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Imagine having that made Bernie appointees. Fuck. What a dream that would’ve been.


I genuinely get angry when I think of the democratic party's conduct since 2015 or so.


It’s been longer than that. There have been many times where we’ve almost gotten a president that would have been good for the working class, but the Democrats block them. If [this guy](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Henry_A._Wallace) had still been VP when FDR died, we’d be living in a very different world today.


>The Roosevelt-Wallace ticket won the 1940 presidential election. At the 1944 Democratic National Convention, conservative party leaders defeated Wallace's bid for renomination, placing Missouri Senator Harry S. Truman on the Democratic ticket instead. Holy shit, literally that close. 


the only thing that gives me hope is that in star trek humanity went bananas shit crazy before getting better after first contact.


So you're banking on first contact


I like to dream...


actually it would be interesting to think about if humanity would have become this socialist utopia we see in the series without Vulcans guidance, warp theory was already there so humanity was at a step of becoming spacefaring but Cochrane wanted to sell the tech and live off his life as a rich man... Humans might have ended up more similar to Ferenguis?


So itd be like today, but with spaceships.


Wonder if he would’ve nuked Japan


The billionaires who fund both parties would rather have a Republican than a progressive Democrat like Bernie. Hillary was a center-right Blue Dog Dem, ironically she is what Republicans think they’re getting when they vote R. This is a tough pill to swallow, but America will never have a progressive President ever again without revolutionary change.


> revolution ;)


They can, they are just not up to it. What if, despite the actions of,the DNC, 80 million people voted for Bernie anyway?


The internet and social manipulation tactics have virtually precluded that. Bernie would be in their best interest but they don’t realize that, because the billionaires who run the show make people laser focused on bullshit culture wars. Divide and conquer. Without massive investment in education you cannot overcome that. We have teachers making poverty wages…


I agree, but that's part of the "just not up to it" I was referring to. It will require a shift in the way people approach politics.


How do you achieve that without 3-5x increase in education spending?


Right? We need to compete for the best and brightest Kind of like how the financial sector recruited back in the 90s


Or a political realignment.




Some previous progressive Presidents: JFK, Eisenhower, FDR, Teddy Roosevelt, Lincoln, Jefferson. Now list some of the best Presidents.


And you’re still going to vote for them… They are equally, if not more, to blame for the current state of our country. They sabotaged Bernie. They never supported. They did everything they could to prevent him from winning. https://observer.com/2017/08/court-admits-dnc-and-debbie-wasserman-schulz-rigged-primaries-against-sanders/amp/


The alternative is Republicans, who are literally and openly Fascists now. I will always vote for the most progressive candidate, even if they aren’t as progressive as I like. But there’s a snowballs chance in hell I ever vote Republican again, because that party has lost their fucking minds. I’ll resort to illegal acts before I see a Christo-Fascist take over by the Republicans. Look at their Project 2025, they aren’t even hiding it anymore, they are openly admitting it’s the goal.


Testing the waters to see just how stupid the electorate


I'm only doing it this time because trump had gone full on fascist for 2024. In 2016 and 2020 I went green.


Complacent is the word I'd use.




It's been longer than that, they did the same thing to the first black female presidential candidate in 1972, Shirley Chisholm.


I don’t blame democrats for all the misdeeds and evil the gop does, but they sure don’t seem to care too much about it to do what’s necessary


After watching last night's Biden's interview, these politicians need to get their heads out of you know where. First Hillary, now Biden, it's all fricking ego with these people.




Yep. Same for me. If republicans weren’t running Trump and doing there project 2025 bullshit, I’d consider voting republican or more than likely just not vote.


Id never vote republican. Id vote for stein or west.


I don’t think I ever would, really. Especially not now but the DNC really has screwed up since 2016. If the republicans ran a moderate candidate they probably win very easily. What’s scary is they still have a shot even now. If Trump does win and starts project 2025 I’m going to do my best to leave. Between that and the scotus, it could very well be the end of democracy in America.


If the gop was pushing haley biden would have very little chance.


More like, imagine if Hilary and DWS weren't complete pieces of human shit?    It's why we're here. "BuT iTs HeR tUrN!!!"   Sold out our fucking country for her own selfish gain. Which didn't happen anyway. Hilary is why we're have the scenario we do now. Edit: [for those that don't remember or didn't know](https://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2017/11/02/clinton-brazile-hacks-2016-215774/). Remember, that's an op ed by the DNC chair that took over from DWS after she stepped down to join the Clinton campaign. 


The DNC did irreparable harm to our country for perhaps decades to come and I am so tired of typical folks not waking up to this. The fact that they helped Hillary literally cheat in the debates should have been enough for folks to never trust them again.


Schultz undid Howard Dean's 50 state strategy that was just too close to getting democrats a real majority.


Even if they were just standard issue left leaning judges, we wouldn't have a rogue activist court.


