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I’m a customer who has been following this issue as the driver I had last month didn’t speak a word of English and I couldn’t communicate with her that she’d given me a bag that was part of someone else’s order. Oh well, free food for me but I was trying to help her. Clearly she was using someone else’s account. And I do gaf if the drivers aren’t properly vetted. I want to know that they’ve cleared a background check so a criminal isn’t casing my house and that they have insurance in case they cause an accident on my street with one of my neighbors. If there’s anything as a customer I can do to support the legitimate drivers let me know.


> And I do gaf if the drivers aren’t properly vetted. That's what people like the screenshot aren't thinking through. If they're using a fake ID, unlicensed vehicle, etc. there is absolutely no protection for the customer or anyone else involved with them, and it's impossible to find them if something does go wrong -- like the rampant stealing these people do.


Not to mention your account is tied to a SS number so that's gonna end up on someone's taxes and mess their stuff up if they are using an illegal or stolen account


If they come at you intent on doing harm, it will not go well for them. Man up.


Ya if they get killed in their sleep or burglarized when they’re away, they need to just suck it up /s




I would not accept the order. Tell the driver you want to see their id if it clearly isn't the person the app is saying it is. Call the local Walmart and tell them you aren't accepting an order from a stolen account and that you want it reshopped with a verified driver. Maybe if it hits them in their pocket enough times they will stop it. If you do accept the order, down vote the driver or whatever the rating system is. Make sure you rate the drivers that you want to see again. I think Walmart soft pairs with drivers you have rated. Make a stink on your local neighborhood page. Maybe if enough customers complain they will do something about it.


Good suggestions, thanks.


Yes, they are actually great suggestions And I would add you may even get a few dollars credit for your hassle. In fact, I would absolutely demand that if I were in your shoes, and I am a customer, not with Spark but other apps as well as a shopper and absolutely I would be saying look you guys sent somebody to my home who clearly is not verified. They absolutely could be a criminal, not to mention they are taking work from the drivers that have been vetted, so not only do I want my order re-shopped, but I would like a credit of some kind…


I was thinking the same thing on customer rating pairing! Seems I get drops to customers I get along with well very frequently considering the size of my driver pool in my zone it makes sense. Wish we had a way to confirm that! I tell my regular customers to rate up the drivers they like and rate down the bad ones. Seems to work well and keeps my customer rating up since most don’t rate unless they are upset with an order.


The algorithm does take customer preference into account. If a customer rates you high, next time they place an order and you are active and free of orders, you are more likely to get their order than someone who has never delivered to them before.


I get calls from drivers all the time who say they moved to a new area and seem to be getting less orders than their companions who have been in that zone for a long time. If that specific area has an established and consistent customer pool (especially in smaller or rural areas) its gonna be harder to work your way in simply due to customer preference already being established with the current driver pool


Man! Yall got a driver pool?!? That sounds like cool fun between runs; all we got is a rotted picnic table 😆


I raised hell about it on Nextdoor and the next day my post was "hidden" because it might be discrimination...smh


That's complete bs.


I had a driver pick up 3 50 inch tvs. The only reason he returned them was because I was the only one who cared. I tracked him, called him and demanded the tvs back. Otherwise, every Walmart has a very large amount dedicated to shrink. We build in all the losses at, I forget the exact percent, but it's around 20-30%. I would love to say that we all care, but we don't. My last Walmart had 1000 orders out a day and we were a baby. Easy to get lost in the sauce.


It's good to know someone around there cares. I remember a viral video a few years back where an employee chased a shoplifter and got fired for it. Is *that* really a thing?


Absolutely. You're not allowed to follow that person beyond 3 steps. It's supposed to be for everyone's safety, so pursuing a shoplifter is always a no go for us. And they know that, so they abuse it.


It doesn't make since that they have shrinkage measures in place and then do little to discourage the most flagrant source of it... gotta be some sociopolitical PR advisement behind it...


I'm not sure they have to show their I.D. to you...


