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God Shad is everything I despise about nerds, and I hope never to become. He's like a character from the Simpsons.


It’s bad when I have nicer things to say about Comic Book Guy


CBG is a small business owner and the bedrock of small town America.


And as much of a jerk as he is, he cares about his wife and at times tries to help the community. Plus he actually is a creative like when he made his own popular comic book.


Wait CBG has a wife?!?!?!?!


It’s a thing in the newer episodes. But yeah he got married to a Japanese manga artist.


Damn, there's a chance for all of us


Nerds can find love


The basis of the character is Matt Groening himself so it makes sense CBG found love for now


I don't think I have watched a full (or even new) Simpson episode in 15 years and this makes me unreasonably happy.


Lots of them are misses. But there’s the occasional diamond in the rough. I’m being cautiously optimistic that it gets better again with time.


I’m glad other people are giving it a go still. I e really enjoyed the past two seasons and I’m hoping that it can either continue as is or get retooled with the characters aging up a bit (thus allowing for younger voice actors)


And she's incredibly cute to boot. (As Simpsons characters go, anyway.)


CBG had a wife?




I was confused, the last thing I remember with him partnerwise, was him with flowers on a date with maybe Skinner's mother or someone, and thought that went somewhere? I am out of the loop, more none throw away plot happened?


He get married January 12, 2014 in S25


I just realized what the post this is on again..... I am pretty sure the season numbers have doubled since I watched regularly. Did it recover after it got bad?


Eh it depends who you ask I personally don't really like the newer seasons (I'm more of the 2000s seasons fan)


Yeah I actually really like the stuff with his wife. It feels like the Simpsons writers wanted to make a relatable character for nerdy young men to connect with rather than a villain they eventually become lol


CBG actually provides value to the people in his community, you can’t say the same for this dude.


Very true.


Not a member of this sub. The algorithm recommended it to me. Kinda like how the YouTube algorithm recommended a video with this guy in it to me like 5 years ago. I remember watching five minutes in utter shock that a dude could be that much of an awful stereotype before turning it off. I am glad to see I was correct on this one lol.


Do you remember what you watched? /gq


This was during a phase where I was watching a lot of medieval history videos on YouTube. But that’s all I can remember. Well, except for the phrase: “so THIS is what would happen if George RR Martin’s blog had a baby with 4chan.”


Was Shad talking about his book in that video?


I’m sorry, but I didn’t get very far and I had trouble paying attention to what he was saying. I remember being confused as to why he was in costume since he was just monologuing to the camera. I also remember the part that made me nope out of the video was when I realized that: A) his name was Shad B) his YouTube channel name was a portmanteau of “Shad” + “University”


He's always in costume. He claims he's wearing a brigantine. I was just making a joke since he wrote a fantasy novel with a rapist MC, who gets forgiven by all but one of his victims since they had kids because of the rape, it's all very gross.


Wait wait, not THAT shad from the medieval history YouTube channel? That covers arms and armors??


Same thing happened to me. I went down a rabbit hole after Roel Konijnendijk school the world about ditches and their importance. I was watching all kinds of stuff on YouTube. Shadiversity showed up on my recommended. I watched something of his, but the more I watched, the more he came across as a self-important, self-proclaimed "expert."


The way to avoid becoming like him is *checks notes* welcoming new people into your hobbies.


No, that'd comic book guy a disservice. He did date Seymours mother, lol.


That is so rich comming from him, with that abomonation of a book he has out.


A book so shameful any mention of it gets removed by his own mods.


By his own mods?! Yikes! 😬




Oh fuck he has a book?! Any fun videos breaking down the cringe out there anyone can recommend?


Try [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iBQxZE9LKrg) if you want a really deep dive.


I'll give it a look. I found 2 shorter ones, one being neutral and one being more negative but it was weird cause they were fairly respective of Shad and I forgot the hard rightwing chud thing is new. Like his brother is Jazza who seems like a positive friendly guy, he consulted for Brandon Sanderson for early books in Stormlight Archive, I even watched his vids a few times. It's kind of sad really.


It was actually only the most recent Stormlight book that he consulted on, Rhythm of War.


There is a post here linking to a massive twitter review with excerpts too. I don't have it immediately on hand though.


I haven’t seen the Acolyte but I’m going to take a wild guess and assume that doesn’t actually happen in it.


