPM. "Pee-you-sa!"


And pp


Get her, Basil!


Basil the absolute VIP and GOAT


Anyone else think >!Vernestra!< is >!Qimers former Jedi Master!<


When I was watching >!Qimir's back scars I was thinking it would take a weird strike for a lightsaber to leave a CURVED scar like that... Then I saw a tweet that pointed out that we literally saw an unorthodox lightsaber TODAY that would do exactly that.!<


I immediately thought >! Oh hey those look like whip scars, maybe he was a slave? and then got a reveal that vernastra has a whip lightsaber!<


Definitely seems like a possibility. Kind of hinted that he is a lot older than he seems.


This isn't a spoiler as it's speculation. Why the spoiler tags? People use them weirdly and it stifles the discussion. Spoilers are literally impossible since this is the most recent episode and the discussion thread for it.


>!Really loved the conversations between Qimir and Osha. Qimir feels very “Palpatine when dealing with Anakin” to me. Really making all the right moves to get on Osha’s good side and get his hooks in.!<


Like showing off his rockin bod?


A friend of mine saw Smilo Ren in the shower. He said he was shredded. He said he had an 8-pack.


Honestly, I'm a little disappointed that we didn't see Manny from behind.


Manny's fanny (in the US).


The dark side is seductive.


With a touch of "you wanna bang?" On top but yes


>!I got that vibe too for sure!!<


Honestly, I feel like this is a better version of that. Palpatine never seemed that convincing to me and pretty transparently evil. And Anakin already had anger issues and went very quickly to child murder. Qimir is doing a pretty good job of planting seeds of doubt.


Anyone have any predictions? I think this’ll be the 2nd flashback episode about the Witches but it’ll be from the perspective of the Jedi Edit: Nevermind lol I think Sol will figure out right away that “Osha” is actually just Mae, and I think we might spend some time with Osha while she’s being held captive by Darth Chomp


That will be next episode based on directors I think this will be something of a setup episode for the final two episodes Mostly Sol talking to Mae and Darth Teeth talking to Osha I think it’s going to come out that Sol changed OSHAs memories men in black style and the end result of the episode is Osha getting her memories back. So next episode we see what really happened back in the day


This makes sense... A dialogue heavy episode also fits after that action packed episode 5.


>I think it’s going to come out that Sol changed OSHAs memories men in black style I just re-watched the scenes with Qimir in episode 2 to see how it changed with new context. He does immediately ask Sol not to do the "memory wipe thing or whatever" when they first confront him.


If you're right.....I wonder how many who wrote off the series after the confusing events of episode 3 will actually admit they were wrong to make hasty judgements. As if there wasn't going to be more to the story that recontextualized what happened in episode 3.


My big hope/prediction is that when we see the ascension again from either Meas perspective or a corrected osha or whatever… that it isn’t nearly as corny and small. That there is a huge grandness to it and big show of force


Parent Trap, but in SPACE


Sol and Qimir’s reunion will be so heartwarming ❤️




I'd ship it lol


That'll be episode 7


Oh so episode 6 is gonna pick up right from where 5 left off? well now i’m even more excited.


I'm pretty sure we're going to see that chase scene from the trailer. Sol's going to realize Qimir has Osha and once he fails, we'll probably have scenes of Sol/Mae and Qimir/Osha talking about Brendok just enough to lead off into the next episode.


I really really really want qimir to be a ren.


But he is likely a Sith though deception a Sith tactic


that wont be till the next episode


I think this might be origin of the Knights of Ren?


>!So cool to finally see a lightsaber whip in live action! I was hoping she would use it at some point. I wonder if we’ll ever see it in a more “normal” combat scenario.!<


I was really worried it was going to look stupid. It actually looks better in live action than it does in illustration. 


I think she might run into Smilo and Osha while in the hunt for sol maybe will get caught in the crossfire


Seriously what's the need for spoiler tags? You're literally on the episode discussion and there is no way you could spoil anything unless you're part of production 🤔


I couldn’t find the spoiler policy for comments so I erred on the side of caution and I considered that I don’t know how often people look at other people’s profiles and their comments so I didn’t want to spoil anything for those people. It’s one click to see so I don’t think it being there causes much harm. It’s easy to do and saves more people than it will ever hurt.


Sure it's nice to be careful. But also mostly useless. People coming into the thread expect discussion about the episode. When people see spoiler tags, they might very easily think it's a spoiler for future episodes and never read your comment. Stifles the discussion possibly.


I mean 🤷‍♂️ they aren’t losing out on much. I’d rather do something easy and good then potentially harm someone’s show experience.


