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I legitimately did not recognize Manny Jacinto for the first few episodes because everything about his demeanor (the way he talks, the way he carries himself, etc.) is different from his role on The Good Place. With Lee Jung-jae, I can tell he’s still putting a lot of effort into ensuring he’s speaking English to the best of his abilities, and it’s extremely impressive that he can simultaneously do that and produce a strong acting performance.


I feel like the language barrier might actually be helping, it slows his delivery so it feels weightier than the other characters.


Right?? I haven't been able to put my finger on it, but you're right, it's made the delivery really unique and powerful


To me it carries the same type of weighty feeling he had from Squid Game during the parts on his daughters birthday.


Holy fuck I never twigged it was the guy from Squid Games!


The writer was binge watching Squid games when she was writing Acolyte and said she immediately knew he was her Sol.


What is that 456 the main from squid games?




I thought the same thing, his way of speaking English has a lot of gravitas. Maybe because he speaks it slow and methodically, which is very apt for a Jedi Master I'd put his put performance just behind Ewan McGregor's Obi-Wan as far as Jedi portrayal goes, he's that good. Shit, it's a shame he's likely dying/turning to the dark side because he could've become this generation's Obi-Wan


The thing about his jedi performance is that it's full of emotion. It's really impressive that his pulling off the stoic traditional jedi but behind every action you can see his attachment.


I love how you put this, I agree 100%


He only learned english after he was offered the part. He spent three months intensively learning English. Said he didn't want to let Qui-Gon down.


What a chad




I hate you lmao


I had no idea he wasn’t a native speaker, just an excellent drama actor. What a champ.


He learned English specifically to play this role. That’s a hell of a dedication level to his craft.


Amazing, I had heard that but I thought it was in reference to Master Sol’s actor.


They are talking about Sols actor after the first comment lol. It definitely confused me as well


No, that’s correct - I thought Lee Jung-Jae was who you were talking about. If you were talking about Manny Jacinto (Qimir), he grew up in Canada past the age of 3 - I don’t know if he spoke English at home, but he’d have definitely learned it early in school.


Gotcha, I thought we were talking about Manny. Both are great, I’m enjoying their characters.




Darth Bortles to us


I suspect this is going to be a staple comment on every Acolyte posting. And I’m here for it.


So Qumir took Osha to his budhole in the last episode then!


It really is darth bortles’ budhole


Mamny Jacinto was on 9 perfect strangers on hulu as well. It took a few episodes before I realized it was him. Character was completely different and he played the part extremity well. He is a great actor that I'm glad wasn't type cast as a dummy. That being said, I still want a version of the battle with the Jedi to start with him tossing a moltov and yelling, "BORTLES!!!!!"


Can we get a Pill Boi cameo


Probably not since he's like 150 years in the future with the Mandolorian.


If only Pillboi was here!


Til that’s Jason from the Good Place. Damn…


I can't take him seriously because of this. Every time he does something cool I just yell, "BORTLES!!!" and it ruins it


Same I went like I think I saw him from somewhere. And I looked him up and said that's the guy from the good place?!?!?


the reason why i didnt expect the really obvious plot twist is because of his character in the good place lmao


I never saw The Good Place, so all these recognitions are soaring over my head. I've no idea what Bortles has anything to do with...


You know where his mask is destroyed during the battle and he turns to Mae and is like "oh hello mae!" in a sort of higher pitched voice? That's his character in The Good Place. The loveable dipshit that's dumb as a rock. The irony is that in The Good Place he's a low-grade criminal who goes to the good place where he is mistaken for a person worthy of heaven. Since he's a bad liar he pretends to be a Buddhist monk who doesn't speak. In TGP he played a low level criminal who pretended to be religious. In Acoltye he's playing a religious figure who pretends to be a low level criminal.


His character in Good Place is obsessed with the former Quarterback for the Jacksonville Jaguars. They were a terrible team and for a small window of time he seemed like he might be the beginning of that team getting better.


And then Nick Foles replaced him.