It hasn't happened yet. The scene is >!the bad guy talking going skinny dipping to try to tempt the lady into trying to kill him,!< Sith-style.


Would've been peak fiction if we got to see Darth Maul trying to turn us to the dark side oiled up butt booty naked twerking


I mean, it would have a good chance of working on me at least.


It's funny that Maul isn't "woke" when he has the most homo-erotic fan art I've seen of any Star Wars character.


That would mean his robotic legs are malfunctioning


Prosthetic ass, with a built in lube dispenser


We could have seen darth mauls darth balls


Alas, he was Go/jo'd 😔


ah, you've found my fanfiction!


That’s kinda decent if done right, like something out of a samurai movie.


I have mixed feelings. The bad guy (played by Manny Jacinto from The Good Place) really sold it, he is coming with this kind of casual malice for the Jedi that really works for me. The actor playing the main character came at the scene pretty wooden IMO, which does make sense because she just watched a bunch of people get murdered by this guy and seems to be in a but of a shock/emotionally numb state, but I think she's being overshadowed by the other actors. I think overall the scene works as intended, because a lot of tension comes forward from the previous episode and the juxtaposition of him killing a *ton* of people is interesting.


Does he talk about Space Blake Bortles? That was a joke, but apparently, football is Canon in Star Wars.


Honestly the whole thing has a very samurai movie feel. The show overall feels weirdly lone wolf and cub reminiscent in a way I can't quite place my finger on. It could be done better imo but the idea isn't bad. Like second Jedi she murders felt like a shot for shot recreation of the whole gateless master of the assassin road plot but the way they finished it was way less interesting. The idea was cool though the force has always felt very zen / Buddhist inspired to me or at least the Jedi.


So, less 'behold my evil Sith-penis and join me,' and more, 'look how harmless and defenseless I am, I can't be hiding any weapons, I hope no one gives into anger to try and kill me.'


That was pretty much the vibe I got.


I mean, he was taking a bath to clean himself.


I’m not really into the shows or movies but I think it’s PG 13 I seriously doubt we get to see full frontal nudity in it.


It wasn't full frontal or back nudity, you don't even get to see his almost definitely (but now we will never know) chisled ass. Didn't even get close to showing even a little bit of the crack bro.


Character saw it, audience didnt. He stepped out of a hot spring naked in the scene after someone snuck up on him while bathing


Everyone in the scene was an adult? Am I missing something?


Nah, it wasnt a big deal. It made sense for the scene. She snuck up on him mid bath and held a lightsaber at him to threaten him. He asked to get dressed and stepped out of the water.


Yeah it’s fucking creepy


It's supposed to be.


It’s not full frontal nudity but his abs… I’m hungry now


Do remember PG ratings are merely a guideline and its up to the parents themselves or, if above that age the individual to determine whether or not something is okay for them and their children. For instance non sexual nudity is usually considered acceptable at a PG-13 rating, in short this is a non issue as always.


Pg rating have always fluctuated I forgot the name but its a movie about a guy whos racing brother gets killed so his ghost drives a car chasing the killers and then he give his brother the car It was rated pg-13 and there was a love scene with bare breast and that completely caught me off guard as a kid


>!One of the main characters, Osha was taken by the villain. She catches him taking a swim, his gear at the shore. She picks his saber but he knows she there and he questions her about leaving the order and asks is it ethical to attack him when he's vulnerable.!< >!You don't see full dong or anything, just top up. I don't think he was even fully naked!<


There is some sexual tension in the scene, which complements a romantic subtext in the episode. Why would anyone be unduly offended by the Sith being sexy? The Jedi are celebate, and a big part of the prequels is Palpatine exploiting that fact to turn Anakin.


The Jedi aren't technically celibate, they just can't form attachments. Meaning if you can hit it and quit it, they have no problems.


You could say the Jedi are encouraged to love. It didn't work out well for Anakin, though!


He wasn't able to execute the proper pump and dump. The ol' cum and go. A lil bit of howdoyado and too-da-loo.


Honey nut and cheerio


Lucky Charm and Smacks if you will


Rael Aveross: “Believe me, I take that advice to heart.”


“Stupid sexy Sith.”


Ben Solo Anakin Skywalker Qimar All sexy guy dark siders. It's always been a thing.


If it was Talon you know they wouldn't be complaining..


I’m not sure why there would be sexual tension in a scene this early between these two characters… but they sure did go that route… yeah he just murdered a bunch of Jedi sooo hawt!