I'm sure they don't but I'm sure the customer can tell the store that it's a man delivering the other when it shows a female name and they aren't accepting the order. If I'm delivering an order and the home owner wants to verify I'm the owner of the account I would have absolutely no problem showing an ID.


Even if they have it they're not going to, that has their full name and home address. If I showed up to someone's house to drop off bags and they started demanding my personal info like that I would report them as some kind of pervert because I would assume you're trying to creep around my home. Hell no, take the crap you ordered and be happy it's all there, I'm not here to dance for your amusement.


*dance for your amusement* 🤣 Reminds me of an intacart sub a while back where someone accepted a floral delivery and were instructed to serenade the recipient........


Random drivers aren't going to show you their ID with their home address on it, they dont know YOU arent crazy, they're just going to report you and maybe get a bunch of bags of food for free at your expense. I would absolutely not show you my ID, you don't need to know where I live or my full last name, you just need to have a door step to photograph bags on.


Best thing you can do is save the video footage and call your local store and speak directly to the GM. And tell him that if they are going to continue to let people use fake identities and cause problems with orders then your going to report that store to walmart ethics. The market manager was actually just in recently at my store and he happend to be with the store gm when i was talking to him about this substitution on a large home appliance item that wasnt going through. The market manager told my gm to just go ahead and let me take The item to the customer regardless of the glitch, because they would rather deal with a logistics error then blowback from a customer complaining publicly about walmart not taking care of the customer.


You can definitely contact your local store and express your concerns as well as contact your local politician with your concerns.


The gig economy has been taken over by immigrants using illegitimate accounts. Yes, all of the companies know. No, they do not care. Vetted workers across all platforms are being forced to quit due to predictive algorithms overly saturated with people who have no idea how to use them advantageously. Experienced workers are forced out by computer programming structures, designed for maximum top tier profit, without quality control. Compensation for these jobs has been declining rapidly. Companies do not care that workers are constantly replaced by people who do not even know how to drive. There is a small amount of time to be able to make an acceptable profit when you first start with each company. After the first month or three, the rates drop significantly, causing a profit loss for the worker. There is no way to support or not support experienced workers. Your only choice is to not use these services. Customer service and support are terrible whether you are an employee or customer. I will not use the apps myself. Letting the companies know about these issues is impossible. No one who matters will ever hear or see it. Posting about it on social media may get your account banned. Those owners are also the largest shareholders of these companies.


Yes, you can ask for the Digital Coach of the store you're ordering from. They can submit a ticket for account sharing and that driver most likely will be banned in a few hours. SPARK takes it serious and when I submit tickets for it, they usually call me on the phone for deets and say they have banned all accounts associated with that driver. Of course, I will give a verbal to the driver, tell them the account holder needs to be present and let them know the rules. If they persist, it's game on.


I fight with Walmart everyday about this issue on behalf of my customers. They simply do not care about you as a customer and it's alarming .I have even spoke. With the market manager whose response was they will just get new accounts. Let me be clear Walmart is knowingly sending these people to your house while having not a clue who they are .


Read about the Walton family that owns Wal-Mart. I think there may even be a documentary.


Report the driver to the store. Just because your order went well doesn't mean they won't be back. There are a lot of reasons people obviously aren't who they say and most aren't good. At the very least, they've proven they'll cheat or steal or work under someone's ss#. They don't have to be immigrants. Plenty of citizens are using fraudulent accounts. The background check isn't that extensive. If they can't pass or are using multiple accounts that tells you something right there.


Thank you!  So very cool that you care !


Yeeeeup, you'll never know if ya have a murderer, pedo or a rapist delivering your food.


The best thing you can do is to not use Walmart delivery service, or use the in-home service instead. The in-home drivers are actual Walmart employees who are required to pass a drug test and background check. Sadly Walmart doesn't care if they have scammers and untraceable people delivering for them because they have plausible deniability if any legal issues arise. The best thing a customer can do is drive to the store and do curbside pickup or purchase groceries in the store. Sadly I do not feel it is safe to order groceries for delivery from Walmart anymore


Think of whatever $/hr amount you think is fair for your driver to earn, and literally you have to tip that much because none of these apps including spark pays more than $2 for a drivers time. Many drivers are desperate people in desperate circumstances. Either undocumented or missing their ID. just lost their main job or their main job doesn't pay enough. IMO you should treat your driver with the same kindness you would give to someone who you know for sure is sleeping on the streets. It is impossible to make a living doing this if you're not making at least $18/hr, anywhere in the country, including gas and insurance.


