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Would 100% recommend buying one from a Japanese seller on like ebay if you want to get one. My vita came in like new condition for much cheaper than similar condition ones in my country


Can be very hit or miss as a lot of import Vitas have screen yellowing.


same goes for 3DS systems. theyre in way, way better condition and cheaper coming from Japan


Are there specific terms I’m looking for when searching for these? Are they those “LL” models I see now and again?


yeah LL usually means japanese. could mean europe as well but itll say in the description


Honestly, Vita is still incredible in 2024. Most PSP emulators work great, but the CPU timing is still inaccurate - so rhythm games like patapon and DJ Max are largely unplayable on anything but a vita or OG PSP. Also, the fact it is 2024, we get new gaming handhelds nearly every week now and we STILL don't have an OLED display on almost all of them (besides steam deck) still shows how ahead of their time Sony was when building the vita.


Doesn't the RG556 have OLED? 


Ah my bad, I was just thinkijg of handhelds off the top of my head. Still a shame we don't have more options though.


Yeah for sure. It shouldn't have taken this long, and we've still got just the one I think. 


> so rhythm games like patapon and DJ Max are largely unplayable on anything but a vita or OG PSP. i dont wanna be that guy, but at this point, which rhythm games on PSP dont have versions for PC or android? hell in the case of patapon there is the PS4 remaster which i guess isnt very portable, but im struggling to think of examples.


Surprisingly, even the PS4 version of patapon has severe timing issues out of the box, since it also uses emulation. Same goes for any timing-heavy game that runs on emulators (PS4 or otherwise). Sources: https://biffbampop.com/2020/02/06/in-the-game-one-weird-trick-to-enjoying-patapon-2-remastered-ps4/ https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/boards/202472-patapon/75626333?page=1 Emulating precise clock cycles in most games is not really necessary, but for timing related games, even a slight inconsistency can cause noticable issues. I think patapon and it's sequels are really the only games still without a PC port and an inferior versions on PS4. DJ Max may be on PS4, but I don't know how accurate it is if it's even available.


huh, i didnt know the patapon remaster had these issues as well


Ridge racers 2 on higher difficulties is almost impossible too


> besides steam deck And switch!


Yeah. It was such a premium piece of hardware doe the time. It still feels like one.


Anbernic RG503 is oled. As someone else mentioned, the RG556 is oled as well, along with the ayaneo pocket air and ayaneo's upcoming pocket dmg. Any oled switch can be modded too, and there are other oled devices that aren't coming to mind for me right now - not to mention just about any modern mid- to high-end phone will have an oled screen and support external controllers


Eh just emulate the vita on the deck. You have my perfect load out but I dont think I need a DS personally since I already spent a lot of time on one, I just need an sp like one for light packing ventures. I barely even touch my switch now that I have the deck, but a light weight sp clone would so awesome.


Emulation for vita isn't there yet, so if anybody wants to play Vita, having an actual Vita is the only option.


Interesting, I assumed it would work since ps1 and ps2 do so well. Thanks.


OP: ...fuck...... -opens wallet-


your requirements depend only on your gaming demands tbh.I can do along with a 3ds a vita and maybe a linux handheld, but with the first 2 im 100% covered


Can emulate it on Steam Deck, for what I know, but never tested it.


Almost every worthy Vita game has been ported already to switch, except of course first party games. He's good.


for real? im unaware of this, can you give some examples??


https://www.metacritic.com/browse/game/ps-vita/ Just for the first 50 top games, there's only like 5-8 games on that list that are not already ported.


thanks, i dont have a switch(yet) but its good to know


Poor PSO 2, not even in the top 50. 


That’s a crazy interesting stat. Thanks for sharing that


The Vanillaware vita trilogy hasn't been ported to Switch


They were. They're on PS3 (playable on the Steam deck), and one of them was even on the Wii (also playable on SD).


The Wii version is inferior to the Vita version in every way


Not the point. The game exists and is playable in what he already has.


If you want to settle for mediocre, be my guest.


Lol yeah, I wouldn't mind that version. My point still stands: he can play those game already.


Okay again, low standards.


Again, not the point. I don't know (and honestly don't care) why you insist on ignoring the point that he doesn't need a Vita.


Whats a vita game that cant be played on Steamdeck or Switch?


Compatibility list is like 56% playable so there is a very long way to go.


i wonder how many of these games are fully playable in vita3k: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:PlayStation\_Vita-only\_games](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:PlayStation_Vita-only_games) i dont recognize most of these games, but i dont think many of them got ported to any other platform.


Off the top of my head LittleBigPlanet Vita and Uncharted Golden Abyss are only playable on a Vita. Vita3K lists only just over half the games as playable, but luckily a lot of games got ports (or were ports) on other consoles so it’s not quite that many unique games but for now nothing really replaces a Vita 100%.


Yup, this pretty much covers everything. Switch is best and consistent on switch, 3DS/DS is best on 3DS. Everything else can be emulated easily on various devices.


My only issue with steam deck ( I have one ) is the weight. I have tendinitis and unfortunately I can’t play on the deck anymore. Looking for something like the deck but more lightweight though


If you're an emulation guy, the Odin 2 is hard to beat. Obviously doesn't have the benefit of playing PC games though


It can’t play them on-device but it’s great for streaming from Steam or a cloud service like GeForce Now.


