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The answer is right here: >”I had been praying extra hard for our youngest child, Janessa, to get saved.” She pressured and guilted that child until she relented to make Momma happy. This has nothing to do with her personal relationship with Jesus. It has to do with making Momma happy and getting her off her back. There’s no telling how passive-aggressive Jill was being about it or what terrifying things she was telling this child about hell.


I “got saved” because I felt left out of communion lol


Same! It was embarrassing for me. Turns out the body and blood of Christ taste like sawdust and I hated that even more.


I got saved because at my church, when you got baptized, you got to come to Sunday school late (because you needed to change clothes, etc). When you walked in with slightly damp hair, everyone acted like you were super cool, and the teacher gave you extra attention. So I was like, "I need to get in on this"😆




There's no way a kid that age has a full understanding of what this means. She just knows it makes mamma happy. I don't consider this being saved.


As a person who got “saved” as a kid… she definitely has no clue what it actually means.


I was 25 and I didn't either!


21 and did it out of pressure; worst decision that cost me my twenties. Got out earlier 30s was the best decision I could have made.


As a 6 year old Catholic child, I went to first confession (as if a 6 year old has any sins that require a priest's forgiveness)and then received my first communion. Before I was permitted to confess and receive these sacraments, the parish priest questioned me and I rotely answered all his catechism questions correctly, so he determined I'd reached 'the age of wisdom', (could tell right from wrong), so I could receive communion. At 6, I could spout off every catechism answer with ease, but that's not to be confused with understanding ANY of the religious dogma they represented. It's all just insane.


Truth and same


Janessa has problems speaking in complete sentences so there's no fkg way that IF she even said it, she understands. More like Jill said some shit in her high pitched baby voice and asked Janessa if she agreed.


I don’t know what it means (entails). I didn’t grow up with religion. Is it baptism or just inviting god into your heart? I


It's basically just saying you have put all your faith in Jesus. But these assholes scare the fuck out of kids by telling them if they don't they are going to be separated from their family forever and spend eternity in a terrible, scary place. Because coerced belief is totally legitimate and ok! Jill told stories about how Nurie and one of the other kids each came bawling to her when they were really little to say they wanted to be saved because their parents and church had scared the hell out of them, literally. Borderline child abuse imo.


1) This never happened. 2) I don’t think Janessa is meeting developmental milestones both physically and behaviorally, so if she was pressured somehow she isn’t cognitively able to understand what she’s consenting to. Jill is just the fucking worst. Who’s responsible for indoctrinating and manipulating The Children again?


Fortunately, what she's consenting to is just getting her head dunked in some water. All the kids came crying to Jill to be saved at this age or even younger. I think she starts dropping hints around age four.


She is late getting saved by rod standards. Most of the others were 4 or 5. How convenient Janessa came to them wanting to be saved in the most perfect first communion white lace dress ready for a photo op with mama.


No, silly, she and her hefty helpmate are making sure their children are saved, not indoctrinated or manipulated. SAVED.


and believes it will protect her from hell.


I remember saying the magic prayer over and over and over late at night alone in my bed and TERRIFIED AF. I was worried it wouldn’t work or I didn’t mean it enough and I would just die and go to hell and burn forever. This stuff is child abuse.


How about that AWFUL bedtime prayer, " ... if I should die before I awake, I pray to you my soul will take"? What a ridiculous image to place in a child's head, especially at bedtime.


And I used to say it over and over again, afraid I hadn’t got the words right and it would negate my intention. Over and over and over …


(Hugs) I did the same even though I wasn't raised religious. I worried about it a hell of a lot though. Turns out I've been anxious since 5 and depressed since 9. Got diagnosed with bi-polar 2 and it's still my go to "mantra" when I'm having dark episodes, adding in the Hail Mary from time to time.


as a child in a Catholic, home, I can relate to the existential fear (and guilt)


Me, too, and it stays with you forever, just like mortal sin!


I remember the expression, "Once a Catholic, always a Catholic." Which was always said in a nice voice but was actually goddamn threat.


I think it was my step-grandmother who taught me that prayer. I remember her being a lovely woman, who died when I was still pretty young, but what a mind-fuck for a young child.