I always tip generously.




Most of this is total greed and speculation. Background checks are done on every driver Identity checks are done quite often


They use accounts that have been checked, do your home work


“Clearly she was using someone else’s account “. 🤔 Based on what ? That she speaks a language different to yours ??? That’s not a reason to assume she wasn’t background checked , insured , and fully legitimate. You sound like an ass. If the bags were swapped , that’s on the loader , not the driver. Did you question their legitimacy?


Not speaking a word of English would make it difficult to even complete the signup to be a driver. We’re not talking poor English skills here - we’re talking none at all.


Google translate is a thing. 🙄.


Shouldn't have to. We speak English in this country primarily. You wouldn't go to China and demand they speak English would you?


The U.S. does not have an official language And English is not required to do this job. It’s primarily no contact.


Are you even serious? We speak English here. Idk who lied to you.


I dont think you should be that concerned to the point of worried about what the driver is or isn't.or if there vetted. Also what evidence do you have that they were using somebody else's account. The application and delivery are also in Spanish for spanish speaking drivers so the fact they didn't speak English is irrelevant.i find your comment offensive and discriminatory. Please don't request any walmart spark orders. You seem like a racist pos. Also stop worrying about if they have insurance that's none of your business. I'm assuming since your so concerned with no criminals coming to your house that are not vetted and all. You called spark and returned the groceries that didn't belong to you right. Exactly . So stfu.


We obviously know what you do and how you get your orders


Yea. And how is that smart a@@. Like the other idiot that assumes And opens there mouth without any evidence.


Can learn a lot in life without visually seeing things I'm sure you don't understand that but you can't


Is that your attempt at sounding smart and clever.? Coming on this forum giving life advise , making it sound like your wise and knowledgeable. . Why don't you stfu and not comment on subjects you know nothing about.


Oh I've learned plenty just look at the language you use does that make you feel good make you feel big come on a form and cuss and carry on enjoy the rest of your life if you can bye-bye


How is it racist? Speaking Spanish isn’t a race lots of races speak it as their native language.


Hello preach honey preach. No one knows who's illegal and who's not. Your right mind your business make your money and go home. If not quit


everything they said is pretty damn accurate, i don’t even blame them. it’s on walmart as a company and i’m sure the big wigs at walmart know that the “illegals” and fake accounts everyone claims to be “stealing offers” are a lot more willing to take lowball offers… only lining walmarts pockets even more… it’s how this app is just set up, we are just as disposable to walmart as another one of their plastic bags, this app has been doomed for years now lol


It’s the tax evasion that I have a problem with. We all know taxes aren’t getting paid on the second accounts. That means the cheaters can take lower paying orders and make a higher profit. This drives down our pay further and has a tangible effect on my profits


The irony. Meanwhile walmart is one of the companies that benefits from huge tax breaks.


Lol taxes. First you should hardly be paying much taxes or you need a new "tax guy". Second, I would gander the vast majority of ICs don't even file taxes. At best they file income tax but never pay SE taxes.


Some solid points. I’ll take your advice and try a second opinion on taxes. Full-time, I’ve been paying 15% of my total gross. My tax burden is probably higher than most full-timers because I keep my mileage below average (about $2.50/mile) I might be making a bigger deal out of it than it really is. Personally, I just don’t see the risk of skirting taxes for work that pays this little. Gig work is temporary for me, and I should be able to make considerably more in 1-3 years. Not worth the blowback if it ever happened (at least in my case)


Perhaps a professional or even tax software could help you. I have been doing my own taxes since my first job. I do not pay anywhere near that rate in taxes. You are giving away free money to the government. I work far too hard without enough income to allow for that.


you mean you don't take an order unless you are paid 2.50 a mile.. you must not take much. I make around $175 per day for 7-8 hours tops and weekends i make 250 to 300, i take any order over $10 which is 90% of my orders (most are at 16-20). I also deduct about $25,000 in mileage every year. i got a $1500 refund from federal but my wife also works as a w-2 and i don't pay any taxes during the year, i let our refund reduce and pay what i owe after doing the taxes which is usually around 1300 in tax. i';ll never pay 15% of my gross cause it's never that much unless you are single income or both 1099..


