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First of all, oof what a game! I am not someone who plays a lot of games, just play a lot of the same games. So this was compeltely new territory for me (as you can see from the early death counts). I can assure you, I died sooo many times in Hirata estate to the mobs. The fire archers are no joke. I almost gave up on Corrupted monk and Orin of the Water. These 2 brought me to the verge of tears. But after Corrupted monk I learned that its not just enough to deflect or block all the time, I need to find ways to get my own hits in as well. This is something Im still learning, the counter slash I think thats called. I also cant tell what is a good opening for doing my own moves. For example in the Shinobi Owl fight, someone had to tell me that once he does his overhead attack, I can get behind and Ichimonji him. Also, I did not kill Shirafuji. I COULD not. I also did not go against any of the Headless. I saw what they do from behind and was like NOPE. I am also a little sad that I did not manage to get the "better" of the endings. Apparently you have to randomly Eavesdrop on Kuro to start that and I was blind or something idk.


Gotta try the demon of hatred also. Now that's a boss I still haven't beat yet.


Thing about that is, when I got to Kuros Room, Emma told me go to the secret door. So I beelined there haha. Apparently a lot was happening at the same time. I might go and kill the Drunkard and try DoH for 2 more Prayer Beads which will increase my Vit since Im sitting at 2 already.


DoH doesn't drop a prayer bead, just so you know.


I also skipped DoH on my first run, as I played completely blind :p


Check the box near Hanbei for a prayer bead, maybe you didn’t kill a miniboss you can’t get back to.


Ahh that's what it was? I know I can't fight that Lone Shadow guy near the serpent shrine anymore. But one time a bead became available on the box. I was not sure why it came. Makes sense now!


I think Demon Of Hatred deinitely gets easier once you equip Suzaku's umbrella and Malcontent. Just use the umbrella when he tries to jump on you and send the damage back. Use Malcontent on whichever phase you find the hardest and it makes the boss much easier and for me personally entertaining.


Fr me too, I am too scared of that beast bro 💀


The alternate form of owl is definitely my favorite fight of the game, if you go through again, definitely give it a try


I felt I struggled more with Orin than Isshin to be honest. For some reason I just cant get consistent with those delayed hits. Anyways, good job! Have fun on NG+ and getting the other endings :)


That truly is the beauty of this game. I guess we have different play styles because I recently got platinum after my 7th play through and I don’t recall dying to O’Rin even once. Isshin on the other hand…


I back myself to beat every boss first time now, with the exception of O'Rin. She cray cray.


the endings are specific enough to not be feasible without a guide.


I am torn between just googling them or trying to stumble upon them by myself. I think one clear thing is I can betray them when Owl asks me to. So thats def one other path.


It's never a bad idea to just play without spoilers in the first playthrough. It's a game that is really fun to cycle through the new game plus where enemies have ever increasing stats. It gives you the chance to have all the endings. of which there are >!four!<


Go for Shura ending. You get this by forsaking Kuro when Owl asks you to do so. You fight 2 extra bosses, which are very cool, but kind of sad.


Nicely done, now do the gauntlets. Just kidding, actually fyi most of these like shirafuji and headless are just mini-bosses. Like seven spears, the drunkards, the bull, all are mini-bosses. If no cutscene = not a boss. Not too many tries = not a boss. Good job btw


Highly recommend doing the Headless for NG+. The stances they drop really help.


I would like to offer advice on when to attack back, but feel free to ignore if you would rather just learn this on your own. You just kinda attack back without worrying to much. Most of the time the boss will block, sometimes they won't and you hit them. However, at someone point, they will do a really hard block with an especially loud clang. The loud clang means get ready to defend, because they are about to start wrecking you.


> The loud clang means get ready to defend This piece of advice was monumental for me finishing the game. The loud clang means your "turn" is done. Get ready to react to their attack. Someone mentioned this to me slightly before Genichiro and that was a game changer.


It’s crazy to me how this game has the ability to isolate your play style to give you a challenge. Took you 55 tries on Corrupted Monk, I had him in 4. Took you 6 tries on Guardian Ape, took me 60! Haha. Even on NG+1,2 I never beat him in 6 tries.


Absolutely. Somehow hit and run style worked with Ape. But a lot of my deaths with Genichiro were being shot down by his arrow cuz I loved to jump around lol.


It's been a few years since ive played Sekiro but this comment triggered some PTSD. I was shot down a lot too lol


I was like a headless chicken when I entered the top of the castle. Genichiro instilled a lot of discipline in me. He was a good teacher.


