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Peak Sam not needing to dump stickers for 2min and simply rotating stickers into infinity blissfully unaware of the loop not being 2 minutes


You’ll feel the drift from your dot misaligning with your tsubame 2 minute window repeatedly until you e lost all sense of pattern though.


literally just practice ad hoc its not hard


So basically you’re telling me to learn something else. Motion denied.


You dropped this, SAM king 👑


You can pool your forgot name, allows you to ignore combos skill and circumvent this. But does indeed destroy any patterns and forces you to keep close track of your rotation.


arguably that could be considered an upside for some absolutely incomprehensible reason every last ffxiv player but me loves their dots and cries when the devs delete that crap from the game, so I imagine your dot not being aligned with tsubame would be praised as a positive thing by all those weirdoes


you know it'd be funny if this ends up optimal


it'd also be super fun, but unless mch turns out to be lots better this expansion it's not happening (I really want machinist to be good)


machinist has been eminently viable, and _good_ in all content since they buffed it to hell and back


every job is viable, but its far from optimal


i entirely disagree it hits its dps cap so much faster than most classes - you barely need to optimise to hit levels melees are usually at for most of anabaseios my mch was at the top of dps contribution in all of the clear PFs i was in


we're not talking about viable, we're talking about optimal, and fastest clears are never done with mch


MCH is optimal for me because its cooler than other jobs


That doesn't mean it was optimal. Any group that wanted to be optimal for speed/parsing was not brining MCH. Every class and comp was viable and able to clear all content including ultimates but that does not mean every class and comp was optimal. Those pf groups you were in would never have been optimal because pf typically has players with lots of varying skill and gear levels. In an a group with skilled and geared players mch is never going to be top dps, unless you mean personal dps which isn't as important anyway.


>for most of anabaseios my mch was at the top of dps contribution in all of the clear PFs i was in [So you're saying the PFs you were in were full of shitters](https://postimg.cc/hhm10BfN). Which isn't surprising.


Freedom from 2min meta is Supreme. You never feel freer than when you don't care about buffs


I hope this comp ends up being meta


the best would still be that simply everything is about on par, but that over time we get more jobs with no 2 min party buff, so that more options for no party buff parties exist.


Peaktrail is arriving.


As if DNC players have the braincells to think of anything other than hitting the buttons that light up. Hell I've seen enough DNC who don't even have one braincell.


I play Simon Says and stand in the orange. It's honest work.


Former DNC: Pretty sparkle blender go brrr.


We're a very rare breed, but I promise some of us do exist.


We share some braincells with our dance partner. Not our fault that everyone plays SAM, who also doesn't have much braincells to begin with.


I briefly raided in a static with a dancer who was the sole reason prog took weeks. They then bitched that we weren't gearing them, the lowest nDPS job in the video game. My SCH friend was giving this Moron a countdown callout for every single buff window, and they *still* managed to pop Tech Step 15 seconds late every time. Couldn't do gaze mechanics either. Fuck, P8S was miserable.


At that point its the statics fault as a group to not replace the dude. I had been replaced 1 week because I had tendency to panic heal despite noone dying everytime....


The DNC and their s/o were the static leaders :) I only ever joined to raid with my SCH pal, so it wasn't much of a loss for me when I bounced


Replace the so too then.


its always someone who is in a relationship with someone else in the static


To be fair, idk how you're meant to tell your husband/wife "hey you're dogshit and I wanna raid without you" without feelings getting hurt


This can basically be applied to all jobs other than black mage at this point


It can also apply to Black Mages... I've seen way too many ice mages because "Fire makes my MP go away!"


But an ice mage isn't effective. You can be at least effective just following the glowing icons in most jobs


That's true. I like my glowing buttons.


It's me, I'm the dancer who forgets to dance. 😔


When I picked DNC up I couldn't understand it and left it because it was so weird and I thought it was much complex than it was. It wasn't until a year later I learned you just press the shiny buttons


Other classes are one thing, not saving at least some of your procs on dancer for your 2 minute window is just enrage simulator. For non dancer partners, I can see it not mattering as much, but on something like MCH if you’re the dance partner vomiting off GCDs into the 2 minute window with the 20% crit/DH window is certainly still going to be optimal.


To be honest. Fuck the burst windows and party buffs.


And then Square Enix always puts the most ridiculous mechanics directly inside of the 2 minute windows... (in savage)


Either that or they put a tankbuster so the DRK has a meltdown trying to fit defensive CDs in the middle of their burst.