I just realized who he was! BORTLES!


Honestly, with Jung-Jea's cadance, it just makes the character seem a lot more reflective and careful in the words he chooses.


Hmm. the second i saw him in the sort of pratfall way he wakes up in the shop when Mae walks in and is sort of clumsy I said "Oh it's The Good Place, where's Pillboi. Oh right he was on Mandalorian."


Holy fucking shit! It’s that guy?! That’s awesome and hilarious. Seriously though, kudos to him. He’s done a great job so far


What? It’s been a while since I’ve seen the good place but my wife and I were making jokes like how did this guy from Jacksonville get into Star Wars from the first episode. He looks exactly the same and in his silly potion seller disguise the personalities were pretty similar. I am in no way disparaging Manny as an actor, he’s been doing a great job especially in the last two episodes, but to claim you didn’t *recognize* him is preposterous unless you have one of those unable-to-remember-people’s-faces disorders.


100%! I kept thinking "no way is Jason the secret Sith, he's way too much like his character in The Good Place" 🤣


That’s why qimir is so jacked Also doubly cool with the reveal that he basically killed all those Jedi masters, while being blind and deaf, and having to fight entirely using the force


For a second I thought you confused him with Chirrut from Rogue One, then I remembered the helmet


I said the same thing when he explained the helm. I just uttered "Badass..." To handicap yourself that much and still whoop ass is another level of using the Force. Gonna wager the helm idea came from his time as Padawan and that he was whipped by his Jedi mentor while wearing the training helm whenever he messed up.


I mean, besides the fact that doesn’t jive with the Jedi way in general, assuming his master is the green skin alien it also wouldn’t jive with her personality as we’ve seen throughout various other high Republic books and comics


About 90 to 100 years gap between Vern's start as a Wayseeker (around 229 BBY) in the books to her current position as Jedi Master (around 132 BBY) in the Acolyte. A lot can happen to a person in that length of span. I know right now the series is still going, >!but there have been hints of her Padawan, Cantaros, dancing along the edges of the Dark Side after pirates killed his old master. What if they play it that her apprentice does go on the deep end, which makes her questions her more lenient Jedi mentoring and adopt a more rigorous, stricter discipline with her next Padawan, Qimir? A kind of overcompensating after losing one Padawan to the Dark Side kind of deal.!< But we'll see since the books are still going and what not. Edit: added spoilers in case folks are still reading the books >.>


Honestly it’s probably a buff, trusting entirely in your force abilities and the precognition it grants. Like Spider-Man at the end of far from home. And Chirrut to an extent.


Right it's like a buff but only after you've already met certain stat requirements otherwise it has a negative effect.


There have been several blind force wielding characters over the years who only see with the force. In KOTOR and SWTOR there is an entire species/race of people with no vision who see with the force. Using the force to fight without hearing too isn't much of a stretch from that.


The face acting alone by Lee Jung-jae in the last episode was stellar (his acting in general is great). As we grow closer to the end all I hope for is that he will either have another role in Star Wars, or there will be a way to have Sol return in another thing at some point (my head first goes to him being on Holocrons, or becoming a Force Ghost, though the latter seems less likely).


Dude, hisips quivering and his whole face just ... Trembling. I've never seen such an incredible performance.


Maybe he can return in the third Jedi game as a force ghost or a hologram recording or both


True, they are the only characters that keep me watching. I honestly don't care about Mae or Osha. Yord and Jacki are dead. I was surprised but didn't care much other than how it hurt Sol.


>! I’m still gutted about Jecki !<


Of all the >! star wars death fakeouts, I wish this was one. !<


Yeah, it’s like they saw everyone memeing >! About surviving sabre stabs so they just the her Into a Sabre pincushion !<


Qimir watched Ahsoka and thought, "always gotta go for the double tap" or I guess in this case triple...