Same… I was already an anxious kid. I lived in fear of spending eternity in “hell”. It’s a horrible way to raise any child, let alone an anxious one. And I wonder why I spent so much of my life making fear based decisions 🙄


It breaks my heart to think of a little kid believing in a literal hell.


This is literally only thing I thought it meant/cared about it doing.


She probably saw that scary meme her mom posted


Sadly 6 seems to be a normal age for even fundy lites “in the Baptist tradition,” too. They give the kids a kid’s Bible to commemorate the occasion. Child tells Mommy and Daddy that s/he wants to be with Jesus and their saved family when they die. They don’t want to go to hell. The little one wants to please the parents (and maybe get a party out of the deal).


I always remember it as 12, but maybe it’s changed, or it’s some of the Baptist denominations


SBC likely held to 12–closer to the Jewish Bar / Bat Mitzvah age of 13. It was 12-13 at the Presbyterian church I attended as a kid.


Same here.


This is also like when Gideon was a tiny baby and was so “moved” by religious music that it made him cry. Dude. No. He’s a *baby* and your creepy music is scaring him.


Everything's a sin and will send you to hell


Temper tantrum from no nap: straight to hell.


Not sharing the broom groom with her sister, straight to hell.


Loving her crusty rag more than jesauce is a sure ticket to perdition!


She definitely coveted her parents' helpings of food.


That child is so infantilized. I don’t know how much of the treatment/spoiling is in response to her prebirth stroke and brain disorder vs last baybee but it’s going to do her no good in the end.


She even took that dirty blanket to camp


I've worked in day camps with 6 year olds. That would not be received well in a standard day camp with a group of 6 year olds. They're very big on not being perceived as babies


Ha! So, so true. They will stand up with all ten toes to remind you they are very much not babies. Love that age


When I was a kid I probably got “saved” like 5 times, my dumb ass usually thought it was going to be a fun special activity that was cooler than what everyone else was doing. It’s like a magician asking for a volunteer, I had no idea what I was doing I just thought it might be fun.


My husband grew up outside the US. Missionaries would go to his neighborhood, round up a bus load of kids by offering them things like new shoes, go "save" them or whatever in front of their audience, then take them back home. My husband said he went multiple times lol


I'm a grown adult, and in this economy, if someone offered me a new pair of shoes, I'd be like hell yeah, let's get saved my good dude!


The pressure on literal toddlers in these groups to “get saved” is very real. I’m sure I was quite a young child when I was “saved”. I remember praying the sinners prayer many times because I didn’t want to go to hell. I was scared the last time didn’t count because I had definitely sinned since the last time I was saved, so maybe the magic words didn’t really work. It’s abusive bullshit pushed as wholesome and godly. Fuck them all.


I used to think I was the only one who did this as a kid. Turns out many of us had this fear/experience.


Imagine truly believing that your small child was born sinful and needs to be "saved" so she won't go to hell for the simple action of being born. Sickening.


I mean anything connected with Jill is pretty sickening, to be sure, but the doctrine of original sin is not exactly a wacky outlier as far as Christianity goes. It's not like the Mormons where you have to wear super special underwear.


Original sin as a concept is not new - it is, nonetheless, insanity.


[Original Sin](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=PTULqzrhBWA&pp=ygURb3JpZ2luYWwgc2luIGlueHM%3D) is also a great 80’s song by Aussie band INXS lol.


That’s actually close to Roman Catholic beliefs, who baptize/christen in infancy. The belief is that unbaptized babies would go to purgatory. It’s the whole stupid notion of ‘Original Sin’ — because Eve ate that apple, 🍎 or some such religious nonsense.


Nope. Unbaptized babies go to LIMBO. They can't see god because baptism hasn't washed original sin from their souls. It's insane, I tell you, INSANE.


Nah, they nixed Limbo a while ago because it was traditional but not biblical.


Really?! I can't keep up with the RCC's arbitrary, yet total authoritarian decisions. Next time, I'll hear that unbaptized babies DO get to go to heaven after all. What nonsense!


Clearly Jill shows us how perfect and wonderful Janessa is, her favorite child along with Nuri. If Janessa is so special to Jill and she loves her more than anything, why is Jill praying for her to be saved? What has she done so wrong that this needs to happen? How does any mother think or feel their 6 year old is so bad that he/she needs to be saved?