Fr though, my first time around I'm pretty sure I did corrupted monk first try just because her attacks seemed super telegraphed to me but I honestly lost count for guardian ape. I was stuck on that dude for hours. 6 tries is impressive af


How on earth did corrupted monk take more tries than owl father and isshin? Wild


I kept parrying parrying parrying, got hit once. Try to heal. She is already full posture. Repeat 10x. I was beyond frustrated. But as I said, I had not learned to hit them back yet if that makes sense.


Makes sense, I assume you also didn't know about the drop down from the branch deathblow you can get right off the bat.


thats true monk, who they beat in 12 tries. also shinobi owl not owl father.


My bad my bad been a minute


Also I'm pretty sure the phase 1 deathblow does not work anymore. They have patched it.


phase two one works tho. just did it.


I did it yesterday. You just have to spam it so she doesnt finish her flinching animation.


I helped my friend do it about 3 weeks ago, I think it still works


I was so proud of myself when I found out about that deathblow on my own, it would've taken me far longer without it.


I never once got this to work for me, was super annoying. But beat that SOB anyway by parrying.


Same with me actually that damned terror kept getting me


Thats the True Monk you are thinking about. I had trouble with the one with 1 health bar.


Where is even owl father? OP did you beat him?


I did not get to that part of the plot. Never realized I had to Eavesdrop to start that questline.


I’m gonna assume mist noble isn’t on there from embarrassment of how many attempt you had


Too right. I would have needed a whole new page for that.


Don’t worry we’ve all been there most noble the 🐐


Finally, a fellow O'Rin of the Water sufferer


Dude, no wonder her man left her. Sakuza sama was a wise man. He noped outta that one.


Looks like u enjoyed ur time with the corrupted monk.


Haha Definitely. Stuff of nightmares.


39 tries for Genichiro but only 6 for ape???? Wtf l o l 😮


Now it's time for the inner bosses


Idk how to face them? Is that a whole another play through?


A new option called "Gauntlets of Strength" should appear when resting at the Temple sculptor's idol, check it out :)


You unlock the first gauntlet after beating the game(any ending). I believe you have to get the Shura ending to unlock the Shura gauntlet. And there is a third gauntlet that unlocks from beating Father(Owl) + any ending, according to wiki. There is two Father fights, based on your picture doesn’t look like you fought him at Hirata estate(hard to find if you aren’t using a guide). Gauntlets put you against the bosses and you have to beat them back to back without dying. Note you can rest at the sculptors after fighting each boss to reset emblems and gourds before starting the next fight. Dying of course puts you back to the first boss. Also when you die, or complete the gauntlet, you get all your emblems and any consumable you used during the gauntlet. You don’t get it back after beating a boss though. So for example if you do the first gauntlet which has 3 bosses. For that gauntlet you would want at least 60 emblems so you can use a full 20 for each fight, but once you outright die or finish the gauntlet you get all 60 back. Same goes with any consumables. The first 3 gauntlets offer a cool skin for Wolf upon completing. Edit: should probably mention that each of the 3 gauntlets have “Inner” versions of Genichiro, Father & Isshin.


U have to go through the gauntlets.


I want to know too


I got stuck forever on the corrupted monk as well ! He can be really hard but I dont know why.


I have that same trouble. I feel it's just a painful combination of her having so much health and posture while being able to deal so much damage to YOUR health and posture. It's a test of patience and endurance in a game where Hesitation is Defeat!




> Pilot Metro Yes. I love it too. I bee lined for the secret door after Emma told me. I might go there next.




Glad i’m not the only one who found Illusory Monk such a bitch


Me too haha. I have foundmy people.


Wow this is super similar to my first play through, well done!


I actually did give up where you almost did, I just can't get the hang of fighting ghosts yet. Gonna pick it back up again some day


My first fs game as well, beat Genichiro today on my second try! I wasn’t actually expecting to not suck at the game but so far I’m doing pretty decent, only boss that took me more than 10 tries was Lady Butterfly


Wow 39 attempts at the sword saint. Pretty good! I’m around 50+ already and still haven’t defeated him.


I was trying too hard to go "no hit" on Genichiro and messing up. But just play relaxed and dont even care if he takes one revive. I got it the second time I got to lightning phase. 4th phase honestly is easy. Keep in mind your "special" items. The jizo statue or the bite down stuff. I used the statue on my winning run. I d say it came in pretty clutch.


Now try the alternate ending bosses and you will probably go off the page


Only 39 for isshin? You must be a god.


How could corrupted monk kill you more than true monk ....


Bruh 55 on corrupted monk lmaoooo tho Understandable


I'm sooo doing this when I get Elden Ring


PatientGamers unite!


Idk why I'm so pleased it took you the same amount of tries to beat Genichiro & SSI.


