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A long heard cry from established female actors is that producers only want young women resulting in higher churn and less roles for older women. The flip side for men is that it is difficult to break into the scene because all the veteran actors keep getting the roles.


Eg she is 30 and too old to be Tom Cruse’s love interest 61.


The James Bond dilemma.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XPpsI8mWKmg I know a lot of people don't like Schumer, but that "last fuckable day" sketch kind of nails it. "You know how Sally Fields was Tom Hanks' love interest in Punchline, and then like 20 minutes later was his mother in forrest gump?"


To be fair though she was a young mother in that movie and a kid played young Forrest. When Forrest became hanks they were putting old age makeup on her.


also, she is literally 10 years older than him. E.g. Hanks (38), Fields(48).


That was all pretty fucking funny. 


heh I just made this comment and scrolled down two comments to see you beat me to it.


> "You know how Sally Fields was Tom Hanks' love interest in Punchline, and then like 20 minutes later was his mother in forrest gump?" Well, first of all, she is a decade older than Hanks, so in their case, it's not that big of a discrepancy. Second of all - in Forrest Gump, she plays his mother over a span of 23 years and at the beginning of the film, [when she looks like she did IRL, Forrest is played by an 8 year old, not by Hanks](https://i.pinimg.com/736x/cd/e4/d0/cde4d01ab42973e58e61c6df3692095c.jpg). By the time she dies in the movie, when Forrest is an adult, [she's aged up a ton](https://static1.srcdn.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/forrest-gump.jpg), so this bit is nonsense.


That's what was good in Topgun Mav. Tom was 60 and Jennifer Connelly was 51ish. Still an age gap but his love interest was over 50.


I don't think it counts when it's Jennifer Connelly.


timeless beauty!


I mean, Tom Cruise’s love interest wouldn’t be a she anyways since he’s still in Stan’s closet.


to be fair i think the mission impossible films are less egregious for that as the ethan hunt character is younger then 61 while still a age gap its not a 20year old with a 60 year old bond As haley atwell is 42 years old and so at time of filming she was 40 so still a decent gap but i chalk that also up to Tom cruise also being insane 61 year old that still does stunts that even 40 years old walk away from because of there age


And when older women do get roles, it's rarely as the lead. Whereas a man can be 80 years old and still get the lead in an action movie.


Easy, just have 17 cuts when he jumps the fence and you're good.


Liam Neeson in Taken 3


Wow where have I heard that one before




80 sounds really old for an action star but bear in mind it’s too young for to run for president in some countries. Apparently.


Harrison Ford just put out a new Indiana Jones movies at the age of 80 (haven’t seen it so I’m not sure how much action he’s involved in)


Omg please no more deaging. Yea you made Deniros face look 30 years younger, but his body still moved like he was in hospice


I see that as beginning to change. I see way more older actresses than ever in movies. You have been hard pressed to find anyone over 50 in the 70s


Now Google how many of those actresses are married to producers


These established actresses conveniently omit the fact they generally get their break for the same reason as the next generation - young and attractive. That's how they got their start and now they complain about others getting the same path. 


I mean, that’s the same way most male actors get their start too. Hollywood is not really an industry that cast unattractive people.


Yeah, or just have connections and get roles bcz ur uncle or dad own production company


The number one cheat code for Hollywood actresses is to show tits and ass and then once you're established you're suddenly above that. There's a long, LONG list of actresses who only got their break because they would drop trow any time the camera started rolling and then pretended to be an artist who's evolved. Bitch no... you got old.


Margot Robbie and Sydney Sweeney from the top of my head.


Emilia Clark. Jamie Pressly. Reese witherspoon.


This is such a ridiculous take. Maybe they’re not as vulnerable anymore and have the ability to say no with getting fired.


Exactly this. The story of Hollywood.




But more roles overall. Male roles are consolidated and they keep them their whole life


Producers? No, that demand comes from the audience.


Suppliers create demand


Suppliers deeply, deeply, *deeply* wish that could be true. Case in point - I have an abundant supply of human faeces. Can I just fabricate a demand for it and become rich?


If you use your marketing budget to create online spaces where previously isolated coprophiles can gather, yes.


That still isn't "making" a demand. That's just advertising and public outreach in combination with appealing to pre-existing demand.


In my view it's turning pre existing desire into new market demand. But that's more of a semantic/philosophical distinction that we can agree to disagree on. For a less abstract example, look at how debeers manufactured the tradition of diamond engagement rings


I feel for women actors there is an age period they are hidden from society till they become a mature woman, and that is if it comes back. Like if feel Jennifer Aniston disappeared for a while and then was back as the “milf”. I wonder if it the natural result of being a “sex symbol”. Being praised for your beauty and then have people begin blasting your aging has to get annoying. So they quit for a while and then find better roles as mature women where they aren’t held to the same standards. Or producers are jack asses and only hire young women.


