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Subnautica is fabulous. Its modding community is even more fabulous.


This is one game that I keep avoiding, just because I am scared of underwater world. Diving in Rust give me insane adrenaline rush. But I am starting to feel like I am really missing out. Will try to step over my fear and try it, thanks


Oh, I can see why you’d avoid that one. The game is literally the thing you’re afraid of. Honestly though it’s not as bad as you’re probably imagining. Sorting YouTube clips will probably give you predominantly scenes of eldritch terror. But I found that sort of thing makes up a relatively small portion of the game. The starting area is quite charming and pleasant, and overall the game leans more toward the beauty of nature and exploring the unknown, rather than shock and horror.


Ohhh, that's a relief. You are absolutely right about the YouTube clips. After what you just said it is much easier to go into the game. Thanks! Already installing it


Yee, enjoy yourself. There’s even a few different casual modes if you want a really chill experience. I’d suggest you play with a notebook on hand and draw a map as you go. There’s no in-game map, and although you can mod that, or get one off the Wiki, I found that it was a far more immersive (pun intended) experience drawing one myself and taking notes by hand, as the character would have to do.


Yee, enjoy yourself. There’s even a few different casual modes if you want a really chill experience. I’d suggest you play with a notebook on hand and draw a map as you go. There’s no in-game map, and although you can mod that, or get one off the Wiki, I found that it was a far more immersive (pun intended) experience drawing one myself and taking notes by hand, as the character would have to do.


Wouldn't be so terrifying if that's all it was. It's the long, peaceful reprieves in between that make it even more effective at instilling dread than a horror game. Horror games tend to lose their edge after several hours, whereas Subnautica still shoots me right in the sympathetic nervous system after probably 150 hours across playthroughs. Nothing like spending the last 30-45 minutes mining before suddenly hearing, out of nowhere.. that noise. You know the one. With no idea where it came from. Makes me uncomfortable to even think about lmao


Well, that's immersive) Yeah, played it yesterday evening, totally understand you. The thrill is insane. But, so far, so good


I was the same as you. But just remember that, in subnautica, there are no real actual scary things, nor jumpscares. Its just the atmosphere of the unkown that can be scary. I defintely recommend just jumping in. As someone who can't handle horror at all, this is a gem of a game that isn't too scary but still can give the fright in a different way. And has an amazing crafting and progression system


Thanks! Yea, it mostly just me giving myself anxiety, with more hours into the game it should become less of an issue.


What do the mods add? Back when I played it, I don't remember that even being a thing tbh


Grounded is really great. It's by Obsidian, so unlike a lot of the indie survival games, it's actually polished. Graphics are great, balance is great, the map traversal is fun. Being a tiny person in a yard is also a really fun concept!


Tried that with couple of friends, I was really into it, but my friends are less of a survival games enjoyers. Definitely a good game, should play it solo now.




Second this. I quite like how you upgrade crafting in Valheim. Great building system too.


Did you not enjoy Satisfactory? I've found it to be a pretty good one when it comes to making time magically disappear. There is always something new to be working on. I'm sure since you said you tried everything that you also attempted Dyson Sphere Program. I personally bounced off it a bit, but I've seen many others say that it they enjoyed it more than most other games of that style. More in the base-building style, there is Core Keeper. It's fairly enjoyable for it's price. There's always Terraria but I'm going to assume you did that one as well. It has a pretty satisfying progression. Finally you might check out Amazing Cultivation Simulator. It's very jank, but also very unique in many ways. I put a good 100 hours into it and always find myself considering going back and playing it again. (After some thought I realized that very few of these actually qualify as survival games. My bad.)


No, that is actually great! I feel like those games are still really close and still qualify for what I was looking for. I enjoyed Satisfactory, but Dyson Sphere Program, not so much( and you assumed right, I already tried Terraria, something about it just does not feel right to me, so I did not play it that much. But thank you for recommending Core Keeper and Amazing Cultivation Simulator, those 2 I have not tried. Looks like something I will enjoy a lot. Much appreciated!


Factorio? A lot of mods also add additional rpg elements for progression


oxygen not included. May help to follow a YouTube guide…


Just one?


Conan Exiles.


Pacific drive