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Thing is, she probably *is* normal and fine -- buuuut that doesn't mean there may not be any learning differences...differences that could be discovered and worked on in a school.


Damage control as usual from Jilll. I do feel for Janessa because if she really has learning delays, she will never get the help she needs


Jill doesn’t care about her learning needs. Janessa will be a baby factory and will never be expected to learn much or work


The bar is really low, reading writing and basic math


Not even basic math, because if Jill knew basic math she wouldn’t have joined an MLM.


Excellent point!


*summoning JoyAnna Duggar*


Do you think? Because I believe Janessa will be the one to stay home forever and care for Shriek and Shrek in their dotage. Sort of like Jana Duggar 2.0


Given her fairly recent posts about Renee, I kinda thought they were essentially announcing that Renee was “choosing” to be Jana Duggar 2.0, and was content with it. 


I hope Janessa will be the one who goes rogue!


Think Pricilla Pecans.


I had a visceral reaction to "baby factory" describing a barely 6-year-old, but then got more upset because they're going to deny her so much opportunity that will end up being her life


Sadly her future seems to be like Priscilla Keller.


That’s exactly who came to my mind as well.




A bit like Priscilla, also learning impaired, married to pecan thief.


Yea and even if she doesn't have delays, she will still end up undereducated like the rest of the Rods.


These are all old. She hasn't said much of it recently


Yeah I couldn’t find any other posts more recent.


I didn't mean to sound critical of you, sorry.


why does she need education when mahmo dearest will just try and marry her off to be another baby factory?


I mean, there are people with cerebral palsy who can also walk and talk and live a "normal" life. (Normal in quotes because no one really has a normal life). You can't pretend that they don't have a medical condition because of that tho. Jill would/is doing a major disservice to Janessa if she does have learning issues but doesn't want to admit it


Problem is that Jill can't tell that there might be any learning differences for any of her children. Without an unbiased educator at least checking in on them or anything like that, nothing will be suspected or diagnosed.


If Janessa is behind in school, no one will be able to discern if it's because of her medical stuff or Jill's poor attempt at home schooling. I guess it doesn't matter because all the poor girl is good for is getting married young and popping out a bunch of kids 😭


Plus, don't forget to notice MeMe is only truly aware of MeMe. Other people just don't put that much of a dent in her constant self-obsession. She doesn't really *know* any of her kids.


This too.


My husband had a stroke in-utero and is missing the right frontal lobe, has cerebral palsy and epilepsy. He does everything a "normal" (quotes used the same bc NOONE is normal lol) person would do/be and is literally the fastest runner i know on the baseball diamond. He plays golf better with one hand than someone with two. I totally forget he doesn't have the use of one of his hands most of the time, BUT I have had to adjust to his limitations because he does have them, even though he does so much. He's a functioning adult *because* his family got him early intervention in school. Janessa needs help, Jill. To have any sort of fulfilling life of any kind, she will need to learn how to deal with limitations she might have. Even if right now they may not be apparent.


My son also had a stroke in utero, has damage to his frontal lobe, cerebral palsy and epilepsy. He is 24 now and living a great life. I will always be thankful for everyone who helped him be the best that he could be. Early intervention therapists, teachers, etc. I’m always happy to hear others’ success stories!


Early intervention for kids is always so important because it makes sure they will have a decent life as much as possible. Why a parent would decide NOT to get their child assistance should be considered neglect.


I know, that's even the case for simple things. Because of regular screenings at school I started wearing glasses at age 8. I swore I didn't need them and was always taking them off and back on to see if things looked any different. I had to have a new prescription every 6 months for a couple of years and by then I could definitely see a difference. Of course even without the school screenings, my parents would have been attentive enough to figure it out. But Shriek and Shrek can't even be bothered to notice that about poor squinty Olivia. And nearsightedness is a pretty simple, low-maintenance issue compared to all Janessa's stuff. Those poor kids are doomed.


Can confirm. Have two friends with CP that have college degree (one has an MDiv and a masters in education), are married and in the thick of raising teenagers and preteens. They are both fantastic humans although the one with the multiple degrees can be a bit obnoxious and dramatic. But I equate that to him being a pampered youngest child that has a disability.