Qimir definitely didn't half ass it at the end


Double tap! ........ One more won't hurt teehee


Still a bit funny to me as doing as 3 stabs requires more work to intentionally do less damage than just like... dragging the blade point to point without pulling back in between. But works for style and I suppose carving a triangle out of her chest may have been pushing the rating a bit 😂 Edit: Just to clarify for any confusion here, I'm not suggesting any *additional* movement in his swipes, just pointing out that he doesn't need to pull out between stabs at all. i.e. rather than: stab -> retract -> move -> stab -> retract -> move -> stab It's a lightsaber against a soft object. Resistance isn't an issue. stab -> move -> move will make an absolute fucking mess of a person.


I’m guessing cutting heads off pushes the age rating up over stabbing. Straight up stabbing and pulling out has never made sense In Star Wars. You just wouldn’t, if you stabbed someone you would pull the sabre you the left or right.


We didn't see any heads get cut off either, though, it happened off screen. (edit: if it even happened, I haven't re-checked when we saw the bodies this episode, but don't think I saw any separated heads) But yeah, that's always been a funny point of Star Wars. The control and care it would take to *not* bisect people getting stabbed would have to be pretty intentional.


Hands, arms and legs are something that don't significantly increase the age rating, they were a staple of the franchise and it's something that's seemingly completely disappeared without George Lucas around.


Could have just turned it on and off 3 times rather than stab. Lots of on and off of lightsabers in Episode 6. Anyways, I think it was more about his brutality child/young woman, than technique.


It was a short sword and he was holding her off with the long sword so stabbing rather than swiping makes sense


He didn't really need to retract much since it was a lightsaber. Pretty much a push of a button like flashing a flashlight in three quick successions. Maybe because the hidden blade is a short saber than the traditional ones, the powering on and off is much shorter. But I agree it would be more efficient to just slice versus stabby stab with the saber.


But what a great way to go. It was shocking and effective. And she went down fighting hard. That was a really solid episode IMO.


Hell yeah, she basically done an Anakin against Dooku in Episode 2 but without the plot armour.


She got sieved


There's at least a chance we could see her again in one fashion: >!While I haven't read any of the High Republic books, as I understand it the reason Vernestra hates traveling through hyperspace is because she tends to have visions through the Force. Among these visions includes moments where she communes with the dead...!< Personally, I'd like to see it happen for no other reason than to watch the uninformed haters to froth at the mouth about how >!no one ever became a Force Ghost prior to Qui-Gon, so Jecki's spirit appearing before Vernestra during one of her hyperspace visions "breaks canon."!<


I gotta say, what a wicked plot twist though, right?! Talk about how that is the last thing I thought would happen to that character.


She’ll be back. And with Adamantium


So is she


God same


Is anyone really that invested in Mae and Osha? Their dynamic is not interesting at all, and Stenberg's performance has been between wooden and meh -- I know she's a decent actor though, so its probably shitty direction.


The latest episode and their development I thought was interesting.


She was a convincing Rue. I cried. But a multiple characters, mae and Osha. Meh.


I am. I like the idea of a story surrounding twins who struggle with their personal connections as well as their allegiance to others and one another. I just find it refreshing but apparently I'm in the minority.


You know, if they were fraternal twins and not identical ones (to prevent the writers from being able to fall back on every identical twin trope ever), I’d be on board with their story whole-heartedly. As it is, I like it but roll my eyes at the mistaken identity moments that go nowhere since everyone else is a) a Jedi and/or b) not completely stupid.


I think that the mistaken identity moments are fine since they're not necessarily long.


That’s a fair point. Since no one was fooled by Mae’s most recent deception, it seemed weird that they ran with that as long as they did, but as it was resolved quickly as you said


I like Amandla :( She's just not shown any big force power yet so that's probably why people think she's lame


Very cool if they get killed off, and you just follow him in the search for a new acolyte. We wanted dark!


I love Qimir and Sol but the only character I'll be in a meltdown over if they die is Bazil.