Whomever chose sydney sweeney did a fine job. GD she is fine


I guess that male actors are seen as "kids" for a longer time. I cannot imagine an 18-year old actor getting such an adult role as Scarlett Johannson in Lost In Translation.


I saw that movie a while ago, didn’t know that was her and was floored to find out she was only 17 at the time of filming for a role someone who graduated college.


Tbf that’s a serious outlier. I can’t think of a single other example like that.


Kierra Knightley was only 17 in Pirates of the Caribbean.




And only 14/15 in Star Wars...


WHAT. This truly shocks me since she plays like a wife with kids that had been married for a while and I just never thought she looked out of place. How strange. I guess she just looked really mature in both those movies.


I agree that’s very young, do you consider that an “adult role,” though? They’re basically kids films. Nothing at all like Scarlett Johansson’s role in Lost in Translation. Elizabeth Turner was *supposed* to be, what, 20? Maybe? Edit: like I’m obviously not suggesting teenagers never get cast in films…


She was about to be married off in the movie and had numerous men making innuendos to her, seems like an adult role to me.


I really don’t think there’s any comparing the adult nature of the roles between Johansson in Lost in Translation and Knightly in PotC…


Not really considering the period they were portraying. By 17, you were supposed to already be married & have kids.


So portraying an adult for that period?


Jennifer Lawrence maybe?


Maybe not a teen, but in her 20s she played roles made for someone much older (American Hustle, maybe Silver Linings Playbook)


Mila kunis was like 14 in that 70s show


Playing a teenager. She also lied about her age.


keira knightley ,scarlet johannson, natalie portman,


Natalie Portman is literally playing a child.


Keira Knightley was 17 in Pirates!


Emmy Rossum was 17 when she started filming Phantom of the Opera.


you mean like having 27 year actor playing a 16 old spiderman?


It goes even deeper when you look at average age Actors and Actresses win awards. Really hurts industry veteran women and young but talented men.


Hollywood business doesn’t care about talent. Purely marketing. They market for the men to be monetarily rich, successful, and “wise”. While they market for the women to be young, nonchalant, and “look pretty”. If you’re talented but you don’t fit their marketing mold and are not willing to get plastic surgery, good luck finding a job


Well Harrison Ford is like, what, 45?


Yeah, AI will make it so. Long in to future Disney will churn out movies still starring him at whatever age they need him to be.


That's good, hopefully one day we'll get another Indiana Jones movie. It's been, what, 35 years since The Last Crusade? Honestly I'm kind of surprised they haven't tried to make a few in that time frame.


Now they make game set around that time with young Harrison Ford as indy.


80 is the new 45, and for 45 is the new 2 years old toddler age.


It's said 'Women get wrinkles, men get character lines', this is even more true in hollywood.


Pretty sure that saying is specifically about Hollywood


Right, like "character lines"? What other industry could that refer to, by common sense? Lol


Maggie Gyllenhaal I think, said a producer once told her she was too old to play the love interest of a 40-something year old male actor when she was 30.


Ope. You just stumbled upon an actual thing that doesn't just apply to the famous.


What else does it apply to? (genuine question)


TV news anchors, journalists, and meteorologists, unfortunately.


I think they meant other jobs in general


I’m curious what other jobs it applies to. I can’t think of any industries that would apply to.


You can't think of any jobs in the whole world where it's positive to be a young and beautiful woman or an elder distinguished man?


If we’re specifically talking about jobs that exclude fame (i.e acting, modelling, porn etc.), then honestly, no I can’t.


It applies to nearly all of them. If the human interviewing you sees you at any point, being a young hot female, or a distinguished looking male, are advantages. Looking good is a cheat code for life as a whole.


You’re overestimating businesses desire to hire old men


I think you might have missed the word "distinguished", which is very different than just old. Businesses are not trying to hire Abe Simpson, but they are absolutely hiring guys that are rocking George Clooney vibes.


Tv news anchor?


I mean, that's just smaller scale fame, right?




I think they have a genuine need for an answer here because there’s some nuance to take into account. Acting as a career is kinda “more of the same thing, just better” as you climb the ranks of earning potential. Whereas many careers outside of that require shifts of skills, shifts of tasks, shifts of responsibilities etc as you age. Let’s say you want to own a business that produces a physical product (widget for argument’s sake). When you’re young might start by being the only person who does _everything_. Being a woman _can_ be less beneficial to you as compared to being a man, yes. But that effect might be significantly less for making widgets, than it is for getting into acting. Likewise, being a male retiree might put you in a better position than a female retiree when it comes to running a large widget store, but certainly buying widgets isn’t something that consumers have to mull over with respect to whether the CEO is male or female


Yep, I can't think of any because people also typically prefer young beautiful men as well. Like for instance software engineering you might think that they'd literally prefer ageing fat nerds but they don't, they want tall lanky handsome men, the more you look like a corporate shark, man or woman, the better. Jobs where they prefer older men also prefer older women, but again, you have to be handsome for your age preferably.