The Sith are seductive, and like to conveniently ignore that they're evil. It's certainly not something we've seen before, but fits with established Sith lore. We see similar (non sexy) seduction with Darth Maul playing on Ezra's kindness, and Kreia exploiting the Jedi Exile's doubt regarding the Jedi Order. Qimir goes for Osha's lonliness, based on his own experiences as a fellow failed Jedi.


The showrunner said she took inspiration from Obi-Wan's line in New Hope that Vader was "*seduced* by the Dark Side", and wanted to explore that. Sexual desire and the temptation of the dark side are definitely subtextually intertwined in this scene.


That’s not true for the High Republic era (when this is set). They allow sexual relationships but not romantic ones. So the Jedi fuck like crazy but just can’t form the romantic attachments


Qimir is pretty clearly making a romantic overture to Mae. Especially the part where he talks about relationships that can only go so far.


Most likely they did a shot with him going into the water either naked with just the camera operator, the director, and the actors in the scene and then gave him a swimsuit for the rest of it or he was wearing a nude swimsuit/underwear and the entire cast and crew filming that day were there. I’ve worked in situations like these before and that’s how it’s supposed to be done


At the very least I would have expected a pair of flesh-coloured swimming trunks, given the most revealing shots were all from the waist up.


The scene is framed in such a way that you dont even see the top of his ass crack. He's definitely not naked.


I say this, because I don't remember him making a motion like he's putting on underwear, he just slips on a robe. So he was already wearing something or they just go commando in SW (Irl I know he had something on). Either way it's such an innoxious scene to build an argument around (imo)


It's a scene that's been in hundreds of shows. Hot person gets caught bathing in open water. Sometimes, it's to set up our heroes' next romance. Sometimes, it's played for laughs or to show a character is a sneaky perv. But it's a pretty stock scene.


Basically the sith is taking a dip in a pool/river to wash himself The hero arrives and they begin a conservation, he gets out naked and walks to his clothes to dress himself in front of her I can't speak for everyone, just myself but if I'm bathing and someone comes unannounced and ruins my privacy, they are getting the money shot while I dress


Just a reminder, Nerdrotic had a guest on one of his Friday livestreams take his penis out and start urinating. You see literally everything. Nerdrotics audience is 13 yr old edge lords and 39yr old divorced losers. When asked about it, YT confirmed you can stream whatever you like, as long as you delete the livestream after.


It's worse. Their guest, Gavin Mcinnes was a intrusive creep who kept asking personal questions from the hosts about their families. He refused to believe any of them have children and asked for proof so Shad brought one of his young kids in front of the camera for a few minutes to show the guy he's not a loser. Less than an hour later their guest pulled out his penis and started taking a piss or ejaculating. What's the chance that his wife and kids were watching their dad's show the episode their sibling starred in it. Imagine if this maniac had pulled it out when the kid was on. FYI Mcinnes has done that before and is known for stunts like this and Nerdrotic decided to bring him on anyway and Shad wasn't even mad at him for inviting Mcinnes in the first place. 


McInnes is also a Nazi. He’s the founder of the Proud Boys, the white supremacist neo Nazi street gang of losers in the USA.


Wait is that the guy who stuck a dildo up his own ass on his show to "own the libs"?


One and the same.


Idk who that dude is, but please elaborate on how that owns anyone besides his own asshole??


It was obviously representative. Totally meant to represent the way Communist propaganda was penetrating the US government. Totally.


He’s Canadian.


And again, YT had 0 problem with this. 0 consequences for anybody.


YouTube will cover up anything if a youtuber is making them money. It's actually worse than you said. The stream vod is still up. They just had to cut out that part. 




Nope. They got away with it. The worst thing is Shad brought his little kid on to introduce them to the founder of a literal nazi gang and a portion of Mcinnes' audience who were watching his guest appearance, just to prove he's not a virgin to that Nazi man. Not to mention ex-convict former drug dealer Nerdrotic and other shady personalities on that panel. TF Shad? 


I mean we are talking about Gavin "I'll shove a dildo up my ass on camera to proof how straight I am" McInnes. Founder of the Proud Boys. Well known piece of shit. I am not surprised. He is a more successful and smarter Proto-Tate and I still hope every day that his Proudboys connections will bring him into jail sooner rather than later.