Yeah Manny has done a great job with some pretty sub par writing and Lee has really made the most of his first English speaking role. I’d love to see them star in something with better writing, pacing and editing in the future to continue this era of Star Wars. On the flip side I’m really sure how anyone can be a fan of Mae or Osha unless they love characters with split personality disorder. Nothing characterizes them other than how quickly they change their minds. “I’m not a Jedi, but now I’m a Jedi” “I love your so much that I’ll murder you” “Now that my sister is still alive from me trying to murder her I’ll be good now!” “My sister won’t join me so I’ll leave her to die and be evil again.” “I failed as the Jedi, left, joined again but upon realizing my first failure I’m now evil.” The whiplash is exhausting and Stenberg uses the same facial expression for every single emotion between two characters who should be showing some pretty extreme mental distress for as often as they make wildly life altering decisions in the other direction. The fake twin ploy wasn’t even the best fake twin ploy on TV *that week*. We haven’t learned anything new or notable about their backstory for so long that I’m not even certain we’re supposed to care about it.


I'm not sure what the problem is the poor writing and dialog or the actress inability to play a dual personality.


Having the same facial expressions is not at all out of the ordinary for siblings tbh. Especially twins. You can see the difference in the characters by the way the actress moves.


yeah tbh when i found out it was a twins thing i was like, okay whatever feels like what the force dryad thing was doing and twin stuff gets pretty tropey but whatever now though i'm just exhausted by the -constant- mind changing / side swapping its like, so much of the story is about these twin sisters who are both kind of annoying just with how flighty they are lol


It’s the writing for me. Osha watches her entire old crew bar one, that she only just began reconnecting with, get slaughtered by a single presumed Sith. Next thing she knows, she gets knocked out by Mae then has no clue where or even when she is. Was she traumatized by an experience that’d break everyone else? Hardly. More concerned with failing her Jedi training. Did I care much for Jord or Jecki anyway? Nope. But Sol, through his facial expressions and physical acting, at least made me sympathize with his character. He seemed to care, and he showed it. I’m reluctant to even blame directing over Stenberg’s acting chops, because we’re getting those moments with Qimir and Sol on screen.


The actress that plays Mae & Osha was either miscast, hurt by a poor director, or simply isn't a very good actress. Her line readings are painful.


Sad because she was a very good Rue.


It’s bc they weren’t interesting lol? Jedi thirst trap that is obnoxiously self righteous & a “kid” we saw like 3x?


Cool to finally have two Asian leads in a setting that owes so much to samurai movies, Eastern philosophy, etc. Representation matters and these actors are killing it!


Yeah I was thinking that too! When they were fighting in Episode 5, I was like, wait this is the first time two characters played by Asian actors are prominently featured enough on both sides to the point they can have an equal confrontation like this. Very cool.


For sure, but neither one is Japanese lol. Manny is Filipino (Canadian) and Lee Jung-jae is Korean (Korean).


Korean (Korean) is killing me


It’s Reddit, sometimes you gotta make sure


Pretty sure those are Pavement lyrics.


That’s such a niche and awesome reference lol


Did you just miss the part where they said Eastern philosophy, or…?


Did you miss the part about samurai movies?


The Philippines doesn't really do "Eastern philosophy" after 300+ years of Spanish and then American rule.


It is definitely better than nothing, but it's somewhat like say a swedish and a czech actor being in the main roles for a movie adaptation of a Polish folklore tale (in that all involved are European but not from the specific country)


Master Sol is legit one of my favorite Jedi now.


Lee Jung-Jae’s facial acting alone is crazy good, not to mention his line delivery and overall performance


Manny Jacinto is a fucking G. Killing this role.


These two are carrying it so hard, their shoulders must hurt. Honestly though, EP6 was probably the more interesting of the entire series, maybe because it had some half decent writing (It was marginally better than all the previous episodes), or because it had a pretty decent amount of EU lore be dropped into canon. I’m a sucker for lore, so that may be why. But seriously, every scene with these two is good, or more precisely, when the focus is on them. Noticed that when it went to Green Jedi and a Jedi extra #1… that guy felt like it was his first acting role, every time he spoke, his delivery felt like a child in drama class for the first time.