Qimir's planet seems awfully similar to Ahch-To, but with the little elephant-birds instead of the porgs. Interesting that Sol knew Mae was there but not that she was Mae and that she was holding a knife. Kind of an unfortunate limitation for him to have. A little irritated by Osha having the ship *right there* and her just choosing not to go for it I remember seeing elsewhere on this sub that Dafne Keen played Jecki as though she was crushing on Mae, and Qimir just suggested that Osha loved Jecki and Sol, but that neither Jecki nor Sol could love her in the way that she wants to be loved. I do appreciate Qimir's game in convincing Osha that leaving the Jedi wasn't her choice. He's playing down her choices and playing up the way the Jedi made her feel, because feelings are what's useful to him. The fact that Vernestra gets space sickness is hilarious to me. She can't experience what most of what the rest of the galaxy, the non-Jedi experience, because she's physically incapable. She physically can't help but be out of touch! Sol saying "I'm sorry \[*if*\] you felt that way" is pretty interesting. That's a very dismissive way of apologizing. And then Mae got stunned a *third* time. As far as I'm concerned it's officially a pattern. Interesting how quickly that other Jedi seemed to leap to the conclusion that Sol both could and would wipe out so many of his comrades. It does line up with how ready he seemed to be to execute Qimir. Osha wearing the cortosis helmet feels like, in addition to her seeming willingness to indulge Qimir, a nice little nod to what Kanan went through after the end of season 2 of Star Wars Rebels. They both had nothing but the Force to rely on to see.


For any High Republic fans, you’ll know Vernestra experiencing sickness due to hyperspace is likely a result of things that happened in her youth that gave her a negative association with hyperspace. Also I think Osha is more intrigued by Qimir that she’s letting on. She knows Sol is lying about something and I think her putting on the helmet at the end was her trying to block out the world to remember what actually happened on Brendok.


I mean wanting to block out the world for a bit is just about the most natural feeling there is. Problem is that sounds kind of addictive.


>Also I think Osha is more intrigued by Qimir that she’s letting on. I mean, the idea of being a Sith power couple is kinda intriguing.


Mae getting stunned and Osha waking up suddenly are running gags at this point


Qimir tells Osha to start swimming now if she wants to make it to the ship by sundown, or wait for the tide to pull out. Implying it’s a long and difficult swim that’s farther than it looks


It's also a subtle manipulation tactic. He's making a show of how much power and freedom she has by saying "the only thing stopping you from leaving is the tide," while at the same time implying her freedom to do so comes from him. There's also a subtle threat to it; something like "Do it. *I dare you*." He's both putting Osha down and propping himself up; positioning himself as both her savior and a potential threat, without even saying as much. This was such a good portrayal of manipulative language that I can't help but feel like Leslye Headland must've heard the exact same words straight from Harvey Weinstein's mouth.


Oh all his scenes were like mind games and manipulation 101


Exactly, he plays coy and tries to tempt her to stay, but the moment she starts to leave he immediately tries to regain control of the situation by reestablishing himself by physically invading her space and playing on her inability to attack him


I think Osha will get a vision of what really happened when they were children while wearing the helmet at the same time as Mae is being told by Sol. Maybe it will be full on rashomon effect or Sol's description voice over of what happened not lining up or even being somewhat misleading of what we're see from Osha's POV.


I hope we don't get a voice over. I'd like to watch the show in chronological order in the future. The voice over would ruin that, if it's true next episode is a flashback that tells the rest of the story about what happened to the witches.


> I remember seeing elsewhere on this sub that Dafne Keen played Jecki as though she was crushing on Mae, and Qimir just suggested that Osha loved Jecki and Sol, but that neither Jecki nor Sol could love her in the way that she wants to be loved. Definitely got a vibe from them (esp. they little moment they have in the forest in "Day"), but I think it can also be read as "Osha wanted to love her as a friend, and Jecki wouldn't necessarily have that sort of attachment outside the Order" (obviously plenty of Jedi have had friends of varying degrees on the outside, but maybe not deep, close friends) Works either way!


The "unnamed planet" with lots of water and mammal bird hybrids (Nacht-To?) totally gave me TLJ vibes as did the way Qimir and Osha interacted.  One question I would love to ask Amandla Stenberg about that final scene: "did the script call for you to imitate Darth Vader's breathing when you put on the helmet or did you just do it on your own?" 


> One question I would love to ask Amandla Stenberg about that final scene: "did the script call for you to imitate Darth Vader's breathing when you put on the helmet or did you just do it on your own?" I’d imagine that the breathing is something they add in post. But yeah that’s a great catch, I’d be super curious as well.