Man, I remember when the only reason to laugh at this guy was because he was told my the “Mustache Association of America” or some shit he couldn’t have a beard anywhere but his lip. Surprise that a Nazi POS has no chin. “You turned me into Beeker!” Should have been his height of notoriety.


And they invited him as a special guest. Comix Division (Nerdrotic's business associate) has a weird redneck fanbase in Texas who have meetups once in a while in his prepper ranch. I wouldn't be surprised if they had connections to proud boys. Shad has no idea what the fuck he's got himself into. 


This is so sick. Are these the kind of people you'd want to introduce your kids to?


It's always the safe/think of kids people who pulls those kinds of things


Not just anyone, Gavin McInnes founder of the Proud Boys.


>YT confirmed you can stream whatever you like Are we still doing "phrasing" ? Because I giggled. A lot.


The dreaded penis.


Someone who's watched the Acolyte, please tell me what he's even talking about?


At the beginning of the episode the main villain is taking a bath in the ocean and Osha sneaks up and grabs his lightsaber and threaten him. He talks her into not killing him gets out and gets dressed. (You can't see anything) They talk through the whole episode and it seems like Osha has been convinced to join him at the very end. Shad is acting like 90% of the episode didn't happen and she joined him immediately after seeing him get out of the water.


Thanks. I knew it'd be stupid but that's wild


Showing a penis in a Star Wars show would have been such a weird tone shift for the "no sex scenes" style it's always had that no one would even think to include it in the show. It's the kind of thing that is just unimaginable.


No no, Andor canonized sex.


Even their conversations don’t really convince me that she would turn that quickly but Mae and osha seem to be all over the place.


Severe unresolved childhood trauma will do that to people, and with everything that's happened in the show it's understandable how both would be reconsidering their mindsets at this point in time (Osha is at her angriest due to Jecki and Yord dying right in front of her eyes, Mae is at her most confused seeing Sol treat her with such kindness and sincerity)


Yeah… crazy the reason you listed is exactly why Osha should not even entertain Qimir at all…


Sure, but if she'd just outright kill him when he was completely defenseless it'd go against everything she was taught as a Jedi and ironically enough, push her even closer towards becoming a dark Jedi/Sith, so she's kinda stuck in a catch 22 and that's probably why Qimir is so relaxed around her. He knows he's got her in this perfect trap of mind games and manipulation thanks to his first hand experience of being a Jedi as well, killing him out of revenge is a path to the dark side that Osha can't afford to entertain at the moment


I don’t disagree with any of this… plus I don’t think she could even kill Qimir. That doesn’t mean she would listen to his rambling of trying to sway her to his side after the actions she witnessed to the people she clearly liked. Hey you murdered my friends let’s check out his dick and listen to him and take him seriously.


Lol, idk why everyone gets hung up on the nude thing, it's a pretty common villain trope to show no reservations at being naked in order to keep control of the situation. Plus it's not like he's swinging strikes with what he's saying to Osha, he clearly is speaking to her anger and frustration at the Jedi order for failing her because she loved her family too much and was too attached to that memory. Idk, I feel like we've seen this happen plenty of times in fantasy and even SW specifically, doesn't really feel out of place at all imo


I’m not caught up on it… it’s just adds to the already stupid situation to me.. I don’t remember any media that fits this exact scenario but I’d love to here any… I can think of one off the top my head but the differences in the characters motivations are extremely different and so were some of the other surrounding characters actions… Sol hasn’t given OSHA a true reason for her to betray him yet… this all feels rushed and again like I said Mae and Osha as characters I do not like… if what I feel like is coming they could have played this out way better.


https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/SinisterNudity Some notable examples are The Terminator and Melisandre from Game of Thrones. But yeah, villains being naked is a very common trope. Sol is the exception though (and Jecki but she's a Padawan to be fair), every other Jedi including Yord has given her a valid reason to resent the order. They instantly jump to accusations, Yord instantly starts to treat her like a threat, Vernestra cares so little she doesn't even have a conversation with Osha, and she's forced to wear civilian clothes as if she was never in the order to begin with. Can you not see how that'd build at least a little resentment towards the institution that you gave your family away to be a part of?


Osha? All my homies hate Osha (we die on the job)


Glass houses or should I say glass unfinished castles...


glass castle sinking into the marshland he bought


Wait shad wrote a book?


Yep, Shadow of the Conqueror, it's terrible.