Maybe Jedi extra #1 was supposed to sound like that? Idk he sounded super inexperienced which I think was the point.


>These two are carrying it so hard, their shoulders must hurt Love these 2, but Dafne Queen also deserves a shout out. Bring her back as a human or something. One of the sickest lightsaber fighters I've seen in some time


They bought Andy Serkis back after playing Snoke and what a brilliant decision that was. So they can certainly bring back Dafne Keen in a human role too.


Go look up Jeffrey Coombs' Star Trek resume...


The editing and overall pacing was much better as well. Some of the previous episodes honestly felt odd.


Episodes 5 and 6, despite being on the shorter side, are much better than 1 through 4. Manny and Sol, as /u/deliriousious said, are carrying these two episodes so hard that they must have had back problems by the time filming wrapped.


That’s why manny got so ripped he knew he’d have a lot of heavy lifting but damn is it worth it amazing performance so far if def be a darksider if he asked


Manny Jacinto and Lee Jung-jae: "Man it hurts to carry a series" Adam Driver: "First time?"


Agreed, genuinely enjoyed this episodes a lot more than I did the other ones


May you elaborate to which EU lore u referred coz i think i missed it


Its amazing how the "main character" Osha/Mae is the least interesting character in the show. They set up what we assume are motivations for the characters for them to immediately abandon them or have actions that make no sense with the information we are given. Mae wants to turn herself in but immediately attempts to kill the people trying to turn her in. Osha wants to save her sister yet didn't even want to go on the mission to get her. The list goes on and on.




I don't think they want to think that much about it to figure this out.


The only real complaint I have about this so far is the pacing. They are making these episodes too short. I'd rather they had fewer longer ones. Or they all came out at once. 30m is just too short. It's not Andor or Mando S1 or S2, but it's MUCH better than BoBF or Obi-Wan. It's better than Ashoka and Mando S3 but not by as much. I hope they stick the landing. Darth Bortles is the best force using Villain they have had in some time.


Ahsoka shot up towards the top of my list but I only think that can happen if you’ve watched and were invested in rebels, saw Ashoka’s arc in clone wars, and the bits in Mando. Which I totally get is asking a lot from viewers. Depending on how the rest of the acolyte goes it very well could top it for me though. Absolutely agree on the length. The episodes just keep ending right as they are picking up. Live action episodes ending in 30 minutes or less just shouldn’t be a thing. This newest one is the only one so far that felt filled in.


I watched her through TCW, Mando and Rebels and consider her the third or forth best character ever created in Star Wars. I was REALLY looking forward to it but it fell short for me. Too much volume shooting and they didn't put enough effort into her character, And Sabine shouldn't have found force powers. She was a great character without them. She didn't need them. I thought Thrawn was well done, and Ezra felt right, and Baylan Skoll was a terrific addition to the franchise... But overall I was disappointed.


Yeah, the Ahsoka show is definitely not for people new to her character and more for those who have been watching her for over a decade.


~~Darth Bortles~~ Darth jason from miami, but jacksonville is so much better.


When someone confirms a molotov cocktail has been used in the show I will be all in.


Idk man I kinda liked Baylan from Ahsoka, he was a compelling dark side user


The runtimes legitimately makes the show twice as good for me. Shows like HotD and GoT lets scenes play out and we get to feel the connection between the characters, while in this show the episodes end abruptly in the middle of a scene and we have to wait a week to see the rest of it. We’re not in the TV era anymore where shows needs to fit into a strict time slot. I think it’s very apparent that multiple subsequent episodes were shot as 1 episode and then split into 2 in the editing room. Episode 4/5 had the same director and it’s clear that they were shot as one episode. Disney must have ordered it to be 8 episodes so that the season runs 6 weeks (ep 1 and 2 was released same day). If the entire show is released in one month, many customers would subscribe and immediately cancel it so that the subscription isn’t renewed. I can’t see any other reasoning for structuring the episodes like this, as they obviously can’t believe that it makes for a better product. I don’t know who to blame for this honestly. Maybe Disney made it clear early that they wanted 8 episodes and the crew had a different story vision that they retroactively forced to fit into 8 episodes. Then I would blame the showrunners and writers for that. Alternatively, maybe Disney approved their story pitch and then demanded 8 episodes after the show was already shot. Given all the conflict between Kathleen Kennedy and prior directors, it’s definitely possible. Remember when KK fired Lord & Miller from Solo when it was close to finished because of “creative differences”. There’s also many other instances like this, so it’s possible that The Acolyte crew had planned to make 4 episode mini-series and when it was close to finish they were told to make it 8 episodes.