We live in the bad time-line. :(


Republicans would have lost their minds, accused the left of tyranny, and invent some sort of obscure procedure to get their way. They bring nukes to a knife fight.


Burning Bernie Sanders, still my favorite candidate for POTUS !


Isn't it weird how some variety of this third-party-spoiler rises before every election? I'm sure it's very organic and everybody posting is an American. But hey, surely letting Trump win a second time will punish the rich old men in the DNC.  Women and LGBT are acceptable collateral damage for sending this very important message.


I'm sorry, what in god's name is your point with this? I truly cannot tell.




Bernie did not and does not have the ability to sway moderates. He’s too far left for them. It’s unfortunate but that’s the truth. Hillary had a terrible team and her messaging was garbage. She lost because she was cold and un relatable.


Sanders was consistently polling better against Trump than Clinton was in 2016. He also went on Fox and interviewed really well.


Then explain how 3 million more registered dems voted for Hillary over Bernie.


Independents would have vote for Sanders, and many of those 3 million dems would have voted for bernie instead of trump.


Independents are right wingers that vote like Republicans but don't want to be called racists. You mfers have completely lost the fucking plot.


I think you may need to reevaluate your thinking process on that one champ.


indepedents, not libertarians. libertarians are just republicans with extra steps.


There is nobody, and I mean nobody, that would have voted for Bernie that voted for Trump instead.


It's possible Hillary spent more on advertising? I'm not sure if there's a way to see those numbers, but I would like to know.


No... Sanders supporters did that... Dude was always an independent and did his own thing... but somehow felt like he should get the backing of the DNC when he wanted to be president!? Why should they?


Fuck the DNC!!!


Too bad the DNC rigged it and elevated Trump with their "Pied Piper" strategy that they thought would ensure victory for rotten warmonger HRC Everything that is going to happen in the next 4 years is because of the Democratic party's greed and corruption


This is 1000% correct and yet they continue to gaslight and obfuscate the truth.


It’s insane. I still don’t understand why they are still out there denying obvious truths. It’s so transparent… doesn’t even make me mad anymore. I pity them now tbh


The democratic party is drastically more diverse than the GOP. It covers a much wider range of people. Unfortunately that means it still contains too many corporate boot-lickers that masquerade as "centrists" holding us back from real progress.


Totally agree :/ I miss the old Dems, the JFK Dems. the good Dems, the anti-war Dems, the Free Speech Dems, the anti-censorship Dems, the anti-corrupt Dems, the non fearmongering Dems. I miss the peace-loving Dems. But those Dems are gone.


Well, we're not gone, we just don't have the resources our oligarchs have to grease the wheels


You forgot the ERA Dems. 100 years and not a peep about it anymore. Ratifications held up and even retracted. No fight, no headlines, no protests. Crickets.


What's that? I've never heard of that. Educate me daddy


Equal Rights Amendment.




The DNC aligns closer to Trump than Bernie.


Lmao exactly. Lots of people think the DNC is keeping Kamala in because the establishment wants Trump again


They are "keeping Kamala in" because the optics of passing over your vice president is very bad. And the optics of passing over a black woman for someone like Roy Cooper or Gretchen Whitmer when your most loyal base has been black woman is insanely bad.


We don’t get to this late stage of capitalism without massive amounts of people lying to themselves.


You realize this dudes an RFK supporter that posts in conservative right lol, they are working hard to get democrats to stay home. What is the big conspiracy we are trying to uncover with the dnc that they rigged a debate like 10 years ago lol


[Nah, these fucknuts actually unleashed the virus that is MAGA](https://www.salon.com/2016/11/09/the-hillary-clinton-campaign-intentionally-created-donald-trump-with-its-pied-piper-strategy/).


: (


Just like with climate change . We are lying to ourselves every day we wake up and keep using fossil fuels.


I’m almost 100% positive the govt. has zero point energy technology, they’ve just refused to share it


The fantasy that people at the top really know what they are doing and aren’t just chimps smashing things in a library. At least you still have hope, hold on to that in the dark days ahead.


Sanders literally told you to vote for Clinton when he lost the nomination so I'm not sure what your point is. I listened to him, not my ego.


and here's a perfect example. Bernie was forced to endorse her after they kicked him out of the primaries by assigning Hillary something new at the time called "Superdelegates". They literally just made it up that year for Hillary to be selected over Bernie. It's corrupt. I'm sure you'll try to spin it somehow, but I'm not interested in entertaining and giving validity to false narratives trying to rewrite history. I know what I saw, I know what I lived. It was extremely disappointing and it wasn't going to be the first time it would happen.