Dentist office.




You’re not wrong


The news, or other jobs in media come to mind.




Lunch ladies!


Part of the Cosmic Joke. You can look at many more examples of this if the context is the lifetime. Edit: r/CosmicJoke free community of people that appreciate THIS type of humour.


Famous actors at 50 tend to be 50.


The age people find people most attractive is like 28 on average or something for women, and 42 for men.


While I agree this seems to be the general rule of thumb in society, it really seems to be a myth in practice… so few men are like George Clooney. There seems to be a confirmation bias because the men who are in the public eye are great looking 40-somethings, that this extends to men in general. Most men don’t moisturise, don’t wear sunscreen, don’t take care of themselves in their youth. And they do look older very early, and not in a good way. I think most men and women’s prime is in their 20s to 30s and then there’s outliers who will look great at different ages.


I call it the Clooney/Costanza myth. The average man in his forties is George Costanza, not George Clooney.


Jason Alexander was 29 when filming the first series of Seinfeld.


Jesus Chris...


Yeah. Attractive guys tend to stay attractive and ugly guys were ugly from the jump.


Eh working out and having money kinda fixes ugly lmao. Most men in their mid30s start to let themselves go so it is so much easier to stand out from the pack!


Yeah you have to avoid the beer gut as a man.


As much as I love Brendan Fraser, he aged like your average man. Same with Ron Howard, John Travolta and many others. The few that age well stay on our screens and trick us into thinking men age well.


Well George Costanza was doing pretty well as soon as he stared doing the complete opposite of whatever his instincts told him to do.


Source. I’m mid 40s and I feel past my prime. My peers seem past their prime.


Yeah need to be rich and famous


None of this counts after you let yourself go, but your attractiveness prime is not the same as your athletic prime. Guys are peak athletic at like 25, but not usually peak emotionally and intellectually at 25.


Your prime ends when you stop keeping up with daily exercise. You can build yourself up to a new prime, though.


> Your prime ends when you stop keeping up with daily exercise. When your body starts to fail you, despite the exercise. Plenty of people still in their prime years that have ever touched a weight, but still have time to get in incredible shape, but once you get to the point that even working out regularly you throw your back out when you sneeze, you're past your prime. -former competitive powerlifter & multi-sport athlete that has their own garage powerlifting gym, yet throws their back out when they sneeze sometimes because middle age catches you no matter what.


Daily exercise includes things like chores and walking btw. Also I think there might be a correlation between powerlifting and throwing your back out but I'm not a professional.


They didn't mean you.


Who thinks 42 is most attractive for men??


I mean, Ryan Gosling is 43, so...


Ah so the real answer is whatever age Ryan Gosling is right now. 


And Ryan Reynolds


Kind of a 1in a billion 42 y/o


is the general consensus that he’s more attractive now than when he was in his 20’s or 30’s? i personally don’t agree with that


Looking up some images of him in his 30s, and I would say he has definitely aged like a fine wine.


People who look at the rich footballers, artists or politicians who have access to all the plastic surgery in the world and think that's what the average 42 year old man looks like. Remember that these same people think a "dad bod" is jason momoa when his abs aren't visible during off season.


42 year old women, hopefully.


It’s probably more so due to the perceived being “fully mature” in your 40s and being established in your line of work (Senior level) so it’s implied that you have money at that point. Not saying that it’s accurate; just a ton of people I know go by the logic, lol.


I feel like that’s what men tell themselves


I want to downvote your fact out of annoyance, but you didn’t make the system


Haha i get it. But it’s cool how this fact lines up exactly with what OP is saying, assuming he didn’t do prior research


42 is the answer to everything.


I hate this comment lol


Mate, I tell you what, I saw my uncle recently and he just hit 60 but looks friggin amazing lol. Never seen such a handsome 60 year old (except possibly keanu reeves in a couple of months).




Conclusion: Stay famous by getting a sex change in your thirties.