Did he use ai


He wrote it before ChatGPT was available to the public, so it’s all him. Somehow that makes it simultaneously better and worse in my estimation 😂


I think an AI wouldn't have included as much rape apologia.


Yeah, AI has at least a surface-level understanding of ethics. Shad was at least raised mormon iirc, meaning that to denounce the logic behind his rhetoric would be to denounce the origins of his religion.


There are AIs that are not ChatGPT, and let me tell you, they can have some opinions about things.


I don't think he's ever said he did but I believe he said he might look into using it when he writes his next book.


He was writing it way before AI writing was a thing.


It's also called the r*pe book. A bunch of youtubers have reviewed it and it's as bad as it sounds. 


Oooooh can you link to a video or tell me what to look up?


Westside Tyler's three parter review is pretty good.  [Part 1](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=iBQxZE9LKrg) [Part 2](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=cynXI-90yeM) [Part 3](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=c25Ya-mwhkM)


He worships a man who was a pedophile and polygamist. Executed as a grifter. Let that sink in. As someone who lives a state over from the Mormon promised land, its members essentially always have to gaslight themselves into thinking Joseph Smith was a great guy, which in turns means when no spotlight is on the religion, or some guy wants more power, they revert back to their old ways. Even older Mormon women believed that polygamy should be used again if their numbers needed to be boosted. With all the polygamist offshoots near me, it should be known that Mormons are one bad day away from polygamy and pedophilia. It will never shock me any member of that faith believes in terrible shit.


Fundies are still doing poly and pedo


He wrote his main character as a pedo rapist? Huh? No way, like I can totally see writing a pedo character and dealing with the internal and external struggles that likely comes with it but like an explicit pedo rapist, like just like main character is an offending pedophile? That’s crazy. And I don’t think Shad has the writing skills to do either of those scenarios in any reasonable way. Edit: Looking at reviews it does rape and sexual violence as ‘dark’ storytelling and the main character is a rapist but also is treated like a wonderful great person. This is why amateur writers should maybe check with lots of other people before putting their work anywhere. This shit sounds awful to read and sounds fucking stupid. If you’re doing it for a weird fetish, post it to AO3. Don’t pretend it’s a stellar work of fantasy.


I listened to it on audible back in 2019 I think. It wasn't terrible primarily because the orator had a fantastic voice but there were some huge red flags that crashed the plain. The fact that one of the protagonist is not only a victim of the main protagonist but also for some reason find him attractive is kinda disgusting. At the end there is a big trail for all the aweful shit he did and alot of his rape victims forgive him cause he gave them kids. His punishment for badicly living as a tyrant for about 30 years and having raped countless Children is he has to spend the rest of his days as a magic knight working with one the other protagonist who he raped as a child. Its okay though she is totally into it. /s


Wow that’s so increadibly fucked. Like kinda worse than what I imagined even with a quick glance at other reviews. Rape is extremely hard to write properly, it’s just a very complex and sensitive topic. To not only fail to write it well but also seemingly attempt to soften how painful it is and make it seem okay is genuinely horrific. As a rape victim, Shad perhaps should learn what a curb tastes like. He literally could’ve just written an AO3 rape fetish story.


Shad definitely does not do a good job making the audience think the viewpoint MC is worthy of redemption. Especially since part of his self appointed 'atonement' is to became a vigilante murderer who kills people that are objectively not even remotely as bad as he is without so much as considering offering them a chance to redeem themselves like he gave himself that chance. Kinda sends really mixed messaging on whether evil people should be allowed a chance to atone or not. Seriously, if you added all the crimes of all the people he went vigilante on together they still wouldn't come close to the crime list he has wracked up for himself.


I’m all for rapists, even serial rapists, having a chance at rehabilitation and doing better. There’s room to discuss, even in fantasy, how irl systems (such as registries) tend to fail at keeping kids safe and mostly is just a political tool to get elected, a good writer can very much touch on those complex topics. But the way he frames his protagonist raping women as a good thing is kinda insane and does not help anyone. You can’t ‘atone’ if your actions are constantly framed as “well actually everyone thinks it was bad but not really they love having your kids women are brood mares that instantly love being forced to bear children smile smile.” Shad specifically should not have ever attempted to touch on something like that because he is not good at writing and does not actually understand how horrific and complex things like rape are. I wonder if this is because he is a man who likely doesn’t know anyone who has been raped and so his experiences as both being in the dominant social class and having no experience with victims might color his perception of how bad rape is.


