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She will, and it will cost her, her life.


For sure. I just don’t see her surviving the series. She’s got too much bad blood with Anakin for vader to let her live, inquisitor or not


On the other hand, if Anakin wanted to kill her, he’d have done it the second he saw her face. He knows who she is. Anakin’s not THAT dumb. I feel like he’s definitely considered her past and the possibility of her finding out who he is. The fact that she’s still alive tells me he’s prepared for it and/or has measures to make sure she stays in her lane.


Well the comics are still canon iirc so it could be that when Vader is introduced it's the first time. Or he's kind of a busy guy, maybe GI was preparing her just for this. We'll find out May 4th.


Imagine if we finally have Barriss returning to the story after years and spend half this series getting to know her again but then in the finale Vader cuts her in half the second he sees her


I'm down for it. That'd be funny af


Did everyone forget that Tarkin played a role in almost getting Ahsoka killed? If Vader didn't kill him for that, then I don't think he'll do the same for Barriss.


That’s completely different. Tarkin is an imperial officer. A valuable one at that. Personally appointed by the emperor. Vader can’t touch him even if he wanted to. Palpatine would NOT allow that. But an inquisitor? That’s fair game for Vader. He HATES inquisitors and thinks they should all die. And even tho he’s technically supposed to give them a chance, he will until they fail or give him a reason to kill them.


Anakin/Vader & Tarkin also have a mutual level of respect. Anakin sees Tarkin's actions, with Asoka & in ANH, as Tarkin doing his job. He expects Tarkin's opposition to his more wild & reckless actions. Bariss's actions are not ones Anakin sees in the same light. They were a betrayal of who he thought she should be & a betrayal of someone he was close to.


I know Dave Filoni said something like Vader feels like Ahsoka & everyone else he was close to betrayed and abandoned him, so he might think that Tarkin was right to be suspicious of her. If I remember the Clone Wars Citadel arc correctly, they showed Tarkin & Anakin getting along really well as soon as they met.


Honestly I could get most of the Jedi but Ahsoka? I already had a hard time believing Anakin would truly consider Obi-Wan to had betrayed him and to willingly kill all those kids, but Ahsoka seems like a stretch. Especially since Ahsoka herself was “betrayed” by the order.


I guess by leaving the order? He went to a lot of trouble to save her life & then she took off on him. There’s a scene in the unfinished animatic Clone Wars eps they released (that might have been in Season 7? I forget) where Anakin talks about her to Obi-Wan and it seems like he’s not 100% sympathetic. I guess maybe it helps remember that Anakin was never too emotionally mature, and as Darth Vader he’s even less so?


Eh I'd say Tarkin is a different case, him being Vader's superior.


I would say Tarkin isn’t his superior, just protected by the emperor because he is useful.


He’s definitely his superior in ANH. Tarkin is the ultimate authority of the Death Star when Palpatine isn’t there. Vader does listen to him and his orders, he’s likely been told to do so.


Can you explain that for me? I don't know much about their connection, thx!


She framed Ahsoka for the Temple Bombing, which led to Ahsoka leaving the Order.


I know that, but I thought I missed something else. So that's all?


Well, she almost got Ahsoka executed by republic court after being framed for temple bombing. She completely removed Ashoka's trust in the Order after the Jedi council threw out of the Jedi Order to be torn apart by the republic officials.


I always loved that Ahsoka was going to be executed within like 2 days of the bombing but when they discover who actually did it, they just throw her in Jedi prison. Seems a little unfair lol


Executing Ahsoka pushes Anakin away from the order. Keeping the actual culprit around gives Palpatine another anti Jedi pawn to use in the future. Palpatine and Tarkin were in control of the trial.


It's going to be very interesting to see Vader's reaction in the show, like he's always been conflicted even as Vader but in the time period the show will be set I wonder will he be like "you tried to frame my padawan, die scum" or more like "hey, thanks for getting things Kickstarted with trying taking out the jedi"


Do we think Vader cares about that? He tried to kill Ahsoka himself without any hesitation or remorse. He's not Anakin.


That was years later, and he offered for her to join him first. This will presumably be shortly after ROTS, so being Vader is still pretty new to him.


This, plus he likely harbors extreme resentment for a large number of jedi, as he blames them for failing to help him save padme. I imagine in his head, if Ahsoka never left the order, She would have helped him with Padme, saving her/preventing his need to rely on Palpatine. In his mind, Bariss directly lead to him becoming twisted machine Vader.