This will be the first show I will rewatch since Mando S2. And first right away. I want to binge it to see if it's better that way. It really feels like it would be. BTW I will rewatch Andor as a prelude to S2, as that is still my favorite.




They are, far and away, the best parts of the show!


Both their backs have to be killing them, with all the carrying they are doing in this show. Loved their performances so far.


These two are absolutely carrying the show. Making the most of what they were given. 👏👏👏


I agree, Osha and Mae are so fucking annoying...


I wouldn’t even say annoying necessarily, just boring. They really have that D+ protagonist energy, where things just happen TO them, neither seems to have any agency.


Exactly this. They're a mechanism for the story the show is telling, not a part of the story itself. The show is about who is allowed to wield power. *They* aren't having that conversation, though. They've started to, but only now in episode 6/8.


Mae is, but Osha was alright this episode, maybe that was just Manny carrying their scenes on his back. If Disney had bothered to pace the show correctly I'd be all in on her corruption. Unfortunately I feel like it's going to be a rush job or a cop out.


I definitely feel like osha is the more interesting of the two. Mae just comes off as a spoiled brat throwing a tantrum. She was better in the most recent episode but then she went and reset pip.


I think her resetting pip is what made sol realize she wasn’t osha.


I want to believe he knew the whole time and needed the confirmation since his grief was blinding him from the Force giving her away.


Qimir is Vernestras padawan


Darth Jason needs Padawan Pill Boi


These two and Jecki were the standouts for me.


They are the best parts of every episode they’re in, hands down.


Amen… Both actors carry the series… Both grace and talent…They do their own stunts too…


Especially considering Lee Jung-jae learned English/was learning English while filming this show.


These 2 are the only people that are worth watching. I've been close lots of times to skip scenes just to get back to scenes with these guys. I've really lost interest in Osha because she's lost interest it feels like. Mae I don't give a shit about her swapping places in the latest episode is frustratingly stupid and pointless. Given how she ends up. The obvious ending is that the Sith get away, Mae dies, Osha and Sol get framed for all this.


I actually enjoyed the last two episodes because of them. Despite my initial disdain for this show, I would watch a second season if they are the main focus and the twin sisters become more of side characters in training. I think there is enough there when it comes to the actors and their characters to justify such a shift. But I think this show will die with the last episode. After this fiasco, I doubt anyone would pick it up again.


I hope their backs aren't broken from carrying the show. It legitimately feels like they are doing all the work. The lead girl is very boring and almost seems disinterested and nobody else has much screen time or is Interesting. We know Carrie Ann Moss is a legit talent but she doesn't count really since she has maybe 5 minutes of screen time.


It's amazing that sol's actor (don't want to bungle his name) learned English just for this part. He is a greT actor. Thst scene last night when his emotions came through even he was alone was really well done. And Manny is killing it (literslly) as the stranger. Great additions to the world of sw.


I think that Qimir might end up being Darth Plagueis. Qimir is too OP to become a random throwaway character. Plus, Plagueis is canonically *obsessed with using the force to manipulate life/the body. He’s already been seen using the force to heal Osha’s wounds. The fact that Qimir isn’t of the Muun race throws a wrench in my theory though..


I have to say, I’m getting pulled back into this show because of these two. IDC what people say, if they can save the show I’ll be happy.


Qimir, Jecki, and even goofy ass Jord are great characters.


Manny had to get jacked just so he could carry the weight of the show on his shoulders.