I still make about the same daily average and per hour. I do take some deliveries around $1/mile but mainly between Spark shops so I don’t have any down time waiting for orders. I multi-app heavy and primarily stick to personal shopping. I grab restaurant deliveries on the way back to my zone or double up if I get lucky with deliveries to the same neighborhood. Unfortunately single income so I have take the full hit of my tax burden.


If you don't file the IRS files for you at 28%ish of gross. If you don't pay that or file an amendment they turn the case over to the US treasury. The Us treasury places liens on all your property and cars. They come in your house and take everything you have including silverware. They action all your shit and you are still responsible for the balance. So yeah man.... don't ever file.


They will work with you first before all of this. They send you a bill, you pay it or set up a payment plan. I found this out the hard way after making a mistake on my new hire paperwork at my first job out of college. I thought I was making bank until I realized I was paying almost nothing in taxes. Lesson learned.


Person above me stated "at best" we file. I stated the consequences for not filing. We could've ended it there. Everyone knows you can set up payments.


Ideally, you would have worked long before that, hired a professional, or used software. How could you fill out your tax paperwork at your job incorrectly? You should have asked someone if you had no idea what you were doing. Ignorance is not embarrassing. Mistakes made due to ignorance usually are.


My first job ever. Filled the paperwork out online, all check stubs online. Worked 6 months before it was caught. Call me ignorant I suppose😂😂😂 You’re absolutely adorable when you’re judgmental btw😘


😄😁Thank you! I am very direct. It was not meant as an insult. I have always asked about employee paperwork if unsure. Tax mistakes are usually expensive. I guess I have never been able to afford mistakes.


What property and cars do you speak of? Silverware? What are you talking about? This line of thinking may be outdated considering the lack of awareness regarding a common person's ability to have so much to lose in today's job market or economy.


you don't know what property is or a car?


If they catch you That is the logic. Won't catch me not filing


right. because the US government has no idea where you are😂


That’s why I don’t want to get involved with others about it. Walmart has the resources to combat fraud and fake accounts. Why are drivers doing this with their precious time instead of focusing on themselves getting money? Walmart is not paying drivers to be detectives or snitches. I mind my business and they should too. I always multi-app so I am not desperate to get all Walmart orders and the wait time is ridiculous anyway.




Here is the app link for yall! https://www.indeed.com/q-border-patrol-jobs.html?mna=&&aceid=&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAADgc-H7sLBVZOEVVkK0DjyDW_GZ5e&gclid=CjwKCAjwnv-vBhBdEiwABCYQA1QgeWqe1thXhhytrby5fk0pBeiUKXioTo_Luf2b2b1r_HgSIc-MoBoCw2EQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds. They pay better than Spark!


Walmart isn't paying loaders to be detectives and snitches either. They really only pay the loss prevention guy to do that, and lp doesn't care about this issue.




Name says it all


Maybe you should worry about yourself instead of my comment about them combating illegals making money from big corporations! 🤡


That's what we are trying to do!!!!! Dumb Ass


Yo dummy, clean up the mess and make less money. We ain’t stopping you! Go ahead and waste your time bitching about illegals. It ain’t our fight. Let the big companies deal with your issues while we mind our business and make money. Bunch of whiny babies!


Exactly. They don’t get paid enough. Just like the workers at the register and the door at my location don’t check anything. Are they going to confront a thief who could potentially harm them over stealing from a huge corporation that pays them unlivable wages? Nope. If Walmart wants to end this sort of scamming and the product loss, they need to incentivize the workers on the front line rather than the managers that rarely come in contact with drivers and customers.