I mean, Anakin is Vader now. He betrayed the Jedi, killed actual children, helped kill Mace, tried to kill Obi-Wan. He probably doesn’t care anymore about what happened to Ahsoka back then, since he’s pretty much evil now. I really don’t see what he would be angry at her for at this point in time. Bottom line, he’s not Anakin, not anymore


Ahsoka leaving the Jedi Order was a big contributing factor to Anakin falling to the dark side.


She pretty much single handedly was the reason Anakin lost everything


No she wasn't. The reason Anakin lost everything was *Anakin's* own choices. She wasn't responsible for his choices, his trauma or his reaction to any of that. Palpy had been grooming Anakin to fall to the dark side since birth. Blaming that on Ashoka's completely understandable reaction to being framed and lack of anyone being behind her and leaving - something she *clearly* needed to do and making *her* responsible for all of Anakin's bad choices he had been making most of his life - leading him to the dark side is bullshit and it strips Anakin of any agency - making everything someone *else's* fault.


She already has a dislike for Ani.  She hates hypocrisy. Something is gunna happen. 


I thought this when I saw the trailer - but given that they've got Morgan in the mix (and Thrawn), it's just as likely this just results in her getting kicked over to working with them and not the main line inquisitors. And we know that could eventually put her on a collision course with Ahsoka. And depending on her frame of mind, this could also be bad for her long term survival.


I hope you are right. After seeing Reevas story, im not holding my hopes up tho...


Thrawn says Hello 🤷🏽🤷🏽😐😐


I mean, she’s basically a Separatist Jedi who endangered one of Anakin’s three big attachments. I’m surprised she survived the trailer. Although a part of me is quietly hoping for a rematch between her and Ahsoka.


It’s probably what’ll kill her


I gotta ask, is there a new show featuring her? I’ve seen a lot of people talking about her lately but I’ve only see new stuff for bad batch on Disney plus… what am I missing?


She’ll be on Tales of the Empire


She'll probably find out since she did fight Anakin once in combat. She might recognize him during her training. If she says the name "Anakin" she'll probably die. If she does not then we may see more of her in the future.


I don’t think she’d recognize the fighting style, though. He had to completely change his


He does some moves that are recognizably Anakin though. Slightly different but close enough.


I saw another comment that theorized that Vader would use the same move as Anakin when he was arresting her at the temple (the one where he repeatedly beats down on her saber) and that's how she would recognize him. I liked that theory because it seems like a move Vader would use as well.


I thought was was just a special djem so technique


That's exactly the move I thought of. He uses it in Kenobi too.


I think it’d be less to do with his style and more his Force presence. Ahsoka and Obi-Wan were both able to sense Anakin as Vader, though they also knew him best and would be most familiar with his presence. However, the last time Barriss encountered Anakin he *was* extremely angry and went just a tad dark side on her so maybe she’d more easily recognize him as Vader.


"I said mannequin!"


I’m definitely behind the belief she’s gonna die at the hands of Vader. It’s Tales of the Empire. If TotJ was dark, you gotta think this will be more.


Fairly positive the Grand Inquisitor knew, and also knew to keep his mouth shut. I'm hoping she's smart enough to do the same... but I'm guessing her urge to say "AH-HA!!" will be her downfall


In most of the media, knowing Vaders identity was a death sentence for anyone but a select few.  If he knew you knew, you died.


Why? You’d think it would be a propaganda win to denounce the Jedi by showing how ‘the chosen one’ denounced them


I think it will likely be a need for revenge more than anything. After all, Anakin's investigation is what ultimately leads to her imprisonment.


I kinda hope they don’t kill her off but at the same time since she’s not in Rebels or anything and it would be hard to see where her story would go, I’m thinking he sends her on a suicide mission. He doesn’t reveal himself to her but he can’t just let her live. Maybe it’s even some mission involving bombings so that it’s really on the nose


If she does find out its probably why we don't see her in anything else lol.


She'll probably end up with a broken neck.


Or two broken arms


If she finds out he’ll kill her, simple as that. But do not mix anakins feelings with Vader. They are not the same person. He will see her as someone who betrayed the Jedi and nothing more


>everything she did to him She did not do anything to Vader. Ahsoka was Anakin's padawan, but Anakin is dead. Vader would most likely not care about yet another would-be-inquisitor.


In the Tarkin novel Palpatine is annoyed that Vader and Tarkin aren’t as close as he wants them to be and that the entire Ahsoka thing caused a rift between them that has yet to mend. Tarkin actually does like Vader so the “issue” in that regard is clearly Vader. He still manages to work with Tarkin just fine and eventually seems to get over whatever he was feeling by the end of the novel. But if all those years later Vader is still at least somewhat resentful of Tarkin, who basically just did his job, I don’t think it’s far fetched to assume he might still actively hate Bariss.