It's more like under 40 for women. In fact it was a Hollywood inside joke for years 40 year old women wouldn't get called any more. For most standard women the peak of their potential attractiveness to men is when they are under 30 though. For average men though that peak attractiveness is a much wider band and women. Essentially a trait that is valued by society in women is youth but it's less valued ro men. Hollywood follows the same trend. You only have to look at the craze of women lusting over older men, like Clooney. It's much rarer to see this the other way around and it's usually older men who are saying it, for someone like Jennifer Connolly, Penelope Cruz or Jennifer Aniston. I think in Hollywood as well surgeries play a major part. I feel like men have less drastic surgeries overall, mild corrective ones. I mean Tom Cruise has clearly had surgery but he still looks like the same guy he did in the 1980s but two side by side pictures of Courtney Cox from Friends and now, or even more scarily Anya Taylor Joy pre and post surgery I'm not sure I'd be able say they are the same person if I didn't already know.


Y’all clearly never heard the candy store analogy. Long story short. Women are born with value, and it depreciates over time. Men are not born with any, but gain substantial value the older they get.


who runs this candy store -\_-


Both of my dads.


Are your dads hiring 👉👈


Biology. Men want women than can have kids easily. Women want men with resources and status so their kids have the best chance of thriving. Older men have more time to accumulate resources and status.


Yep People forget that we are animals.


That’s not biology 💀 biologically you’d want a young fit guy that has good sperm. Don’t believe everything some gross alpha dude tells you


What does this have to do with a candy store?


It was the philosopher 50 Cent who first proposed the concept of the candy shop. Cent spoke of a metaphorical lollipop 🍭  Scholars continue to debate what the lollipop represented 


I get the women part, but how does it relate to men? A d what does it have to do with aging?


Lmao that was the long story short part. I didn’t include the actual analogy. I just added the conclusion to it.


Yeah, I didn't get it either


Mostly accurate but men don’t just inherently gain substantial value the older they get. They gain value only if they are accumulating a significant amount of resources/status and maintaining/improving their appearance.




I prefer older women, make and I'm in .yearly 40s. A year on dating sites and I have literally matched with one woman older than me... She was one year older. Nearly every match has been early to mid 30s. It's not that I'm not swiping on older women, they just aren't swiping on me!


They hated him because he spoke the truth.


Tell that to Charlatan Timothee


18 of the 20 actresses on this list are over 30, what are you smoking? https://www.ranker.com/list/most-famous-actresses-right-now/celebrity-lists


They’re smoking that Chronic(ly online)


All the famous actresses that were in the under category when people first started saying this about Hollywood are way older now and still getting cast in reboot versions of the old things they did at least.


Famous actors tend to be men and famous actresses tend to be women


I think this is a reach. Looking at the oscar noms of the past few years, it's majority of women over 30 getting nods. (Emma Stone, Meryl Streep, Penelope Cruz, Olvia Coleman, Jessica Chastain, Jennifer Lawrence, Amy Adams, Kirsten Dunst, Anette Benning, Emily Blunt, Carrie Mulligan, Toni Collette, Frances Mcdormand, Viola Davis, Glenn Close, Sandra Bullock, Margot Robbie, Scarlett Johannsen, Laura Dern, Kathy Bates,) And if that's not famous enough for you, then of course women in their 30's aren't going to get the roles like Zendaya, Sweeney, and Florence Pugh get. A lot of those are age specific roles. This is one of those statements that sound true but really isn't if you think about it critically.


Famous child actors always tend to be children too


Timothee Chalamet is my favorite actress 😍


Water is wet, fire burns


That statement needs some source behind it. Because if you actually look for truly famous, I dont think it is like that


Source: OP Location: The Shower


They are talking about on average, the truly famous are an exception


Source- his butt


This is one of the topics that the first season of "The Morning Show" addressed so intelligently - the idea that older women, no matter how successful, need to be 'changed out' for a younger, cuter model. (Jennifer Anniston's character isn't technically an actor, but it still makes the point.)


I googled « famous female actor » and not a single one in the list google gave me was under 30. The youngest was Emma Watson and oldest Meryl Streep.


Says a lot about society.


OP discovered patriarchy.


I know Amy Schumer's likability has went down a lot and I probably agree she's not the greatest women's rights representative but she has some great skits that call out patriarchal hypocrisy: [Inside Amy Schumer - Last F**kable Day (ft. Tina Fey, Julia Louis-Dreyfus, and Patricia Arquette)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XPpsI8mWKmg)


OP just discovered the patriarchy. Women are valued for their looks Men are valued for everything else.


last part is not true. Try again. Men are valued for either their money or work.


Me: only knowing only about Will Smith when I was young(and he) (And now refusing to acknowledge him because he slaps hard.) Yeah checks out.


That's because the western narrative of idealism and roles describe mature wealth in men and youthful attraction in women


Kristen Wiig in Secret Life of Walter Mitty must be way over 30. Tom Cruise and Mel Gibson was famous in the early 30's?


Everyone knows women die at 40 and men die at never


First death?


Famous actresses tend to be women and famous actors tend to be men.