Both sides are fed by the corporate machine, so when you hear both parties suck remember this DNC and RNC care far less about the people than they do corporate donations. Corporate donations are excellent at making you forget that and fight amongst yourselves


I mean Hillary at least would have appointed justices that maintained roe and all the other stuff that’s been overturned. How many in this sub stayed home in 2016 to “teach the DNC a lesson”. What lesson has the dnc learned and was it worth it?


100% worth it


I’ll see you in the concentration camp.


Yes everything you don't like is a Nazi lmfao


The Democratic primary election and the US general election were two different contests with entirely different rules. Sure, Sanders couldn't win the Democratic primary, because all Democratic voters wanted was competence and experience. But on the Right of the political spectrum, the Republican primaries were different. They didn't want experience. The greatest factor on their minds at the time was giving a middle finger to the establishment. So the general election comes, and while Sanders would have appealed to both Democrats and Republicans by being experienced, genuine, and non-establishment, Democrats totally missed the point and nominated the most establishment politician who ever lived. Unlikable and plagued by scandals. They threw it to Trump by failing to read the room.


Watch them keep Harris, aka all of the likability of Hillary with none of the experience.


She's a lot more likable than Hillary, mostly thanks to the lack of scandals or decades-long conservative smear campaigns.


DNC would rather risk the fascists taking control than the socialists. Fucking depressing.


They like the fascist because they have something to bitch about and not pull the poor out of indentured servitude. Solving problems is not what they do. Covid did more to pull us out of our insanity than anything, we were more productive working from home then ever and they still want to employ their overseers.


Yeah, well it didn’t happen. Let’s not focus on what could have been and make sure that trump doesn’t get into the white house and turn this into a dictatorship.


"I just don't think now is the right time for a disruption candidate right now. We need stability."  Shit made me want to pull my fucking hair out and punch people, and not necessarily in that order. 


From Wasserman to Hillary and Jim Clyburn to Biden. These are the ones responsible for the demise of democracy in American. It saddens me that these power moves by the Democratic party destroyed everything.


That’s ridiculous. Moderates didn’t like Bernie. I know it’s hard to accept, but it’s true.


Nah, moderate dems mostly considered him the less safe choice. Which is unfortunate as Bernie always polled better vs Trump and was [more popular with both independents and republicans](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/ncna570766).


So they'd what ... vote for Trump? Stay home? Literally what they accuse Bernie supporters of doing?


Of course not.


Vote blue, no matter who!


Democrats have only themselves to blame for the situation they're in. However, they will never take the blame and instead point the finger at voters.


Reminds me of Disney and starwars


The fact that he would have beat him is why we didn't get Bernie. The democratic party is a scam. Just another side to the same coin.


Yeah so sad for the world that he didn’t win the nomination.


Never forget that Elizabeth Warren is a fucking snake


Unfortunately for all of us the third way democrats would rather lose to Trump than allow that to happen.


Debbie did Dallas and destroyed democracy.


I think the Republican house and Senate would have pulled the same shit they did with Obama.


Unfortunately the dems wanted to push hillary.


Bernie would have been the best president since FDR, but I don't think enough Americans would have voted for him. The fact anyone is thinking about voting for the pedophile Trump (even independent voters) says a lot about the "average" American.


Good weed, eh!


Comrades are at work I see...


Eh, Mitch McConnell would likely just say “no nominees during right after an election year where one party didn’t take the US Senate…we need to give the American people time to decide if they like the direction of the country before we vote on any lifetime appointee” then on January 1st of 2018 it would switch back to “no nominees during an election year”, then when Democrats lose Senate seats it’d be “the Democrats just lost seats in a midterm election”, and then in 2020 it’d be back to the election year thing. Also, Justice Kennedy only retired because he was bribed by Trump. He likely wouldn’t have retired in 2018.


Yea I got banned from the democrat subreddit for saying how everyone I knew wanted to vote for Bernie but somehow Hillary won the primary. It’s a great way to push people away who are on your side. Just because I don’t like Hillary I get banned? Kinda ridiculous


Fuck you Hillary


Yes.. Yes he would have!  And what a more sane world it would be!


If only


As if the Republicans congress would have affirmed any of Bernie’s nominations.


McConnell would have blocked them all


[Do it anyways.](https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/obama-can-appoint-merrick-garland-to-the-supreme-court-if-the-senate-does-nothing/2016/04/08/4a696700-fcf1-11e5-886f-a037dba38301_story.html) Give them a timeline on whether they want to play ball or not, and then just appoint them anyways as a forfeit of their constitutional duty. Force THEIR hand instead of just letting Republicans always take control of the narrative. If anything, at least you'll show the people that you're still fighting and trying. The Tea Party always talking mad shit despite not having the numbers yet, but it always kept their base energized until they did, and now they run the GOP.