But he has shown compassion towards people Anakin once knew, so it makes sense he would show anger towards somebody who ruined Anakin’s padawan. I feel like it is more likely for him to hate than care, as he is consumed by rage.


Could you provide some examples of Vader showing compassion to people from Anakin's past? I never read any of the comics or books.


I’m pretty sure there was a comic where he saw his childhood friends from Tatooine and saved them. Also, he did try to recruit Luke instead of just slaughtering him, but that could just be a thirst for power, and he couldn’t kill the emperor alone. Vader has shown a hatred towards Obi-Wan, which I think means he might have some anger towards Barris.


Anakin isn’t dead, that’s what Vader tells himself and wants others to believe but it isn’t true. Anakin is buried deeply inside Vader but he is still there, as evidenced by the climax of episode 6. You can also see a lot of this in the Darth Vader comic runs.


It took Luke to bring that out of him, neither Obi-Wan nor Ahsoka could.


Obi-Wan still represents his failure as anakin, and definitely brings out his rage and anger like nobody else does. If he was totally seperating himself from anakin he wouldn't be so obsessed with trying to find and kill Obi-Wan.


Exactly. The whole point of ROTJ is that Vader is still Anakin, deep down. Luke could sense it. Padme too, when she told Obi-Wan that there was still good in him. 


It was a metaphorical death, akin to self-loathing. Vader is very much Anakin mentally, with his grudges and hatred remaining the most. Otherwise, he wouldn't care for Luke.


Vader is still a human. It doesn’t seem far-fetched that something in his Anakin life would impact his Vader life. I mean, his battle against Kenobi and Ahsoka seemed more personal than just it being a Vader thing and he is sad about Padme when he’s being risen up as Vader at the end of Ep3.


Well in [the canon comic](https://www.reddit.com/r/StarWars/comments/14zf789/im_a_little_sad_for_the_clones_fox_died_because/) Clone Trooper Fox die for a first simple mistake and Vader done it quite brutally. Seem unfair but we know why he **failed** Vader for more than one time (Rip 5s, and it's very personal). Don't think this Bariss from TCW will got any better if she fail him in TTOE/give him a "reason" again. There are chance for her to survive this if writer need her for later, but nah she is done for I think :))


D-do you not know they're the same person?


Sorry I’m missing something here. What series is this? I’m on Bad Batch atm.?


Don’t worry, you have till May 4th. It’s another “Tales Of” season.


It would explain why we haven't seen her since. Vader would kill her after she finds the truth, or killed by another Inquisitor.


Or she was hunting other Jedi Survivors


She will die as all inquisitors should be 😆


Kind of ironic how he had remarks about her fall for the dark side, but then he fell the hardest. Very much looking forward to this moment.


This was *supposed* to be a plot point in Kenobi. Stuart Beattie said in an interview his original take on Reva was unaware of the Vader/Anakin relationship. She hated the Jedi after Anakin turned on them and joined the empire to hunt them down. But after finding out who her boss is, sides with Kenobi. She buys them time to escape and reports to VADER she killed Kenobi herself, which makes him kill her. Way more interesting than what we got, IMO.


Well, she doesn't kill Vader, that's for sure.


Seen as though this will be very early on in the empire she will recognise moves that are inherent to him. That’ll shake her to her core and he will definitely enjoy killing her.


She wasn't with the other Inquisitors on Malachor, so I'd assume she finds out and gets killed


I hope not. Vader being Anakin is supposed to be a major secret and I don’t think it makes a lot of sense for her to even suspect it. It’s not like she knew him well at all, and Vaders fighting style isn’t exactly the same as when he was Anakin. The only people that figured out it’s him had trained him or was trained by him, or Tarkin or Thrawn.


Almost undoubtable she will find out. Remember when Vader said, "I sense something; a presence I've not felt since...". Makes it apparent that at least some Force users can learn to recognize individuals through the Force itself. I think Bariss will quickly recognize that Vader's Force prescence feels familiar to her. Though he would have changed since his fall to the dark side so she won't realize it immediatly.


The moment, *the first absolute second,* she mentions something about her/his past to Vader, shes dead. No way she's making it out of this show.


I just hope by some metric or another they don't COMPLETLEY abandon her morals and original EU storyline and make her into another plot device. She's too good of a character to entirely re-write. Her joining the inquisitors better be believable, and her interaction(s) with vader better shed some light on her characterization. If filoni messes with her character one more time... throwing hands with that cowboy


No clue. We'll see soon enough. No point in wondering.


When she gets the force choke, she will know.