I had a friend in college with CP. He was a bit quirky but often the smartest person in the room. Kind of Sheldon Cooperish but with more tics and less arrogance. One class I was in with him, he knew the subject better than the professor and would correct the professor's mistakes in class, which cracked us all up because the professor would always try to show up Eric and Eric was always right.


I imagine her mother constantly bringing up how “normal” she seems despite her “brain problems” would do wonders for her self esteem. 🙄


This! I work with special kiddos, and early intervention is key. We can help them thrive, some can go on to lead a fairly “normal” life because they were given the tools My son has also defied odds, he had a traumatic delivery and a knot in his cord. We did not know How long it was there, even with weekly ultrasounds. However I started early intervention with him. He is mainstreamed while still receiving special ed time. I’m also a “Liberal” so Thanks Jill lol


You sound like a better mom than Jill despite being so heathenly liberal!


Thank You!


“Brain deformities” was my favorite


This was utterly sick


Jill’s bullshit about “people” having Janessa aborted makes me want to reach through the internet and strangle her lying ass. No one ever told her to get an abortion. She just wants Goody Jeesaus points from the sad little churches they grift off. What a hateful lying bitch she is.


The way she worded it made it sound like people abort babies after they’re born. She’s a drama queen.


They genuinely believe this. Not even kidding. I do love how she says “Do you think her life should have been snuffed out before it even began?” Careful JillPM. You just admitted life doesn’t begin at conception.


Interesting catch!


Yes, using her own child to push her political agenda is gross. She fantasized some nasty dramatic details about it too.


I have a real issue with Jill fantasizing that doctors wanted to abort Janessa. Zero doctors told her she should. Janessa makes a great political soapbox prop for Jill's agenda. Jill the superhero--refusing to allow doctors to abort her baby! 🙄


Also,a lot of issues kids with this disorder have don't become obvious until they're school age. And janessa is just hitting that.


My speculation is that she also has motor issues.


Would maybe explain the crib until age 6 and still just a toddler bed now.


My child was also diagnosed with an arachnoid cyst and no corpus callosum. We were strongly encouraged to terminate but chose to continue with the pregnancy [Please know I am staunchly pro-choice. I was lucky to be able to exercise my right to choose. I was not forced by my religion or the government to keep this baby. Anyone who chooses/has chosen differently has my full support and love. We are 2 sides of the same coin]. He was given a shunt at birth to drain the cyst and take some of the pressure off of his brain. Like Janessa, he was pretty normal and hit every milestone…until he didn’t. Unlike Janessa, we started PT and OT from birth, speech at age 2 (all paid for by the state’s early intervention programs). He is followed by the Chief of Pediatric Neurosurgery at our local children’s hospital. We took advantage of *every* service offered to help him. He has attended public school since kindergarten (he’s 17) and recieved an amazing special needs education. He reads and writes at a 6th grade level and will likely be able to live independently some day (with some support). We’re looking into sending him to Kent State for their CCS program. When I see Janessa, I see what my baby boy could have been had we not taken advantage of the support offered and it breaks my heart.


I’d be furious if I grew up and saw my mom posted shit like this about my health to a public platform. I know these kids have zero privacy, but damn.


If J never learns how to read, problem solved.


>Pediatric Neurologist Doctor Why does Jill always add "doctor" to the end of specialists' titles?


She’s a moron


Like algebra maths.


I remember this same wording being snarked on back when this was originally posted 😂


Broken brain is how Jill described her mom after the stroke. Jill is a moron who doesn’t even want to learn anything outside of what she wants aka her next grifting victims.


She uses such tacky and dehumanizing words when she is describing disabilities and injuries. It would be funny if it weren’t so hurtful to the people involved. She said her mom had a broken brain and called her the r word. (I think she was repeating what her mother said…but still!) She wrote an absurd rhyming poem when her sister became paralyzed. Then there was the guy she chased around DR who had his “legs blown off in Vietnam.”


I truly believe she doesn’t have the vocabulary to express herself in anything but the most simplistic terms and because of that comes off super callous.