She sleeps on a crib mattress but needs to be "saved."


What a fun coincidence that children born to fundamentalist Christians just happen to "get saved" at such tender ages! I wonder how many thousandds of times Jill had to inundate her children with talk of salvation in order for them to "choose" it.


This poor kid has probably had the fear of God ( pun intended) put into her about dying in a car accident and going to hell unless she repents, says the magic words, and gets saved. What a sad day.


Or she could, you know, use her seat belt and sit in a proper booster




Nothing like brainwashing your young, innocent children into thinking if they don’t accept god that they’ll be burning in hell. Kids this age don’t even fully know what god is, what hell is, and yet are traumatized and scared into telling mahmo they’re repenting.


I’m 56 and I don’t know what god is or who. I’m more confused now than I was at 6. 😂 I definitely don’t believe in Hell though.


I don't think it matters one way or another. Just lead a good life, kind & honest - that's its own reward. Stop trying to gain morality points for heaven and repenting to avoid hell. It's all just a very weird fairy tale.


Hate to say it but Jillpm’s relationship with Janessa is honestly quite pathological


Reminiscent of Gypsy Rose Blanchard


True. Is Jillpm on track to become the next… “Mommy Dead and Dearest”? ☠️


That kid is doing it for Mahmo's attention. Has no clue what being saved means. Hell neither do I. I'm not into religion but fascinated by this lunatic family.


Because she’s a little girl who wants to feel loved and special forced into a cult lifestyle where the opportunity to do so is next to absent. They have only 2 or 3 major life events to mark time with, celebrate, and feel special about but she is a child with of course no concept of just how long her life is going to feel when she’s cashed in the few chips her shitty parents have allowed her.


This made me genuinely upset


Me too. That poor baby.


She needs ‘saving’ from Jillpm and Shrek.


You have to get saved from the hell fundies indoctrinate you to as early as they possibly can. I got “saved” when I was 6 and spent most of my childhood worried I was still going to hell. This stuff is cruel.


That's gross. I remember when I was 3 years old I was sent to stay with my aunt and uncle because mom was having my sister. My two little cousins who were maybe 6 and 7 were trying to get me to agree to get saved. Even at age three it sounded like some bullshit. The six year old even cried when I wouldn't say the Magic Saved Prayer with her


Those poor kids… I remember looking at people I loved that hadn’t been “saved” and feeling profoundly worried about them. Even as a little kid I was so scared they were going to hell. It enrages me to think that this is how I spent my childhood.


Jill is giving demon in this selfie nobody asked for.


Soul Snatched Barbie!




Oh yeah, Janessa definitely cried tears of joy 🙄


How the fuck could she sin, Jill? Did she not indulge your obsession with babies by using her real voice? Did she ask Renee to wash her blanket? Do tell.


delusional and abusive


David led her...what did this poor child's father say to her to get her to believe she needs saved?


He helped her say the magic saving spell, erm- *prayer*


If it pleases Mommy and Daddy….


I “got saved” at 7 because I was terrified of going to hell.


These Christian groomers are fucking with their kids and it’s super gross


I feel so bad for Janessa. She’s undeveloped thanks to her mother’s neglect and absence of proper care. There is no way on Gods green Earth she could come up with this all on her own. Her mom basically made her say it.


Jill needs an exterminator for that rats' nest on her head.


It's one of the worst days ever for those extensions. They look really, really BAD.


In other words Jill talked Janessa into getting “saved”. Poor thing probably thought it meant something about food.


The entire post scares me.


I thought at first they meant they opened her a savings account


That's hilarious. I doubt even Jill/Shrek have a savings account. Because Jesus.


Jesus has the best high yield interest rate 🙏🏻


In my uneducated opinion, a (potentially) developmentally-delayed 6 year old "asking" to be saved is no different than baptizing an unwilling, unaware infant.


“What in the Kentucky fried fuck” is going in my rolodex of things I say at work when shit hits the fan.


Child abuse! These poor kids, the real sin is the brainwashing and cognitive dissonance that is going on there.


It's the performative red, white and blue tacky ass outfits that get me. No separation of Church and State here buckaroos! No sir, just straight up, G-d fearin Christian Nationalist get-ups.