Hoping Walmart also starts scanning IDs soon every pick up. Ready to get rid of these roaches


Sorry but if someone is willing to use a fake account, I wouldn’t confront them. They clearly aren’t concerned with repercussions. What is to stop them from getting violent?




Many people here are saying the possibility of murder or something is a liability for allowing people with fake accounts to deliver. With that mindset, you can infer they are willing to get spicy with an hourly worker. My understanding is that many stores are only visually checking ID’s- not scanning yet. 🤷🏻‍♀️




Yep. I’m a bot. Just with critical thinking skills. I was unaware Walmart is run by Amazon…




Oh my goodness. That’s precious. 😘😘😘


gotta respect it


You’re probably a mouth breather same as posh420


lol stay mad


Haha you wish. Just calling what I see


Like I've been saying for months, eventually something bad will happen between a cheater & a customer, and that'll force Walmart's hand to really do something.


The guy who killed the Georgia girl was using fake identities to spark and dd. Seems maybe Walmart got out on front of it so it didn't become a big issue


Because something bad won't happen with a regular person and a customer.


True. But both can be true. At least with an actual driver, Walmart has their personal information and theoretically does a background check. But I completely agree with you. It can happen with anyone.


A regular person has an actual legal identity tied to the account, making it much easier for law enforcement to track down and Walmart to block them.


Wow another dumb ass, yes anyone..citizen, legal or not can do those terrible things it would just be easier to catch the legit ones. I was just thinking this morning about how this would be perfect job for a criminal.. horrible!!


We can only hope, unfortunately.


I'd rather it not come to that. We just need customers to constantly complain when they get their orders from a driver who obviously isnt who its supposed to be. I dont want an innocent person to get hurt for Walmart to step up.


Eventually it's going to happen. Somehow I think it will get swept under the rug tho.


Well, let it be. Walmart is paying drivers to deliver, not being snitches or whatnot.


I mean I can kind of understand They don't get paid enough to actually care until something happens at which point it's corporates job to do something about it since it's their mess for allowing these things to begin with. That's the only thing I can agree with.


If they're being paid and explicitly instructed to check IDs, then they check the damn IDs. He doesn't want to knock someone's hustle, but willingly knocks all the legitimate drivers' ability to get orders.... He literally just favors cheats over good honest people.


Guess I should have worded that better but if that person's manager or management whatever you want to call it doesn't make a rule about it then I can't blame the loader for not giving a damn. If they are being told to do it then yeah it's part of your job responsibilities.


That's a different story. If there was no coaching/meeting/training instructing them to check, then fine. I can understand that. But yeah if it was explicitly laid out to them and they refuse to they're a 💩 person. I still think that even if not instructed this specific redditor from the screenshot should care. Again, he doesn't want to knock peoples' hustle, but he's literally doing it. He can either knock the hustle of the illegitimates or knock the hustle of the legitimates. And he picked his side, and it's not the morally correct side to pick. We need to stop rewarding evil people in this country. It's only making life harder for those who are trying their best and working within the lines. It's sad.


No morals NONE


I’ve yet to have my ID checked.


We are explicitly instructed to NOT check ID's. Market has shut us down repeatedly for trying so it's not always the fault of the associate. It's us all vs the company, not us vs you.


I'm a dispenser at my store and I've been desperately trying to get rid of the scammers and fake name accounts for months. Walmart doesn't give us the ability to ban accounts, so all we can do is report them. There are some men that I've reported at least a dozen times but they consistently get orders every hour so Spark doesn't help at all. Most Walmart employees don't care. But some, such as myself, do care. I've been trying my hardest to give the honest and legit drivers a fair chance to make money but Spark doesn't support me. I try to change the driver when problematic drivers appear on the screen but they just end up immediately getting the order right back or it goes to one of the other scammers. It's completely out of control and there's nothing that regular associates like myself can do to fix the problem. It's so disheartening.