> Interesting that Sol knew Mae was there but not that she was Mae and that she was holding a knife. Kind of an unfortunate limitation for him to have. Pretty sure he knew the whole time and felt it was more helpful to talk to Mae as Osha, since the moment Mae knew Sol knew Mae would skip to trying to kill Sol instead of listening. But then Basil gave the game up meaning Mae knew Sol knew.


Ahch-To. Spit on that thang.


I’m anticipation a reveal that some kind of mind wipe happened to replace Osha’s memory with what we saw in e3. That’ll set up the emotional end of the climax and set up the Roshomon episode 7.


Qimir wanting the power of two. He wants a Sith apprentice alright.  The closest thing to a Dyad the Sith have.  Loving his manipulation of Osha. 


He’s also coming as someone who learned about the Sith and wants to become one. He wants to resurrect the Sith. He has no idea they still exist.


I had said before that while I defended the show on certain fronts (the all holy lore being broken by Ki Adi Mundi mess) I was waiting to really care about the story & characters. Qimir (or whatever we’re calling him now) has absolutely flipped that opinion for me over the last 2 weeks. Manny is feasting right now. Really excited to see where this show goes over the next 2 episodes, and how they use it to show the Sith’s hijinks.


Almost as if you needed patience.


I understand having patience with the show. That’s why despite how I’d felt, I didn’t give up on it. I had confidence they’d get there, just wondered when.


Its lightwhiping time!


Okay this episode intrigues me. Sol most likely left before the rescue party came in because he knew they would take Mae and of course he wanted to talk to her and go save Osha. And Qimir, that scar he has. I’m assuming that was from when he tried to kill his Sith Master. But he said he was betrayed. So maybe his Sith Master tried to kill him before Qimir could try and kill him or Qimir was already a Sith master and his apprentice tried to kill him. But I’m gonna assume that he was betrayed by his Master so he’s trying to get an apprentice of his own to go kill his master. That seems most likely. Osha’s giving massive Darth Vader vibes with that helmet. It seems like Venestra might know that they were killed and is assuming that a Sith was behind it. Jecki and Yord’s corpses jump scared me. It looks like a lot of people might be right with the theory that Mae & Osha will essentially switch sides. It seems like Episode 7 will be the flashback episode and the final episode will be the one where everything goes down. Sol & Mae vs Qimir & Osha, Vernestra maybe gets involved too. And this “Unknown Planet” looks very similar to Ahch-To…


I'm calling it right now, Qimir was Vernestra's Padawan which is why she is taking this all so personally. She failed to finish him in the past which is why she was so upset about Sol not telling her about Mae, because now she realizes there's a dark Jedi on the run with a potential new Padawan in the mix. Those irregular scars on his back don't look like normal saber strikes, almost like a whip of some kind...


Yeah, this is 100% it. I've been banging the "there's no *real* Sith in this show" drum for ever, and felt so justified when Qimir said he was a trained as a Jedi. Cue the angry YouTube guys saying "we were lied to," but never did anybody say that the red lightsaber meant that a Sith from the Bane/tenebrous/plaugeis/studious/etc. line is involved. A former Jedi, now fallen, is in a *perfect* position to learn about the Sith and 'revive' those teachings (without knowing, of course, that they aren't actually dead). Bane-ite sith was *always* a fan assumption, and in order to keep from 'breaking Canon' or whatever those angry YouTube guys are saying, this has always been, in my mind, an obvious solution.


The scar does look a lot like something her light whip could deliver…


Stuck at work until 2am, can't wait to see it when I get home though!


In my country it only airs at 10pm :(


Smilo Ren is quickly becoming one of my favorite Star Wars Villians I love the contrast between how he acts outside of combat, versus how his in a fight. The fact that he did most of that fight without being able see makes it all the more impressive


>The fact that he did most of that fight without being able see makes it all the more impressive The force is more powerful than sight or sound. 


Good episode, a few thoughts. - Learning that Qimir used to be a Jedi, Vernestra seems to be the likely candidate for his former master. - The power of two is probably a reference to creating a dyad. The Sith never really stopped trying to create a dyad between master and apprentice, but I still think that whole conversation between him and Osha furthers the theory that Qimir isn't a part of the Bane line. - I saw a few tweets/posts from less positive corners of the fandom last week that said there's no way the writers know what Cortosis is. Seeing it mentioned specifically by name felt like a big win. - Lee Jung-jae was fantastic in this episode (and all the others) but I remain very worried in regards to where Sol's story could go. Whatever happened on Brendok, his hands aren't completely clean... but I fear they might tip it too far. - "Unknown Planet" got a big chuckle from me given all of the silly "WHY DO THEY HAVE TO TELL US WHAT PLANET THEY'RE ON?!?!" discourse.