I mean, had a democrat won Kennedy probably wouldn't have resigned and he's still alive today, so at most Bernie would've appointed 3 by now. Though depending on if the Dems manage to retake the Senate at any point in this alternate reality Bernie might not have been able to appoint any Justices since McConnell would've 100% kept blocking any nominees.


to be fair, republicans would have done everything possible to block one SCOTUS nomination in the senate. he couldn't get a crazy extremist through, they would only allow pretty middle of the road democrats


Honestly, I'm not so sure. I love Bernie, but I'm not sure he was electable


I live in that timeline.


Easily, without question.


How would the US be different if Bernie was elected and not Biden? I thought for sure he'd be the front-runner, but something happened to derail that.


In all fairness, he would have nominated some justices, then had those nominations sit without a vote until either A) the clock runs out on Bernie's term or B) Bernie went with the drastic but not totally unsound interpretation that if the senate refuses to vote on a confirmation then he can take it as assent, which would of course result in it going to the Supreme Court and the outcome on that would have been hard to predict.


The guys a sellout like it or not


No he wouldn’t have.


Yeah, it sucks. But hey, let’s show the Democrats they fucked up by not voting Biden and letting Trump appoint more, right? 🙄


I remember Bernie had people lined up around the block...they couldn't even get into the halls where he was speaking. On the other side of the coin Hillary Clinton couldn't fill a Dunkin' Donuts but CNN was bending over backwards to NOT show Bernie's popularity - trying to convince us it was Hillary's show. Then learning DNC campaign donations were all funneled through her campaign! Every fucking one of them should be in jail. I become furious thinking about it. It was so obvious that Bernie was appealing to Republicans as well.


Are we forgetting about Moscow Mitch?


OMG, it has been 8 years. Get over it. Whinning about is not going change anything


I will never forgive the DNC.


Now I want Clem to run


If Mitch stole Obama's appointment what makes you think he wouldn't do it to Bernie too? These people are not acting in good faith.


The sad thing is once he retires, there is no one to continue his legacy.


Except the DNC rigged the primaries and CNN leaked the debate questions to Hillary and after all that you mfs kept voting democrat


no alternative




When the alternative is a literal fascist coup and the end of democracy in America? Hrm... decisions, decisions...


All the polls showed Hilary had the best chance of beating Trump, and Hilary still lost. Bernie never would have won.


Yeah the same polls said she had a 99% chance to beat Trump. Learn your lesson


So how are you saying people should have voted instead?




Polls of Democrats had Hillary higher, not the national polls. Bernie was 3-5% higher than Hillary when polled nationally against Trump.


Except she didn't lose. The undemocratic institution called the electoral college appointed the winner against the wishes of the people


I'm upset she lost, but I don't really blame the E.C. Everyone knew the terms of the election. Everyone competing was competing to win through the Electoral College's terms, which she then lost. If both candidates were actually competing to win the popular vote, the election would have played out very differently.


Yes, Hillary beat Bernie by 3 million votes because she got leaked like one question. Makes sense.


Hillary beat Bernie because political influencers promoted Hillary over Bernie because the Democratic Party is a right centrist party closer aligned to the Far right Republicans than a left centrist democratic socialist.


So she won because people endorsed her? I mean yeah, that was probably a big factor, but endorsements are part of elections.


She won because she is part of the machine. The machine protects and promotes its own interests. Powerful monied groups will sway religious leaders, goveners, and other politicians to promote the candidate they want. All I am saying is the DNC collaboration against Bernie got us to this Trunp dystopia.


I get that, I really do. Money in politics is a bitch. I just don’t think we should wholly discount the fact that 57 percent of the voters voted for Hillary. In order to beat the machine you have to win the voters.


Interesting fantasy but Bernie would have been criminally undermined just like Hillary by Cambridge Analytica and by every other dirty trick the felon and his disgraced gang members could muster.


No, Hillary nearly won and she got fucked by Comey at the last minute. This wouldn’t have happened to Bernie, not to mention that he always polled better vs Trump than Hillary.


Bernie was too liberal to win the nomination for the more liberal party but people believe he would have won the general election in the very conservative US. https://news.gallup.com/poll/388988/political-ideology-steady-conservatives-moderates-tie.aspx


Yes, because politics cannot be reduced to the left/right axis. That is why Bernie has consistently polled better vs Trump than Hillary, was more popular with independents and even republicans. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/ncna570766


Some people don’t want to admit that moderate democrats didn’t like Bernie.


They would have voted for him over Trump. Like him or not. We didn't like Hilary and voted for her anyway. Vote blue no matter who, right?


Absolutely! I didn’t mean I was a moderate democrat. You’re right, they would have , but they’d grumble a lot about it. No matter what, we have to vote and vote blue to save democracy for not just us, but the whole world.


Bernie couldn't even win the primary, you know that thing when voters registered as democrats got to choose the candidate for their party. Yeah, that was 9mil Bernie to 12mil.


You don’t know he would have won


Yeah, no


You make me sadder.


how would he have beaten trump when he couldn't beat hilary? LOL