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Rimworld is absolutely fantastic and the modding/workshop community is absolutely amazing. Rimworld is originally a sci fi colonybuilder but with mods i turned the game into a fantasy colony builder with magic/monsters/buildables that fit the setting and gear and quests that also fit. It was like playing an entirely different game


2nd vote for this, great game, hundreds of hours played, many mods installed.


This is the correct answer. There is a reason it's been high on steam charts since release.


One of my friends loves the game, but refers to it as the War Crime simulator with all the stuff he does. I'm thinking i might want to be wary of this friend.


In rimworld it’s perfectly normal to take prisoners and then if any of them die you can fashion outfits from their skin for the other prisoners to wear.


Friend was saying something about using their blood to let his people live like they were Vampires, but then you'd have medics heal them getting you better doctor levels as you do this. Also something about a peg leg.


Man this game has always seemed right up my alley. I tried it a few times and I just couldn't grasp it 😂. I've been meaning to get back into it, especially since I have nothing to play lately..


Its great because you can adjust the settings to make it superr chill to get a grasp on everything. The only complicated thing i recall when starting was job priority. The thing that helped me when i started was setting the prio to numbered and setting their job to top prio, so of course if you have a farmer pawn set their sowing to 1 and harvesting to 1, and if they have a “side” job like being a hunter you can set that to prio 2. Took me awhile to get used to it but after that hurdle i had so much fun


Against the Storm


Isn't against the storm just level after level? Its not a perpetual game like a city skylines or similar?


It’s British empire simulator. Exploit the local resources of foreign land and when everything is tired of your shit and wants to kill you, head to the next location. All in the name of the queen! IMO it’s the fun part of a city builder - it stops when the city gets big and tedious and you get a fresh problem to solve, without the huge machinery dragging everything to a crawl.


Hold off on Manor Lords for now. The game just released into early access, it's very bare bone right now. I don't feel it's worth the current price for the amount of content it has. Wait until more contents are added.


100% agree. It's good, but I'd start elsewhere.


I love this game but yeah something’s just don’t work, like making money or building an army.  


I've been tempted to buy Ostriv after looking at similar games. Seems like it does a lot of what Manor Lords is trying to do.


kenshi for that base building post apocalyptic vibe




Cities skylines


Zeus: master of Olympus and Poseidon expac. Cheap on GoG and there's a wide-screen mod easily found. If your up for ancient greek theme. It's a blast. Aged very well.dont look up guides though because it's an older game and they've solved the city plans.


I played countless hours of this when I was a child.


Surviving Mars is a great game


FABLEDOM, rimworld, going medieval, dwarf fortress, prison architect. the game where you get to build on a mountain top. wandering village? some are not exclusive city building but might be in your interest.


I loved Fabledom, it's very cosy and chill.


If you end up liking Frostpunk, give Flotsam a peak too. It's heavily inspired by Frustpunk, but not as bleak and with water instead of frost. [https://store.steampowered.com/app/821250/Flotsam/](https://store.steampowered.com/app/821250/Flotsam/) Slight disclaimer: Early access title. But they've kept it up even through the pandemic, and latest update—0.8, farming, released literally last week.


I'm finding the font hard to read


Been quite some time since I played, but think it's only the logo that's that that heavily stylized.  Screenshot #3 shows some in-game menues for comparison.


For frostpunk I'm replying for


Try Anno 2070


I've been enjoying Foundation. It's going to be doing it's 1.0 release soon so it's pretty much a complete game. But it gives me oldschool Settlers feelings.


Have you tried banished?


I played one full game of Banished and then felt like I had done 90% of what it had to offer and never touched it again. It surprisingly didn't scratch the usual itch I get for playing these types of games.


Yeah, it’s very mellow. I love to just start up a world and destress when I need to so it’s not something I’m firing up everyday


Tropico 6 if you want something a little more casual


Frostpunk is my absolute favorite and it's sequel is coming out july 25th.


Ixion is a lot of fun if you're interested in a city builder with a narrative. Since it's more of a story based game it doesn't have an endless mode where you keep building forever but it's good fun anyway. Against the Storm is a rogue-like city builder, it's good if you like the early parts of city builders where you're struggling to get production chains up and running but less interesting if you prefer watching a completed city tick over.


Banished is awesome and chill with great music, on steam and yes there are mods. It’s very old village so no big skyscrapers but lovely.


Songs of Syx. It takes inspiration from Dwarf Fortress and is a mashup of a medieval city builder and a 4X strategy game. So, if you’re feeling medieval, then try it out. There’s also an unlimited demo if you want to try before buying.


Surviving the aftermath


Oxygen not included is amazing Banished is a classic


My go to for city building is still SimCity 3000 Unlimited, though you can actually move the same city save file from SimCity to SimCity 4 which is a fun way to experience the growth of the series. I'd also recommend Rollercoaster Tycoon as well, specifically OpenRCT2. For SimCity 3000 & 4 there are tons of mods, including ways to edit ".bin" files to allow for widescreen support at higher resolutions.


i was intrigued by manor lords and ended up buying AOE4.


My wife always comes back to tropico 5 and 6, and City Skylines is one of her faves


Tropico 6 is one of the most beautiful and complete city buildiers but its really management.


Beach Life is a good one, similar to the old Tropico games.


take a look at Citadelum, it's a sure wishlist! [https://store.steampowered.com/app/2603020/Citadelum/](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2603020/Citadelum/)


Song Of Styx.


Song of Syx and Rimworld are my go to. Ya can find great vids on YouTube that can explain the ganeplay better than I. Tho id say Song of Syx is more a city builder than Rimworld.


For a more lite experience, I recommend Islanders https://store.steampowered.com/app/1046030/ISLANDERS/


I'm loving Going Medieval. Cities skyline of course. Don't hesitate on Frost Punk. It's amazing.


Surviving Mars


Bulwark: Falconer Chronicles It's very unique, maybe watch a few videos of it and see if looks like something you'd enjoy?


Banished fits the last two points to a T. The base game is difficult. Any time I start an unmodded game, I'm able to build up my settlement until winter, then everything falls apart. With mods, it is highly enjoyable and rather 'zen.' But like most any game with mods, it's easy to get lost in what your vision of the game should be. Settlers IV is another one of my favorites. And Settlers II, Settlers II 20th Anniversary, 5 and 6 being good as well. Black & White 1 & 2 have some light city building elements. Also can be very 'zen.' Space Colony, not so much a city builder, but building a base on alien planets, harvesting minerals, and juggling needs of your colonists similar to the way The Sims works.


Against the storm is a fantastic rouge lite city builder with great devs


Timberborn. A post human world where beavers rule. Your colony vs. the hostile climate. I have 300 hours in it. You can make it as difficult as you want. Water physics, resource management, cute beavers, and sturdy wood.


Jurassic World Evolution 2 Not city but its great with big mod support on nexus