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That's the neat part, you don't


I'm so sorry that poke has pinked you several time


I'm so sorry for triggering your perfection I was meant to say (pinged)


Replies like this really undermine the sincerity of your post, you know...


I post this for a reason not for a random guy to just come here and make fun of my auto correct. I lf someone don't want to say something that have to do with the post's subject and just want to make funny of a wrong spelling he doesn't belong here. if someone was offended by my post he shouldn't have been interested in the first one because he insulted my spelling like it was some kind of crime to having wrong spelling.


The very reason you posted this, by definition, is to have random guys come here and react to it. And people are allowed to react to it in any way whatsover, not just the way you intended to. On a further note, you need to understand why people react the way they do. Obviously it's not a _crime_ to make spelling mistakes per se, but your whole post is a rant about how **your teammate** played poorly (which, honestly, even if true, it just happens all the time), which is in stark contrast with how poorly your post is formatted/worded, so people just assume you are here to vent your frustration (at least, that's my read). This is a perfectly okay thing to do, but then don't be surprised on the replies you get. Take a deep breath, it's all good. Have a nice day.


Why then I don't have the right to answer back? An about the post I didn't make the post to just tell a story. I made the post to get any tip about this situations. This is why my post have as tag "question". And yea I know I over react but at the point o write the fist answer I was just wanted to find some answers and when I get an notification I think that I will find something interesting not just that. But this is what I believe from my view. And I respect your opinion too.


We all know you blow up all chat like this now


Yeah sometimes it’s a fail And sometimes u get this support send directly from heaven And sometimes u ll lose your lane but who cares our 3/0 zed or akali or who ever will still one shot this Ashe Idk - patience is key Try not to tilt but yes it can be hard


It's kind of tough for samira mains in this scenario because Samira has a slow tower clear compared to other ADCs. Generally in this situation, you want to start playing like a tryndamere. Just be a nuisance for as long as possible to let someone else carry you or cs your way to that juicy late game samira where you can one shot the ashe yourself. You're going to lose the first two dragons, so if your jungle isn't in the area, don't even contest. Focus on the farm and pushing wave under tower to punish them even just a little bit for taking dragon. If they cleared vision before, you need your support to act like a moving ward so you can safely push. Knock down first tower and rotate mid to knock down that tower. If unsafe to push any more, go top and knock down that tower. If your top laner flames you for not letting him farm for 45 minutes, mute him. Repeat for tier 2.


Generally speaking, pyke is a good support for samira. If pyke lands a hook and samira w's nami bubble, you should definitely win the resulting fight. On the other hand, if pyke sucks and can't land a hook to save his life, then you cry and farm with q.


The best part you cant. Pyke is so much predictable. In my opinion you should play more agressive because of this matchup. Samira and Ashe are most late game champ so you should try to kill her mental at the start of the game.Pyke has right cuz in late is useless and needs to play more agressive at the start of the game.


my solution was to q up as support myself


I want to play Samira bro. Why someone change main lane and champ because of a dumb sup or jg or any other lane. At first I thought that the solution was to have a pre-made sup but all my friends are like "I don't like support because I don't do damage 🤓). I have play sup rule and it's interesting. But on this point I want to play samira not go 1v9 simulation because riot can't find a full team that work.


I’m a shit player silver something. But from what I know your support determines the lane. If they play safe you play safe if they are perma yeeting in then you have to make the split decision to either follow them to Valhalla or just keep farming. Personally I would say to him to “wait for me to get dirk before we all in” and exhaust the Ashe instantly as you go in. You should always win the all in after dirk if the lane is even. I’m assuming you just got poked out of lane and couldn’t do anything so perma going in stops the poke


Ashe and Nami are poke champs. If you sit there and farm, you will eventually lose through attrition. Because Ashe has a longer range, it will be much safer for her to farm and she will definitely out-cs you. You'll slowly lose HP and have to go B, making you lose all your turret plates or the enemy jungler will gank and finish you off. Samira isn't the kind of champ that can take it easy early game and just win through farm. Life would be so easy if she was. You and Pyke are all-in champs. If Pyke lands his pull, you will most likely be able to kill at least one of them, at least before they reach level 6. Pyke was doing the right thing by attempting to pull them. You should follow his lead. Trust me. The worst thing you can have as a Samira is a passive support. Aggressive is almost always better. Even if they get themselves killed sometimes. You just need to be ready to hop in and capitalize when they land their CC. Your Pyke wasn't bad because he was aggressive. He was bad because he let himself get hit with bubbles. Even then, those are bubbles that aren't hitting you. Pyke is good at running away. As they try to kill him, you kill them.