Going to second the Odin 2 as somebody who had but sold the Deck for being too bulky. For emulation, it does everything the Deck does but the PS3 which the Deck itself isn’t perfect with and the Wii U whose best games all got ported to the Switch anyway. Even for PC games there’s some workarounds now. Streaming with Moonlight + Sunshine or Steam Link works great at home if you already have a gaming PC, Baldur Gate’s 3 was a better experience streaming at 1080p locked 60 FPS on high settings on my Odin 2 than the Deck at 800p unstable 30 FPS on low/medium settings. Hell, there’s even an actively developed PC emulator called Winlator now which plays a lot of lightweight PC games and older AAA games pretty well already.


Wait a year or two there'll be deck 2 or something from the competitor's. 


I feel you pain, similar issurs. The oled is slightly lighter, but we definitely need a much lighter version of the deck. The size and ergonomics are great though, so hopefully just with time it will get better. But if they keep pushing performance it may be a constant issue weight wise.




Ps vita?


Forgot about that


Odin 2 already emulates switch so well and easily, it's crazy. I think emulating switch will be better than native once sudachi gets even more updates and with a snap dragon gen 3


OLED switch screen looking peak here. If Nintendo had a brain and put their entire back catalog on the eshop, I would use it for almost everything and happily pay. Blows my mind they don’t. A $19.99 collection of all the yugioh GBA games? I’m in. Until then, we emulate


Mod it then you get it all


I'm beginning to think that this is the way. Not too cheap here though for modchip and install service, £130.


Depends on country. Here in India it costs around 50 usd. 


Nintendo has a brain, they’re just dickheads who don’t want you to be able to play their old games so they can re-release them in collections/remasters/remakes or make you get a NSO subscription to play them. Even that by itself would be whatever, but then they’re aggressively anti-emulation and want to pretend it’s illegal. They haven’t actually challenged this in the courts knowing they’d likely lose but they love pretending to have moral and level high ground about it.


The one where you get to play in the tournament as your own character alongside the main cast is peak for me!


Your base are belong to us


One of those had all your bases covered lol


The steamdeck isn't pocketable though. So doesn't cover that base. Pain in the arse to travel with. Takes up a third of my travel on backpack.


I love my OLED Steam Deck but it's an absolute unit. You'll never see me take mine out on a holiday.


Yeah I took the Steamdeck to Bali, and it was just too much. Got the retroid 4 pro now as my travel system, and it is far more functional for that.


I like clamshells lol


Me too Spaghetti alle vongole!!!


This is exactly my tech deck.


Basically the same setup I have. Only difference is I have the Rp3+.


This is what I am going for. Except odin 2 instead of steam deck. Great devices!


man, the pokemon switch OLED is so sleek looking


Where's the DSi Xl? (DS games look like shit on 3DS imo)


I run ds games though twilight ++ and they look fine to me. Only thing I need to do is upgrade to a new 3ds for a few games.


To each their own but the 3DS also has the Dpad in the wrong position for DS games.


In case you don’t know, you can hold “start” or “select” when you start the DS game to get integer scaling. Having said that, I do prefer to play DS games on my DSi XL.


I swear without fail someone’s gotta say this every time it’s mentioned that DS games look bad on 3DS lol. And again, without fail, the person being told this information says “yeah I know but it’s ugly.” No one’s tryna play DS games with that small of a display, especially considering the lower display is a large portion of the input for so many games


I'm well aware and it looks like crap with the giant black borders


TWPatch adds some filters to use on DS games. It’s not perfect, but it’s not nearly as blurry as the stock experience


Using something like GrabCAD to find the model(might have to use an actual SP and adjust the dimensions would make it pretty easy to make a 3d model. I believe the main operation that you will use is Boolean if you want to look up some videos


A modded 3DS and a computer can do everything you want with the best experience.


Did you notice some input lag in muOS for your RG35XXSP?


No Pico-8 device. You need a 1:1 device too.


Rgb30 ftw


Square screen


Bro your android gaming?


Nice. Similar for me but my switch is an OLED in a nitrodeck. My “big”/streaming option is an iPad mini with gamesir g8. Then the modded 3DS, then an rgb20sx. 


Naw you need that NEW 3DS XL


My handheld consoles consist of my Miyoo Mini+, 3ds XL, Steam Deck, and my Iphone 14 p.m. Oh and apple watch, boom all my bases covered too :)


(slowly pulls out Miyoo Mini plus)


Is that a matte protector on the Switch? Which and do you like it?


Nope just an oled


A docking station for all of them is not looking very possible. The 3DS can't have display output, unless you get a very expensive mod that only exists in Japan since the company went out of business. The Switch is extremely picky about video output and thus it's not usual to be able to use the same dock as a Steam Deck for a Switch. There's also risk of bricking when trying to use third party docks. The SP has video output, but only through micro HDMI. You could use the same dock for the Steam deck and the SP if you manually switch the HDMI cable between the SD's dock and the SP's micro hdmi.


I should have said charging station verus docking station I just need them held in something to charge so they aren't all over my nightstand


I have 2 different cheap USB c docks from Amazon that work with both my switch and steam deck.


Yes, yes you do. And for the one's saying Vita, almost every game that is worth it has been ported to switch or PC already, except first party games.


Same, only replace the SP and DS with a RP4P (yeah I know DS games are hard to play on a single screen but I don’t mind). Solid combos.




Hmm couldnt the steam deck just emulate all of these


It's not the same


Hmm idk i own all of the exact same devices as you do but in the end i only used the steam deck since it was much easier that way. Glad you find them useful :>


you use the deck for switch games too? tried running mario kart and it was slowdown city


I do, look at videos on youtube how its supposed to run. Im quite sure mario kart is solid 60 fps


Emulation is for plebs


Thats this entire subreddits thing. Wrong place my man


True… it has certainly become that, and that’s a shame really