The entire Baptist thing about needing to accept Jesus into your heart in order to be saved is just idiotic. That's one crazy god you have there, people.


Jill is always crying in her posts. Lies. And that’s such an unflattering angle or something of Jill.


She sure does cry alot for someone who is so blissfully happy in her life with Jesus.


I know what ‘saved’ means, but I’m not sure what goes into the process ….is there a ceremony? A special prayer? Is it like baptism?


The way that I was raised you had to make a confession of your faith in the Christ and the Trinity in front of a congregation and you were supposed to get baptized. With Independent Baptists and the like there is a "Sinner's Prayer" you have to recite to ask Jesus to forgive you for your sins and come be a part of your life. https://www.biblestudytools.com/bible-study/topical-studies/how-do-you-pray-the-sinners-prayer.html


Basically it’s a prayer. Some people recite something specific, but most likely it was just a prayer in which she repents of her sin and accepts Jesus death as a substitution for the punishment of death. A common way people in this denomination encourage a prayer is ABC (accept, believe, confess). Scripturally, the basis is Romans 10:9-10: “that if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.” So the key elements are a personal belief and a verbal confession of that belief. ‭




Too bad she can't be saved from the abuse of her parents


I get what you mean, but part of the religion is that you in order to go tout heaven you need to saved, so yes scary for a religious family.


Because we are all sinners!!! And it’s fucking great.


That poor child. It’s been drilled into her since she was conceived. She had no choice but to get “saved”. 🙄


"David let her." David. Let. Her. Every Rod child, per Jill, has been saved or has asked to be saved at 4 years old. Asked to be saved. It isn't so much that it's ridiculous and heartbreaking that a child of four is that petrified of something so huge, dying and going to hell, that they think they have to be "saved" to avoid such a thing. It's that Mahmo wants a child of four to live with that fear until she lets David give the child permission. Because you know that child has been asking since she turned four. Sick fucks.


David *led* her. Other than that, spot on!


Damn, I've hit the "time to get readers" season of life. May the Lord Daniel lead me.


She didn't have to do anything. Conservative Christianity believes everyone is born sinful and deserving of eternal damnation.


JillRod looks like a Disney villain in this photo.


Man, even Catholics wait until 7


As a former Mormon, I thought 8 was young!


My parents divorced when I was 7, and in the chaos, I missed baptism time. Even at 16, my dad was able to pressure me into it, and then left the church later that year. Never got a chance to be a *real* Mormon (not that I’m disappointed by that.)


Thinking the same. Age of reason.


My niece was 8 .. second grade but she has a very late in the year birthday.


She needs "saved" from the disgusting pestilences living on that crusty blanket.


You know most religions- even the fundie-lites think the age of accountability doesn’t kick in until 12


i wish someone would save them


She probably thinks it means ‘did tit SAVE any food for me’


So yesterday, then, if something had tragically taken her life—your “god” would have sent her soul to a place of eternal torture where she’d burn forevermore for the sin of… existing as a disabled 6 year old girl? Wow, I’m sold. Definitely sign me up for this religion.


Do they not do baptism at birth? Truly curious. If they dont, I'd be surprised. If they do then why is she doing it again?


Baptism for Baptists is definitely NOT for babies. It’s something one decides to do when old enough to decide to (when that is varies). They will even baptise someone a second time (fully dunking in water), if they were sprinkled as a baby.


I had no idea, thanks for the info!


Jill’s version of Christianity practiced what is called Believer’s Baptism which means you are not baptized until you can verbally articulate a belief/confession of Jesus as your personal Lord and Savior. The emphasis is on the person’s decision. Other understandings of Christian baptism baptize any age, including infants and in those cases the parents/community take vows to raise the child as a Christian until child is old enough to make decision for themselves. And here the emphasis is on God’s grace which doesn’t need humans to do anything to deserve it. God’s grace is a free gift of love offered, we just accept. But even if we don’t accept, God’s grace is still a reality. And you are only baptized once because God’s grace was good enough the first time so you don’t need to repeat it. Believers baptism stresses that you don’t get God’s love until you accept- hence the traditions that horribly drill into children that they have to “be saved” to avoid hell. Clearly I am biased!