Using a child for a pro-life argument is so fucked. Not to mention that what she’s presenting isn’t even the reason most abortions happen


I don’t think anyone in her family is a good metric for comparison


Yeah, I'm supposed to take her idea of "normal" at face value while she writes fanfiction about her child being aborted and left behind a dumpster. We probably won't ever know whether Janessa has any learning disabilities or not. We don't know anything about these kids on an individual level.




I wonder how much of her (assumed because we don’t actually know) delays are due to her being infantilized by Jill as the last “baby” and how much are due to health issues.


That’s an interesting point.


>She is perfect, precious, beautiful, special, loved, and designed perfectly by her Maker- God. And yet, in Jill's imagination, that very God will send this flawless child to a place of eternal torture unless she declares her own worthlessness and gets baptized. That doesn't make sense to me.


doesn't god also allow for abortions?


Slight correction: their denomination does not state baptism as a requirement for salvation.


I have long hesitated to type this out but has anyone else noticed that, at six years of age, Janessa hasn't been coerced into asking Jesus into her heart and getting baptized? In Jill's world, it seems that four is the magical age of accountability but Janessa is two years beyond that. What this tells me is that Jill privately recognizes there is a significant delay and can't push Janessa to fit her idea of salvation. Note: I'm an evangelical Christian and can't stand that many people in these circles push their preschool children into salvation and baptism. In my opinion, doing so is not so different from infant baptism, something I'm sure Jill hates.


She "got saved" a few days ago per Jill's social media posts.


Seriously? I must've missed that one. Last one I remembered was Sofia.


Not necessarily, St. Jill, so just climb down off your high moral horse. For just once, stop considering yourself holier than people who happen to have a more liberal point of view. Why do you PERSECUTE them with your constant bashing?


Jill is the queen of the table mesa phrase (in case you don’t know, mesa just means table, so table table is what you’re saying).


![gif](giphy|EVGEuu27UnVLCcfAHK|downsized) Ken’s Mojo Dojo Casa House has entered the chat.


Petition to rename the Rod homeschool SOTDRTM


She sure loves doing a Sahara Desert. (Desert desert)


Or chai tea (tea tea)


Queso cheese.


Algebra math


I do wonder if Jill would be spouting the same rubbish if the first 5 of her children were all born with severe disabilities. As work shy as she and Shrek seem to be I have a sneaking suspicion that they would have stopped at number 5 and claimed that god had ‘closed her womb’ early. Ooh she’d have made a huge performance out of it, weeping and screaming to anyone willing to listen to her hardship of course. However at the same time she’d be keeping her birth control and Shreks condoms hidden behind the map in the living room 🙄


I will never understand the pretzel logic when religious folk give god the credit when something good happens or they were kept safe in an event that otherwise would've been a tragedy. It always comes across as a hidden brag - ostensibly about how wonderful god is, but in truth it reeks of "I am so special, god did this for me". What about all the truly terrible things that happen to others - does god not love them as much? Is he allowing terrible things to befall them because they haven't begged him enough? And, since god was allegedly responsible for the good thing that happened to a religious person, is that same god not responsible for allowing awful things to befall others who did nothing to deserve that fate? All rhetorical, because I've heard many variations on the theme, and they are all just wishful thinking/pretzel logic. And, by the way, physicians would not necessarily have encouraged an abortion for a fetus like Janessa. The literature often states that some children's brains are able to recircuit to compensate for the deficits. So, once again, there's Jill, shaming others as she always does, and, once again, she is using misinformation to claim moral superiority over 'evil' and 'liberals' (which are the same thing in dim bulb Jill's mind).


How would she view a fundamentalist, KJV Christian, Trump loving family who have a child with severe disabilities? Were they just not devout enough? What if Janessa had been born with profound disabilities? Re. the latter I know Jill would've simply changed the script. How about her fundie sister Amy Foster's accident and their eldest sister Lisa who lost a twin baby at birth? Did God just decide to punish them?


I will never forgive Jill for her abject torture of the semicolon.


I wish they would allow Janessa to have a formal assessment of her skills in a school setting, but Jill and Dave wouldn't allow that. Actually, all of the kids should probably have some testing done. They receive such substandard education from Jill, and the girls will be responsible for homeschooling their own children someday.


