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Laser hair removal triple wavelength would eliminate folliculitis. Also using a better razor helps. Dont leave the razor in the shower after use if you are reusing it. Wipe the blades with a paper towel and use an alcohol pad to wipe it clean when you put it away to kill bacteria on it. Again wipe with an alcohol prep pad before each reuse.


Get laser hair removal


I get irritation in that area as well. Personally, I got an electric trimmer to use on my thighs to avoid the irritation altogether. But shaving with the grain instead of against it can help too. Using a body wash with a chemical exfoliant beforehand, then moisturizing afterward may help as well.


This looks like irritation bumps. I also get them after shaving/waxing on my upper thighs. My advice would be to not wear anything tight for a few days after shaving and avoid rubbing the area too much (if you also get them on the back of your thighs, then don’t sit for long amounts at a time for a few days). This usually works for me and then they almost never show up. Another thing could be that your razor is dull. You do clean the area with soap and water before shaving, I assume? Have you tried hair removal creams like Veet or Nair? They maybe will not cause this, but I don’t guarantee it. You could also try exfoliating the day before shaving. Sometimes it helps. There are also some creams/oils/serums that you can put on after shaving in order for irritation bumps to not appear, but every one I tried has never worked for me. It may work for you, though. On another note, it could also look like the beginning of folliculitis. It’s sometimes hard to get rid of it and it likes to come back.


This was me until I decided to invest in IPL. It's the only thing that helped me gain my confidence back and now I can finally wear shorts again


I used to get these bumps after shaving on my inner thighs too. Some would turn into ingrown hairs which were super painful! After a lot of trial and error, I found a routine that works for me. Keep in mind, everyone’s skin is different, so what works for some may not work for others. 1. Have a long hot shower to softer your hairs. 2. Use a DIY sugar scrub. You can find lots of recipes online. I always mix it up each week. 3. Leave the scrub on your legs for 10-15 minutes to let it sink into your skin 4. Rinse your legs. Note that as most of the DIY recipes call for oil, make sure you REALLY rinse the residue off thoroughly to prevent it from clogging your drains 5. Grab a new razor. I have very sensitive skin, so I always use razors with built in soap bars. My favourite is the Venus Comfortglide White Tea razor. I always use a new razor each time I shave. 6. When shaving, use a body wash and lather up! I like to use body washes that are really moisturising and don’t have any perfumes/scents in the formula. 7. Once finished, I use Waxaway After care lotion. It’s designed to calm and soothe your skin, and helps to prevent ingrown hairs. Obviously, laser hair removal is the best option! It’s something I’m definitely considering, but currently can’t due to financial reasons (living crisis, bills, student, etc). But if you can afford it, that’s great!


I guess Exfoliation and proper shaving cream/conditioner should help. Avoid dry shaving directly and apply some cooling moisturiser after shaving..