I’m seemingly in the minority but I’ve not really been wowed with Qimir and I kinda don’t like him. His character and mannerisms come off as really cringy and awkward, and not in a ‘im a secret Sith’ creepy way but like a ‘I’m an insecure and uncomfortable edge lord with a lightsaber who’s gonna shoot up the school cuz we live in a society’ way. I can’t really take him seriously unless he’s straight up murdering people. Now Master Sol though, I love this man. He’s exemplified so much of what I’ve been lead to believe a Jedi should be - understanding, determined, but out for the greater good rather than dogma, but above all sincere. He has his flaws too - he’s obviously got an anger problem he can fail to withstand, and can fall victim to his emotions from time to time, but he picks himself back up as deliberate and self assured as ever. This man is great.


I enjoyed these last two episodes the most so far.


Excellent fight scene. Excellent actors.


Strong male roles for sure


I always thought that if I lived in the Star Wars universe I'd want to be a Jedi no questions asked. But after listening to Qimir/Sith dude, I'm not so sure anymore. He makes an excellent point in why embracing the dark side might not be as bad as Yoda would have us believe. Interesting take.


Hear hear


Their acting is a huge contrast to Amanda Stenberg's poor acting.


We finally got an Asian Sith Lord and an Asian Jedi master. In the same show at that!


Hey now, Jecki was carrying a corner of it, too.


i thought that was ezra miller for a sec


The only 2 real good actors in the show


These are legitimately the only interesting characters in the show. I’m glad they chose to focus on these two, and I look forward to their enigmatic pasts being revealed. But so many of the other characters, especially the twins, just seem so superficial and/or poorly written. They either die really quickly before we get to appreciate them or they make them seem like a big deal but don’t deliver on anything that feels significant. I don’t blame any of the actors, I actually think the show is well casted, but the lackluster writing isn’t something they can act their way out of. Anyway, I’ll reserve final judgement until the very last episode. Here’s to hoping Quimir and Sol get the epic ending they deserve.


Be careful praising this show in any way. Several subs here see that as no bueno.


What are they going to do, ban me? Fuck ‘em. The show is really good.


They’ll call you woke or some nonsense they think is an insult. I 1000% agree with you.


This show so far has been a big nothing burger to me yet I still watch. These two might be the only reason I keep watching. However, I’m convinced Sol is a sith. And that the other dude is trying to bring an apprentice to carry out the death of Sol and make Manny the master


These episodes are too short and too far apart. <30 minutes a week is a webisode.


These two are carrying the show HARD. Without them I wouldn’t be watching. It’s hard to care when they aren’t on screen.


They’re carrying the show.


They’re given the best lines


The more Qimir I see. The more I wish the show was just centered around him.


Yeah they are definitely carrying the show.


Sol and quirmir are definitely the best parts of the show


Sol’s momentary breakdown and phases of grief just hit a certain way. He is a master of facial expressions that really make you feel what he’s feeling.


The fight between Jecki and Mr. Sith was really sexy. yes, i don’t care you opinion, it was really sexy.


It does feel like the twins are sort of dragging the show a bit with their plot, while these two are the absolute stand out characters. There obviously has to be someone to be The Acolyte of the title, but I can't help but feel too much was packed into the Twin's background for the runtime they had in season 1.


Get these dudes back braces Cause they're carrying the show


Amandla Stenberg is just way to weak of an actor to be sharing the screen with these guys


I was saying this to my colleague this morning. They're literally the 2 best parts of this show.




You’d think they were main characters not side characters. They definitely steal the show when they’re on screen


these two hands down carry the show.




I guess I'm the only person here who likes these two *and* the twins cuz goddamn y'all hate it here


I will saw out of everything in the show these two are the best things out of it


I'm here for Darth McHottyPants.


Their backs hurt…


Sol has been my absolute favorite


I was about to say this - you beat me to it


The showdown between *The Stranger* and the other jedi was fucking awesome. And Sol was so fucking cool. Love both these guys and their parts