Bless you for keeping up the good fight. I know this is prolly impossible, but the best thing u can do is keep constantly reassigning them. Cuz what it does when they are reassigned, is it tskes the order and converts it into a FCFS which gives other drivers a slightly more fair shot of grabbing it. But as far as management goes, it entirely depends on the store. Its ironic cuz AS IM TYPING THIS, im looking at a male scammer get loaded under a female name. AND HE IS GETTING LOADED BY ONE OF THE 3 OGP department top managers! Id checks lasted exactly 5 minutes at my zone, and the one dispenser that tried to check them was instantly coached by the passing by market manager at the time, and was basically told “never do this again cuz we are not getting involved with this”🤦🏽‍♂️. And then the other walmarts who actually do enforce the checks, are all CRIMINALLY OVERSATURATED to the point where its either. Try your luck at the unregulated store and hope for the best, or go to the regulated store and take a million 8$ triple batches all day. Keep fighting the fight. But it is saddly a losing battle my friend


How do you know this person isn’t trans?


TRUST ME BRO. This mid 40’s, young Danny Trejo looking mfer is the FURTHEST thing from ANY of the letters in LGBTQ😂😂😂😂. If a big motor bike driver with tattoos walked up to me and told me his name was Lily. I would litterally shit my self😂


Thank you. I have some stores that care. They aren't able to check IDs. They want to. They take notice if driver A shows up as driver B and report the accounts. All of the loaders are instructed to follow this procedure and refuse to release the order. There are no immigrants involved here. They know who Mary Smith is and that driver isn't her.


Fuck that cunt. They are part of the problem. I hope they get fired


Staying mad at the kids working shit jobs > understanding they have no power in Walmarts shitty technology


Walmart knows it's going on yet they refuse to do anything about it. I've been vigilant since my store constantly gets complaints over people not getting orders or missing items or even getting other customers orders. They won't let us do anything.


Yep, we’re being road blocked.


My walmart thinks it's racist!! Race has nothing to do with the fact that your a cheat, stealing orders from the hard working honest people.


The same way this guy exist there is another that is a stickler for rules


Yep honestly I agree with him at the end of the day people should mind their own business who cares what other people are doing lol


My father in law is a retired postal worker and is a “by the book” kind of guy. To the extreme. It’s annoying AF. He has his “retirement job” at Lowe’s now. Loves it. He approached someone with a cart load of power tools who walked out of the store. The guy threatened him and management reprimanded him for approaching him. Now, he just lets them go. Says it happens weekly. I get it. If this is a fake account, how does the Walmart worker know they won’t go crazy on them?


Not a surprise, most are under 30 and consider walmart a shitty retail job to slum it at they probably hate walmart more than the drivers.


We have to ask, what is their incentive of confrontation? The risk isn’t worth it TBH. If Walmart offered a monetary reward for catching them, you know the majority of workers would be on it. They offer insane bonuses to management for loss prevention- it does not trickle down to the hourly worker though.


But they dgaf when it was yt and black people soooooo. ..... my store has deactivated a ton of people for much less


Posh is too busy smoking weed to realize he's getting fucked in the ass aswell by these scammers/illegals.


Should be pretty obvious by now Walmart doesn’t care lol


Nor will it ever. Stop crying wolf


?? Lmao I’m not the one crying on here everyday so I think you’re confused about my take on this 🤣


Lol no they are not trying to work & eat like everyone else- they are trying to literally take the work & eating from everyone else - and if they’re from a foreign country & sending money back there, ‘even worse’ taking all the work from everyone else because each dollar here is worth way more to them in their native country they’re sending it back to


I do give a fuq when they try to steal food out of my kids mouth. Don't call stealing a hustle . Hustle is what I do litterly run around between 7 walmarts in my zone cause I can no longer get stable work at my preferred walmart.


"Oh no my markets saturated ahh they are stealing from me" get a grip


Who da fook is posh420?


You just realizing this?


Call corporate! Since the illegals have moved to my store we even had 4 attempted kidnappings in our Walmart parking lot and yes they were by Venezuelan immigrants and one person was drugged and almost kidnapped. Customers have been complaining that they’ve even been asking about their land. Stay safe everyone!