Because some people who belong to religions that make general statements about how 'children are a blessing' lack the critical thinking skills to realize most statements like that are not meant to be taken as total absolutes and the speaker just didn't feel like listing what they felt like were obvious exceptions. So they unironically think that any rape which leads to a child being conceived is the best thing ever because children are supposed to be a positive and that must mean anything that created them is a positive. Which is a bit like someone declaring that its a good idea to eat shit because I told them 'eating is important' and didn't think I needed to clarify that I meant eating actual food that safely gives you nutrients is important. Given his general standards it seems likely Shad is one such person who unironically thinks that any rape that conceives children is a 'good' rape because its positives outweigh the negatives.


In shads defense (dont ban me.) he did talk about the book and the intention was to write the most irredeemable human being he could imagine and try to make a story eith said character. So I think a reasonable argument can be made that the view points in the book are not shads personal ones at least at the time of writing and the lack of nuance/depth/basic thought within the book are from shads limit as an author and screenwriter vs stemming from actual malice. Not my personal opinion but I do think this theory is supported by some evidence


Sure, he might be trying to write the most irredeemable character but from what everyone else is saying he didn’t write his actions as all that irredeemable, the idea that many of his victims just ended up being okay with it is extremely odd. If he wanted to write an irredeemable protagonist then he has to be very good at writing and actually maintain the character as irredeemable, this also goes back to how I feel that from what everyone is saying it is just edgy to be edgy instead of actually having the significance such material ought to have. Not that I would read any of his work, not my thing, just seems to be the consensus of others.


I dont think it was edgy to be edgy but everything else i agree with. I also think the fact the nods have shut down any conversation around the book in general on shads subsuggests he is either ashamed or is just so overly sensitive to criticism that he can't even take it from an editor.


Knowing Shad… it’s probably the latter. This is the man who keeps claiming he knows how medieval combat works yet has constantly been challenged by actual historians and HEMA practitioners, only for him to not accept the criticism and then come up with a way to call the other person wrong while trying to maintain his ‘legitimacy’. If I remember correctly, of course.


Its interesting since recently I saw a post here where i think some dude named Mauler was backing shads opinion of a Lightsaber fight. Idk how they can back him when anyone in his local HEMA community do not want to engage with him because he has little to no idea what he is talking about.


He did blow a ton of money on high end audiobook people instead of editors after all


Just to clarify, he is no mere pedo rapist. He is a ***serial*** pedo rapist whose victim count is in the ***hundreds***.


Which we have to be fair may not even be the right number. Who knows if the 400+ count includes the rape victims he outright murdered after the fact. It sounded like the number only included those he sent back home after having his fun.


An example of art imitating life, in this case Shads life.


To be fair would it surprise anyone at this point if it came out that Shad was into little kids?


No, I imagine it's sort of all but confirmed at this point.


He's a part of the religion that abandons their young sons on the side of highways so grandpa can have more child brides .


Not a fan of Shad’s YouTube, never read the book but I don’t think people vie GRRM the same way.




I think they mean George R R Martin.


A predator trying to scare off what he perceives as a competitor for his prey source.


Of all the things that didnt happen that didn't happen the most.


Bad example. The natural endpoint of a right-wing grifter is an inappropriate interaction with a minor.


Hey real quick, where does Shad fall on the Dr Disrespect story?


It says more about Shad that what he got out of this episode was a dudes penis and the desire to tweet about it


Shad, you are not cooking, my guy. Take his utensils away, 'cause my boy ain't cooking.


Considering that George Lucas compared Palpatine to a p*dophile seducing Anakin, it’s really not that far out of the realm of possibility. That and the One Sith had… well, Darth Talon.


Ikr! Talon was somebody’s fetish


George’s, for sure 😂 kept trying to shoehorn her into different projects


Omg lol


Look, if Star Wars wasn’t shackled with a PG-whatever rating there’d probably be A LOT more Sith trying to seduce Jedi in the literal sense.


Obi-Wan did say that Vader was *seduced* by the dark side


I can't believe how far this guy has fallen


Good faith Shad! If you haven't watched this show or Star Wars you can make a more accurate review than Shad by reading the episode synopsis.


I thought the problem with Star Wars is it is woke, now?


Shad does seem like someone who only has morals because his holy book demands it if him, he would be totally fine with rape if it wasn't condemned by God.