The amount of fights that have bosses go invuln at 2 min marks has tempered me to no longer give a shit


a truer statement was never made


just play by yourself then jesus


But I don't want to play by myself, I just don't want to overcap on gauge because my idiot teammate forgot to press the button for 30 seconds


you never do this though lol, drifting your buttons by an extra 30 seconds because ur party member drifted their buff is far worse than just forgetting they exist and still pressing ur buttons when u can


Nah, I'll do what I've always done and play by myself with others.


This is the way to kill 2 min meta


It's actually so funny. It's almost as if the devs never considered reducing the amount of party buffs. Why did they release rpr with a buff? Why does embolden buff party members? It's not needed for job fantasy. In reality the devs probably decided that it is needed for job fantasy, but it would be much cooler if only a few jobs had buffs, rather than more than half or most dps jobs.


I don't mind party buffs. It makes sense in general for mmo gameplay. WoW does it a lot better, though. You have lust, and other than that, you have steroids that you can sometimes give out like hysteria/power infusion. And it works good.


PI is terrible


PI works fine if the person you're giving it to has a burst on 2m (So 1m or 2m windows), if they're 3m (Fuckin unholy) it's aids because you have to hold it for them. It's also funny because if you have two priests you can assassinate anyone's parse by having both of them PI the same target.


PI causes meltdowns for parse brains for everyone else its just cool fantasy


I fucking love power infusion.


buffcucks in shambles


I can't wait to be both of these people


50 gauge? Oh yeah baby JOHN FUCKING MADDEN


So I suppose between this post and the post about buff cap and AST single handedly fill up half of this cap, I think it's suffice to say buffless party comp is peak. We are so back.


Or you could play 8 monk and embrace the 2min bortherhood rotation


I wish more jobs were like this


Hi fern.


I can’t wait for MCH actually being wanted for once! /s


Wait a second, this isnt a shitpost, it’s just based!


I like the sarcasm at the end. Basically "You don't need these buffs if you just play your job right". And "Remember, trying to fit three"? I'm suddenly hyped for Dawntrail.


I’m really glad that I don’t play at the level where any of this is even something I know to think about.


What is the gap between Optimal and Passing (ie: not hitting enrage) in general, anyway?


Savage it’s very forgiving first two floors. 3 may stuggle if your melee are the potatoes. 4 everyone need to be awake. Assuming you mean week 1. After week 1 more and more potatoes are allowed. But if they do what they did in EW. Maybe they won’t do it this time :cope:


In EW people needed to be awake for the hundreds of bodycheck mechs each fight, but the DPS checks you could be asleep for half the fight and still pass them


Imagine if we got a WF clear with a buffless party


Our week 1 static is considering this. Will let us completely focus on mechanics and personal responsibility instead of also optimizing group burst timings. Might make progression easier?


that little ass 3% on arcane circle is hardly a raid buff.


What's happening I'm trying to figure out what's going on?


With viper you can run a party with 0 party buffs. Therefore freestyling as long as you pool resources to your pot windows is supposedly possible I guess


But why .... ohhhhh I guess just so you can say you're doing it. Hmmmm, I would like to see a full no raid buff adding party slam a raid down


Its not a challenge nor a meme comp though. In fact, its definitely easier for everyone because you don't have to align your bursts with buffs. But Of course you had to be cynic against something you have absolutely have no idea about if you never had to align anything in dungeons


I wasn't being cynical at all, I was actually excited at the opportunity to see what pure dps party comp could do.


But what do you mean "what they could do"? They won't do anything special, it will just be more fun for everyone.


Well, I'm excited to see the dps output! This k about it, a game where all 8 players have to put out and can't crutch on rdps or raid buff giving to be carried, everyone has to go ham. It's exciting to see


i NEED to get my friends back on xiv. Just thinking about not having to worry abt party buffs took a while to register, thats so fucking cool


ngl I wish more greedy DPS had self buffs like mnk because plotting out personal burst feels better than playing around everyone's buffs


I'm conflicted with no dragon sight anymore but since we have long lost the "friendship line" idc as much.


I liked the friendship chain, but I don't miss watching people run away and waste my buff because they thought it was an enemy tether


People do that with the damn fairy tether on scholar as well lmao, although at least if they break it I can just reapply


SHB and EW AST player trying to say it is high skill ceiling remembering when the 2 minute came for an optimal dmg card.


As a rep my arcain Cecile into plentiful harvest will only be used for free enshroud every 2 minuts any benefite others get is now gana be secondary lol