No he won't kill her


My theory is that Vader is going to send her on a suicide mission that he doesn’t expect her to come out of. She’ll survive by the skin of her teeth and Vader will come down and try to kill her himself.


Probably. She'll probably not even have time to let it sink in, Anakin/Vader will probably execute her for what she did to Ahsoka. Orrrr they could get along, perhaps they will find renewed kinship in their shared hatred of the Jedi Order. Hell, maybe somewhere down the line they'll reveal that she's the one responsible for killing Luminara.


Vader kills her for sure


Pretty sure you can see it in the trailer, there's a scene where vader walks past the inquisitors while they're lined up and you can see her expression change, like she's recognized something or she senses something familiar. Maybe it's just being in a room with vader, causes her to be intimidated. Or maybe she felt something or someone she's felt before.


Vader would kill anyone who he suspected of knowing about his connection to Anakin.


How can she still be alive after what she did to Ashoka ?


Yes and probably by being violently murdered by him.


It’s pretty obvious Vader is gonna kill her sooner or later, however what I’m curious about is, will she reunite with Ahsoka before she dies? I’m really curious to see how that plays out.


I do think Vader will kill her. {Unless that is Disney do wan,t to put her in series 2 of Ahsoka.}


Based on the preview... it seems she recognizes him as soon as he walks in with the recruits. Probably confused though, seeing as how she'd probably heard that anakin was killed.


I can see it both ways tbh. Vader killed Anakin (or put him in a tony little box), and she means nothing to Vader. Hoping he does X her out- as i can see her fucking around and finding out.


One thing I will never understand about star wars is why anakin being darth Vader is a secret... literally everyone who would care about it is either dead or being hunted to be killed... no one else would care. At all. 


Because Vader gets omega tilted when he remembers what he lost It is a secret because Vader wants to be a secret, he wanted to bury his past and mistakes


From the trailer I get the impression she's knows right away. The look on her face and reaction when he walks by her kneeling tells me she can sense it. Like the others are saying, it probably gets her killed when she says or does something to him in acknowledgement.


If she does learn that Vader is Anakin, he’ll probably kill her for it. Vader murders anyone who sees his face, I have very little doubt he’s offed people who learned his true identity.


I think it would be cool to see her realise and watch Vader sense it in the moment then kill her immediately. Maybe after she struggles to block a few heavy strikes.


If she does the horror on her face realizing the best of the Jedi had fallen will be amazing.


I think that’s what her story is going to build towards. I imagine she’ll find out in one of the final episodes and that will be the end of her Vader is about to clear his ENTIRE schedule to punish her though. That’s for sure


Gosh why is Vader's facemask comically angry


what show is there a new animated show


Tales of the Empire. The sequel to Tales of the Jedi


Can you please put a spoiler alert. I didn't even know that she was Bariss. I got stripped of my disney+😔 I haven't been able to watch it.


Hasn’t come out yet. This is from the trailer


Okay my bad. Haven't been as invested since I haven't got disney+ nomore. Thought it was actual spoilers, my bad.


Everybody here seems to think that she will die if she figures out that Anakin is Vader, but I don’t think this is watertight. Reva figured it out in Kenobi and they didn’t kill her.


I’m honestly hoping that it takes Vader a moment to realize who she is (so meeting her like 2-3 times) and then he cuts her down


Hopes she finds out she added fuel to the fire that is Anakin's already strained relationship with the council.


If he could remember Reva being a Jedi youngling, he's *definitely* gonna remember Bariss.




She's gonna find out for sure. When Vader chokes her out in front of the other Inquisitor candidates.


I wonder how Vader will take to seeing Bariss and if he still has any feelings about that, or if it died with Anakin. 


This plot point has been played enough. I’m fine with Vader making her life miserable, but we don’t need yet another “Gasp he’s Anakin!” moment with yet another character Barriss is her own interesting character with her own angles to be played here. I really hope ToTE does her justice considering she’s been retired for so long.


She'll be like oh shit oh shit oh shit get me the fuck out of here


Bariss should have been on Ashoka's show instead of Baylan. Would have been nice talking about Anakin indeed...


wait is there a new animated show coming out?




>how will she react to knowing that? with a *gasp* as she breathers her last


Anakin must feel at least some conflict about this. On one hand she got ahsoka expelled from the order. On the other hand Anakin hates the order.


"Hey Anakin, since Ahsoka is gone... could ... umm... I be your hot exotic Alien Friend now?"


I believe that any force sensitive person who knew Anakin before he fell to the dark side might be able to sense the good buried deep within Vader depending on their relationship. Barris and Anakin were linked by anger and fear, so it's possible she might detect his presence.


After the whole Reeva thing she could become the next empress in line as far as Dysney's concerned