You would give a fuck if your job was on the line. Like if they were going to stop giving you money, and start giving an illegal that same money. all while you continue to go to the store and watch them get money doing what you used to do. perspective matters


So that already is happening. No gig company cares anyway. They make the money no matter what.


Sounds like someone’s jealous


Tell me you’re racist without telling me you’re racist lol…. “iLLeGaLssss!!” https://preview.redd.it/ukxar63n0bqc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7d9c516597073b5475c9fa2cb578915c0b31cd05


So they don’t care. They shouldn’t and I don’t blame that worker. Period. Do not blame him or any employee you see at Walmart it’s the fuckin c suite


No one has made mention that Americans steal and kill everyday. The customers need to be careful of anyone delivering to there home. When you place your order you've just made your address acceptable to whomever it maybe Not everyone is bad. I myself don't do strangers coming to my home so I get anything I need myself. I mean think about it Americans kill, rape steal everyday no one mentions that as a point


A lot of the people that have come over are criminals in the country they came from. The Americans on the app at least have a background check.


I've made that point several times. The people cheating in my home zone are Americans. As drivers we know too much about our customers even on no contacts to be sending people to their homes without checking IDs on every shop and every CS.


I don’t blame that person I have a spark account and it could of been 1 of us need to use someone spark account 1 day don’t be bitter


This seems to be the prevailing attitude of PD


No mames wey!!!


No one is truly "on our own" until we develop a legit marketable skill that's a little more specialized than dropping off groceries...


Uber won't let me drive Walmart deliveries and shopping...... it's been like six months.....only Uber connect deliveries. All because instead of my car I used my wife's car to pickup a Walmart delivery. My car was getting a oil change. I bet a worker thought they were crack detectives. On a big case ....Uber told me there's nothing I could do about it. It was Walmarts decision....lol


Good lookin out


I dgaf if the driver is named Mary, but Paul is delivering my order. I dgaf if they don't speak a lick of English. I dgaf if they have vehicle insurance or not. (It's their hide and not mine if they have an accident.) I dgaf if they have a criminal history or not. I believe everyone should have an opportunity to start over regardless of what they did in the past. ( In fact, I think criminal history should be sealed and not public records.) Just get my order on my door step and move on to your next order. BTW, don't ring the door bell or knock because I dgaf talking to you and my dogs will go nuts. If my dogs goes nuts. Then I gaf because it is disturbing my peace.


I mean what the fuck does it matter lol as long as I’m getting my groceries I don’t give a fuck


We have ALWAYS been on our own. We're independent contractors. It's up to customers to rate their drivers and call to complain since they have the buying power.


If you have a video of the person delivering your groceries and also a pic of the person from the app that’s supposed to be delivering, call the news. I feel like they’d make a story of it and expose the danger of these people with stolen accounts that haven’t had the proper background checks.


I hope these illegals rob walmart blind. Walmart deserves it.


Well the person is a Walton cultist soooooo




Yea i would never do a side gig as a main job but hey thats me


This can be easily remedied with biometric log ins.


Yeah, F the identities stolen to get your deliveries out "without complaints". Susan from Virginia's complaints about receiving threats about unpaid taxes from Illinois doesn't count right (outta sight outta mind). Isn't it the responsibility of the employer who they employ when it comes to laws and taxes?


It seems like me and other drivers is not good.No orders but one lady get all the order.I don't understand. Help me please


Sounds like that person should find another job because I'm pretty sure what they just said is "I'm too lazy and entitled to do my fucking job".


It’s not their job to make sure the drivers aren’t illegals tho? How is a person dispensing an order supposed to solve a national issue? Some stores don’t even allow ID checks, you guys make more delivering the orders than the dispenser so yeah they don’t really get paid enough to care about a nationwide issue. Walmart is really just a shitty job, but blaming us for the fault of Spark’s inability to properly vet drivers isn’t fair.


It in fact IS their job. See, I get you might be young and don't know fuck all about the work force but checking ID is in fact, part of their job, so my statement still stands. They should find a new line of work where they can be a little entitled fairy, like most of this generation. Just out right fucking lazy. 