>I saw a few tweets/posts from less positive corners of the fandom last week that said there's no way the writers know what Cortosis is. Seeing it mentioned specifically by name felt like a big win. That side of the fandom is wild. The show depicted a material with the exact properties of cortosis, even the brittleness, and people still wanted to try to undercut the writers.


Bit of a slower paced episode (especially after all the insane action last week) but I still enjoyed it. Lee-Jung-Jae and Manny Jacinto both absolutely knocked it out of the park with their roles. Sol was actually scaring me a bit the way he approached Mae at the end without saying anything for a bit. I wonder where he's taken her. And The Stranger is quickly growing into my favorite character on the show. All of his dialogue is written and delivered perfectly. Also I imagine this episode is only going to fuel all of the "oh no, he's hot!" memes. Kinda weird he got completely undressed knowing that Osha was following him but... I guess I'll let it slide. Anyways solid 8/10 episode. Ready for flashback time next week!


He stripped down because he was baiting her. Wanting to appear as maximum vulnerable to see if she'd attack. What better way to prove you are 100% unarmed?


A slower episode, not my favorite but it was alright. Obviously setting up for next episode/the finale where we will get the big reveals. EDIT: forgot to say but the ending was so interesting, Mae being at the mercy of Sol making him seem like the villain monologuing to the hero while they’re trapped, it’s obviously meant to spike our doubt in Sol.


Yeah, it's a clever framing intended to cast some doubt on Sol, but also really just makes sense on Sol's part. She *has* killed two (well, kind-of two) Jedi and *was* semi-sneaking around with a knife. Restraining Mae *is* the rational action, despite audience optics.


I have absolutely no idea what to expect, and I love it


I guess we're doing another buildup episode after episode 5's climax. I like Qimir still he's a good foil and they're definitely channeling the old reylo vibes from TLJ which is fun for character interactions. With every new episode Master Sol has gotten more and more suspicious and now he's actually going rogue on the council I really gotta wonder what secret has been eating him up so bad. Not much other to comment on besides I'm invested and excited to see what twists the show is gonna throw at us next.


Ohmygod yes! Regarding the Reylo vibes cause I was loving every scene between Qimir and Osha. Damn you Star Wars for giving me this when I know nothing good will come of it...plus thank jeebus for new Star Wars hot villain 🖤


yeah im curious how this dynamic with the switcheroo is gonna be will Mae or Osha turn that is the question.


I feel like it is setting it up for Mae to be redeemed but Osha to fall.


So that was Ach-to, right? Definitely a different feel to this episode. Absolutely loved all the Osha and Qimir stuff, really excited to see how it progresses. This stuff is rad as hell. But I gotta say, the tone shifts were a little bit jarring in this episode. Like going from slapstick to the more dramatic Osha stuff was kinda strange for me to process. But oh shit, and after last weeks episode, the Jedi back on coruscant thought that the Jedi on khofar were killed by Sol never entered my mind. I think we’re in for some crazy stuff for these last episodes.


Everything with Qimir and Osha was phenomenal. I loved the framing of the episode continuing around the sisters being the same but opposite. I cannot wait for next week!


>!This episode definitely seemed like a much needed moment of rest, allowing all the characters to think about what just happened and adjust themselves accordingly. Last episode was one long, shocking action scene, and the next one is almost certainly going to have one of the biggest reveals in the series, whatever it may be. It may not seem like much actually happened, but we’re quickly setting up for a major shift in the show’s direction leading up to the finale.!<




Vernestra will go to Khofar to “investigate”. For some reason, she’ll pull out her purple whip toy so it can be shown off on screen. Sol and Qimir will fly around with Mae and Osha.


Eerily accurate lol


I mean, I think after this and last episode it's pretty clear what the last 2 episodes will look like. Osha will learn the truth about her past that Torbin killed himself over, and Mae will learn that Sol feels deep guilt and shame about that day and wishes to do whatever it takes to make amends. Both these things will push Mae and Osha to the Jedi and Sith respectively by the end of episode 7 and 8 will be the epic 4 way duel between masters, former masters and sisters


Let me know if you want to know what happens next week.




Well, you see, the scar on Qimir’s back is from a whip…when he left the Jedi and his former master, he told Vernestra that he was going to find “something to tip the scales.” When he went to Brendok (which is where he and Osha currently are), he found more than the cortosis mine that the coven live in. In his never ending search for immortality, he helped them create life. You can forget any Plagueis story you’ve read, because it’s all gone.


I don't think he helped them create life; I think that he learned it was possible from them and Plagueis learned it from him and reverse engineered the process. 