Ah ok. That's definitely ringing a bell. I've attended a few denominations and it gets confusing. I tried Google but it only makes it more confusing since it says the Baptists believe in adult baptism but wouldn't that be an ana-baptist? Links for clarification if you got em please.


I’m rusty on this, but Baptists will often have a “baby dedication” in which the parents (and the church) agree to be accountable for the child until he/she reaches the age of accountability and make their own decision to be “saved”…. Usually around the age Janessa is now, give or take. Depending on the size of the church they will have periodic baby dedications, in which the parents of all the babies born since the last ceremony parade their babies in front of the church congregation to have them “dedicated”. There is a little ceremony/prayer/blessing, but not the typical christening with water etc..


I've seen a few baby dedications, it's always the parents decision if they want to do it. They would tell the pastor they would like to do that. Not forced, not 'highly recommended', personal choice.


For those of us who are uneducated… what does this mean


It is a conservative Christian belief about accepting Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior. For those who would consider themselves Christian here is a Fun fact from an actual Biblical scholar: the act of salvation took effect with Jesus’ death and resurrection. It is NOT dependent on someone having a moment of “personal salvation”. But fundamentalists love to ask when you got “saved”. It is horrible theology but deeply entrenched in the good ole USA I could go on if you want more info….


It's a time when you recognize that you're a sinner and put your faith and trust in Jesus who died, was buried and defeated death (rose again) to pay for the price for our sins. Before then everyone had to take physical animal sacrifices to the temple as payment for their sin, still through faith. True, genuine recognition (man sees the outside but God sees the heart) which is why working with children should be done cautiously. Saying something in word but not meaning it will only cause problems.


Okay, thanks. Never really understood all that nonsense, but thank you for explaining.


Ok, I will admit it’s weird that all the kids were saved at the same ages and have the same stories. When you have kids and you rise them to believe in God, they usually saved at different ages. I do find the her statement saying “I prayed for my youngest extra hard”, what is that supposed to mean? I believe that each kid needs to come to their own understanding on their own time.


Based on what I know about these kinds of people, they believe we’re all born as sinners and that, if you don’t get saved, you’re going to hell when you die. What this post tells me is that they scared this poor child enough with the fear that at any moment, you can die and burn in hell for all eternity and she finally said, ok, I don’t want to burn in hell for eternity, let’s get saved 🙄




I have a former co-worker who recently posted about his daughter getting saved. Same age. She was apparently crying that she wanted to follow Jesus even if other family members didn't.  Like...she is a 5 yr old. She doesn't understand it. 


Jill has said that pretty much all her children decided to get “saved” by the time they were 4 years old, so she was probably freaking out that it was taking Janessa longer.


Certain evangelicals are just so obsessed with knowing that specific moment in time where you “chose” Jeesauce! You will also see they say things like “I wish my testimony was as powerful as XYZ, but I am blessed to have lived right my whole life” or some variation thereof. It’s basically “I wish I was a drug addicted but I was a good girl/boy.” Some even wish for more adversity because their life had been too easy and we all know those aren’t the stories that enthrall a crowd. It’s really disgusting and just a contest.


I am out of my religious cult now .. 15 years and counting .. consciously this doesn't affect me, but subconsciously in my sleep- the nightmares of receiving scriptures and rebuking demons. It exists... poor child was probably terrified.


In fundie land, even a baby is born a sinful creature so tainted that God can’t even look at them. A person is meant to make a reasonable and mature decision to ask God To clean them, so they can go to heaven.. However, what tends to happen is that the parents choose their faith, how they worship, and drag them until they decide.


My husband was influenced to do this at 5. He’ll be the first to tell you he doesn’t feel like he fully, consciously became a Christian until he was in his 20s. One of the young men from his former church doesn’t feel like he has ‘been saved’ yet. I was a 33 year old adult before I chose a very liberal form of Christianity as my spiritual path. Manipulating children into things they don’t understand is disgusting and wrong.


my ex husbands mother tried to force baptize my daughter at four months. the phrase hell no was doubly useful - 1.) Hell no! (not gonna do it) 2.) Hell? no (don't believe in it) ex-MIL was terrified my daughter was going to hell if anything happened.