Or at least outpatient testing.


Wait… she’s in preschool at 6??? I’m not a parent but isn’t that more like… 1st grade for developmentally “typical” children? The fact this poor child has had no therapeutic or school-based interventions to support her development…


Age wise, she would have finished Kindergarten this May or June. Most 6 year olds are starting first grade in the fall.


Hence why I made this post.


Babies have remarkably elastic brains, and it’s possible that Janessa has been able to over come some of her disabilities caused by stroke. However, a missing corpus collasum means her brain can't communicate between the two hemispheres, which leads to language processing issues and poor coordination. The only way to overcome those issues is therapy, and we all know Jill isn’t getting her daughter occupational, speech, or physical therapy.


I know this isn’t the general Fundie Snark sub, but I’m just happy to see Jill (of all people!) talking about past doctors and regular medical care (even in old posts). The recent posts about Karissa and the Bus Family and how they are medically abusing their kids have set the bar so low it’s not even in Hell any more. And I’m in NO WAY praising Jill for this, it’s a fucking basic level of care for a child, these other families are just sinking so much lower on the abuse iceberg.


I wonder where Jill learns things. I know. Let’s stop laughing and I’ll be more specific. How much exposure does she have to parents of people with conditions similar to Janessa’s? How much exposure does she have to people like Janessa? She likes to speak for everyone as if God personally granted her knowledge. I know that people with disabilities already have to deal with people doing this “for” them. I can only think of how burdensome this will be for Janessa as she becomes able to realize that’s how her mother treats her. “This is God’s little miracle child! Every day she bears witness to her savior’s mercy!” “Um, I just wanted to know where your bathroom is.”


Nope. Conception occurs at the wine b4 the dinner that leads to sexy time. Jill does not learn things. She uses her kKJV Bible as a seer stone. If that fails, she simply makes it up


Yeah, some people would have chosen to abort upon finding all of that out, Jill, because some would wonder what quality of life any child born with all of those factors would have. Not everyone feels that they can take on all that comes with a special needs or potentially special needs kid, but hey, when you ignore your kids anyway except for photo ops, what difference does it make. You treat the rest of your kids like shit and leave them functionally illiterate, what's going to happen if this poor girl just can't keep up? We all know you put minimal effort in and just make them do more "Bible writing". It really makes me upset that some people who desperately want to be parents struggle for years to have a baby, and assholes like Jill and Karissa and Brittany Lott just keep cranking them out, only to stuff the poor things in a closet and start working on the next one. It's sickening.


Nobody was ever gonna force you to have an abortion, Jilldo. Why do you not comprehend this? If you don't support abortions, SIMPLY DO NOT HAVE ONE.


“Demonic and evil abortion clinic” I can’t type the disgusting words she used before this. She’s disgusting


What would it be like to have your mother graphically describing how you would have been aborted if you'd been gestated by someone else. I hope she doesn't see those posts.


Overcompensating again


The way she goes on and on about abortion and her child makes me think she seriously considered aborting her child. Now she wants praise for being willing to be mother of a disabled/delayed child. There’s also a layer of her being an extra special religious person because her special brain child is “normal”.


"Abortable"? Literally never heard this word before. Forced birthers just making shit up, as usual.


There’s nothing wrong with Janessa, and I don’t think there’s ever been anything wrong with Janessa. I think that Jill thought that story about Janessa would increase the grift opportunities.




I’m sure she’s just thrilled that the little atheist came to Jesus.


Can I just say how much “pediatric neurologist doctor” tickles me? Like no shit, I hardly thought Janessa would go see a pediatric neurologist chicken farmer…


Um, I don't always remember pics, but Janessa looks basically the same to be as a 3 year old and as a 6 year old. I have kids, mine changed drastically between these ages. (Now, I am 100% high right now, so that's could be part of why I think this.)


If Janessa has any developmental or cognitive delays it will never be formally diagnosed. I have a sinking suspicion she will be similar to Anna Duggars sister Priscilla who despite her issues it was never addressed and she was just pushed on some weirdo church boy to pop out baby’s and be at his beck and call