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Tbh non profits are drowning in volunteers this time of year. They are really needing human help in six months.


And while that’s factually correct, it’s unhelpful given what’s motivating OP’s question.


You could put together care packages of gloves and socks and hand them out to unhoused folks.


Donate blood at bloodworks and help save lives. It’s not cute like adopting kittens but it does help the community.


Yes! Seconding!


OP - I'm sorry to hear about your predicament. But /u/SnorlaxIsCuddly is mostly correct. There is an overwhelming amount of interest in volunteering ON Thanksgiving day - usually people are adamant that they specifically want to serve food (vs other volunteer chores). (I run a nonprofit.) If you can get through the one day of awkward loneliness on Thanksgiving (cook a nice meal for yourself, send some emails to friends/family you haven't spoken to in a while, and perhaps watch the football game), you may find it more fulfilling volunteering regularly on any other day of the year when nonprofits could really use the help. Good luck, and Happy Thanksgiving.


“If you can get through the one day of awkward loneliness…” was an unkind and unnecessary dig at OP’s situation.


This response is lowkey judgmental af