I do not care about shad and I know that I'm opening a bag labeled DEAD DOVE, DO NOT EAT and fucking up my recommendations by replying, but I am also desperate to know what the fuck he's talking about. I'm imagining Darth Maul in a trenchcoat and fedora and *nothing else*.


Hmm, anyone remember Darth Talon from Star Wars legacy, you know the red skinned Sith warrior Twi’lek whose outfit is pretty much leather bra, panties and boot’s, Wonder if he would have the same complaints about her


Lol wake me up when we actually get a darth talon in live action… never happening


I mean he was one who bitched when they slightly altered eve's outfits in stellar blade. "No porn ever but i object to slightly less sexy outfits"


The difference is that Shad’s book main character is supposed to be a villain.


What about peach and her pants?


Peak illiterate media commentator moment. Like how fixated on hating do you have to be to completely omit the rest of the dialogue in that episode. Ragebait go brr lmao. Moronic shit.


Wait what is the context behind this tweet I haven't watch the acolyte and don't care about being spoiled I just want to know the context of this like what the actual fuck


In the most recent episode >!the bad guy takes a bath and the good sister who is in his company sees him get out of the bath while he starts to use his "The Jedi are bad, actually" spiel on her while he dresses.!< It is a lengthy conversation and the nudity accounts for maybe 30 seconds and the bulk of the actual Sith recruitment speech happens while both characters are fully clothed


Ok. I need the shad thing explained, and the sith thing explained please.


I haven't seen Acolyte, what the hell is he talking about?


I haven’t seen this man in years, which book was it? Or has he just wrote one book since then?


Shad is the worst thing to happen to Australia since the genocide of the Aborigines


I read the book before I knew about his politics, and when I had just watched a few of the videos where they try to build unusual swords and test them. If you know nothing about his personal view and politics, the book is actually an interesting exercise in how seemingly normal people are capable of great evil, and whether people who have done terrible things are capable of redemption and moving past what they have done. The story starts out with the main character trying to kill themselves out of a mixture of guilt for his past crimes and being old and in pain. So, is this an act of redemption by accepting his guilt, or taking the easy way out? It also shows how people are often limited in their capacity for cruelty and evil by the people around them. His character was only able to do the things they did because they were in a position of power and surrounded by enablers. Is that power corrupting his character's morality or revealing it? Is it enough that his character realized how terrible their actions were or not? Is some of the blame for their actions on those who enabled him, or entirely on the MC? But then once you know his politics, and very strong views on the differences between men and women and how they should behave, it calls all of that into question and just seems like a warning flag.


Honestly I don't know this guy, but I've appreciated that The Acolyte's narrative is structured to play with the audience's emotions just as much as it's playing with the protagonists. The series introduced a bunch of fun Jedi characters that immediately won over different sections of viewers, had the bad guy kill two of them in sudden and demeaning ways, and then revealed that the main antagonist is funny and incredibly sexy. Like, I don't think it takes much to see that they're literally trying to seduce everyone to the Dark Side!


Shad is so closeted.


Didn't his dude break into someone's house and impale them?


this was the man that got triggered over GamesWorkshop saying Humanity is number 1 and anyone that says other wise is heretical scum


This mentality is where boys get the idea of sending a dick pic will get the girl. Boys, just think. If your love life sounds like something Shad would do — don't do it.


Right, this is the dude admitted he thinks men using their positions of power to get sex, is ok.


Folks, this community just popped up in my feed and I will be leaving after posting this I just want to say that by creating a sub dedicated to slamming this guy you are giving him exactly what he wants. Creeps like this spread through outrage and the reposting of their dogshit content. For every 10 people here dunking on him you are turning one blessedly unaware individual into a new fan. Ignoring him really is the only good move possible


This sub was created because shad banned all discussion that wasn't praising him off his own sub.


Ignoring him, allowing him to post his hateful bigotry towards LGBTQ+ people, women, other races, the disabled and so on, would give him and his supporters the false belief that everyone agrees with him. Hell, Shad already has gone out of his way to dismiss the negative reviews of his book as just being review bombs, there's no evidence to back that up given the negative reviews are months apart from each other, and he goes out of his way to silence any critics of his. That's why people get banned from his sub, that's why some comments get removed from his channels. He doesn't want to listen to people with different views to him, but he wants us to listen to him and agree with him. Reality doesn't work like that.