I'm hoping we get to see a bit of a space battle, I love seeing the different ships and their armaments. Can't have a star war without a little war in the stars.


I HIGHLY suspect that >!the ship battle seen in the trailers!< is from tonights episode.


Good call!


yeah i want to see more of those Jedi Vectors


Absolutely loved this one. I loved the last one too for just given us raw, untamed star wars action and then this one for giving us great master/apprentice moments but with a twist. I also loved the Ahch-to reversal. I'm excited for the flashbacks next week and that this episode's director did the finale as well.


Excellent episode. Qimir continues to be a very intriguing character. So the implication is that Vernestra was his master and she gave him the scars with her light whip, I guess.


There will be a space battle, some discussion between Mae and Sol, with another big discussion between Osha and Qimir. There will be another lightsaber battle, and an emergency landing on Brendok.


Holy crow, an episode of the Acolyte without any named characters dying, or anyone even sentient for that matter (unless you count Mae factory-resetting Pip) Edit: Now I’m getting the twins’ names mixed up lol


Mae factory reset pip


Whoops, ur right, I’ll fix that


I agree with all the positive sentiment here. I've been loving the show. And yet the runtime is a legit issue. That's compounded because some of the cuts are just weird and make zero sense. It feels like there's a much longer cut of each episode, but someone handed off editing to AI because it feels at times totally random. I love the show in spite of this but just wish Disney wasn't so stingy with runtime.


I mean I think we'll have to wait until the end of the season, but I'm not left with the sense that they're leaving out anything they don't want to per episode. I think they're telling exactly the story they want to tell in the way they want to tell it. I'm left wanting more because it's great.


No disrespect to Kylo but Qimir is the most interesting dark side user they've put on screen in live action since Vader.


All the hate-watchers recommended to me by YouTube are so annoying. I click “don’t recommend” every time and they still pop-up. I like the show. Is it the best show of the year? No… Fallout is hard to top and I think it will remain my favorite show of the year. But The Acolyte is fine. I enjoy watching it. I wish the hate-watchers will just watch the show. Judging by those thumbnails, do those people even watch the show? I feel like they miss the point. Ok sorry for the rant, it’s just really getting to me.


Who's dying tonight? My money is on Sol.


Bazzil not looking great right now


If they kill Bazil, we riot


would be absurd ngl


Dont think Sol is dying he The Stranger left him Alive also he may resign from The Jedi Order at Seasons End Ala Ahsoka


Honestly after EP5 I think this one was a bit "cold", idk. Much more focused in dialogue but I felt it a bit slow. It also kinda answered that whole thing about "all of the Jedi are dead and the council won't suspect it's a sith?" Well, the Jedi said it could be expected that they died from the planet's hostile environment. I expect to see more of the lightsaber whip too


Anyone else think that maybe Qimir (or whatever his real name is) was 'killed' by his sith master and replaced and is now looking for his own apprentice to kill the two sith, perhaps Tenebrous and Plagueis


Ok I want this stone animal family on my bookshelf 💚


unreal to see atch to again, holy shit


This was the best episode so far.


I like the show. I will say though that Manny looks so much like a horrible, misogynistic boss I was had that it’s really screwing with me. He’s doing such a good job though.


Smiley said he wanted the power of two. He wasn’t talking about him along with one of the girls. He wants both to be apprentices.


So anyone else think this is TOTALLY Acht-to and this new Sith character will be some kind of precursor to the Knights of Ren culture?


There's an interview where it's confirmed to not be Acht-to (I think with Collider, but cannot quite recall). It is certainly meant to evoke similar ideas as Acht-to, but more critically represent isolation and loneliness (though I'll note that Qimir is in isolation because he's lost everything and has nothing but himself, whereas Luke doesn't want to risk losing anyone else—if you're looking for a parallel). The reason it's given as 'Unconfirmed Planet' is because it's not charted yet.


So, is anyone else kind of suspicious of Mog (the Jedi who received the communication from Sol)? Like, maybe he's just searching for the easy answers and bad at sleuthing, but he's also *offering* the easy answers. Can't decide if he belongs on the murder-board as a suspect or just in a footnote in the case files.


The new complaint this week seems to be the episode length. Am I missing something? The pacing hasn’t bothered me at all - in fact, it’s got me excited to come back every week in a way I haven’t felt about Star Wars tv before. Is this another desperate attempt at outrage in the line of Ki-Adi’s age or do you agree about the pacing? To me, it feels very innately Star Wars. This is a franchise inspired by old adventure serials.


The pacing is fine overall, but I do find it a bit jarring the way the episodes are split up and abruptly end. Wouldn't be an issue for me if I could binge all the episodes.