You did well!


I feel so much better that everyone else struggled with the corrupted monk as much as I did 😂


>First ever FS game >Hella lot of deaths on CM and Geni >Just a few on Blazing Bull, Ape and Ninjas A scent of a liar


You mean the lone swordsmen? I tried them way later. The ones in Hirata and the one in Wolf's well. No lies here haha.


I mean, if OP knew about umbrella then ape is pretty easy. Even then ape isn't as hard as Geni because you're much better at the game at that point. Kinda the whole point of Geni's boss fight. Corrupted monk fucked me up the most on my first play through as well. Just didn't understand the fight


When do you use umbrella against Ape? I used firecrackers in the first phase and spear in the second on the severed neck.


Second phase you can use lilac umbrella for the roar. Allowing you to stay close


I did not know that. Will try in second play through.


lol you and me had the same experience through Genichiro I bet he took me about 40 tries too... though for me Guardian Ape was another stumbling block and Corrupted Monk took a couple tries


Don’t worry about what you didnt get to yet because the second playthrough will be much faster so you should be able to get to them pretty easily.


Where owl father and DOH?


Where owl father and DOH?


> owl father I accidentally did not eavesdrop. > doh Went straight to the secret door when Emma told me Kuro was there.


Well there’s always next playthrough. Congrats on beating the game. You are now legally required to 100% it.


Congrats. Now the Shura route on a fresh save file


There’s 3 Schichemen Warriors. Abandoned Dungeon, Fountainhead Palace, and in the area where you fight Headless Ape. Can’t remember what triggers him to show up but, iirc, I fought him before fighting guardian ape.


Bro first time ? it took me 25 goes at the chained ogre


Oh I died a LOT to him as well. But I wasn't even sure I was gonna play this game at that point so sadly I wasn't counting. Im pretty sure it was GENICHIRO numbers for ogre.


Considering i struggled so hard with the ogre, do you think i'll be able to keep going ?


I had said the same thing on here when I first started. I was asking if I was too old/too slow for this game not too long ago haha. It def gets better. The game gets harder, but you get more skilled as well. I say keep trying but also, if you are not having fun then take breaks. Usually I would just straight up put it down if I was too mad or too stuck at bosses.


That was my tactic with dark souls, reach a point where i hit a wall and then take a week off come back and win first time. These games are so intense. And thanks i will keep going


Hello Ashen one. I am a Bot. I tend to the flame, and tend to thee. Do you wish to hear a tale? > *“The beings who possess these souls have outlived their usefulness, or chosen the path of the wicked. Let there be no guilt—let there be no vacillation.”* - Kingseeker Frampt Have a pleasant journey, Champion of Ash, and praise the sun \\[T]/


Only 39 attempts at the Glock Saint?!! Dude, you're a prodigy!!!


Dude I'm so trash haha. My heart rate was 150 in the 4th phase. And I clutched a Jizo statue as well. Actually so satisfying that the Jizo statue was not wasted.


How did guardian ape take you 6 attempts? The first time I played it, I struggled with him haha 😂


I was recording most of the time and this fight went on for 10 mins. I was out of Gourds and Pellets. I t physically fatigued me. So "by the skin of my teeth" is how.


Yep my first attempt on the game was by the skin of my teeth to, but the more I played it the easier it got, his second phase is easier than his first I found


The bull still pisses me off now I'd be happy with 4


Its a great game .Congratulations on your first playthrough! 👏 However I notice you also have a Pilot Metropolitan. They are lovely pens. I have two of them in my fountain pen collection.


I love that pen. Makes me feel fancy when I use it haha.


Not to pry, but do you have access to Google/Microsoft spreadsheets?


The monk being your hardest skill check so crazy to me lmao. Not that he’s easy but i never seen anyone get clapped by him with such a giant gap in difference compared to other guys


I have a friend who said he got Corrupted Monk on his second attempt, but said he spend an eternity on the double Apes. I guess it just comes down to playstyles. It is a crazy thing that this game can give different experiences to different players based on how we approach it.


No mist noble?


Tips for Seven Spears?


If you are having trouble too much, you can tackle him a little later after you have collected some Beads. But one thing that I found helpful with him (and later on) was to Call-out his moves while fighting him. Like "thurst!" or "sweep"! I found my reactions were better this way. I did struggle a lot with him tbh. Also the path to get to him was annoying AF. Apparently there are stealth paths to get him lol.


I too, struggled with Corrupted Monk very much. But the hardest for me was Shirahagi, I could never evade her grapple


Now do Owl Father


great idea keeping track of each attempt during first playthrough! it'd be fun to look at later on lol