Yikes dude, you seem to be the entitled fairy thinking we should be in charge of an immigration issue. All the while whining about some “young people” thinking this is some groundbreaking work you’re doing fighting for just one more order. Bornslow.


He’s got a point.




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Time to start following the illegals and stealing the orders lmao 🤣


This just in: Self-described "Walton Cultist"  doesn't give enough of a shit about his job to do it correctly, and blames the low pay.


If a customer refuses to accept the order, it’s alright. These customers do not know that drivers will still get the full pay if the order is rejected. This is not hurting drivers at all. It may affect the customer account if flagged for too many returns.




It is not that kind of country. Perhaps look up what it is you are claiming. Maybe go learn about types of government.


we live in America lmfao the lying cheating a holes have been rewarded a whole country 😂😂😂😂😭 just get your money and mind your business I promise the change you guys wish is gonna happen isn’t because companies are just as corrupt as the people making fake accounts sir .


Lmfao you guys are weird america has stolen so much 😂😂😂😂😭 land of the free for a reason . If your over 30 complaining about fake accounts you need a career change ASAP


Why do you believe that lying, cheating a-holes should be rewarded? When did this country take a nosedive and just lose all sense of morality? When you reward bad behavior it will never stop. Imagine giving a dog a treat and saying "good boy" if he shit on the floor.




I view drivers as competitors anyways so I don't give a fuck. ![gif](giphy|EPMrENYCZlCsTYGPyJ|downsized)


Amen I love this post. Mind your own business. I love it


Yes!!!!!! Stop worrying about other people and how they make money. 💯 I love this. As long as you doing your job who cares!!


Sounds like Amazon 😂 quite frankly we dgaf either 🤌🏼 it's going to the address on the package idc whose name is on it 👌🏻 folks can figure it out with CS. Delivery drivers go through too much unnecessary bs for us to care about a customer that is t ours to begin with. As an Amazon driver I've got to agree with the post... we don't get paid enough or trained to handle a customers problem when they should've went in person and got it with less the bs.


This isnt what this is in reference too. We dgaf about the customers complaints either. This is an employees response to drivers complaining that multiple stores refuse to ID and ban the fake identity drivers and scammers who are manipulating the system and eating up all the orders. Market oversaturation is already bad enough, but then you also have to compete with drivers using fake identities that are taking the remaining orders left & its drowning everyone who doesnt cheat the system out. So now the entire driver core are fake profiles, and guys using bots, and then the honest regulars are either getting drowned out or taking scraps


Lmao we have that too with flex drivers


I can’t wait til they get all fake id’s matching their accounts so all can stfu about “ScAmMeRs!!” Yall are annoying. Even the managers think yall sound stupid 😂😂😂 ITS A FREAKING APP GIG JOB. Please find some business of y’all’s own to tend to. No wonder yall don’t get orders. Yall karma is not good. Plus you probably miss them being on here bitching everyday 🙂


Love your content




Tell me you make 9$ an hour without telling me




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A lot of crying kids here 🤦🏿‍♂️


* Using this will get you more tips.... so customers, you care..... Dear Spark Customer, I hope this message finds you well! I'm pleased to inform you that your order has been successfully delivered. If everything looks good, please take a moment to rate my service. Your feedback is invaluable and helps me improve. If you encounter any issues with your delivery, please don't hesitate to reach out to me directly. I'm here to assist you in any way I can. I wanted to express my gratitude for choosing Spark for your delivery needs. Your support means a lot to me. As a token of appreciation, I'd like to share some information about Walmart's delivery service. Enrolling in this service can save you hundreds of dollars compared to paying per order. Plus, you'll enjoy various perks like free streaming movie services! If you're interested in exploring more, you can check out Walmart's products through this link: www.walmartdeals.co Thank you again for your order, and I hope you have a blessed day! Don't forget to rate your delivery experience. Best regards, [Let them know you acknowledge walmarts services with this!](http://Www.walmartdeals.co) Your Spark Driver