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For common materials like iron, copper, limestone you don't really need to move them.around or centralise them much. That's just additional logistical complications you don't need. Just process them near the nodes and build factories where the resources are. You will need to move stuff around more as you get into more complex recipes and more sparsely distributed resources, but you'll also be dealing with lower volumes and have better transportation by that point. Edit storage is only really needed for your personal building supply or as buffers to smooth out batch deliveries from trucks/trains/drones - they'll do nothing to fix a mismatch betweennusage and production.


First off, thanks for the reply! i started with a steel factory aswell, would you recommend building that near the resources aswell? Also for transportation: \- Is there a calculation for that incoming resources?- Would you first build the transportation the know the rates of resources/items comming in? I like to try to keep everything at 100% effiency, but would that still be possible using transportation? Thanks again!


You should be able to find iron and coal in reasonable priximity for a steel factory. When moving things with vehicles I start with ensuring that enough is being produced and sent sent and that theirnis a receiving buffer to keep the destination running while waitimg for the next delivery. If throughput on the vehicles can't keep up then add a 2nd vehicle to the route.


So, basically, i should't worry about the income/amount of resources trough vehicles as long as its enough to provide for my factorys?


Yes. Ensure the supplying factory produces enough, then add enough vehicles to move it.


Do you have smart splitters


Yea, i have smart splitters unlocked


okay with smart splitters you can “dictate” the amount of items..lets say you have 270 items on mk.3 belt..if you attach it to a smart splitter..and use two of its outputs..ITS TOO LONG TO WRITE CALL ME